Reconciliation for Fallen Angels & Fallen Humans

Ummm, how can you be without christ if you are with YHWH and your faith claims your christ and God as one in the same?

By missing the hour of your visitation....
That is not a viable answer.
I use the word "checkmate" to denote definitively being backed into a corner where any move (excuse comment) anyone makes would still remove
" your king". Game was over and your non viable answer proves this fact as would all excuses and smokescreen responses.

Except I have prophetic proof. You can never back Christ into a corner. He sure called it on the no stone left upon the other, and why:
They will level you to the ground— you and the children within your walls. They will not leave one stone on another, because you did not recognize the time of your visitation from God.”
You have nothing. You fell for the earliest version of fake (good) news.
A story combining enough real figures with mythical characters to seem real, and you the fish bought it hook line and sinker. If you have something then bring him here in the forum to discuss the difference between rational precepts and seemingly good fair ideas that have opposite affects then the painted illusions.
TAKE THE CHALLENGE BRING FORTH YOUR IDOL or is he sleeping like the time Enoch called on similar Baal worshippers to wake up their idol god?
*playing the anticipatory
Jeopardy Song*

Sorry I noticed I made a mistake....the source I referred to was Elijah not Enoch who mocked the Baal worshipers in
1st Kings 18:25,27.
Ummm, how can you be without christ if you are with YHWH and your faith claims your christ and God as one in the same?

By missing the hour of your visitation....
That is not a viable answer.
I use the word "checkmate" to denote definitively being backed into a corner where any move (excuse comment) anyone makes would still remove
" your king". Game was over and your non viable answer proves this fact as would all excuses and smokescreen responses.

Except I have prophetic proof. You can never back Christ into a corner. He sure called it on the no stone left upon the other, and why:
They will level you to the ground— you and the children within your walls. They will not leave one stone on another, because you did not recognize the time of your visitation from God.”
You have nothing. You fell for the earliest version of fake (good) news.
A story combining enough real figures with mythical characters to seem real, and you the fish bought it hook line and sinker. If you have something then bring him here in the forum to discuss the difference between rational precepts and seemingly good fair ideas that have opposite affects then the painted illusions.
TAKE THE CHALLENGE BRING FORTH YOUR IDOL or is he sleeping like the time Enoch called on similar Baal worshippers to wake up their idol god?
*playing the anticipatory
Jeopardy Song*

Sorry I noticed I made a mistake....the source I referred to was Elijah not Enoch who mocked the Baal worshipers in
1st Kings 18:25,27.
I remember in 2006 when Pastor John Hagee brought together 400 pastors to support Israel and I pointed out at the time to you the similarities between Elijah mocking the 400 priests of Baal and the getting together of 400 pastors who even though they support Israel still follow Baal in its more modern mask of Jesus..I realize Hagee and others have done some very good things but they do still follow Baal/ Jesus as you know I do not believe in coincidences only repeating lessons until we get things right and learn from our mistakes as they still have not given up their idol/ idol ...
My favorite sermon of his was when he prepared his flock for an open mind as he admitted
that either Jesus was who he claimed to be or the biggest nut case. He forgot the least considered historical fact, that he wasn't a singular figure, so the image is a story the generation who drank the coolaid became mad for, and generation after generation was deceived by mass delusions.
His organization is witness to who attempted to organize and "change the heart of the modern day Persian King"(Dan 10:20-21), who was given the chance to emulate Cyrus, but sadly failed to repeat history.
SOME PEOPLE just don't understand the reason and purpose for historical accounting -prophecy.
The Modern day Persian King hated Israel more then he loved his faith and his country and that bit him in the end as he's almost blotted out and never discussed anymore.
Well from what I was told one day by a woman from Iran it is worse then that....According to the official version Khomeini when he died during the funeral procession fell to the ground and was quickly picked up and then taken to his grave for a state funeral by the authorities.. She however told me that when his body was knocked down to the ground that people swarmed over it and took souvenirs so there wasn’t much left to bury...I found her version rather ghoulish if true... But ironic too say the least blotted out indeed...
Well from what I was told one day by a woman from Iran it is worse then that....According to the official version Khomeini when he died during the funeral procession fell to the ground and was quickly picked up and then taken to his grave for a state funeral by the authorities.. She however told me that when his body was knocked down to the ground that people swarmed over it and took souvenirs so there wasn’t much left to bury...I found her version rather ghoulish if true... But ironic too say the least blotted out indeed...
No, the other guy who we will not mention. Both were addressed for different reasons, if I remember correctly one for the falsely detained requested return the other was given the historical choice unless both of those issues were addressed to a single authority.
The following comes to me through my personal relationship with Father God, His Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit (see: True Story of Christ & Salvation ). I have provided scripture and thoughtful insight to support my personal revelations and my faith.

