Punishment of sinners in Hell are forever because God is infinitely good.

It is your choice to reject Jesus Christ, Uncensored, but realize that it was your choice. Not His. He gave you a way of escape and you are rejecting it. Your spirit must live on eternally somewhere. It's either heaven or hell. Heaven belongs to God and He has given you the way in. You have only yourself to blame if you continue to reject Christ. No man comes to the Father except through the Son. His Son. No one else died on a cross for your sins. Not Mohammad, not Allah, not Buddah, not Joseph Smith, not Brigham Young, not Lord Matreya or Benjamin Creme, not Mary Baker Edy, not Jim Jones the Jesuit, not the anti Christ Pope and certainly not anyone else. Jesus died on the cross for your sins and paid the full price for your sins so that you wouldn't have to.

But your god will have his sadistic way and torture me for all eternity according to you. Just as the Pope tortured people in the past, but the Pope wanted the pain and suffering to continue, so the Church created god to follow the sadism of these evil bastards.

The god you propose, is the embodiment of evil.

What do you think about Satan?
The god of Catholicism is Satan, Uncensored! Not Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ loves you and never desired for you to be trapped in rituals, traditions of man or someone else's yoke of iron. Jesus came to set you free. He didn't come to condemn you! He came to save you!!!

The god YOU promote is evil. A vicious and cruel beast who seeks to inflict everlasting pain and misery on the majority of people who have ever existed.

If you had a child who got a math question wrong, would you cut off her hand? After all, that would learn her good for getting the answer wrong!

Absurd? Is this not EXACTLY what you claim this vile god of yours will do? If you get it wrong about some fictitious messiah, then you will be punished forever? For getting the wrong answer?

Isn't the manipulation of such absurdity pretty clear?
For GOD so HATED the world, that he sent his only begotten son, that whosover should NOT believe shall be tortured and tormented forever.

That is no god, that is a devil most foul - a creation of the depravity of man, of the cruelty and hatred that festers in the soul of humans.

Well, the good news is that your conscience has been troubled by the Word of God which means it is having an effect on you. Now make the decision to turn from your sins and call on the LORD to come into your heart and become your Lord and Savior. Read Romans 10:9,10.
Why? Because you cannot grasp what the parable was about? To cut to the chase, the parable was Christ delivering his final warning to the Jews that if they continued to deny Him that He would turn to the gentiles. He did so right after that when Stephen was murdered.

If you had any understanding of the Bible, you would know that there is no one either suffering in hell or basking away in heaven. There has as of this date, been no resurrection to eternal life of anyone at all except for the Christ. Everyone who has ever died is simply dead and awaiting one or the other of the resurrections. The dead have no thoughts about anything.

then why does the scriptures discuss the resurrection of saints at the time of Christ?

Because the resurrection of the saints occurs at Christ's coming and at no time before. That is a future event. As of this date, according to Christ Himself, only He alone has ascended unto heaven as those scriptures I posted plainly show.
Wrong. To be absent from the body is to be present with the LORD.
It is written:
We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. - 2 Corinthians 5: 8

Having trouble reading what that scripture actually says, aren't you? One should not change what a scripture says to make it read what one wants it to say. That scripture does NOT state "to be absent from the body IS to be with the Lord.
I'm quoting the King James Bible as it is written in 2 Corinthians 5:8. Read it again. It's the Word of God! And you? Who are you quoting besides yourself?!

Yes, you quoted it right but you attempted to make it say "To be absent from the body IS to be with the Lord". That verse is not in the Bible it is taking the correct verse you quoted and twisting it and you know it.
The god of Catholicism is Satan, Uncensored! Not Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ loves you and never desired for you to be trapped in rituals, traditions of man or someone else's yoke of iron. Jesus came to set you free. He didn't come to condemn you! He came to save you!!!

The god YOU promote is evil. A vicious and cruel beast who seeks to inflict everlasting pain and misery on the majority of people who have ever existed.

If you had a child who got a math question wrong, would you cut off her hand? After all, that would learn her good for getting the answer wrong!

Absurd? Is this not EXACTLY what you claim this vile god of yours will do? If you get it wrong about some fictitious messiah, then you will be punished forever? For getting the wrong answer?

Isn't the manipulation of such absurdity pretty clear?

No. I'm going to ask you again - think of how many times God has saved your life, protected you, kept you when you could have been lost forever and then ask yourself why did He do that? Because He loves you! Because before the foundations of the earth he guided you onto this very board just as He guided me onto this very board and now our paths have crossed and I am telling you that Jesus Christ loves you. Call it divine providence. I believe in it. Totally.
then why does the scriptures discuss the resurrection of saints at the time of Christ?

