
Black and white racists are idiots?

What is black racism and why does it happen?

Racism knows no colors and to excuse any form of it because the other race does it is not an excuse but you have tried many times to excuse it.

Fact is Blacks can be bigoted, prejudice and even downright racist and not just to Whites but to Hispanics and Asians but you will deny this because to you only White Society can be racist.

That's fine and true from the perspective you are taking on this Bruce_T_Laney

IM2 made it perfectly clear he only speaks from the perspective he established for
his threads and only accepts input from those approaching the discussion from there.

What you are saying requires a different discussion.
When talking with IM2 on threads he starts,
it has to be within that context and set definitions.

Emily, you can't talk for me. The reaction to white racism is what gets called racism around here. Blacks get called bigots because we have endured years of individual acts of white racism which has created mistrust. There is no equivalence to be had in this and truly intelligent people of all colors understand. But you guys seem to be unable to do so and that reflects poorly upon you.
Black and white racists are idiots?

What is black racism and why does it happen?

Racism knows no colors and to excuse any form of it because the other race does it is not an excuse but you have tried many times to excuse it.

Fact is Blacks can be bigoted, prejudice and even downright racist and not just to Whites but to Hispanics and Asians but you will deny this because to you only White Society can be racist.

That's fine and true from the perspective you are taking on this Bruce_T_Laney

IM2 made it perfectly clear he only speaks from the perspective he established for
his threads and only accepts input from those approaching the discussion from there.

What you are saying requires a different discussion.
When talking with IM2 on threads he starts,
it has to be within that context and set definitions.

Emily, you can't talk for me. The reaction to white racism is what gets called racism around here. Blacks get called bigots because we have endured years of individual acts of white racism which has created mistrust. There is no equivalence to be had in this and truly intelligent people of all colors understand. But you guys seem to be unable to do so and that reflects poorly upon you.

Not trying to talk FOR you IM2
You insisted that I make sure I tell "white racists" the same thing.
Well that's me explaining not to project their biased perceptions
and ways of seeing and saying things.

What do you want to call that
Reality. State of Hate: Increase of hate incidents in the US

Most of it driven by hate-filled race-baiters who post 24,000 myopically polarized and one-sided racist comments and threads all in just 4 years! That is 16 racially-bitter spleen ventings a day! If that is not the sign of a SICK MIND, I don't know what is. :1peleas:

No, they are driven by white racists like you who post one sided racist crap for years
I'm not a racist, asshole, I get along with blacks left and right every day JUST FINE. I just point out the assholes of this world like you who LIVE to make race a central issue in your every waking thought. Sorry you hate yourself so much. History is replete with injustices and wrongs going back to the beginnings of recorded time, but only the lazy welfare-queen like you demands to be repaid for it, over and over and over. And if you weren't so busy making up crap in your delusional world, you'd know that the only I place I post to race driven topics is HERE and I've only done that over the past six-months to a year here in response to your constant whiny, racist hate letters. Why don't you walk up and down the berm of a highway somewhere carrying one of those board signs on your body covering your front and back telling the world your quaint theories about race and white people so some trucker can put you out of your tormented misery?

then demand those you've lived your life dissing say something nice about whites.
I demand nothing. You are the one who claimed that you say nice stuff about white people all of the time. I'm still waiting to see it for the first time. Reparations will never happen for one simple reason: no appreciable amount can ever be repaid that would amount to anything justifiable equal to the wrong done meaning it still wouldn't satisfy blacks! Further, it would be repayment for a wrong that WASN'T a wrong at the time it occurred! There could be a hundred things going on today that centuries from now might be considered equally wrong--------- what then, reparations for all those too? And if reparations for blacks that never suffered any loss, what about the countless other thousands of injustices done over the past several thousand years? Somehow, you think you are a SPECIAL CASE when in fact, you ain't SHIT.
Are you going to answer the question?

What is black racism and why does it happen?

