Regime change in Israel?


Jun 2, 2004
Denton, Texas
I know this post will infuriate the Zionists out there but here it goes.

Using Bush's rational for regime change in Iraq, an even stronger case can be made for regime change in Israel.

1. Israel has violated more UN resolutions than any other nation. Yes, more than Iraq.

2. Israel has a stockpile of over 80 nukes, did somebody say weapons of mass destruction.

3. A primary reason terrorists killed innocent Americans on 9-11 was our strong support of Israel, if we went after Israel, that would certainly curb militant Islam's hatred of America. This would definitely help win the war on terror much faster than an invasion of Iraq.

4. The same international orgs that chronicled Hussein's abuses against his own people have also chronicled many human rights violations of the Israelis against the Palestinians.

All in all, Bush's case would have made much more since if it had been directed at Israel and not Iraq.

Please note that I am not an anti-semite or at all in favor of invading Israel. I'm just saying this for the sake of debate.
Originally posted by menewa
I know this post will infuriate the Zionists out there but here it goes.

Using Bush's rational for regime change in Iraq, an even stronger case can be made for regime change in Israel.

1. Israel has violated more UN resolutions than any other nation. Yes, more than Iraq.

2. Israel has a stockpile of over 80 nukes, did somebody say weapons of mass destruction.

3. A primary reason terrorists killed innocent Americans on 9-11 was our strong support of Israel, if we went after Israel, that would certainly curb militant Islam's hatred of America. This would definitely help win the war on terror much faster than an invasion of Iraq.

4. The same international orgs that chronicled Hussein's abuses against his own people have also chronicled many human rights violations of the Israelis against the Palestinians.

All in all, Bush's case would have made much more since if it had been directed at Israel and not Iraq.

Please note that I am not an anti-semite or at all in favor of invading Israel. I'm just saying this for the sake of debate.

Well I don't know if regime change is in order but something needs to be done with these bastards as well as with the Palestinians. The Israelis are like a child gone bad and we keep giving them their weekly allowance without a change in behavior. Maybe we cut em off of aid for a while, hell they've got enough military and defense that nobody will screw with em. Either give the Palestinians their own country or kick em the fuck out, just do one of them instead of this stupid game of give and take that never stops.

The Palestinians, holy shit get rid of Arafat, he's more than half the problem right there, straight up terrorist who by philosophy wants nothing more than the destruction of Israel. Reign in or eliminate the fucking radicals in your midst and get some people who are truely wanting to reach some sort of compromise with Israel, STOP THE SUICIDE BOMBINGS! These people are really stupid I think because they keep doing the same shit over and over without results, I don't get it.
Originally posted by menewa
I know this post will infuriate the Zionists out there but here it goes.

Using Bush's rational for regime change in Iraq, an even stronger case can be made for regime change in Israel.

1. Israel has violated more UN resolutions than any other nation. Yes, more than Iraq.

2. Israel has a stockpile of over 80 nukes, did somebody say weapons of mass destruction.

3. A primary reason terrorists killed innocent Americans on 9-11 was our strong support of Israel, if we went after Israel, that would certainly curb militant Islam's hatred of America. This would definitely help win the war on terror much faster than an invasion of Iraq.

4. The same international orgs that chronicled Hussein's abuses against his own people have also chronicled many human rights violations of the Israelis against the Palestinians.

All in all, Bush's case would have made much more since if it had been directed at Israel and not Iraq.

Please note that I am not an anti-semite or at all in favor of invading Israel. I'm just saying this for the sake of debate.

Israel is not rationally equatable to the horrors of middle eastern regimes. If we didn't support israel, we would just be taking on the islamofascist regimes on our own. Is that preferable? Your appeasement mentality sickens me.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
Israel is not rationally equatable to the horrors of middle eastern regimes. If we didn't support israel, we would just be taking on the islamofascist regimes on our own. Is that preferable? Your appeasement mentality sickens me.

Is Israel really supporting us? How many Israeli troops are in Iraq right now?
Originally posted by menewa
Is Israel really supporting us? How many Israeli troops are in Iraq right now?

They're fighting terrorism in their own country. It's the same group of fucknut terrorists. They're on the right side of the battle. How many troops have france and germany sent? Yet you lefty idiots want us to still consider the eurocommunists allies; this is inconsistent at the very least. And at the very MOST, you're functionally retarded.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
They're fighting terrorism in their own country. It's the same group of fucknut terrorists. They're on the right side of the battle. How many troops have france and germany sent? Yet you lefty idiots want us to still consider the eurocommunists allies; this is inconsistent at the very least. And at the very MOST, you're functionally retarded.

On the right side of the battle? It's partly because of Israel that 3000 innnocent US civilians died on 9-11. If you side with Israel's harsh tactics against a starving people, you side with creating more terrorist.