In both, the Old Testament and New Testament, sin offerings were made for the atonement of sins.

Numbers 28:30. Include one male goat to make atonement for you.

Hebrews 5:3. And by reason hereof he ought, as for the people, so also for himself, to offer for sins.

The atonement of sins were made for people before the coming Messiah who were without Christ. And thus, the atonement of sins can be made for those in the afterlife who are also without Christ.

Today, it is common practice for the dead in purgatory to obtain indulgence from God through the Catholic Church for remission of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven (C.C.C., X. Indulgences). So, in other words, the Catholic Church intervenes for the individual by asking Father God, who stores up our good works, to apply some of them in lieu of punishment due to sins. But these indulgences are limited to those who die in the communion of saints. Although, falling short of the glory of Christ, this is a good example of atonement being made for the dead in the afterlife by offering up good works.

The Churches fail to teach the complete work of salvation. Salvation must reach to all humans and fallen angels in all places of all times.

Mark 16:15. He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”

Jesus descended into hell for three days to deliver the faithful dead with His sacrificial blood atonement.

1 Peter 4:6. For this reason the gospel was preached also to the dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in spirit.

Jesus now holds the keys to death and Hades. The fallen humans and angels in hell can be saved. Otherwise, the work of salvation would not be complete and we fall short of the glory of God.

Revelations 1:18. I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.

One of the attributes of God is that He goes unchanging. And Jesus would still hold the keys of death and Hades. He would still be salvaging and delivering the souls of the underworld. This is the one true Son of God. This is the Jesus, Christians and others should get to know. We should search scripture with the loving heart of Jesus.

Our good works can be offered up to Christ as atonement for the sins of those in the netherworld. Atonement is necessary because they are the fallen. This completes the work of salvation. To say otherwise, is to cut short the work of salvation in Christ.

2 Maccabees 12:46. Thus he made atonement for the dead that they might be freed from this sin.

It is all the same for God to free prisoners in this world from their captives as it is for Christ to free prisoners from their captives in the spirit world.

Zechariah 9:11. As for you, because of the blood of my covenant with you, I will free your prisoners from the waterless pit.

And Christ will free prisoners in hell through you because of the blood of the covenant He has with you. This is a blessing bestowed upon us by our Lord.

And, it is by the power of the Son of God that salvation is carried out.

1 Corinthians 1:18. For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

Let’s not fail to see the significance of being able to offer up our goods works as atonement for the sins of the lost souls in hell. Your fallen family, friends, strangers and even angels without God can have their souls restored (salvaged) by the divine power of Christ and be with God, Jesus, the angels, family and friends in heaven. One must be in good standing with God and sense no unhealthy spirits in one’s life before atonement will be accepted. Although, atonement is required of us for the forgiveness of the sins of those in hell, it is by the Lord’s sacrifice that the souls of the dead can be salvaged and that heaven and hell are open. Glory goes to Father God and His Son, Jesus Christ. It is a privilege to partake in the heavenly family business of salvation and an even greater honor to work so closely with Father God and Christ in salvaging souls.

