Why Are Democrats / Snowflakes So Bitter, Angry, Hate-Driven, & VIOLENT?!

They try to claim that Trump is the one causing hate but if you notice the left are the ones doing the hate and fomenting it.
You’re right, it’s not that Trump wants to say these things and promote violence, it’s just the Democrats aren’t giving him any choice. They keep exposing his crimes.
How dare they!


I will 'see' your CARTOON and 'raise you' 1 'REALITY':

upload_2020-2-14_9-49-33.jpeg upload_2020-2-14_9-50-3.jpeg


Dem operative 'stepping back' after video suggests group incited violence at Trump rallies - CNNPolitics

Democratic heads roll after video shows agitators planted at Trump rallies

"Two top Democratic strategists have exited the presidential campaign after explosive undercover videos showed them discussing voter fraud and their roles in planting paid agitators at campaign events for Republican candidate Donald Trump."



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"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,"

What I don’t understand is how a political party like the Republicans that has hundreds of members in the house and the senate in 2020, have only one black congressman and one black senator? How is that possible?
There has to be a reason for it.
Personally, I think the reason is obvious.

Of course the reason is obvious. Democrats have always lynched black folks for supporting Republicans.
Tell me the truth, you think Lincoln was a confederate?

That made absolutely no sense at all. Of course Lincoln was a Republican. And of course, thousands of blacks were lynched by Democrats, for supporting Republicans.

And a picture of McConnell awarding a plaque at a Sons of Confederate Veterans event in the 90's?

OMFG!!! McConnell is gonna lynch him some darkies!!! Ohh teh noes!!!

A photo of Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell posing with confederate flag is circulating online again
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What I don’t understand is how a political party like the Republicans that has hundreds of members in the house and the senate in 2020, have only one black congressman and one black senator? How is that possible?
There has to be a reason for it.
Personally, I think the reason is obvious.

Of course the reason is obvious. Democrats have always lynched black folks for supporting Republicans.
Tell me the truth, you think Lincoln was a confederate?

That made absolutely no sense at all. Of course Lincoln was a Republican. And of course, thousands of blacks were lynched by Democrats, for supporting Republicans.
So why are Republicans today’s Confederates? Why do Republicans protect confederate monuments?
How come when you go to trump rallies you see confederate flags everywhere? How come there’s confederate flags all over the deep south? How come so many right wingers have confederate flag stickers on their trucks and their cars?

and what happened in the 1960s when African-Americans began joining the Democratic Party which up until that time had been known as the conservative Dixiecrat‘s?
And why are Democrats today known as liberals and Republicans known as conservatives?

All interesting questions. If you do a little research and find out what actually happened, I suspect you’ll alter your opinion.

What I don’t understand is how a political party like the Republicans that has hundreds of members in the house and the senate in 2020, have only one black congressman and one black senator? How is that possible?
There has to be a reason for it.
Personally, I think the reason is obvious.

Of course the reason is obvious. Democrats have always lynched black folks for supporting Republicans.
Tell me the truth, you think Lincoln was a confederate?

That made absolutely no sense at all. Of course Lincoln was a Republican. And of course, thousands of blacks were lynched by Democrats, for supporting Republicans.
So why are Republicans today’s Confederates? Why do Republicans protect confederate monuments?
How come when you go to trump rallies you see confederate flags everywhere? How come there’s confederate flags all over the deep south? How come so many right wingers have confederate flag stickers on their trucks and their cars?

and what happened in the 1960s when African-Americans began joining the Democratic Party which up until that time had been known as the conservative Dixiecrat‘s?
And why are Democrats today known as liberals and Republicans known as conservatives?

All interesting questions. If you do a little research and find out what actually happened, I suspect you’ll alter your opinion.

Stop trying to justify the blatant racism on the left.

Racist and misogynist left wing lunatics attacked Nikki Haley because she is a woman of color.

Dimms want black and brown people to vote for them in exchange for some free shit and then shut the fuck up.

How is it the inner cities all get worse under a Dimm policies? How is it? Fucking racism.
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Leftists are cowards. You'll never see them engage in a "fair fight". It's always a sucker punch, mob attack, attacking the elderly, women, or teens. They like to single out someone who is alone and/or defenseless, then attack him/her, usually from behind, and usually with a weapon. But if someone fights back, they're suddenly a "victim" of right wing violence. Pussies.
Let's be gentle with the liberals.

