Public School Board President Rapes Girl

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Big D

Former Pittsburgh School Board President Ron Suber admitted in court Tuesday that he raped a 7-year-old girl at his Manchester home.
Suber, 51, pleaded guilty before Allegheny County Judge Donald Machen to rape, involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, indecent assault, indecent exposure and corruption of minors in connection with the Nov. 3, 2001, assault. Suber's wife, Donna, was baby-sitting the child at the time.
Originally posted by Big D
That 7 year old can thank Affirmitive Action for her rape.

Prove that statement, orove that he attained his position specifically through affirmative action. Bet you can't do it. You just like to make thousands of erroneous statements because you think nobody will call you on it, well prove that statement with facts and links.
How on earth do you rape a 7 year old??? know what i dont want to know.
Originally posted by Avatar4321
How on earth do you rape a 7 year old??? know what i dont want to know.
The raping of children is a tradition for the black culture, in Africa they rape babies because they belive it is a cure for aids.

Child-rape epidemic
in South Africa
Fueled by widespread belief that sex with virgin cures AIDS
A bizarre belief among many African black men that sex with a virgin -- even a child or baby -- can cure HIV/AIDS is fueling what is already one of the highest child sexual exploitation rates in the world.

According to the latest report by South Africa's Police Service, children are the victims of 41 percent of all rapes and attempted rapes reported in the country. Over 15 percent of all reported rapes are against children under 11, and another 26 percent against children 12-17. For the year 2000, some 58 children were raped or the victims of rape attempts in South Africa every single day.

The trend is worsening. Babies as young as only a few months old are being raped almost daily. Many black South African men infected with AIDS erroneously believe that by having sex with a virgin -- even a baby -- they will be cured of AIDS or their HIV infection.

South African police statistics show that last year alone, 21,538 rapes and attempted rapes of children under the age of 18 were reported. The KwaZulu-Natal province, which includes Durban, where concern has already been expressed over the sharp rise in child abuse cases, was top of the list with 4,797 reported cases in 2000, followed by Gauteng province (formerly Transvaal, which includes Johannesburg) with 4,316.
Originally posted by Big D
The raping of children is a tradition for the black culture, in Africa they rape babies because they belive it is a cure for aids.



Can we PLEASE set up a new Forum? How about we name it "Big D's racial statistics on crime" and let him post the shit out of that forum so we dont have to read it in every single other thread.

[/tantrum off]
Originally posted by lilcountriegal


Can we PLEASE set up a new Forum? How about we name it "Big D's racial statistics on crime" and let him post the shit out of that forum so we dont have to read it in every single other thread.

[/tantrum off]
You don't "have" to read anything I post, you have every right to ignore reality.

Did you know that in your state of PENNSYLVANIA blacks and hispanics are only 13% of the population, but they are 66% of the prison population?

Now that is reality.
No Big D... you are quite correct that I do not have to read anything you write, I have the option of using the ignore feature. However, I share most of your opinions and agree with most of the views/statistics you post, so therefore I choose to read it.

You should branch out into other subjects. I dont think I've ever seen you make any post on this forum that wasnt race related.

Like I said, I agree with most of your opinions, but unfortunately it gets so monotonous that it's like a puppy yelping and nipping around your ankles for a long time.. you just need to occasionally kick it away before you lose your sanity.
Originally posted by OCA
Prove that statement, orove that he attained his position specifically through affirmative action. Bet you can't do it. You just like to make thousands of erroneous statements because you think nobody will call you on it, well prove that statement with facts and links.

I guess I don't get an answer :rolleyes:

My predictions are always right, you back this fucken scumbag into a corner and he climbs over the wall and runs like a yellow bellied coward.
Figures, OCA would come to the defence of a child rapist, hey OCA you going to call this seven year old a whore and a lier and how she wanted it like you have every little girl that has been raped including women who post on here.

Anyways check out the success of blacks as teachers, without Affirmitive Action there would barely be any black teachers.

Do you really think we have Affirmitive action because of slavery?

Tests Keep Thousands of Minorities Out of Teaching

Nearly 38,000 Black, Latino, American Indian and other minority teacher candidates have been barred from elementary and secondary classrooms by teacher competency tests in the past few years. This is the startling conclusion of The Effects of Competency Testing on the Supply of Minority Teachers, by Dr. G. Pritchy Smith, Professor at the University of North Florida.

According to Smith, the actual number of minorities eliminated by tests like the National Teachers Exam is probably even higher because many states do not report data by race/ethnicity or data for all test administrations. His analysis of 19 of the states now requiring written exams found that minority pass rates were consistently lower than White pass rates. In 16 of the states, Black pass rates were below 50%. Smith's report proves that teacher testing is a major factor in the likely reduction of the minority portion of the nation's teaching force from 12% to 5% by the year 2000, when over 1/3 of the nation's students will be from minority groups.

Florida Case Study

In a detailed study of Florida, Smith found that testing excluded Blacks from upward mobility: From grade school to high school graduation and entry into public universities and teacher education programs, a series of standardized, multiple choice exams exclude significantly more Blacks and Latinos than Whites.