You are correct in a certain way. There really are no groups that are active in promoting hate against whites. Whites are really not targeted . In the same sense, it takes a certain type of imbecile to join the KKK. Their beliefs are absurd, and IMHO border on brainwashing and targeting weak people to join a criminal gang. It’s similar to people that are recruited for a street gang, or cult. But there is also a culture of people that have been raised from birth, and educated with this ignorance. It’s their identity. I was not raised around these people, and don’t know any personally. They have been trained to hate, the same way Hitler indoctrinated the German society to hate Jews and blacks. This was also made into law, so it would serve to justify racism. I think the pushback you get to an extent, is that no one I know would ever want to be labeled a supremest because they are white. I would be livid, and very verbal about any accusation of that. With that being said, we are all biased in certain ways and see certain stereotypes that have been promoted throughout our lives. When white people encounter blacks that don’t want to associate with them, or are openly unfriendly, they label this as black racism. I think this happens with blacks,because of their past experiences and personal bias or stereotypes about whites. I’m sure they have experienced racism much more, and from an early age. They learn from an early start, that they are treated a certain way because of the color of their skin. You can’t hide it, even if you wanted to. In Nazi Germany, Jews were identified and labeled with a tattoo or arm band. They could at times deny their identity, and their lives depended on it. This obviously didn’t work out favorably in the short or long run.

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This is a fair assessment, but some of the people here are white supremacists and you don't necessarily have to be a member of a white supremacist group to be a racist. The accusation of racism is a serious charge and in my view you must have evidence of racism before making that claim. Unfortunately many people here have provided such evidence.

Now when you talk about us as black people, trying to judge how we see whites by the standards used to define bias misses the fact that white racial bias is developed from a false premise. Black racial bias against whites is based on a consistent pattern of white behavior over a minimum time frame of 243 years. This pattern of behavior has created a mistrust of white people in some people of color.

In order for things to change whites, must begin taking a holistic look at their behavior instead of always pointing fingers at everyone else or getting angry because white racism is being pointed out.
When you say us as black people. are you the spokesperson for what blacks think? Or only black Americans?

So only black people can understand black people according to your explanation. You are also grouping all white people together. Something that you have an issue with, when all black people are grouped together. You also don’t include educational levels in people’s ability to understand concepts or life history. I’m not interested enough to be prejudice. If people are civil, I’m good. If they don’t want to interact with me, so be it. You also haven’t qualified yourself to be touting yourself as an expert. Racism such as the KKK is criminal and extreme. Other than that people can believe what they want IMO, as long as they keep it to themselves.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

If you have not gone through what we have, it's kinda hard for you to understand how we feel. I am not lumping all whites into anything and it gets old when whites try this in these discussions. We are talking about a macro level problem so we will discuss this at the macro level. I am an expert on being black because I have 58 years of experience being black. You don't have to like what I said, but I have lived my whole life black and have interacted and discussed things with more black people than you ever will. I have experienced how blacks get treated, and no matter how much you educate yourself, you haven't. Last whites like yourself can shove that do you speak for all blacks shit. Because you are here trying to tell me, a black man, about black people like you can speak for us. And just because I have accurately stated the reasons why blacks see things as they do without blaming ourselves for problems we did not create as well as pointing out that whites do have the prime responsibility to fix the problems they created, you want to question if I speak for all blacks.

That's not going to work. I stand by what I say. And if you want to see a positive change in race relations that's what you will do. Because no matter how much you say racism is illegal, it still exists. And when over 1/3 of whites in America according to pew research, hold white supremacist views, it is NOT so extreme. You don't face the racism, stop trying to tell blacks how it isn't such a big thing. Learn to listen because you're damn sure no expert.

The actual hardcore KKK racists are your enemies, and will never change. The Jews top their list, and you are second. They are just harder to identify. Whites that are not overtly racist, have no reason to be involved with other whites who are. So who are you attempting to educate. By your standards, there are plenty of 58 year old black men and women share your qualifications. We get to watch Al Sharpton sit next to political figures these days on TV. He doesn’t have any problems being a mute dupe for the masses. You are in effect sending the same message.

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Are you going to justify racist black people?

Are you going to answer the question?

What is black racism and why does it happen?