For eight years under a very soft-spoken president, the liberals were very happy that there was someone in the Executive Mansion whom they admired and felt had their best interests at heart.

Then on that fateful night in November, 2016, the unimaginable happened.

At first, they thought that they were simply having a nightmare.

For the last three years, they have been trying to come to terms with reality, but they just can't.

But they will have the last laugh.

The liberals will soon (November of this year or November of 2024) regain the Executive Mansion and maybe even both Houses. They can then pack the Supreme Court.

They will then proceed to change this nation in a way that is beyond imagination.

What I don’t understand is how a political party like the Republicans that has hundreds of members in the house and the senate in 2020, have only one black congressman and one black senator? How is that possible?
There has to be a reason for it.
Personally, I think the reason is obvious.

Of course the reason is obvious. Democrats have always lynched black folks for supporting Republicans.
Tell me the truth, you think Lincoln was a confederate?

That made absolutely no sense at all. Of course Lincoln was a Republican. And of course, thousands of blacks were lynched by Democrats, for supporting Republicans.
So why are Republicans today’s Confederates? Why do Republicans protect confederate monuments?
How come when you go to trump rallies you see confederate flags everywhere? How come there’s confederate flags all over the deep south? How come so many right wingers have confederate flag stickers on their trucks and their cars?

and what happened in the 1960s when African-Americans began joining the Democratic Party which up until that time had been known as the conservative Dixiecrat‘s?
And why are Democrats today known as liberals and Republicans known as conservatives?

All interesting questions. If you do a little research and find out what actually happened, I suspect you’ll alter your opinion.

Today's Republicans are not Confederates. Do you know of any Republican-governed state wanting to secede, or disobeying federal law, like California, Colorado, Oregon, etc?

All American historical monuments should be protected. What are you, the Taliban or something? Or are you just so ashamed of your own Democrat heritage, that you think tearing down Confederate monuments will hide what you people did?

Why would you have a problem with Confederate flags, when you leftists wave red communist hammer and sickle flags at protests? Who murdered more people throughout the history of mankind? Southern Democrats or Communists?

Democrats today are not "liberals." They are for the most part radical socialists and communists. If you doubt that, just look at who's leading in the Democrat Presidential primaries.
Minorities are nothing but pawns for the left to garner money and power.

Fucking disgusting racist left show their collective asses every day.
Any individual or individuals that start to enter these TV broadcasting stations buildings and whack these spouters of propaganda hate will end up heroes. It will take courage as the first ones will be martyrs most likely as the Progs controlled media attacks dogs go into hyperventilation mode. Ironically it is most likely a Prog would do this at this point.

What I don’t understand is how a political party like the Republicans that has hundreds of members in the house and the senate in 2020, have only one black congressman and one black senator? How is that possible?
There has to be a reason for it.
Personally, I think the reason is obvious.

Of course the reason is obvious. Democrats have always lynched black folks for supporting Republicans.
Tell me the truth, you think Lincoln was a confederate?

When did you first realize you were racist? Did your parents teach you?

What I don’t understand is how a political party like the Republicans that has hundreds of members in the house and the senate in 2020, have only one black congressman and one black senator? How is that possible?
There has to be a reason for it.
Personally, I think the reason is obvious.
The obvious answer is that the Democrat Hate Machine cultivates racial hatred 24/7
We conservatives welcome any current misguided left wing lunatic who want to take the blue pill and see the world for what it really is.

when you are ready to take the blue pill, we will be here for you guys.
Nationalists Stand in the Way of Their Globalist New World Order.

There are 7 Groups working to accomplish this.

The Club of Rome
Council on Foreign Relations
Bildeberg Group
Free Masons
Saul Alinsky Devotees - Deep State

New World Order (conspiracy theory) - Wikipedia

They think they are going to bring in peace and prosperity by dividing The World in to 10 Regions and bringing it under a global currency and economy.

Omar recently said she wants The United States to be governed by The UN.