Because the resurrection of the saints occurs at Christ's coming and at no time before. That is a future event. As of this date, according to Christ Himself, only He alone has ascended unto heaven as those scriptures I posted plainly show.
Wrong. To be absent from the body is to be present with the LORD.
It is written:
We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. - 2 Corinthians 5: 8

Having trouble reading what that scripture actually says, aren't you? One should not change what a scripture says to make it read what one wants it to say. That scripture does NOT state "to be absent from the body IS to be with the Lord.
I'm quoting the King James Bible as it is written in 2 Corinthians 5:8. Read it again. It's the Word of God! And you? Who are you quoting besides yourself?!

Yes, you quoted it right but you attempted to make it say "To be absent from the body IS to be with the Lord". That verse is not in the Bible it is taking the correct verse you quoted and twisting it and you know it.

Listen up. Get a King James Bible out and look up 2 Corinthians 5:8 and tell me what you read. Do it now. I'll wait. Thanks.
It is your choice to reject Jesus Christ, Uncensored, but realize that it was your choice. Not His. He gave you a way of escape and you are rejecting it. Your spirit must live on eternally somewhere. It's either heaven or hell. Heaven belongs to God and He has given you the way in. You have only yourself to blame if you continue to reject Christ. No man comes to the Father except through the Son. His Son. No one else died on a cross for your sins. Not Mohammad, not Allah, not Buddah, not Joseph Smith, not Brigham Young, not Lord Matreya or Benjamin Creme, not Mary Baker Edy, not Jim Jones the Jesuit, not the anti Christ Pope and certainly not anyone else. Jesus died on the cross for your sins and paid the full price for your sins so that you wouldn't have to.

But your god will have his sadistic way and torture me for all eternity according to you. Just as the Pope tortured people in the past, but the Pope wanted the pain and suffering to continue, so the Church created god to follow the sadism of these evil bastards.

The god you propose, is the embodiment of evil.

God does not want to torture you, Uncensored. God loves you and wants to save you from going to hell. God is longsuffering and patient because He does not wish for any to perish! Think of how many times God has saved your life and kept you from dying! Can you think of at least one time? I believe you can! THINK.

Were you raised Catholic? Me too. It's a bad start but the good news is Jesus Christ desires to give you eternal life. Even tonight.

If you really desire to help God in His work of saving someone, at least be honest and do not change the scriptures to suit your own agenda. Such practice will chase people away from God.
God does not want to torture you, Uncensored.

But he just can't help himself.

All those urges, you know....

God loves you and wants to save you from going to hell.

Your Bible says that your god created hell. Clearly he wanted to pull the wings off a few flies. A cruel and psychotic being who inflicts misery - because he can.

God is longsuffering and patient because He does not wish for any to perish! Think of how many times God has saved your life and kept you from dying! Can you think of at least one time? I believe you can! THINK.

The god you present is the fabrication of extremely evil men - resulting in a god of pure evil.

Were you raised Catholic? Me too. It's a bad start but the good news is Jesus Christ desires to give you eternal life. Even tonight.

I was raised Baptist. It doesn't matter though - the god of the Bible was created during the reign of the Catholics. The god of the Bible is a creation of pure and unfettered evil.
If you really desire to help God in His work of saving someone, at least be honest and do not change the scriptures to suit your own agenda. Such practice will chase people away from God.

If god is all powerful, why does he need people to do his work for him?

Funny how people always claim that this all powerful god depends on them to do his work...
Because the resurrection of the saints occurs at Christ's coming and at no time before. That is a future event. As of this date, according to Christ Himself, only He alone has ascended unto heaven as those scriptures I posted plainly show.
Wrong. To be absent from the body is to be present with the LORD.
It is written:
We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. - 2 Corinthians 5: 8

Having trouble reading what that scripture actually says, aren't you? One should not change what a scripture says to make it read what one wants it to say. That scripture does NOT state "to be absent from the body IS to be with the Lord.
I'm quoting the King James Bible as it is written in 2 Corinthians 5:8. Read it again. It's the Word of God! And you? Who are you quoting besides yourself?!

Yes, you quoted it right but you attempted to make it say "To be absent from the body IS to be with the Lord". That verse is not in the Bible it is taking the correct verse you quoted and twisting it and you know it.

Listen up. Get a King James Bible out and look up 2 Corinthians 5:8 and tell me what you read. Do it now. I'll wait. Thanks.


2Co 5:8 We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.

Now, that is a compound sentence joined by the conjunction "and". Do you have any idea what a compound sentence is? Apparently not.
Nowhere does that scripture state "to be absent from the body IS to be with the Lord". It simply doesn't say that at all.

Paul told you when you would gather unto the Lord and it certainly wasn't at the instant of our death. You should be ashamed of yourself preavching to others when you twist the scriptures.

