Real intentions of Trump indictment


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020

and it is NOT judicial.

and it is NOT judicial.
They are mostly third-world countries or theocratic or military dictatorships where the might of the law is used to target opponents and dissidents. Irrespective of what their constitution says, dissidents were presumed guilty until proven innocent.

This is how the law operated in Stalin's Russia, Nazi Germany, Mussolini's Italy, Franco’s Spain etc.

It is not just President Trump who has been the recipient of this treatment. The January 6th protestors held in the District of Columbia jail have complained of being subjected to inhumane conditions. The constant delays in hearings and postponements dragged out for over a year caused so much trauma to one of the accused that he committed suicide.

This remains the goal behind the exercise, to make the process the punishment.

To drag the trial along, and to drain all their resources and spirits of the accused. To sully reputations permanently. To make the accused feel worse than the worst of criminals in the U.S.

They know that these stories spread like wildfire and most people seeking a life of peace for themselves and their families choose to refrain from challenging the Democrats merely to avoid hardships.

Doubtlessly many citizens must have refrained from showing any overt support to the MAGA cause for fear of being persecuted by the Democrats.

This is a win for the likes of Pelosi who want to turn the U.S. into a third-world dictatorship where government agencies such as law enforcement and the judiciary are used to target opponents and outlaw political opposition.

Their goal is to have a single-party state.

Yes, there will be Republicans and Democrats who disagree in minor issues, but on all the major issues of consequence there is a total consensus.

The ball is now in the court of the Republicans and the citizens all over the nation.

In perilous times, there is no greater sin than inaction.
They are mostly third-world countries or theocratic or military dictatorships where the might of the law is used to target opponents and dissidents. Irrespective of what their constitution says, dissidents were presumed guilty until proven innocent.

This is how the law operated in Stalin's Russia, Nazi Germany, Mussolini's Italy, Franco’s Spain etc.

It is not just President Trump who has been the recipient of this treatment. The January 6th protestors held in the District of Columbia jail have complained of being subjected to inhumane conditions. The constant delays in hearings and postponements dragged out for over a year caused so much trauma to one of the accused that he committed suicide.

This remains the goal behind the exercise, to make the process the punishment.

To drag the trial along, and to drain all their resources and spirits of the accused. To sully reputations permanently. To make the accused feel worse than the worst of criminals in the U.S.

Bingo. And their vermin shills here are getting woodies over their 'victories'. They obviously don't know what Stalin and Mao did to their Useful Idiots after they finally consolidated their power. lol these dopers and deviants think they're all going to get Big Important Government Job N Stuff for being good lil tools. hahaha .....
The huge irony is that the delusional Left-Wingers believe that they are guardians of "democracy."
The Democrat Party's crazy version of "democracy" means censorship, it means politicizing the government agencies, it means using the court system as their political tools, it means arresting the opposition on flimsy charges.
It means creating a one party totalitarian police state.
The huge irony is that the delusional Left-Wingers believe that they are guardians of "democracy."
The Democrat Party's crazy version of "democracy" means censorship, it means politicizing the government agencies, it means using the court system as their political tools, it means arresting the opposition on flimsy charges.
It means creating a one party totalitarian police state.
Could not have stated that better myself. We used to have something of a two party system but that has gone by the wayside.

and it is NOT judicial.
her tweet says "The Grand Jury has acted upon the facts and the law. No one is above the law, and everyone has the right to a trial to prove innocence."

which mean anyone that says its not judicial is making stuff up.
The huge irony is that the delusional Left-Wingers believe that they are guardians of "democracy."
The Democrat Party's crazy version of "democracy" means censorship, it means politicizing the government agencies, it means using the court system as their political tools, it means arresting the opposition on flimsy charges.
It means creating a one party totalitarian police state.

They ARE the guardians of Democracy.
This is supposed to be a Republic, NOT a Democracy.

There is a difference between Democracy and being democratic.
her tweet says "The Grand Jury has acted upon the facts and the law. No one is above the law, and everyone has the right to a trial to prove innocence."

which mean anyone that says its not judicial is making stuff up.
Don't give up your day job.

You do not have to prove that you are innocent of charges. The prosecution carries the burden of proof, meaning that party has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you are guilty of all charges.
They are mostly third-world countries or theocratic or military dictatorships where the might of the law is used to target opponents and dissidents. Irrespective of what their constitution says, dissidents were presumed guilty until proven innocent.

This is how the law operated in Stalin's Russia, Nazi Germany, Mussolini's Italy, Franco’s Spain etc.

It is not just President Trump who has been the recipient of this treatment. The January 6th protestors held in the District of Columbia jail have complained of being subjected to inhumane conditions. The constant delays in hearings and postponements dragged out for over a year caused so much trauma to one of the accused that he committed suicide.

This remains the goal behind the exercise, to make the process the punishment.

To drag the trial along, and to drain all their resources and spirits of the accused. To sully reputations permanently. To make the accused feel worse than the worst of criminals in the U.S.

They know that these stories spread like wildfire and most people seeking a life of peace for themselves and their families choose to refrain from challenging the Democrats merely to avoid hardships.

Doubtlessly many citizens must have refrained from showing any overt support to the MAGA cause for fear of being persecuted by the Democrats.

This is a win for the likes of Pelosi who want to turn the U.S. into a third-world dictatorship where government agencies such as law enforcement and the judiciary are used to target opponents and outlaw political opposition.

Their goal is to have a single-party state.

Yes, there will be Republicans and Democrats who disagree in minor issues, but on all the major issues of consequence there is a total consensus.

The ball is now in the court of the Republicans and the citizens all over the nation.

In perilous times, there is no greater sin than inaction.
Correct - not just President Trump who has been the recipient of this treatment. Other victims were Roger Stone, Mark Houck, Peter Navvaro, Steve Bannon, Michael Flynn, Rick Gates, George Papadopoulos, Paul Manafort.

Don't give up your day job.

You do not have to prove that you are innocent of charges. The prosecution carries the burden of proof, meaning that party has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you are guilty of all charges.
The standard has been changed.

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