You are correct in a certain way. There really are no groups that are active in promoting hate against whites. Whites are really not targeted . In the same sense, it takes a certain type of imbecile to join the KKK. Their beliefs are absurd, and IMHO border on brainwashing and targeting weak people to join a criminal gang. It’s similar to people that are recruited for a street gang, or cult. But there is also a culture of people that have been raised from birth, and educated with this ignorance. It’s their identity. I was not raised around these people, and don’t know any personally. They have been trained to hate, the same way Hitler indoctrinated the German society to hate Jews and blacks. This was also made into law, so it would serve to justify racism. I think the pushback you get to an extent, is that no one I know would ever want to be labeled a supremest because they are white. I would be livid, and very verbal about any accusation of that. With that being said, we are all biased in certain ways and see certain stereotypes that have been promoted throughout our lives. When white people encounter blacks that don’t want to associate with them, or are openly unfriendly, they label this as black racism. I think this happens with blacks,because of their past experiences and personal bias or stereotypes about whites. I’m sure they have experienced racism much more, and from an early age. They learn from an early start, that they are treated a certain way because of the color of their skin. You can’t hide it, even if you wanted to. In Nazi Germany, Jews were identified and labeled with a tattoo or arm band. They could at times deny their identity, and their lives depended on it. This obviously didn’t work out favorably in the short or long run.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

This is a fair assessment, but some of the people here are white supremacists and you don't necessarily have to be a member of a white supremacist group to be a racist. The accusation of racism is a serious charge and in my view you must have evidence of racism before making that claim. Unfortunately many people here have provided such evidence.

Now when you talk about us as black people, trying to judge how we see whites by the standards used to define bias misses the fact that white racial bias is developed from a false premise. Black racial bias against whites is based on a consistent pattern of white behavior over a minimum time frame of 243 years. This pattern of behavior has created a mistrust of white people in some people of color.

In order for things to change whites, must begin taking a holistic look at their behavior instead of always pointing fingers at everyone else or getting angry because white racism is being pointed out.
When you say us as black people. are you the spokesperson for what blacks think? Or only black Americans?

Now when you talk about us as black people, trying to judge how we see whites by the standards used to define bias misses the fact that white racial bias is developed from a false premise. Black racial bias against whites is based on a consistent pattern of white behavior over a minimum time frame of 243 years. This pattern of behavior has created a mistrust of white people in some people of color.

In order for things to change whites, must begin taking a holistic look at their behavior instead of always pointing fingers at everyone else or getting angry because white racism is being pointed out.
I have taken a larger view of racism and other behavior than you. And I say EVERYONE is a racist so I don't get angry or emotional if you call me or whites or Americans racists. Your problem is you see everything thru race colored glasses.
Are you going to answer the question?

What is black racism and why does it happen?

You are correct in a certain way. There really are no groups that are active in promoting hate against whites. Whites are really not targeted . In the same sense, it takes a certain type of imbecile to join the KKK. Their beliefs are absurd, and IMHO border on brainwashing and targeting weak people to join a criminal gang. It’s similar to people that are recruited for a street gang, or cult. But there is also a culture of people that have been raised from birth, and educated with this ignorance. It’s their identity. I was not raised around these people, and don’t know any personally. They have been trained to hate, the same way Hitler indoctrinated the German society to hate Jews and blacks. This was also made into law, so it would serve to justify racism. I think the pushback you get to an extent, is that no one I know would ever want to be labeled a supremest because they are white. I would be livid, and very verbal about any accusation of that. With that being said, we are all biased in certain ways and see certain stereotypes that have been promoted throughout our lives. When white people encounter blacks that don’t want to associate with them, or are openly unfriendly, they label this as black racism. I think this happens with blacks,because of their past experiences and personal bias or stereotypes about whites. I’m sure they have experienced racism much more, and from an early age. They learn from an early start, that they are treated a certain way because of the color of their skin. You can’t hide it, even if you wanted to. In Nazi Germany, Jews were identified and labeled with a tattoo or arm band. They could at times deny their identity, and their lives depended on it. This obviously didn’t work out favorably in the short or long run.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

This is a fair assessment, but some of the people here are white supremacists and you don't necessarily have to be a member of a white supremacist group to be a racist. The accusation of racism is a serious charge and in my view you must have evidence of racism before making that claim. Unfortunately many people here have provided such evidence.

Now when you talk about us as black people, trying to judge how we see whites by the standards used to define bias misses the fact that white racial bias is developed from a false premise. Black racial bias against whites is based on a consistent pattern of white behavior over a minimum time frame of 243 years. This pattern of behavior has created a mistrust of white people in some people of color.

In order for things to change whites, must begin taking a holistic look at their behavior instead of always pointing fingers at everyone else or getting angry because white racism is being pointed out.
When you say us as black people. are you the spokesperson for what blacks think? Or only black Americans?

