Putin is seeking revenge as his battle plans are being leaked...loses more commanders in Ukraine

It pisses me off man! Ukranians are good people.... smart and hardworking! They have suffered under the current leadrship as victims of political bullying by the AZOVS whom the Ukranians are terrified of. Now because their leader is nothing more than a NATO puppet they have no home left. It's bullshit. NATO sucks.
you described the so called administration in DC, and the rest of the SCUM demonRATS, to a T.....
all humans start out as good ....
And unsurprisingly, American conservatives continue to support and defend Putin. Conservatives continue to admire Putin’s ruthless authoritarianism, his contempt for democracy, and his illiberal policies hostile to freedom and liberty.
Putin is the elected president of a democracy that upholds the rights of its citizens and believes in the rule of law and equal justice for everyone.
Unfortunately the article is old.

Right now, fighting is still going, but seems to be at a draw. Russian forces are completely bogged down, but the Ukrainians are not pushing forward either.

The big news as of late is the Ukrainian defenders of Mariupol, stuck in a steel factory while the Russian close in. This isn't completely bad news though.

During the battle of Stalingrad, Soviet forces were outnumbered, outgunned and were being terrorized by total German air superiority. The soviet defenders crawled into the bombed out ruins of the Barrikady gun factory, the Red October plant, the Tractor Factory, the Grain Elevator, etc. and fought from those positions from September, all the way through December and January until relieved by Russian forces coming across the Volga. They held out for a VERY long time. Those in the grain elevator were starving, and dropping dead of thirst. But they kept shooting, and the nazis were held back. The more they shelled, the more rubble the soviets had to hide in. The rubble was actually a help to the soviets, and a detriment to the German invaders. This is what I believe is happening here.

Personally, if I were Zelensky, I'd cede the Donbass to Putin and just say "t' hell with it" and call it a day. However, he deeply cares about Ukrainian pride and national patriotism, so he is going to fight for every square inch of what is known now as Ukraine.

The defenders of Mariupol are fanatics, they will fight to the last.

As for the rest of the Ukrainian army, they just need to keep using innovative tactics and use their knowledge of the land to their advantage. A peace deal, if not a victory can happen if the Ukrainians are smart, and play their cards right.
You keep cherry picking, communist scum. Death to the Soviet Union, Slava Ukraini!
You admit that you have no problem with neo-Nazis. . no one on this forum can take your posts seriously. These folks support oppressing ethnic Russians, banning their language, discriminating against them, banning their media and political parties, etc.

Zelenskyy was preparing more ethnic cleansing upon them, and frankly, I don't believe for one sec. that you had, or have any problem with that. . .

Your genocidal rhetoric is disgusting and untrustworthy.
You admit that you have no problem with neo-Nazis. . no one on this forum can take your posts seriously. These folks support oppressing ethnic Russians, banning their language, discriminating against them, banning their media and political parties, etc.

Zelenskyy was preparing more ethnic cleansing upon them, and frankly, I don't believe for one sec. that you had, or have any problem with that. . .

Your genocidal rhetoric is disgusting and untrustworthy.

Your claims of genocide are lies spread by Russian propaganda. You support an illegal invasion ordered by a ex-KGB tyrant, and relish in the deaths of civilians. You have shown clear support for communism and totalitarianism and your lies are known by all. Your genocidal rhetoric is disgusting and untrustworthy. No one here can take you seriously. How you as an American can EVER side with the fucking Russians, the NEW nazis, is paramount to treason. Fuck you and your communist thug friends. Slava Ukraini!
Your claims of genocide are lies spread by Russian propaganda. You support an illegal invasion ordered
Don't tell me what I support and don't support, and nor should you tell me what is propaganda and what is not propaganda.

You decide for yourself, and I will decide for myself.

I have judged you by your actual statements.

I have never said I supported Russia's invasion. I judge it by the same standards as the imperial aggressions of the US and Israel.

I back everything up that I write with links, videos, articles; anyone can read them, or view the experts and their credentials for themselves. . YOU? You have some sketchy personal anecdotes of Neo-Nazi friends . . .

Slava Ukraini!

". . .The phrase first appeared at the beginning of the 20th century in different variations, when it became popular among Ukrainians during the Ukrainian War of Independence from 1917 to 1921.[1] From the 1930s it was used by different Ukrainian nationalist groups, most notably Stepan Bandera's Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN-B) and Ukrainian Insurgent Army, and it was later also used by Ukrainian diaspora groups and refugee communities in the West during the Cold War. . ."

Hundreds march in Ukraine in annual tribute to Nazi collaborator​

Stepan Bandera led the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, which fought alongside Nazi Germany during the Second World War, killed thousands of Jews and Poles​

". . .The phrase first appeared at the beginning of the 20th century in different variations, when it became popular among Ukrainians during the Ukrainian War of Independence from 1917 to 1921.[1] From the 1930s it was used by different Ukrainian nationalist groups, most notably Stepan Bandera's Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN-B) and Ukrainian Insurgent Army, and it was later also used by Ukrainian diaspora groups and refugee communities in the West during the Cold War. . ."

Hundreds march in Ukraine in annual tribute to Nazi collaborator​

Stepan Bandera led the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, which fought alongside Nazi Germany during the Second World War, killed thousands of Jews and Poles​

Hundreds out of forty three million.
Don't tell me what I support and don't support, and nor should you tell me what is propaganda and what is not propaganda.

You decide for yourself, and I will decide for myself.

I have judged you by your actual statements.

I have never said I supported Russia's invasion. I judge it by the same standards as the imperial aggressions of the US and Israel.

I back everything up that I write with links, videos, articles; anyone can read them, or view the experts and their credentials for themselves. . YOU? You have some sketchy personal anecdotes of Neo-Nazi friends . . .


You are a Russian supporter. You defend the Russians and repeat Russian lies about a non existent genocide. You are a communist tyranny supporter. How can you call yourself American.

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