Eurocommunists? There is no communists state in Europe today that I know of.
Originally posted by menewa
On the right side of the battle? It's partly because of Israel that 3000 innnocent US civilians died on 9-11. If you side with Israel's harsh tactics against a starving people, you side with creating more terrorist.

Eurocommunists? There is no communists state in Europe today that I know of.

Eurosocialists, sorry.

Your appeasement mentality has always failed. It failed with hitler. It failed with the soviet union. it would fail now. Why do libs have an inability to learn from history?
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
Eurosocialists, sorry.

Your appeasement mentality has always failed. It failed with hitler. It failed with the soviet union. it would fail now. Why do libs have an inability to learn from history?

I'm not talking appeasement, I'm talking accountability. As long as Israel gets off scott free from any blame and only the Palestinians are viewed as the bad guys, no solution will occur except for genocide. Since you rightly oppose Hitler and the Soviets why would you oppose bringing some accountability to the harbingers of what is a potential genocide against the Palestinian Muslims.
Originally posted by menewa
I'm not talking appeasement, I'm talking accountability. As long as Israel gets off scott free from any blame and only the Palestinians are viewed as the bad guys, no solution will occur except for genocide. Since you rightly oppose Hitler and the Soviets why would you oppose bringing some accountability to the harbingers of what is a potential genocide against the Palestinian Muslims.

And what YOU propose is exactly what the EU socialist anti-christ bringing bastards have been working toward for years THROUGH the palestinians.

You claimed to be a Christian. Have you bothered to read the Bible regarding the Jews?
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
They're fighting terrorism in their own country. It's the same group of fucknut terrorists. They're on the right side of the battle. How many troops have france and germany sent? Yet you lefty idiots want us to still consider the eurocommunists allies; this is inconsistent at the very least. And at the very MOST, you're functionally retarded.

My RWA, a tad harsh?
Originally posted by NewGuy
And what YOU propose is exactly what the EU socialist anti-christ bringing bastards have been working toward for years THROUGH the palestinians.

You claimed to be a Christian. Have you bothered to read the Bible regarding the Jews?

I use the new testament messages of brotherhood and love against the hate mongers and greedy capitalists who claim that they are Christian.
Originally posted by menewa
I use the new testament messages of brotherhood and love against the hate mongers and greedy capitalists who claim that they are Christian. this WAS mocking then:

I'm sorry if I offended you NewGuy. My intention was to mock Merlin, not the Messiah. Please accept my apology.
Originally posted by menewa
I know this post will infuriate the Zionists out there but here it goes.

Using Bush's rational for regime change in Iraq, an even stronger case can be made for regime change in Israel.

1. Israel has violated more UN resolutions than any other nation. Yes, more than Iraq.
Note: there were more UN resolutions condemning ISrael than any other nation; yes, more than Iraq.
There has never been a resolution even drafted to counterbalance these: ie, there were never resolutions condemning the Palestinians for anything. And you can't say they're guiltless. If you say ISrael can't retaliate, so can't the Palestinians. Otherwise it's a double standard for Israel.
Anyway, if you talk of all the ceasefires, they were first violated by Palestinians.
If you talk about the initial borders of 1948, then that was violated as self-defense. For, Israel was attacked in 1948 by several Arab armies at once in an attempt to destroy it- and failed. If you look at a map of Israel before 1967, you'll see a small ribbon with the thinnest part 14 km across--if an army were to get across that tiny strip, Israel would be ruined. Other border "violation" occured during wars, such as the 6 day war of 1967, when ISrael took certain land in military combat- also in self-defense. Even the US has acquired lands abroad. Unless you want to give NM and CA back to Mexico?
Israel is a tiny country, and there have been more violations in other nations that the UN- not at all neutral- has ignored: consider Rwanda, Somalia, and Indonesia and the human rights abuses there. Nevertheless the security council isolates Israel.

Continuing on,

2. Israel has a stockpile of over 80 nukes, did somebody say weapons of mass destruction.

Yes, but it never threatens to use them against others, does it? Such weapons are much safer in the hands of Israel than in the hands of one of its members, say, Syria.

3. A primary reason terrorists killed innocent Americans on 9-11 was our strong support of Israel, if we went after Israel, that would certainly curb militant Islam's hatred of America. This would definitely help win the war on terror much faster than an invasion of Iraq.

No. They would've done it even had the US abandoned Israel to her fate 50 years ago. It was done out of hatred, resentment, and sadism. Had the US brought them the key to the nation's power on a blue-rimmed plate, they would've still done it. Ever study about Chamberlain, Hitler, and Czechoslovakia? Appeasement doesn't work. Israel can only help the US fight terrorism, having much more experience with it than the US, through providing technique and intelligence on terrorist organizations from Hamas to Al Qaeda, something they have done repeatedly.

