Rand Paul is Filibustering John Brennan

You are wrong. If a person has demonstrated proclivity for continuing violence in the community and refuses to surrender, the LEO is empowered to use violence as necessary.

Exactly, he has to be defending himself, or others.

You continue to make no sense. Let me help you. If you are ordered to surrender to LEO and you refuse while posing a continuing threat, the LEO may use violence to take you down. Why you are doing what you are doing can be sorted out later. It may not be used as a defense to resist.

What consitutes a threat? According to that asshat Milwaukee police chief just being an armed citizen is a "threat"

What should happen is a LEO that uses excessive force for no reason should be fired.
I don't think you'll find anyone who would support any president being given the power to kill unarmed citizens just because he feels like it.

I posted a poll that found some people that support exactly that.


Not that at all. The term unarmed US citizen was never used in that poll. It is a disheartening poll however.......

Disheartening is not the word for it, they specifically asked if the president should be able to determine, all on his own, whether to target a suspected terrorist who is an American citizen on American soil.
If the NBPP or the militia mutts go crazy and start shooting then hole up somewhere that only a frontal assault will succeed, then call in the drones if they won't surrender peacefully.

I understand why Rand filibustered, but this is an issue only of technology not liberty.

That is because, if we are to listen to you, there are no issues of liberty.

You have nothing to say to the OP? We knew that.

I did respond to the OP.
You are wrong. If a person has demonstrated proclivity for continuing violence in the community and refuses to surrender, the LEO is empowered to use violence as necessary.

Exactly, he has to be defending himself, or others.

You continue to make no sense. Let me help you. If you are ordered to surrender to LEO and you refuse while posing a continuing threat, the LEO may use violence to take you down. Why you are doing what you are doing can be sorted out later. It may not be used as a defense to resist.

This when I thought you were making sense.
Rand Paul putting on a show for the right wing. Got to keep his name in the news, 2016 isn't that far off.

It is so sad that a stand for civil liberties is considered a right wing issue simply because there is a Democrat in the White House.
Exactly, he has to be defending himself, or others.

You continue to make no sense. Let me help you. If you are ordered to surrender to LEO and you refuse while posing a continuing threat, the LEO may use violence to take you down. Why you are doing what you are doing can be sorted out later. It may not be used as a defense to resist.

What consitutes a threat? According to that asshat Milwaukee police chief just being an armed citizen is a "threat"

What should happen is a LEO that uses excessive force for no reason should be fired.

We review panels and courts for exactly that.

I suspect you are misstating what the Milwaukee police chief said. aren't you?
Exactly, he has to be defending himself, or others.

You continue to make no sense. Let me help you. If you are ordered to surrender to LEO and you refuse while posing a continuing threat, the LEO may use violence to take you down. Why you are doing what you are doing can be sorted out later. It may not be used as a defense to resist.

This when I thought you were making sense.

This is the sense of the Rule of Law. You want the Rule of Man, and that is nonsense.
If Reid were smart (and sadistic), he should just let these guys speak until they drop. Its not as if the Senate ever does anything anyway. I could see it now; a little inset box on the morning shows, the nightly news....just rambling on.

Would be great both from a civics-lesson perspective and from a text book example of the joke the TEA party is.

Some people can't understand acting on principle.

I'd join with the ACLU on this as well.

If the principle is unarmed citizen, yes, this is good. If Rand is educating America, yes, this is good. But if he already knows the admin won't drone unarmed civilians as the primary targets, then he is grand standing, yes.

I would think that if that was the President's position, he would have stated so about 8 1/2 hours ago instead of letting this go on and gain momentum.
Rand Paul with the help of Ted Cruz is filibustering drone strike murderer John Brennan.
Live on C-SPAN now!

Rand Paul intends to speak as long as it takes to stop Obama from drone bombing you so every American should express gratitude to Senator Paul.

The Unadulterated Whackiness of Kentucky and Senator Rand Paul

First, Kentucky actually elected this imbecile to represent them in the US Senate, a deliberative body.

"We really just want [Obama] to say he won't" attack noncombatants on U.S. soil.:cuckoo: Sounds like the next demand will be Obama prove he is really a US citizen. :laugh2:

The transcript of this guy's filibuster is going to be fertile ground for...:eek:

During his filibuster, Paul said the fuzziness of such language created a slippery slope that could lead to the targeting of citizens who merely have different opinions about policies than the president.

"You can't be judge, jury and executioner all in one," Paul said.

"No American should be killed by a drone on American soil without first being charged with a crime, without first being found guilty of a crime by a court," Paul said. "How can you kill someone without going to a judge, or a jury?"
Rand Paul filibustering Brennan nomination to lead CIA
Rand Paul putting on a show for the right wing. Got to keep his name in the news, 2016 isn't that far off.

It is so sad that a stand for civil liberties is considered a right wing issue simply because there is a Democrat in the White House.