Ilhan Omar wants to cede U.S. sovereignty, abolish ICE, and let the UN take control of the southern border - The Post Millennial

But anyone with the right spirit will tell you, that these are just Pre Game Preparations for The End Times World Government.

Notice the type of People that want Globalism? They don't believe in The Messiah, usually, many are Atheists, Muslims, Leftists and Rebellious towards everything that is Wholesome and Uplifting. They are oppressors.

The Book of Revelations tells you that these people are perfect

candidates to worship The Anti-Christ when he comes.

So why are they so Violent? You are standing in the way of Their False Messiah who is coming. They want to prepare his way, and things like National Sovereignty, Fair Trade, Border Security, Enforcing Immigration Law, and Nations like THE UK, US, Israel who do not want to be part of The Globalist Cabal are looked at as Backwards, and Holding up Progress. Oh, yes, and always they are "RACIST".

Read about UN Agenda 2030, and about Digitial IDs that will be coming soon.

UN Agenda 2030: A Recipe for Global Socialism

ID2020 | Certification

ID2020 | Digital Identity Alliance
With each new passing day, each new Trump victory, each new Democrat coup failure, each new Sanders campaign victory, Democrats are becoming more and more desperate, more and more angry, more and more unhinged, and ... more and more VIOLENT...

Man allegedly assaulted pro-Trump teen

Violent Leftist Arrested For Slapping 15-Year-Old Trump Supporter in the Face and Fracturing Another Man's Jaw - For Wearing MAGA Hats at NH Polling Site

View attachment 306598

Florida Man Drives Over GOP
Voter Tent, Cites Trump Animus ...

Florida man charged in GOP tent crash dislikes Trump, police say

Bernie Bro Arrested On Burglary, Vandalism,
Attempted Arson Charges After Attacking

GOP Office In Northern California

Bernie Bro Arrested On Burglary, Vandalism, Attempted Arson Charges After Attacking GOP Office In Northern California

Leftist was arrested after pulling a gun on a man in a Sam's Club store in Bowling Green, Kentucky simply because he was wearing a MAGA hat

An 81-year-old in New Jersey was attacked just because he was wearing a MAGA hat

An illegal migrant from Brazil attacked a man wearing a MAGA hat in Massachusetts.[321]

A racist left-wing activist was charged for assaulting the Tennessee Republican Speaker of the House Glen Casada, who is Hispanic

Two men were arrested and face prison time for beating and robbing a legal immigrant in Maryland for wearing a MAGA hat

Trump-hating anti-Semitic leftist John T. Earnest, a student at the state-funded California State University San Marcos, was arrested after he shot up a California synagogue, killing one and injuring several. The shooter left a manifesto saying "Jews Deserve Hell" and calling President Trump a "Zionist, Anti-White, Traitorous, C*********."[

Four leftist students at a Texas college were arrested for a physical altercation with a freshman wearing a MAGA hat

Brian Sims, a Democrat state representative from Pennsylvania, attempted to doxx two pro-life teenage girls, and he harassed an elderly pro-life woman by telling his followers to target her home. He also engaged in racism, ageism, misogyny and anti-Christian bigotry in his attacks on the protesters

A Trump-hating waitress at a Chicago restaurant spat on Eric Trump at the restaurant

CNN's Brian Stetler grudgingly reported the attack on Ngo, a conservative journalist, by a violent leftwing mob

Univ of Fla student beaten for wearing a MAGA hat

Antifa suicide bomber with an assault rifle firebombs ICE facility in Tacoma, Washington; the attacker was shot and killed by police

MSNBC's Chris Hayes: Trump Supporters Must Be "Confronted and Destroyed"

Sen. Jon Tester of Montana urges Democrats to punch Trump in the face

Democratic Socialists of America
promote violence against ICE agents

An Islamic Florida man was charged by the FBI for threatening President Trump's life.

Rep. Ocasio-Cortez threatened violence if the House passes an anti-BDS resolution

Ocasio-Cortez claims "Palestinians" have no choice but to riot.