4. The same international orgs that chronicled Hussein's abuses against his own people have also chronicled many human rights violations of the Israelis against the Palestinians.[/QUOTE]
Hussein payed $25,000 to the family of every suicide bomber, successful, killed, or captured. The same international orgs never chronicle Palestinian abuses (murdering a pregnant woman and 4 children, shooting worshippers in a holy place like Hebron, etc.). You cannot take them as impartial. The same organizations do nothing but spend milliions of $ yearly to find Israel's guilt, which has so far not been assuaged. Investigations into the alleged massacre in Jenin of 600 turned out no evidence of mass graves, as there was in Kosovo.

All in all, Bush's case would have made much more since if it had been directed at Israel and not Iraq. [/QUOTE]

I beg to differ. Israel is not headed by a dictator and is, in fact, the only democracy in the middle east, as well as an agricultural jewel. It provides for Jews and (ironically) for arabs full freedom of speech and press- something that they do not have anywhere else in the region.

Originally posted by menewa
Is Israel really supporting us? How many Israeli troops are in Iraq right now?

Israel provides technology, intelligence, military training (NYC police officers, after Sept 11), and a faithful alliance, as well as steadfast return of loans.

It's also a matter of principle. Figure it out.
Originally posted by menewa
I'm not talking appeasement, I'm talking accountability. As long as Israel gets off scott free from any blame and only the Palestinians are viewed as the bad guys, no solution will occur except for genocide. Since you rightly oppose Hitler and the Soviets why would you oppose bringing some accountability to the harbingers of what is a potential genocide against the Palestinian Muslims.

Sorry I'm posting for the 3rd time in a row, I just reply to them as I read. Palestinians are only viewed as the bad guys in Israel and in parts of America. And lemme tell you, the left, and some of the extreme right, do not support Israel. The (incidentally) left-leaning media never favors Israel; in fact, it sets a double standard for the nation. If you observe the behavior of the UN, you'll notice them progressing towards further anti-Israelism.
France has an outright hatred for Israel (and Jews...what a coincidence). Turkey is afraid of upsetting their Muslim population. Russia has had a longtime trade relationship (mostly in oil and illegal weapons) with the Arab nations, ever since its communist days. For personal interests, both France and Russia were opposed to the war on Iraq. But I stray.
You'll notice that CNN, BBC, Associated Press, Reuters, NPR, Time Magazine, New York Times, Al Jazeera (oh yes) French Le Monde, and other acclaimed news sources all have one thing in common: omitting certain facts about Israel.

I already posted somewhere about the fateful photo in NY Times a few years ago. It was a picture of a boy beaten by a Palestinian mob and a soldier running towards the mob with a raised club. But the picture looked like the soldier was running AT him and the boy was really bloodied. The caption that appeared there described him as a "Palestinian and Israeli soldier on temple mount." Hmmm. Go for full info.
Originally posted by etoile
The (incidentally) left-leaning media never favors Israel; in fact, it sets a double standard for the nation.

You gave some really persuasive counteropinions to my initial post. That's all I've been looking for here. It's obvious both sides have committed atrocities but it seems like nobody wants to admit that. Everyone either just blames one or the other. It's really sad.
You are taking the time to educate some here. Thank you.
Originally posted above
Please note that I am not an anti-semite or at all in favor of invading Israel. I'm just saying this for the sake of debate.

Please note that as a proud member of the racist and anti-Semitic far right, I totally agree. All of your points were correct. But George W. Bush calls Sharon a "man of peace." Huh. Actually, he's a war criminal. The reason for the double standard is not complicated. America is controlled by Jews.

Sound like crazy ranting? Well, if it's not, why can't you mention that in public and keep your job?
Originally posted by menewa
I know this post will infuriate the Zionists out there but here it goes.

Using Bush's rational for regime change in Iraq, an even stronger case can be made for regime change in Israel.

1. Israel has violated more UN resolutions than any other nation. Yes, more than Iraq.

2. Israel has a stockpile of over 80 nukes, did somebody say weapons of mass destruction.

3. A primary reason terrorists killed innocent Americans on 9-11 was our strong support of Israel, if we went after Israel, that would certainly curb militant Islam's hatred of America. This would definitely help win the war on terror much faster than an invasion of Iraq.

4. The same international orgs that chronicled Hussein's abuses against his own people have also chronicled many human rights violations of the Israelis against the Palestinians.

All in all, Bush's case would have made much more since if it had been directed at Israel and not Iraq.

Please note that I am not an anti-semite or at all in favor of invading Israel. I'm just saying this for the sake of debate.

I may have misjudged you, as I thought you to be a bit more intelligent.


I would have never guessed you'd compare Saddam Hussein's Iraq to Israel.

I don't know whether to slap you or laugh at you.:p:
Okay, neither.

I don't disagree that Israel is a bit out of control, but they are fighting for their lives and have been for years before WE were attacked twice on US mainland.

The settlements are bullshit, though.

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