So only black people can understand black people according to your explanation. You are also grouping all white people together. Something that you have an issue with, when all black people are grouped together. You also don’t include educational levels in people’s ability to understand concepts or life history. I’m not interested enough to be prejudice. If people are civil, I’m good. If they don’t want to interact with me, so be it. You also haven’t qualified yourself to be touting yourself as an expert. Racism such as the KKK is criminal and extreme. Other than that people can believe what they want IMO, as long as they keep it to themselves.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

If you have not gone through what we have, it's kinda hard for you to understand how we feel. I am not lumping all whites into anything and it gets old when whites try this in these discussions. We are talking about a macro level problem so we will discuss this at the macro level. I am an expert on being black because I have 58 years of experience being black. You don't have to like what I said, but I have lived my whole life black and have interacted and discussed things with more black people than you ever will. I have experienced how blacks get treated, and no matter how much you educate yourself, you haven't. Last whites like yourself can shove that do you speak for all blacks shit. Because you are here trying to tell me, a black man, about black people like you can speak for us. And just because I have accurately stated the reasons why blacks see things as they do without blaming ourselves for problems we did not create as well as pointing out that whites do have the prime responsibility to fix the problems they created, you want to question if I speak for all blacks.

That's not going to work. I stand by what I say. And if you want to see a positive change in race relations that's what you will do. Because no matter how much you say racism is illegal, it still exists. And when over 1/3 of whites in America according to pew research, hold white supremacist views, it is NOT so extreme. You don't face the racism, stop trying to tell blacks how it isn't such a big thing. Learn to listen because you're damn sure no expert.
Are you going to start singing "Nobody knows the trouble I have seen"?
Black and white racists are idiots?

What is black racism and why does it happen?

Whatever type of racism you are asking about IM2
it happens where there is UNFORGIVENESS of past issues
and these get projected forward.

Yes, you can blame it on "white racism" but where
people forgive this, the cycle can be broken instead of retribution.

FORGIVENESS = ending and healing the wounds of racism
so problems can be corrected without the hostility attached

UNFORGIVENESS = continuing the projecting of blame
back and forth which you trace back to white racism.
No matter what the source, unforgiveness enables racism to continue.

No Emily it doesn't. Number 1, the racism is not in the past. Number 2, it has been forgiven. Number 3, Jesus forgives but demands us every day to stop sinning. Whites who practice racism need to stop doing that. You sit on your butt telling me to forgive when you should be telling these racists to stop committing the sin.

Start doing that.
So you have forgiven racism when you think you see it? And which of the deadly sins is racism-I forget-or I never heard it. Sounds like you judge a lot. Forgive him, Emily.
Black and white racists are idiots?

What is black racism and why does it happen?

Racism knows no colors and to excuse any form of it because the other race does it is not an excuse but you have tried many times to excuse it.

Fact is Blacks can be bigoted, prejudice and even downright racist and not just to Whites but to Hispanics and Asians but you will deny this because to you only White Society can be racist.

That's fine and true from the perspective you are taking on this Bruce_T_Laney

IM2 made it perfectly clear he only speaks from the perspective he established for
his threads and only accepts input from those approaching the discussion from there.

What you are saying requires a different discussion.
When talking with IM2 on threads he starts,
it has to be within that context and set definitions.

Emily, you can't talk for me. The reaction to white racism is what gets called racism around here. Blacks get called bigots because we have endured years of individual acts of white racism which has created mistrust. There is no equivalence to be had in this and truly intelligent people of all colors understand. But you guys seem to be unable to do so and that reflects poorly upon you.
Sounds like Emily spoke for you perfectly. What you do say sounds like excuses and accusations.
It is apparent you guys don't understand or don't want to understand .

Macro-level sociology looks at large-scale social processes, such as social stability and change.
Micro-level sociology looks at small-scale interactions between individuals, such as conversation or group dynamics.

Racism is a macro level problem that affects a large number of people. Any solution to this must be a macro level solution. Since racism affects all of us whether we like it or not, arguing about how you are excluded because you are an individual is a meritless position.

Now when we discuss this on the macro level, we look at policies and laws that impact millions of people. There is no equivalence between that and a micro level action such as a black person making a rude comment to someone white. Until we fix the larger problem the smaller one will continue to exist.

Black and white racists are idiots?

What is black racism and why does it happen?