1 Corinthians 15:19. If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men the most pitiable.

Jesus is mighty to save and He will stretch His staff down to the very depths of hell to save souls.

What I say is true, it has been revealed to me by both Jesus Christ and Father God.

1 Thessalonians 5:19-21. Do not quench the Spirit. Do not treat prophecies with contempt but test them all; hold on to what is good,

In conclusion, this, my friends, is the most loving thing you can do for these poor, lost souls. And, may God bless you for such an undertaking.
Fallen angels are fallen. They will not be saved. They will see God's light as fire. They will look like a lake of fire for a period of time. Once to live and then the judgment. Death of anything here, cannot save anyone, there. Animal sacrifices pointed to Christ. There is no purgatory. All of the Popes and Priests are blasphemers using the Father identity. Jesus alone is the Father that is seen. The Unseen Father is in the mind of Jesus. 1 Corinthians 15:19: That verse means this. If we have hope in the is life, with no hope of anything after this would make this life to be in vain - pointless. Jesus came to save us from what is, obtaining somthing that is way better. Jesus is he that wins that prize working through us. Hell is under tyhe earth. Light d from Jesus will purify the envier earth. That earth would not be pure had Satan have a kingdom in the earth. Wicked, Satan and the fallen angels will become ashes in light that existed before time. Satan is a colorful being.
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God is gracious and we are given adequate opportunity to turn from sin in repentance coming to Christ in faith according to which God saves us. Only Christ who was killed was sacrifice that was effective for anyone, animal sacrifices God let happen were to point people to the effective atonement for their adequate faith in God, sacrificing without that happening was disgusting and offensive to God, and there is no need for animals to die for any of us anymore. Angels who fell made absolute choices that we are not even capable of, knowingly with rebeling, there is no atonement for them, they meant the rebellion absolutely and cannot repent from such total willful choices.
God is gracious and we are given adequate opportunity to turn from sin in repentance coming to Christ in faith according to which God saves us. Only Christ who was killed was sacrifice that was effective for anyone, animal sacrifices God let happen were to point people to the effective atonement for their adequate faith in God, sacrificing without that happening was disgusting and offensive to God, and there is no need for animals to die for any of us anymore. Angels who fell made absolute choices that we are not even capable of, knowingly with rebeling, there is no atonement for them, they meant the rebellion absolutely and cannot repent from such total willful choices.
Actually that kind of precept of the eglomaniac (belief and praise in him over deeds) can save you and it gives you a free get away with sin card just for being a club (gang) member, is what has made sins and evil behavior flourish through the ages. The thousands of wars and over 50 million murders in devoting to an icon/idol and name instead of the works and deeds and emulation and manifestation of the Essense we call Shalem.
Actually that kind of precept of the eglomaniac (belief and praise in him over deeds) can save you and it gives you a free get away with sin card just for being a club (gang) member, is what has made sins and evil behavior flourish through the ages. The thousands of wars and over 50 million murders in devoting to an icon/idol and name instead of the works and deeds and emulation and manifestation of the Essense we call Shalem.
I don't know how there are many I find me that judge me, which is their sin, without understanding, and wrongly conclude what I am saying, or even what I believe from what I have said. Here I even speak of repentance, how is it concluded that I say that just a belief with expression of praise can save you and it gives anyone a free get away with sin card just for being a member? I don't say that ever and I don't believe that. Repentance is that which leads to changed lives. Those without that showing are still perishing. Nothing said about me here was right.
I don't know how there are many I find me that judge me, which is their sin, without understanding, and wrongly conclude what I am saying, or even what I believe from what I have said. Here I even speak of repentance, how is it concluded that I say that just a belief with expression of praise can save you and it gives anyone a free get away with sin card just for being a member? I don't say that ever and I don't believe that. Repentance is that which leads to changed lives. Those without that showing are still perishing. Nothing said about me here was right.
I was talking about the PRECEPT of idol worship over deeds /actual involvement into making life a better place, not you personally, not a group personally, only the false reliances teachings which are liken to someone rubbing a rabbits foot or rubbing a Buddha belly.
Moshiach serves mankind not to be served --(Isaiah)
Cultures serve the icons while they are nowhere to be found during times of trouble-hence they are not Moshiach for their people, they are giant cinder blocks tied around their feet holding them back from progressing forward and evolving to all they could and should be.
I was talking about the PRECEPT of idol worship over deeds /actual involvement into making life a better place, not you personally, not a group personally, only the false reliances teachings which are liken to someone rubbing a rabbits foot or rubbing a Buddha belly.
Moshiach serves mankind not to be served --(Isaiah)
Cultures serve the icons while they are nowhere to be found during times of trouble-hence they are not Moshiach for their people, they are giant cinder blocks tied around their feet holding them back from progressing forward and evolving to all they could and should be.

