Racist? Don't be Silly! Only Conservatives are Racists.


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Racist? Don't be Silly! Only Conservatives are Racists.​

By Dan Miller
Janurary 4, 2013

Is it wicked to give a pass to Islamists when they slaughter Jews, Christians and other infidels? No! It's not their fault. They are meant to rule the world and need to do it because that's their way. Therefore, treating them as we would other vile savages is wicked. Instead, we must acquiesce and help them.

* * * *​

We need to drink deeply of President Obama's superior cool aid wisdom.

This video charges lots of people in the United States and elsewhere with racism. How very malicious and offensive!

Video link

Surely it isn't racist to give passes to savages when they murder despicable Israel terrorists snug in their wee little beds at home. They were even nice about it, using peaceful knives instead of violent, noisy guns. The vicious Jewish brute shown at the left was a great threat to peace and had to be slaughtered. Just looking at her picture, anyone can see how dangerous she must have been. The kid on the right? Obviously, he didn't deserve to live either. And it's only natural for Islamist savages to celebrate their victories; they are great heroes!

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cotwZxJdaeg?feature=player_detailpage]

Video link

As I noted at the link,

But it’s all OK! That’s what heroes do when fighting against oppression, for freedom, democracy and other humanitarian good stuff. The surviving family members deserve to be taunted. And for all we know, the heroes who dealt with them did not urinate on their corpses as would have savages from the U.S. who deserve to be tarred, feathered and convicted of war crimes at the very least. Since the Palestinian heroes apparently did not desecrate the bodies, they are our kind of guys! Three cheers for Palestine and three yucks for the wicked Israelis who irritate them so maliciously. Peace is at hand, if only the Israel would negotiate in good faith.

I don't see acquiescence in Islamist savagery as truly "racist," but only because Islam is not a race. As noted here (the linked article is quoted at greater length below),

Islamists insist that one’s primary identity is — and must be — based on religion, not nationality, not citizenship, not race, not class. More to the point, they demand that their religion be acknowledged as superior to all others. They are committed to making their religiously derived ideology the basis for revolutionary transformation not only in the so-called Muslim world but also in Africa, Asia, Europe, the U.S. — anywhere there are Muslims who can be enlisted into the struggle. As Hassan al-Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, succinctly put it: “It is the nature of Islam to dominate, not to be dominated, to impose its law on all nations and to extend its power to the entire planet.” (Emphasis added.)

We certainly don't want to be labeled Islamaphobes or called other nasty names, so we must continue to be "racist" and make allowances for our inferiors betters -- no matter how savagely they behave -- because “it is the nature of Islam;" that's what they do. They are like venomous snakes: they bite and kill, but only because that's their way. They can't help themselves, so there is no reason to blame or disparage them. At home and abroad, that type of "racism" is politically correct and therefore the best way to go.

Whoops. Did I write that? Damn! I need to stop being so Islamophobic.


Read more:
Racist? Don’t be Silly! Only Conservatives are Racists. | danmillerinpanama
Hey wouldn't you do crazy shit too if you thought 72 virgins were gonna be chillin waiting for you in the afterlife?

As long as those in power in Islam are living in the stone age it's something to worry about. Fortunately they are more moderate in the West but it'll be 100 years or more before they catch up in the east.

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