Whatever type of racism you are asking about IM2
it happens where there is UNFORGIVENESS of past issues
and these get projected forward.

Yes, you can blame it on "white racism" but where
people forgive this, the cycle can be broken instead of retribution.

FORGIVENESS = ending and healing the wounds of racism
so problems can be corrected without the hostility attached

UNFORGIVENESS = continuing the projecting of blame
back and forth which you trace back to white racism.
No matter what the source, unforgiveness enables racism to continue.

No Emily it doesn't. Number 1, the racism is not in the past. Number 2, it has been forgiven. Number 3, Jesus forgives but demands us every day to stop sinning. Whites who practice racism need to stop doing that. You sit on your butt telling me to forgive when you should be telling these racists to stop committing the sin.

Start doing that.


1. Yes and Yes, the racism from the past
is what projects and repeats in the present and future.

2. When it is forgiven, it stops.
If it is still in the present, that means it's
still projecting.

3. Agreed, and the first step is to forgive
so we stop repeating the same sins

As for
A. "Whites who practice racism need to stop doing that."

B. "You sit on your butt telling me to forgive when you should be telling these racists to stop committing the sin."
When I talk with "these racists" I tell them the same thing.
When I talk with you I tell you the same thing.

I ask people on ALL SIDES to stop the racist projection.

If projection is still happening, that means the issues
INTERNALLY that are not fully forgiven and resolved
are being PROJECTED EXTERNALLY which is the
mechanism manifesting as racism - it's taking the
internalized issues and projecting them on a collective
group especially targeting individuals by race

Now IM2 I'm relieved to hear that you believe it is already forgiven.
I agree and pray for that forgiveness to be expanded upon so that
ALL THINGS CAN BE CORRECTED in that open environment.

I asked the Pastor Sunday and his team to pray for you.
His message he gave was that:
* NOBODY can take your joy that is given by God
* God's blessings are too great, that nothing and nobody can demean them
* Everything you need is already in the house

Let us continue praying and working in agreement
that all these wrongs/sins be forgiven so they can all be corrected.

Projection as racism is one sign that there are still
unforgiven unresolved issues that haven't been handed over
to God but are still circulated back and forth blamed on others.
Are we sure racism is not an inherent natural thing or instinct? Maybe it is like fear-fear of the unknown or fear of something different.
It is apparent you guys don't understand or don't want to understand .

Macro-level sociology looks at large-scale social processes, such as social stability and change.
Micro-level sociology looks at small-scale interactions between individuals, such as conversation or group dynamics.

Racism is a macro level problem that affects a large number of people. Any solution to this must be a macro level solution. Since racism affects all of us whether we like it or not, arguing about how you are excluded because you are an individual is a meritless position.

Now when we discuss this on the macro level, we look at policies and laws that impact millions of people. There is no equivalence between that and a micro level action such as a black person making a rude comment to someone white. Until we fix the larger problem the smaller one will continue to exist.
Were do you get this psycobabble? Using large letters and bold doesn't make things true-only easier to read. Maybe you should make friends with a white and ask him how and what he thinks-then you'll have some useful information.
Black and white racists are idiots?

What is black racism and why does it happen?

Racism knows no colors and to excuse any form of it because the other race does it is not an excuse but you have tried many times to excuse it.

Fact is Blacks can be bigoted, prejudice and even downright racist and not just to Whites but to Hispanics and Asians but you will deny this because to you only White Society can be racist.

That's fine and true from the perspective you are taking on this Bruce_T_Laney

IM2 made it perfectly clear he only speaks from the perspective he established for
his threads and only accepts input from those approaching the discussion from there.

What you are saying requires a different discussion.
When talking with IM2 on threads he starts,
it has to be within that context and set definitions.

Emily, you can't talk for me. The reaction to white racism is what gets called racism around here. Blacks get called bigots because we have endured years of individual acts of white racism which has created mistrust. There is no equivalence to be had in this and truly intelligent people of all colors understand. But you guys seem to be unable to do so and that reflects poorly upon you.

Not trying to talk FOR you IM2
You insisted that I make sure I tell "white racists" the same thing.
Well that's me explaining not to project their biased perceptions
and ways of seeing and saying things.