For example, in Florida, SAT or ACT test scores above a specified level are required for admission into teacher training programs. This requirement eliminated 80% of the Black and 61% of the Hispanic candidates, but only 37% of the Whites. In 1985-86, only 98 Black students were admitted into the state university system teacher education programs. But performing satisfactorily in a program is not enough to become a classroom teacher. Another test must be passed. On the Florida Teacher Certification Examination, Black pass rates are 37%, Hispanic 53% and White 89%.

As a result only about 34 Blacks, out of an age cohort of 25-30,000 Blacks, will graduate from a Florida public university with a teaching certificate. Just 170 more will graduate from private universities and colleges. Thus, testing effectively erases minorities from the teaching profession.
Ya, OCA check out how your buddy the child rapist was hired because he was black and then fired because blacks did not like his performance, only as long as they could only hire another black to replace him.

Ron Suber got his job because he is a black man, not because he was the BEST man.

What did surprise many people was that the point man for the new “reorganization" plan was none other than Ron Suber, a black man who represented parents in a district whose children would be negatively impacted by resegregation. Protests from supporters of integration, including a group led by Brentley called Advocates for African-American Children, forced the board and Suber to slow, but not abandon, the drive for resegregated schools.

Brentley and the Advocates had also criticized the board for failing to hire a highly qualified black candidate as school superintendent and still have a suit
pending against the school district for, among other things, the disproportionately high number of disciplinary actions taken against black students.

Suber has yet to concede defeat. He gained hope when Brentley hesitated to say he would leave his laborerÂ’s job with city in order to take his seat, as a strict interpretation of the cityÂ’s charter requires. "IÂ’m going to wait until the last bell rings," he told a pre-Thanksgiving meeting of his board colleagues, even as they bade him farewell. report-1_11-30-99.asp
You see stupid little white man your pathetic attempts to stuff words in my mouth and discredit me will fall on deaf ears here because you yourself lack credit.

You avoided the question which was prove that the man charged was hired through affirmative action, you can't do that so instead you turn to slander and post some other shit that has nothing to do with the situation at hand.

Pathetic, absolutely pathetic. Funny too because your insignificant little pet topic will get absolutely no air time or will play any role in this upcoming or any other election, its just not important enough.

I only said that YOUR HOUSEGUEST was a liar(if there really is one) because it would not be beyond you to make up a story about Hispanics in order to falsely garner sympathy for your "crusade". Stop spreading falsehoods if you are going to take me on, or are you the same morally as these people you profess to hate?
Originally posted by Big D
Former Pittsburgh School Board President Ron Suber admitted in court Tuesday that he raped a 7-year-old girl at his Manchester home.
Suber, 51, pleaded guilty before Allegheny County Judge Donald Machen to rape, involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, indecent assault, indecent exposure and corruption of minors in connection with the Nov. 3, 2001, assault. Suber's wife, Donna, was baby-sitting the child at the time.

"I'm floored. I'm just floored," she said. "I could not envision Ron doing anything wrong like that. I still can't."

-that's liberal speak for "I know he's guilty but I'm still going to deny it"

Despite the guilty plea, Machen permitted Suber to remain free on bond. Machen said Suber's prominence in the community,
family ties and job with Alco Parking make it less likely he might flee. Suber posted 10 percent of $3,000 bond after his arrest

-why isn't he in jail, after he admitted he raped a 7 year old? :confused: Let's say he does it again...that judge outta be charged with something.
Originally posted by OCA
You see stupid little white man your pathetic attempts to stuff words in my mouth and discredit me will fall on deaf ears here because you yourself lack credit.

You avoided the question which was prove that the man charged was hired through affirmative action, you can't do that so instead you turn to slander and post some other shit that has nothing to do with the situation at hand.

Pathetic, absolutely pathetic. Funny too because your insignificant little pet topic will get absolutely no air time or will play any role in this upcoming or any other election, its just not important enough.

I only said that YOUR HOUSEGUEST was a liar(if there really is one) because it would not be beyond you to make up a story about Hispanics in order to falsely garner sympathy for your "crusade". Stop spreading falsehoods if you are going to take me on, or are you the same morally as these people you profess to hate?
The man was hired because he was black, I gave you TWO articles that prove that. What do you think Affirmitive Action is for? Affirmitive Action is in place to make up for the majority of blacks and hispanics low IQ.

You once again prove yourself to be a lemming by admitting that if the "government" is not paying attention to a issue it must not be important. Go a spine.

I do not need to make up a story about hispanics gang raping little girls, it happens all the time. But, I guess because the government does not consider it imortant you don't care.

OCA, you are clearly just a spineless little jellyfish floating threw life.
Neither of those articles proved or even intimated that and yes I did read them, try again.

Your issues and racist views will never see the light of day, must be frustrating.
Originally posted by OCA
Neither of those articles proved or even intimated that and yes I did read them, try again.

Your issues and racist views will never see the light of day, must be frustrating.

Straight from the article:

As a result only about 34 Blacks, out of an age cohort of 25-30,000 Blacks, will graduate from a Florida public university with a teaching certificate. Just 170 more will graduate from private universities and colleges. Thus, testing effectively erases minorities from the teaching profession.

Shit, why even have blacks take any tests at all, we know their going to fail.
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