Really, Really Low Information GOP Voters

Never proven lies get idiot libtards nowhere.

I never said it was proven. I said they were paid hush money.

So you have nothing. Thank you.

This is funny.

Cain said he has “had thousands of people working for me” at different businesses over the years and could not comment “until I see some facts or some concrete evidence.” His campaign staff was given the name of one woman who complained last week, and it was repeated to Cain on Sunday. He responded, “I am not going to comment on that.”

He was then asked, “Have you ever been accused, sir, in your life of harassment by a woman?”

He breathed audibly, glared at the reporter and stayed silent for several seconds. After the question was repeated three times, he responded by asking the reporter, “Have you ever been accused of sexual harassment?”

Herman Cain accused by two women of inappropriate behavior - Jonathan Martin and Maggie Haberman and Anna Palmer and Kenneth P. Vogel -
The press hung Cain out to dry but the pervert Clinton still gets a pass for his actions with Monoca and lying about it. Hypocrites.

He was impeached, you boob. What happened to Newt?
He should have resigned newt stepped down you twit.
should we add a list of criminals with D behind their names? Oh, but those don't count do they?

Not only did Rick Scott, governor of Florida win reelection in spite of the fact that his company for which he was CEO, Columbia HCA, was fined $1.7M for Medicare and Medicaid fraud, but this too:

"""Staten Island Representative Michael Grimm won re-election despite the fact that he could soon be found guilty of criminal charges, and helped boost the number of GOP seats in the House to 243, up from the 233 seats the party controlled before the midterms, Fox News and NBC both reported. """
Republicans Good Night Gets Even Better in the House - Bloomberg Politics

Staten Island Rep. Michael Grimm hit with 20-count indictment on federal fraud, tax charges
S.I. Rep. Michael Grimm hit with 20-count indictment - NY Daily News

So the right must be wetting their pants hoping Chris Christie will run for POTUS.

You are just upset most of your low info voters stayed home this cycle.

Two-thirds of all registered voters nationally stayed home this time.

And we deserve what we got.

The number of states falling in the GOP column makes it a landslide, unless you want to dismissthe 2012 Electoral college results as not a landslide. You can't have it both ways. GOP has a mandate to hang obama by the balls if he continues to runs the country the way he has so far.

McConnell needs 60 votes! He will never get 60 for anything egregious. At most, 55 votes "belong" to McConnell. He could have 59 and it wouldn't make a difference. He needs 60. He doesn't have them, and won't. Obama can veto anything and everything, with impunity.
Maybe he can change the rules like Reid did.
McConnell needs 60 votes! He will never get 60 for anything egregious. At most, 55 votes "belong" to McConnell. He could have 59 and it wouldn't make a difference. He needs 60. He doesn't have them, and won't. Obama can veto anything and everything, with impunity.
They need 60 to push the turd in the White House out of the way or better yet, let America know who is ignoring their voices. Tyranny comes at a steep price, they'll have his head mounted on the fence post.
I never said it was proven. I said they were paid hush money.

So you have nothing. Thank you.

This is funny.

Cain said he has “had thousands of people working for me” at different businesses over the years and could not comment “until I see some facts or some concrete evidence.” His campaign staff was given the name of one woman who complained last week, and it was repeated to Cain on Sunday. He responded, “I am not going to comment on that.”

He was then asked, “Have you ever been accused, sir, in your life of harassment by a woman?”

He breathed audibly, glared at the reporter and stayed silent for several seconds. After the question was repeated three times, he responded by asking the reporter, “Have you ever been accused of sexual harassment?”

Herman Cain accused by two women of inappropriate behavior - Jonathan Martin and Maggie Haberman and Anna Palmer and Kenneth P. Vogel -
The press hung Cain out to dry but the pervert Clinton still gets a pass for his actions with Monoca and lying about it. Hypocrites.

He was impeached, you boob. What happened to Newt?
He should have resigned newt stepped down you twit.

What an honorable man. LOL!

In 1998 Republicans lost five seats in the House—the worst midterm performance in 64 years by a party not holding the presidency. Gingrich, who won his reelection, was held largely responsible for Republican losses in the House. His private polls had given his fellow Republican Congressmen a false impression that pushing the Lewinsky scandal would damage Clinton's popularity and result in the party winning a net total of six to thirty seats in the US House of Representatives in this election.The day after the election, a Republican caucus ready to rebel against him prompted his resignation of the speakership. He also announced his intended and eventual full departure from the House in January 1999.When relinquishing the speakership, Gingrich said he was "not willing to preside over people who are cannibals," and claimed that leaving the House would keep him from overshadowing his successor.

Source, Wiki
McConnell needs 60 votes! He will never get 60 for anything egregious. At most, 55 votes "belong" to McConnell. He could have 59 and it wouldn't make a difference. He needs 60. He doesn't have them, and won't. Obama can veto anything and everything, with impunity.
They need 60 to push the turd in the White House out of the way or better yet, let America know who is ignoring their voices. Tyranny comes at a steep price, they'll have his head mounted on the fence post.

Good luck.
Never proven lies get idiot libtards nowhere.

I never said it was proven. I said they were paid hush money.

So you have nothing. Thank you.

I dunno. Do you think the National Restaurant Association hands out money for nothing?

They hand out money for various reasons. They will pay to make something go away, whether it is the truth or a lie. Corporations weigh decisions based on the bottom line. Most will not fight on principle, the just want thing to go away.

I had a tenant that had not paid me rent for three months, I asked him to move and gave him a months rent to move and leave the house in good shape. He left it in good shape, I could have sued, he could of trashed the house, and left me lots of repair costs. I felt I cam out ahead.

