Zone1 Religions Don't Need to Clash - Scott Ritter.

Donald H

Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2020

Ritter Continues to demonstrate his humanity. A great voice for peace! And able to expose America's lies on account of his credentials gained from the Iraq ware experience. What better way to put it to the test by demonstrating that even competing religions can find the truth?

quote to come.

The combined experiences of observing the Christmas Eve service hosted by Kirill, the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in the center of Moscow and watching Pyotr Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker performed live in St. Petersburg’s renowned Mikhailosky Theatre on Christmas Day, January 7, helped ground me in the importance of family and culture in the lives of the Russian people.

Ritter Continues to demonstrate his humanity. A great voice for peace! And able to expose America's lies on account of his credentials gained from the Iraq ware experience. What better way to put it to the test by demonstrating that even competing religions can find the truth?

quote to come.
So which religion will be the first to admit its' theology is false?
So which religion will be the first to admit its' theology is false?
* It's not necessary. That's the whole point. All religions can stop competing for the money and learn to live with the lies of the others.

Who really cares if a man flew to heaven on a horse's back or whether a man lived in a big fish's belly for 3 days?

The Catholic Church in America has it too. They tell the flock that they can believe whatever they like!
Eat an apple with Eve or buy into Darwin. The apologists call it the same thing anyway. That's how we make peace.

* the CC already did.
Ritter Continues to demonstrate his humanity. A great voice for peace! And able to expose America's lies on account of his credentials gained from the Iraq ware experience. What better way to put it to the test by demonstrating that even competing religions can find the truth?

Just goes to show that in spite of all the searching on the Internet, scouting places to meet, meeting your parole officer, and dodging prison time, being an active pedophile is not so time-consuming that it prevents you from writing nonsensical articles that only the most deranged progressive would find to have the least bit of value.
Ethical monotheism.

That was Judaism's contribution to Western Civ. What does it mean? There is only one god, who is just and wants us to be good. God's justice implies an afterlife where a good life is rewarded and a life of evil is either punished or extinguished permanently.

If you believe in Ethical monotheism, you are a Brother. The particulars are window dressing.

A note on Islam: God NEVER encourages one to do evil for the sake of good. Maybe Shia and Sunni differ in this respect; I don't know, but the religion of Iran is bullshit. It is not a Judaic religion. It is evil.
So which religion will be the first to admit its' theology is false?

Who really cares if a man flew to heaven on a horse's back or whether a man lived in a big fish's belly for 3 days?

The Catholic Church in America has it too. They tell the flock that they can believe whatever they like!
Eat an apple with Eve or buy into Darwin. The apologists call it the same thing anyway. That's how we make peace.
Bible Study should be a part of the curriculum, the presentation being as close to the original Hebrew as possible. When the is done, it can be easily shown the mistake Bishop Ussher made in calculating a young earth. Noah's flood can point out the difference between a flood covering earth, and a flood covering the Earth.

The lack of understanding between Protestants and Catholics/Orthodox can be cleared up by studying Isaiah and Ezekiel. We can also better understand the differences between Judaism and Christianity.

An in depth study of Roman/Jewish cultures in the first century will explain Revelation.

Who knew that by removing religion/bible/prayer from schools would create greater divisions not heal them. Now we should know better. The Bible presents an incredible story of early man. It deserves to be told.
* It's not necessary. That's the whole point. All religions can stop competing for the money and learn to live with the lies of the others.

Who really cares if a man flew to heaven on a horse's back or whether a man lived in a big fish's belly for 3 days?

The Catholic Church in America has it too. They tell the flock that they can believe whatever they like!
Eat an apple with Eve or buy into Darwin. The apologists call it the same thing anyway. That's how we make peace.

* the CC already did.
Ironic that what you write is basically paganism as it was before Christianity. It wasn't until Christianity that religion became exclusive. Pagans could worship any and every god they chose, their gods were not jealous. Christianity said if you were a Christian you could only worship one god.
Who knew that by removing religion/bible/prayer from schools would create greater divisions not heal them. Now we should know better. The Bible presents an incredible story of early man. It deserves to be told.
The Bible is, far and away, the best preserved book from the ancient world. It contains a window into the history and social structure of that world that is worthy of study. I can ignore the theology and still appreciate it.

Ritter Continues to demonstrate his humanity. A great voice for peace! And able to expose America's lies on account of his credentials gained from the Iraq ware experience. What better way to put it to the test by demonstrating that even competing religions can find the truth?

quote to come.
Russian media sources? Is that where you get your news?
So which religion will be the first to admit its' theology is false?
All of them when the Elohim narrative is fully revealed shortly . Cult Christianity , Cult Judaism and Cult Islam all up the proverbial spout .
Will be fun watching the Normies and Sheeple try to cope . Very messy .
The Bible is, far and away, the best preserved book from the ancient world. It contains a window into the history and social structure of that world that is worthy of study. I can ignore the theology and still appreciate it.
Rather than ignore the theology, perhaps be encouraged to understand (perhaps even appreciate?) the theology even when choosing not to be a part of it.
* It's not necessary. That's the whole point. All religions can stop competing for the money and learn to live with the lies of the others.

Who really cares if a man flew to heaven on a horse's back or whether a man lived in a big fish's belly for 3 days?

The Catholic Church in America has it too. They tell the flock that they can believe whatever they like!
Eat an apple with Eve or buy into Darwin. The apologists call it the same thing anyway. That's how we make peace.

* the CC already did.
So those that don't care about the truth can be apart of your little world wide inclusive religion?

Yea, no thanks.
Bible Study should be a part of the curriculum, the presentation being as close to the original Hebrew as possible. When the is done, it can be easily shown the mistake Bishop Ussher made in calculating a young earth. Noah's flood can point out the difference between a flood covering earth, and a flood covering the Earth.
Is that your own interpretation of Noah's flood? Fair enough the whole story has to be amended to match it and work with it. You know the details as well as I so I won't get into it.
The lack of understanding between Protestants and Catholics/Orthodox can be cleared up by studying Isaiah and Ezekiel. We can also better understand the differences between Judaism and Christianity.

An in depth study of Roman/Jewish cultures in the first century will explain Revelation.

Who knew that by removing religion/bible/prayer from schools would create greater divisions not heal them.
What is the evidence for that? It can be that creationism fighting science has been the cause of a lot of the trouble.
Now we should know better. The Bible presents an incredible story of early man. It deserves to be told.
It needs a rewrite if it's going to be taught to children in my opinion. Children are given the sort of stories that we've been talking about and they believe them to be the literal truth. They buy into it as surely as the buy into Santa.

Is there any attempt being made to tell children the truth about the big fish, Noah's ark, etc?

Thank you for a polite and friendly discussion. We might be able to make some progress on our differing opinions.

mr. ding join in but please keep to the spirit of friendly discussion.
Ironic that what you write is basically paganism as it was before Christianity. It wasn't until Christianity that religion became exclusive. Pagans could worship any and every god they chose, their gods were not jealous. Christianity said if you were a Christian you could only worship one god.
You have a point on the number of gods allowed in the CC, but not my point.

It's about the Catholic flock being told that they can choose either creation or evolution.
And presumedly, a combination of the two?

What would that look like??
So which religion will be the first to admit its' theology is false?
Judaism first , closely followed by Christianity and Islam .
All Cult religions founded on the principle of Monotheism --- a single source creator .

The presence of the Elohim will demand a re-think and complete re-assessment of how we as a species see the Universe.
Next one/two years will change humanity more than ever before and by a gi-normous margin .

imho obviously , and in front of the big revelation it takes some swallowing .
So just watch and keep sane .Because most will not.

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