2Th 2:1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,

2Th 2:2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.

2Th 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
I didn't.
It is your choice to reject Jesus Christ, Uncensored, but realize that it was your choice. Not His. He gave you a way of escape and you are rejecting it. Your spirit must live on eternally somewhere. It's either heaven or hell. Heaven belongs to God and He has given you the way in. You have only yourself to blame if you continue to reject Christ. No man comes to the Father except through the Son. His Son. No one else died on a cross for your sins. Not Mohammad, not Allah, not Buddah, not Joseph Smith, not Brigham Young, not Lord Matreya or Benjamin Creme, not Mary Baker Edy, not Jim Jones the Jesuit, not the anti Christ Pope and certainly not anyone else. Jesus died on the cross for your sins and paid the full price for your sins so that you wouldn't have to.

But your god will have his sadistic way and torture me for all eternity according to you. Just as the Pope tortured people in the past, but the Pope wanted the pain and suffering to continue, so the Church created god to follow the sadism of these evil bastards.

The god you propose, is the embodiment of evil.

God does not want to torture you, Uncensored. God loves you and wants to save you from going to hell. God is longsuffering and patient because He does not wish for any to perish! Think of how many times God has saved your life and kept you from dying! Can you think of at least one time? I believe you can! THINK.

Were you raised Catholic? Me too. It's a bad start but the good news is Jesus Christ desires to give you eternal life. Even tonight.

If you really desire to help God in His work of saving someone, at least be honest and do not change the scriptures to suit your own agenda. Such practice will chase people away from God.

I didn't change the scriptures. You are claiming I did but I didn't. So for the sake of the reader I am going to once again tell you that I quoted 2 Corinthians 5:8 correctly. But do not take my word for it - look at Bible hub and see that they quote the verse the same as I do. Look for yourself:

2 Corinthians 5 8 We are confident I say and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord.

From the link - please note I used the King James Version bible and Bible hub has the exact same verse word for word. Why is that? Because they are quoting the same scripture I just did.
King James Bible
We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.
If you really desire to help God in His work of saving someone, at least be honest and do not change the scriptures to suit your own agenda. Such practice will chase people away from God.

If god is all powerful, why does he need people to do his work for him?

Funny how people always claim that this all powerful god depends on them to do his work...

He doesn't need any of them. It is God who does the calling, not these self-righteous hypocrites.
It is your choice to reject Jesus Christ, Uncensored, but realize that it was your choice. Not His. He gave you a way of escape and you are rejecting it. Your spirit must live on eternally somewhere. It's either heaven or hell. Heaven belongs to God and He has given you the way in. You have only yourself to blame if you continue to reject Christ. No man comes to the Father except through the Son. His Son. No one else died on a cross for your sins. Not Mohammad, not Allah, not Buddah, not Joseph Smith, not Brigham Young, not Lord Matreya or Benjamin Creme, not Mary Baker Edy, not Jim Jones the Jesuit, not the anti Christ Pope and certainly not anyone else. Jesus died on the cross for your sins and paid the full price for your sins so that you wouldn't have to.

But your god will have his sadistic way and torture me for all eternity according to you. Just as the Pope tortured people in the past, but the Pope wanted the pain and suffering to continue, so the Church created god to follow the sadism of these evil bastards.

The god you propose, is the embodiment of evil.

God does not want to torture you, Uncensored. God loves you and wants to save you from going to hell. God is longsuffering and patient because He does not wish for any to perish! Think of how many times God has saved your life and kept you from dying! Can you think of at least one time? I believe you can! THINK.

Were you raised Catholic? Me too. It's a bad start but the good news is Jesus Christ desires to give you eternal life. Even tonight.

The only ones condemning people are you misguided self-righteous "Christians". You destroy the very name, nature, and character of God. You do more harm than the atheists do.
I didn't.
It is your choice to reject Jesus Christ, Uncensored, but realize that it was your choice. Not His. He gave you a way of escape and you are rejecting it. Your spirit must live on eternally somewhere. It's either heaven or hell. Heaven belongs to God and He has given you the way in. You have only yourself to blame if you continue to reject Christ. No man comes to the Father except through the Son. His Son. No one else died on a cross for your sins. Not Mohammad, not Allah, not Buddah, not Joseph Smith, not Brigham Young, not Lord Matreya or Benjamin Creme, not Mary Baker Edy, not Jim Jones the Jesuit, not the anti Christ Pope and certainly not anyone else. Jesus died on the cross for your sins and paid the full price for your sins so that you wouldn't have to.

But your god will have his sadistic way and torture me for all eternity according to you. Just as the Pope tortured people in the past, but the Pope wanted the pain and suffering to continue, so the Church created god to follow the sadism of these evil bastards.