What do you want to call that
You can talk for IM2-you make more sense. Though I do enjoy his far out views.
You are correct in a certain way. There really are no groups that are active in promoting hate against whites. Whites are really not targeted . In the same sense, it takes a certain type of imbecile to join the KKK. Their beliefs are absurd, and IMHO border on brainwashing and targeting weak people to join a criminal gang. It’s similar to people that are recruited for a street gang, or cult. But there is also a culture of people that have been raised from birth, and educated with this ignorance. It’s their identity. I was not raised around these people, and don’t know any personally. They have been trained to hate, the same way Hitler indoctrinated the German society to hate Jews and blacks. This was also made into law, so it would serve to justify racism. I think the pushback you get to an extent, is that no one I know would ever want to be labeled a supremest because they are white. I would be livid, and very verbal about any accusation of that. With that being said, we are all biased in certain ways and see certain stereotypes that have been promoted throughout our lives. When white people encounter blacks that don’t want to associate with them, or are openly unfriendly, they label this as black racism. I think this happens with blacks,because of their past experiences and personal bias or stereotypes about whites. I’m sure they have experienced racism much more, and from an early age. They learn from an early start, that they are treated a certain way because of the color of their skin. You can’t hide it, even if you wanted to. In Nazi Germany, Jews were identified and labeled with a tattoo or arm band. They could at times deny their identity, and their lives depended on it. This obviously didn’t work out favorably in the short or long run.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

This is a fair assessment, but some of the people here are white supremacists and you don't necessarily have to be a member of a white supremacist group to be a racist. The accusation of racism is a serious charge and in my view you must have evidence of racism before making that claim. Unfortunately many people here have provided such evidence.

Now when you talk about us as black people, trying to judge how we see whites by the standards used to define bias misses the fact that white racial bias is developed from a false premise. Black racial bias against whites is based on a consistent pattern of white behavior over a minimum time frame of 243 years. This pattern of behavior has created a mistrust of white people in some people of color.

In order for things to change whites, must begin taking a holistic look at their behavior instead of always pointing fingers at everyone else or getting angry because white racism is being pointed out.
When you say us as black people. are you the spokesperson for what blacks think? Or only black Americans?

So only black people can understand black people according to your explanation. You are also grouping all white people together. Something that you have an issue with, when all black people are grouped together. You also don’t include educational levels in people’s ability to understand concepts or life history. I’m not interested enough to be prejudice. If people are civil, I’m good. If they don’t want to interact with me, so be it. You also haven’t qualified yourself to be touting yourself as an expert. Racism such as the KKK is criminal and extreme. Other than that people can believe what they want IMO, as long as they keep it to themselves.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

If you have not gone through what we have, it's kinda hard for you to understand how we feel. I am not lumping all whites into anything and it gets old when whites try this in these discussions. We are talking about a macro level problem so we will discuss this at the macro level. I am an expert on being black because I have 58 years of experience being black. You don't have to like what I said, but I have lived my whole life black and have interacted and discussed things with more black people than you ever will. I have experienced how blacks get treated, and no matter how much you educate yourself, you haven't. Last whites like yourself can shove that do you speak for all blacks shit. Because you are here trying to tell me, a black man, about black people like you can speak for us. And just because I have accurately stated the reasons why blacks see things as they do without blaming ourselves for problems we did not create as well as pointing out that whites do have the prime responsibility to fix the problems they created, you want to question if I speak for all blacks.

That's not going to work. I stand by what I say. And if you want to see a positive change in race relations that's what you will do. Because no matter how much you say racism is illegal, it still exists. And when over 1/3 of whites in America according to pew research, hold white supremacist views, it is NOT so extreme. You don't face the racism, stop trying to tell blacks how it isn't such a big thing. Learn to listen because you're damn sure no expert.

The actual hardcore KKK racists are your enemies, and will never change. The Jews top their list, and you are second. They are just harder to identify. Whites that are not overtly racist, have no reason to be involved with other whites who are. So who are you attempting to educate. By your standards, there are plenty of 58 year old black men and women share your qualifications. We get to watch Al Sharpton sit next to political figures these days on TV. He doesn’t have any problems being a mute dupe for the masses. You are in effect sending the same message.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Black and white racists are idiots?

What is black racism and why does it happen?

Are you going to justify racist black people?

Are you going to answer the question?

What is black racism and why does it happen?

Because some people CHOOSE TO BE RACIST

So we have one person who can't honestly answer the question so far.

Google it. Google is your Leftist friend.
Black and white racists are idiots?

