Figures, OCA would come to the defence of a child rapist, hey OCA you going to call this seven year old a whore and a lier and how she wanted it like you have every little girl that has been raped including women who post on here.
Anyways check out the success of blacks as teachers, without Affirmitive Action there would barely be any black teachers.
Do you really think we have Affirmitive action because of slavery?
Tests Keep Thousands of Minorities Out of Teaching
Nearly 38,000 Black, Latino, American Indian and other minority teacher candidates have been barred from elementary and secondary classrooms by teacher competency tests in the past few years. This is the startling conclusion of The Effects of Competency Testing on the Supply of Minority Teachers, by Dr. G. Pritchy Smith, Professor at the University of North Florida.
According to Smith, the actual number of minorities eliminated by tests like the National Teachers Exam is probably even higher because many states do not report data by race/ethnicity or data for all test administrations. His analysis of 19 of the states now requiring written exams found that minority pass rates were consistently lower than White pass rates. In 16 of the states, Black pass rates were below 50%. Smith's report proves that teacher testing is a major factor in the likely reduction of the minority portion of the nation's teaching force from 12% to 5% by the year 2000, when over 1/3 of the nation's students will be from minority groups.
Florida Case Study
In a detailed study of Florida, Smith found that testing excluded Blacks from upward mobility: From grade school to high school graduation and entry into public universities and teacher education programs, a series of standardized, multiple choice exams exclude significantly more Blacks and Latinos than Whites.
For example, in Florida, SAT or ACT test scores above a specified level are required for admission into teacher training programs. This requirement eliminated 80% of the Black and 61% of the Hispanic candidates, but only 37% of the Whites. In 1985-86, only 98 Black students were admitted into the state university system teacher education programs. But performing satisfactorily in a program is not enough to become a classroom teacher. Another test must be passed. On the Florida Teacher Certification Examination, Black pass rates are 37%, Hispanic 53% and White 89%.
As a result only about 34 Blacks, out of an age cohort of 25-30,000 Blacks, will graduate from a Florida public university with a teaching certificate. Just 170 more will graduate from private universities and colleges. Thus, testing effectively erases minorities from the teaching profession.