Civil liberties have always been right wing issues. How the left has been able to pretend to own them for so long is beyond me.
If Reid were smart (and sadistic), he should just let these guys speak until they drop. Its not as if the Senate ever does anything anyway. I could see it now; a little inset box on the morning shows, the nightly news....just rambling on.

Would be great both from a civics-lesson perspective and from a text book example of the joke the TEA party is.

I dont think Reid is an idiot. If he was, he probably would be doing what you suggest. But he isn't foolish enough to want this to continue to build momentum. They are 9 hours in. The twitterverse is exploding with support for him. Im seeing facebook support for him all over. And the longer this goes, the more people are going to be noticing and asking why the White House hasn't responded 8 1/2 hours ago on such an obvious question.
Some people can't understand acting on principle.

I'd join with the ACLU on this as well.

If the principle is unarmed citizen, yes, this is good. If Rand is educating America, yes, this is good. But if he already knows the admin won't drone unarmed civilians as the primary targets, then he is grand standing, yes.

I would think that if that was the President's position, he would have stated so about 8 1/2 hours ago instead of letting this go on and gain momentum.

I imagine that the Pres is thinking that a junior senator with a bad hair do from KY is not going to tell him how to run the presidency.
Rand Paul with the help of Ted Cruz is filibustering drone strike murderer John Brennan.
Live on C-SPAN now!

Rand Paul intends to speak as long as it takes to stop Obama from drone bombing you so every American should express gratitude to Senator Paul.

The Unadulterated Whackiness of Kentucky and Senator Rand Paul

First, Kentucky actually elected this imbecile to represent them in the US Senate, a deliberative body.

"We really just want [Obama] to say he won't" attack noncombatants on U.S. soil.:cuckoo: Sounds like the next demand will be Obama prove he is really a US citizen. :laugh2:

The transcript of this guy's filibuster is going to be fertile ground for...:eek:

During his filibuster, Paul said the fuzziness of such language created a slippery slope that could lead to the targeting of citizens who merely have different opinions about policies than the president.

"You can't be judge, jury and executioner all in one," Paul said.

"No American should be killed by a drone on American soil without first being charged with a crime, without first being found guilty of a crime by a court," Paul said. "How can you kill someone without going to a judge, or a jury?"
Rand Paul filibustering Brennan nomination to lead CIA

Totally crazy. I mean does he seriously think it's a good idea to keep the President from killing whomever he wants without due process?
"We really just want [Obama] to say he won't" attack noncombatants on U.S. soil. Sounds like the next demand will be Obama prove he is really a US citizen. :laugh2:

Who besides wingnuts and moonbats takes this kind of shit seriously?

Obama actually answered the question regarding his birth certificate, despite it having far less basis in reality than the question of this administration's belief in its authority to use lethal force against U.S. citizens.
Rand Paul with the help of Ted Cruz is filibustering drone strike murderer John Brennan.
Live on C-SPAN now!

Rand Paul intends to speak as long as it takes to stop Obama from drone bombing you so every American should express gratitude to Senator Paul.

The Unadulterated Whackiness of Kentucky and Senator Rand Paul

First, Kentucky actually elected this imbecile to represent them in the US Senate, a deliberative body.

"We really just want [Obama] to say he won't" attack noncombatants on U.S. soil.:cuckoo: Sounds like the next demand will be Obama prove he is really a US citizen. :laugh2:

The transcript of this guy's filibuster is going to be fertile ground for...:eek:

During his filibuster, Paul said the fuzziness of such language created a slippery slope that could lead to the targeting of citizens who merely have different opinions about policies than the president.

"You can't be judge, jury and executioner all in one," Paul said.

"No American should be killed by a drone on American soil without first being charged with a crime, without first being found guilty of a crime by a court," Paul said. "How can you kill someone without going to a judge, or a jury?"
Rand Paul filibustering Brennan nomination to lead CIA

Totally crazy. I mean does he seriously think it's a good idea to keep the President from killing whomever he wants without due process?

Killing whomever he wants without dues process? Whoopdeedoo, who believes this kind of shit?
If Reid were smart (and sadistic), he should just let these guys speak until they drop. Its not as if the Senate ever does anything anyway. I could see it now; a little inset box on the morning shows, the nightly news....just rambling on.

Would be great both from a civics-lesson perspective and from a text book example of the joke the TEA party is.

I dont think Reid is an idiot. If he was, he probably would be doing what you suggest. But he isn't foolish enough to want this to continue to build momentum. They are 9 hours in. The twitterverse is exploding with support for him. Im seeing facebook support for him all over. And the longer this goes, the more people are going to be noticing and asking why the White House hasn't responded 8 1/2 hours ago on such an obvious question.

Yeah...crowds of people never turn on those that are currently popular...


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It would be great if Reid would do this

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