Alright, still, "that kind of precept" was directed toward something I had said. But I won't take it personally. I think yet this was broadbrushing. Sure, there are enough among Christian bodies who only indicate the position of easily believing and that would be enough. I doubt there is the repentance that must be necessary for this. The morality of the commandments never goes away, repentance to come to Christ is necessary and is about turning from sin against God so living obediently is what they should come to. God does help with that. I do think many more among Christian bodies are living with repentance for that way with God, and it does come out in actions. Icons? I am not sure about that. Almost all Christians know to serve God and the risen Christ, and not put things before that. There might be slipping away from that in this distracting world, but God is providing restoration from that.
Alright, still, "that kind of precept" was directed toward something I had said. But I won't take it personally. I think yet this was broadbrushing. Sure, there are enough among Christian bodies who only indicate the position of easily believing and that would be enough. I doubt there is the repentance that must be necessary for this. The morality of the commandments never goes away, repentance to come to Christ is necessary and is about turning from sin against God so living obediently is what they should come to. God does help with that. I do think many more among Christian bodies are living with repentance for that way with God, and it does come out in actions. Icons? I am not sure about that. Almost all Christians know to serve God and the risen Christ, and not put things before that. There might be slipping away from that in this distracting world, but God is providing restoration from that.
Teshuva requires at minimum 3 steps
1)Admitting one's sin(s).
This step is called vidui.
2)Feeling regret that one sinned.
3)Making a commitment not to repeat the sin.

4th is to make restitutions when possible.

You can't forgive those who know they are doing wrong, willingly do wrong, don't have regret or remorse of doing wrong, repeat the wrong act and intend to repeat the act. This is being tried in Liberal big cities and failing miserably as people repeat their crimes and it allows crimes to flourish, thus the free get away with sin card Christians think they have in an idol, allows sins to flourish, hence why the world is and has always been a social behavioral mess.
Teshuva requires at minimum 3 steps
1)Admitting one's sin(s).
This step is called vidui.
2)Feeling regret that one sinned.
3)Making a commitment not to repeat the sin.

4th is to make restitutions when possible.

You can't forgive those who know they are doing wrong, willingly do wrong, don't have regret or remorse of doing wrong, repeat the wrong act and intend to repeat the act. This is being tried in Liberal big cities and failing miserably as people repeat their crimes and it allows crimes to flourish, thus the free get away with sin card Christians think they have in an idol, allows sins to flourish, hence why the world is and has always been a social behavioral mess.

I agree these things are needed. I actually have had things I really value stolen from me, a number of times, and I certainly would have preferred restitution, as I could not just replace things each time that was happening. I have been told, "Sorry if I did anything offending you," which was not actually admitting wrong that had been done, and told right after that as a believer I was supposed to forgive then. There are other such accounts I could share where repentance is not really present. I can only agree those things should happen, as far as possible. I still think there are many really repenting like this. Christ the Messiah should still be known.

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