I have paid people to quit, it gets rid of a problem and doesn't continue to negatively effect the business because of a poor attitude.

Businesses pay severance packages, they offer incentives for people to quit.

in a sexual harassment lawsuit, how much do you think attorney costs would to drag it through the court?

It's a business decision, one company paid a girl off and fired the manager. Another company fired both as it violated company policy.

They will also pay to cover up. Herman Cain got to keep his position, the two women did not. Esmeralda was spot on.

Even American Apparel was standing by their CEO in the beginning.

American Apparel CEO Dov Charney may have a history of calling female employees “sluts” and the “c” word, producing advertisements that show scantily-clad and even topless young models, and sexual harassment allegations, but the company is standing behind him.

According to the Los Angeles Times, the trendy “sweatshop free” clothing vendor is defending Charney, saying his four former employees filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against him and the business to make money.

“These allegations are preposterous,” said Frank Seddigh, an American Apparel lawyer.

American Apparel stands by CEO in spite of sexual abuse allegations The Daily Caller

They were paid to leave, not fired, not terminated, they were paid to go away. They could have filed charges, they could have sued, they chose to take money and leave. Why did they do that if they had a strong case?

I am not sure an allegation is a reason to terminate or get rid of an employee, maybe in your world it works, mine it is not that simple. Esey is only spot on because she agrees with your opinion, no facts, no proof, just opinion.

It is up to American Apparel and how they handle it, they aren't covering it up.
Shitstain....of course you think you are intelligent supporting a fake tan used car salesman that jumps from political party to party like you do jail from jail.

Not only did Rick Scott, governor of Florida win reelection in spite of the fact that his company for which he was CEO, Columbia HCA, was fined $1.7M for Medicare and Medicaid fraud, but this too:

"""Staten Island Representative Michael Grimm won re-election despite the fact that he could soon be found guilty of criminal charges, and helped boost the number of GOP seats in the House to 243, up from the 233 seats the party controlled before the midterms, Fox News and NBC both reported. """
Republicans Good Night Gets Even Better in the House - Bloomberg Politics

Staten Island Rep. Michael Grimm hit with 20-count indictment on federal fraud, tax charges
S.I. Rep. Michael Grimm hit with 20-count indictment - NY Daily News

So the right must be wetting their pants hoping Chris Christie will run for POTUS.
I never said it was proven. I said they were paid hush money.

So you have nothing. Thank you.

I dunno. Do you think the National Restaurant Association hands out money for nothing?

They hand out money for various reasons. They will pay to make something go away, whether it is the truth or a lie. Corporations weigh decisions based on the bottom line. Most will not fight on principle, the just want thing to go away.

I had a tenant that had not paid me rent for three months, I asked him to move and gave him a months rent to move and leave the house in good shape. He left it in good shape, I could have sued, he could of trashed the house, and left me lots of repair costs. I felt I cam out ahead.

I have paid people to quit, it gets rid of a problem and doesn't continue to negatively effect the business because of a poor attitude.

Businesses pay severance packages, they offer incentives for people to quit.

in a sexual harassment lawsuit, how much do you think attorney costs would to drag it through the court?

It's a business decision, one company paid a girl off and fired the manager. Another company fired both as it violated company policy.

They will also pay to cover up. Herman Cain got to keep his position, the two women did not. Esmeralda was spot on.

Even American Apparel was standing by their CEO in the beginning.

American Apparel CEO Dov Charney may have a history of calling female employees “sluts” and the “c” word, producing advertisements that show scantily-clad and even topless young models, and sexual harassment allegations, but the company is standing behind him.

According to the Los Angeles Times, the trendy “sweatshop free” clothing vendor is defending Charney, saying his four former employees filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against him and the business to make money.

“These allegations are preposterous,” said Frank Seddigh, an American Apparel lawyer.

American Apparel stands by CEO in spite of sexual abuse allegations The Daily Caller

They were paid to leave, not fired, not terminated, they were paid to go away. They could have filed charges, they could have sued, they chose to take money and leave. Why did they do that if they had a strong case?

I am not sure an allegation is a reason to terminate or get rid of an employee, maybe in your world it works, mine it is not that simple. Esey is only spot on because she agrees with your opinion, no facts, no proof, just opinion.

It is up to American Apparel and how they handle it, they aren't covering it up.

Correction: There was a fourth woman who came forward with sexual abuse allegations against Cain. I seriously doubt they are all liars, but the truth is, neither of us know any of the details, since the NRA paid hush money, which included a bar on them from speaking about it.

As for American Apparel. They were more than willing to stand by their sleazy CEO at the beginning, just as the NRA stood by Cain.

It appears we are at an impasse. I'm going to agree to disagree.
Not only did Rick Scott, governor of Florida win reelection in spite of the fact that his company for which he was CEO, Columbia HCA, was fined $1.7M for Medicare and Medicaid fraud, but this too:

"""Staten Island Representative Michael Grimm won re-election despite the fact that he could soon be found guilty of criminal charges, and helped boost the number of GOP seats in the House to 243, up from the 233 seats the party controlled before the midterms, Fox News and NBC both reported. """
Republicans Good Night Gets Even Better in the House - Bloomberg Politics

Staten Island Rep. Michael Grimm hit with 20-count indictment on federal fraud, tax charges
S.I. Rep. Michael Grimm hit with 20-count indictment - NY Daily News

So the right must be wetting their pants hoping Chris Christie will run for POTUS.

Funny about the claim that only low low information voters voted, you would think the the high information voters would go and vote knowing what is at stake and low low information voters, not caring, would stay home, your idea isn't logical.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

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