What is black racism and why does it happen?

Whatever type of racism you are asking about IM2
it happens where there is UNFORGIVENESS of past issues
and these get projected forward.

Yes, you can blame it on "white racism" but where
people forgive this, the cycle can be broken instead of retribution.

FORGIVENESS = ending and healing the wounds of racism
so problems can be corrected without the hostility attached

UNFORGIVENESS = continuing the projecting of blame
back and forth which you trace back to white racism.
No matter what the source, unforgiveness enables racism to continue.

No Emily it doesn't. Number 1, the racism is not in the past. Number 2, it has been forgiven. Number 3, Jesus forgives but demands us every day to stop sinning. Whites who practice racism need to stop doing that. You sit on your butt telling me to forgive when you should be telling these racists to stop committing the sin.

Start doing that.
So you have forgiven racism when you think you see it? And which of the deadly sins is racism-I forget-or I never heard it. Sounds like you judge a lot. Forgive him, Emily.


You better check your bible son.

The Greatest Commandment
28 One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?”

29 “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.”

I am no judge. But I can say that whites who practice racism must stop. And that what you call black racism happens because that's what whites have sown. Since everybody wants to excuse white racism and demand we keep forgiving while things don't change , whites like you need to learn this also:

Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.

Proverbs 22:8 Whoever sows injustice will reap calamity, and the rod of his fury will fail.

Job 4:8-9 My experience shows that those who plant trouble and cultivate evil will harvest the same. A breath from God destroys them. They vanish in a blast of his anger.

Sounds like Emily spoke for you perfectly. What you do say sounds like excuses and accusations.

Nope and the other blacks here would agree with me 100 percent. Emily doesn't speak for me and you, well reality is a difficult thing for you to accept.

Black and white racists are idiots?

What is black racism and why does it happen?

Whatever type of racism you are asking about IM2
it happens where there is UNFORGIVENESS of past issues
and these get projected forward.

Yes, you can blame it on "white racism" but where
people forgive this, the cycle can be broken instead of retribution.

FORGIVENESS = ending and healing the wounds of racism
so problems can be corrected without the hostility attached

UNFORGIVENESS = continuing the projecting of blame
back and forth which you trace back to white racism.
No matter what the source, unforgiveness enables racism to continue.

No Emily it doesn't. Number 1, the racism is not in the past. Number 2, it has been forgiven. Number 3, Jesus forgives but demands us every day to stop sinning. Whites who practice racism need to stop doing that. You sit on your butt telling me to forgive when you should be telling these racists to stop committing the sin.

Start doing that.
So you have forgiven racism when you think you see it? And which of the deadly sins is racism-I forget-or I never heard it. Sounds like you judge a lot. Forgive him, Emily.


You better check your bible son.

The Greatest Commandment
28 One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?”

29 “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.”

I am no judge. But I can say that whites who practice racism must stop. And that what you call black racism happens because that's what whites have sown. Since everybody wants to excuse white racism and demand we keep forgiving while things don't change , whites like you need to learn this also:

Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.

Proverbs 22:8 Whoever sows injustice will reap calamity, and the rod of his fury will fail.

Job 4:8-9 My experience shows that those who plant trouble and cultivate evil will harvest the same. A breath from God destroys them. They vanish in a blast of his anger.

Sounds like Emily spoke for you perfectly. What you do say sounds like excuses and accusations.

Nope and the other blacks here would agree with me 100 percent. Emily doesn't speak for me and you, well reality is a difficult thing for you to accept.

So now the religious psychobabble. Yes sir!

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Victims don't fight the system.

You're not fighting the system. You're complaining on an internet forum.
You don't know what I do in my life. And the system is maintained by people who use these forums. Besides whites like you need to shut the fuck up about victimhood. All you bitches do is play victim. The white race is victims of everything according to those like you. We still do face racism coming from trifling whites like you. And low on the totem pole, ignorant, uneducated white losers like you take your ass fucking from rich whites who tell your stupid asses we are taking from you, that our complaints are based on eternal victimhood and you're stupid enough to repeat that.

I am mixed, but mostly hispanic. You don't know anything about me. You're awfully hostile for somebody that's not wrong.

So? If I am hostile I have right to be.

I imagine you feel entitled to a great many things.

Do you think that hostility is useful to you?
Black and white racists are idiots?