The god you propose, is the embodiment of evil.

God does not want to torture you, Uncensored. God loves you and wants to save you from going to hell. God is longsuffering and patient because He does not wish for any to perish! Think of how many times God has saved your life and kept you from dying! Can you think of at least one time? I believe you can! THINK.

Were you raised Catholic? Me too. It's a bad start but the good news is Jesus Christ desires to give you eternal life. Even tonight.

If you really desire to help God in His work of saving someone, at least be honest and do not change the scriptures to suit your own agenda. Such practice will chase people away from God.

I didn't change the scriptures. You are claiming I did but I didn't. So for the sake of the reader I am going to once again tell you that I quoted 2 Corinthians 5:8 correctly. But do not take my word for it - look at Bible hub and see that they quote the verse the same as I do. Look for yourself:

2 Corinthians 5 8 We are confident I say and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord.

From the link - please note I used the King James Version bible and Bible hub has the exact same verse word for word. Why is that? Because they are quoting the same scripture I just did.
King James Bible
We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.

You really are dense. You also said "To be absent from the body IS to be with the Lord. You are not only a false teacher but you lie as well.
If you really desire to help God in His work of saving someone, at least be honest and do not change the scriptures to suit your own agenda. Such practice will chase people away from God.

If god is all powerful, why does he need people to do his work for him?

Funny how people always claim that this all powerful god depends on them to do his work...

Because Romans 10: 14,15 states:

How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent? How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring tidings of glad things!

You see, Uncensored? God loved you so much that he sent his only begotten Son into the world to die on a cross for you. To shed his blood for you. To pay the penalty for your sins and separation from God so that you wouldn't have to! He has made a way for your name to be written in the Lamb's book of life right now! You can know that if you died in your sleep tonight you'd be in heaven! This is good news! This is very good news!

What does Romans 10: 13 say?

For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Romans 10:13
Your salvation is at the door right now. That is the truth. It's yours for the asking. Why? Because Jesus Christ paid for your sins in full.
Listen to me, Uncensored. You cannot earn your way into heaven. You cannot buy your way into heaven (although the Catholic Institution misled many into believing they could pay the pope off - it was a lie ) you cannot do anything to earn it. It is a free gift! You are being offered the free gift of eternal life and Jesus Christ is the One who has made that possible.

But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach. That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. Romans 10: 8,9,10,11.

Confess with your mouth (speak it out loud) and believe in your heart that God hath raised Jesus from the dead and you shall be saved. Ask the Lord Jesus to forgive you of your sins - all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God - all as in all - Mary was a sinner who was saved by believing on Jesus Christ. Every person every born into this world was born into sin. Only the Blood of Jesus can wash away your sins. Invite Him to become your Lord and Savior tonight.
Pray this prayer with me now. Uncensored.

God, I am a sinner and need forgiveness. I believe that Jesus Christ shed his precious blood and died for my sin and rose on the third day and is seated at your right hand. I am willing to turn from sin. I ask you to give me a heart to serve you. I invite you, Jesus, into my heart right now as my personal Savior. I thank you for writing my name in the Lamb's book of Life and I ask you to lead me and guide me from this day forward. Amen.
Listen to me, Uncensored. You cannot earn your way into heaven. You cannot buy your way into heaven (although the Catholic Institution misled many into believing they could pay the pope off - it was a lie ) you cannot do anything to earn it. It is a free gift! You are being offered the free gift of eternal life and Jesus Christ is the One who has made that possible.

But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach. That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. Romans 10: 8,9,10,11.

Confess with your mouth (speak it out loud) and believe in your heart that God hath raised Jesus from the dead and you shall be saved. Ask the Lord Jesus to forgive you of your sins - all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God - all as in all - Mary was a sinner who was saved by believing on Jesus Christ. Every person every born into this world was born into sin. Only the Blood of Jesus can wash away your sins. Invite Him to become your Lord and Savior tonight.

Jeri, there is no heaven.

The cruel and evil god you follow is the creation of some very bad men.

I am an agnostic, not an atheist; there could be a god. BUT if there is a god, that being has NOTHING in common with the evil beast of the Bible.
Pray this prayer with me now. Uncensored.

God, I am a sinner and need forgiveness. I believe that Jesus Christ shed his precious blood and died for my sin and rose on the third day and is seated at your right hand. I am willing to turn from sin. I ask you to give me a heart to serve you. I invite you, Jesus, into my heart right now as my personal Savior. I thank you for writing my name in the Lamb's book of Life and I ask you to lead me and guide me from this day forward. Amen.

Jeri; your god is the sinner - and should beg forgiveness for all the misery he has inflicted for thousands of years.

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