Ilhan Omar re-tweeted a Twitter post promoting violence against U.S. Senator Rand Paul

A minority art gallery owner was attacked for wearing a MAGA hat

Rep. Maxine Waters threatened to kill President Trump in front of an LGBTQ+ audience

Leftist anti-Trump California professional protester Jessica Aguilar was convicted of battery for slapping a Trump supporter during leftist attempts to disrupt a pro-Trump rally in Orange County

Leftist anti-Trump couple Leopold Hauser and Adebisi Okueye were both arrested on third-degree assault felony charges for assaulting a Trump supporter wearing a MAGA hat in a Portland bar

A man drove his car into lobby of Trump Plaza New Rochelle, New York, injuring 3 people

Antifa thug David Campbell was sentenced to 18 months in prison after pleading guilty to two counts of felony assault for brutally assaulting a Trump supporter at a January 2018 event in Manhattan celebrating the first anniversary of Trump's inauguration

Trump supporters were violently attacked by 'DFLers' outside of a Donald Trump rally at the Target Center in Minneapolis.. It was later revealed that, thanks to the use of facial recognition software to identify them, Ilhan Omar and her boyfriend Tim Mynett, both hiding their faces with masks, were identified among those in the crowd involved in the anti-Trump riot outside the arena

Anti-Trump and anti-Semitic leftist Chase Colasurdo received a five-year prison sentence for making multiple threats against President Trump and his family, as well as threatening to bomb synagogues and attack media figures

Samantha Davis, a second aide to Democrat senator Maggie Hassan, was charged in the Kavanaugh smear doxxing scandal


Left-wing violence in the Trump era - Conservapedia


I see a bunch of leftist assault and property damage. No body count, though.
They try to claim that Trump is the one causing hate but if you notice the left are the ones doing the hate and fomenting it.
You’re right, it’s not that Trump wants to say these things and promote violence, it’s just the Democrats aren’t giving him any choice. They keep exposing his crimes.
How dare they!

Damn you just keep getting dumber. The post is about democrats being violent hateful individuals. If you really can't help posting your fantasy life start a new thread.

What I don’t understand is how a political party like the Republicans that has hundreds of members in the house and the senate in 2020, have only one black congressman and one black senator? How is that possible?
There has to be a reason for it.
Personally, I think the reason is obvious.

Of course the reason is obvious. Democrats have always lynched black folks for supporting Republicans.
Tell me the truth, you think Lincoln was a confederate?

That made absolutely no sense at all. Of course Lincoln was a Republican. And of course, thousands of blacks were lynched by Democrats, for supporting Republicans.
So why are Republicans today’s Confederates? Why do Republicans protect confederate monuments?
How come when you go to trump rallies you see confederate flags everywhere? How come there’s confederate flags all over the deep south? How come so many right wingers have confederate flag stickers on their trucks and their cars?

and what happened in the 1960s when African-Americans began joining the Democratic Party which up until that time had been known as the conservative Dixiecrat‘s?
And why are Democrats today known as liberals and Republicans known as conservatives?

All interesting questions. If you do a little research and find out what actually happened, I suspect you’ll alter your opinion.

Today's Republicans are not Confederates. Do you know of any Republican-governed state wanting to secede, or disobeying federal law, like California, Colorado, Oregon, etc?

All American historical monuments should be protected. What are you, the Taliban or something? Or are you just so ashamed of your own Democrat heritage, that you think tearing down Confederate monuments will hide what you people did?

Why would you have a problem with Confederate flags, when you leftists wave red communist hammer and sickle flags at protests? Who murdered more people throughout the history of mankind? Southern Democrats or Communists?

Democrats today are not "liberals." They are for the most part radical socialists and communists. If you doubt that, just look at who's leading in the Democrat Presidential primaries.
No use arguing with Deanny he is deranged and such a low IQ you might as well argue with a tree. He spews hate and drivel constantly.
They try to claim that Trump is the one causing hate but if you notice the left are the ones doing the hate and fomenting it.
You’re right, it’s not that Trump wants to say these things and promote violence, it’s just the Democrats aren’t giving him any choice. They keep exposing his crimes.
How dare they!

His crime?

When Obama was President for 8 years, republicans acted civilized. Now Trump is President and look what is happening with uncivilized democrats. It's dangerous to even wear a MAGA cap. And it will get worse as the Dems realize that Trump is going to be reelected.

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