What is black racism and why does it happen?

Whatever type of racism you are asking about IM2
it happens where there is UNFORGIVENESS of past issues
and these get projected forward.

Yes, you can blame it on "white racism" but where
people forgive this, the cycle can be broken instead of retribution.

FORGIVENESS = ending and healing the wounds of racism
so problems can be corrected without the hostility attached

UNFORGIVENESS = continuing the projecting of blame
back and forth which you trace back to white racism.
No matter what the source, unforgiveness enables racism to continue.

No Emily it doesn't. Number 1, the racism is not in the past. Number 2, it has been forgiven. Number 3, Jesus forgives but demands us every day to stop sinning. Whites who practice racism need to stop doing that. You sit on your butt telling me to forgive when you should be telling these racists to stop committing the sin.

Start doing that.
So you have forgiven racism when you think you see it? And which of the deadly sins is racism-I forget-or I never heard it. Sounds like you judge a lot. Forgive him, Emily.


You better check your bible son.

The Greatest Commandment
28 One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?”

29 “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.”

I am no judge. But I can say that whites who practice racism must stop. And that what you call black racism happens because that's what whites have sown. Since everybody wants to excuse white racism and demand we keep forgiving while things don't change , whites like you need to learn this also:

Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.

Proverbs 22:8 Whoever sows injustice will reap calamity, and the rod of his fury will fail.

Job 4:8-9 My experience shows that those who plant trouble and cultivate evil will harvest the same. A breath from God destroys them. They vanish in a blast of his anger.

Sounds like Emily spoke for you perfectly. What you do say sounds like excuses and accusations.

Nope and the other blacks here would agree with me 100 percent. Emily doesn't speak for me and you, well reality is a difficult thing for you to accept.

Don't think the bible is a good guide, only a good quote reference-as in the devil quotes scripture to suit himself. Why must whites listen to you? What do you know about them that they don't know themselves? And did you poll other blacks to see if they agree with you about Emily? From what I read here, they don't agree with you about much of anything.. Emily does not speak for you, but she schooled you pretty good. And, no, I don't accept YOUR reality-I accept mine.

What is black racism and why does it happen?

Whatever type of racism you are asking about IM2
it happens where there is UNFORGIVENESS of past issues
and these get projected forward.

Yes, you can blame it on "white racism" but where
people forgive this, the cycle can be broken instead of retribution.

FORGIVENESS = ending and healing the wounds of racism
so problems can be corrected without the hostility attached

UNFORGIVENESS = continuing the projecting of blame
back and forth which you trace back to white racism.
No matter what the source, unforgiveness enables racism to continue.

No Emily it doesn't. Number 1, the racism is not in the past. Number 2, it has been forgiven. Number 3, Jesus forgives but demands us every day to stop sinning. Whites who practice racism need to stop doing that. You sit on your butt telling me to forgive when you should be telling these racists to stop committing the sin.

Start doing that.
So you have forgiven racism when you think you see it? And which of the deadly sins is racism-I forget-or I never heard it. Sounds like you judge a lot. Forgive him, Emily.


You better check your bible son.

The Greatest Commandment
28 One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?”

29 “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.”

I am no judge. But I can say that whites who practice racism must stop. And that what you call black racism happens because that's what whites have sown. Since everybody wants to excuse white racism and demand we keep forgiving while things don't change , whites like you need to learn this also:

Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.

Proverbs 22:8 Whoever sows injustice will reap calamity, and the rod of his fury will fail.

Job 4:8-9 My experience shows that those who plant trouble and cultivate evil will harvest the same. A breath from God destroys them. They vanish in a blast of his anger.

Sounds like Emily spoke for you perfectly. What you do say sounds like excuses and accusations.

Nope and the other blacks here would agree with me 100 percent. Emily doesn't speak for me and you, well reality is a difficult thing for you to accept.
Don't think the bible is a good guide, only a good quote reference-as in the devil quotes scripture to suit himself. Why must whites listen to you? What do you know about them that they don't know themselves? And did you poll other blacks to see if they agree with you about Emily? From what I read here, they don't agree with you about much of anything.. Emily does not speak for you, but she schooled you pretty good. And, no, I don't accept YOUR reality-I accept mine.

Emily is not black. And I don't need to poll blacks because you did not like what I said. And you don't live in reality. So what you don't accept is irrelevant.

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