racism everyday from blacks


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2017
everyday .....
oh to be white, blond, and privileged! No thanks I would rather be bold, black, and dignified!" Hubert tweeted along with the hashtag #onlyinamerikkka.

no, I don't go looking for this--it's in the news--AND it's not labeled the hate and racism it is --by the hate whitey news
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everyday .....
oh to be white, blond, and privileged! No thanks I would rather be bold, black, and dignified!" Hubert tweeted along with the hashtag #onlyinamerikkka.

no, I don't go looking for this--it's in the news--AND not labeled racism by the hate whitey news

Well, I do not believe that Ms. L. should have been in jail for even one hour when so many robbers, sucker punchers, & looters never get punished at all, except possibly with a stern warning not be so naughty again!
...as I've said---here is MORE proof their minds are warped by their obsession with RACE

Dude, you start a race thread almost every day. You are obsessed.
you didn't read the OP
no, not obessed
1. I read it in the news
2. I'm pointing out the injustice/LIES/bullshit from you/MSM
pointing out LIES/bullshit is wrong?????????!!!!!!!!!!hahahhahahahhahah
--a. all we ever hear from you blacks/black sympathizers is how EVIL whitey /cops are........where have you been the last few years!!!!>????? = whitey is EVIL--not blacks...they never would do anything wrong

fact- blacks commit hate crimes at twice the rate of whites
blacks MURDER whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa
but the MSM and blacks want you to think it's the opposite

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