Psaki already out???


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World

The vacuous "circle back" bitch can't handle that job? Remember the hell Sarah Sanders dealt with?


She doesn't even answer questions or say anything that other people haven't already written for her to repeat!!! She can't handle THAT JOB?

I can't wait for some bed wetters to come to her defense, frankly I doubt they will because they all pretty much avoid threads where even the dumbest of them know they will be owned.


The vacuous "circle back" bitch can't handle that job? Remember the hell Sarah Sanders dealt with?


She doesn't even answer questions or say anything that other people haven't already written for her to repeat!!! She can't handle THAT JOB?

I can't wait for some bed wetters to come to her defense, frankly I doubt they will because they all pretty much avoid threads where even the dumbest of them know they will be owned.


Could it be that Psaki has a conscience and can't stomach lying for the Biddens anymore?

The vacuous "circle back" bitch can't handle that job? Remember the hell Sarah Sanders dealt with?


She doesn't even answer questions or say anything that other people haven't already written for her to repeat!!! She can't handle THAT JOB?

I can't wait for some bed wetters to come to her defense, frankly I doubt they will because they all pretty much avoid threads where even the dumbest of them know they will be owned.


Red Jen is headed back to Moscow.

I heard she is planning on leaving in about a year I can give her crap for a lot of stuff but not for leaving that job. I have never understood why anyone would even want the job you are basically just a paid bullshitter. The fact some people stay in that job for more than a year amazes me.

The vacuous "circle back" bitch can't handle that job? Remember the hell Sarah Sanders dealt with?


She doesn't even answer questions or say anything that other people haven't already written for her to repeat!!! She can't handle THAT JOB?

I can't wait for some bed wetters to come to her defense, frankly I doubt they will because they all pretty much avoid threads where even the dumbest of them know they will be owned.


You tube? Awesome source there dumb fuck.

The vacuous "circle back" bitch can't handle that job? Remember the hell Sarah Sanders dealt with?


She doesn't even answer questions or say anything that other people haven't already written for her to repeat!!! She can't handle THAT JOB?

I can't wait for some bed wetters to come to her defense, frankly I doubt they will because they all pretty much avoid threads where even the dumbest of them know they will be owned.


Was she promoted to the Ministry of Truth?
She owns the Conservatives

I hope she stays four years for the good of the country

The vacuous "circle back" bitch can't handle that job? Remember the hell Sarah Sanders dealt with?


She doesn't even answer questions or say anything that other people haven't already written for her to repeat!!! She can't handle THAT JOB?

I can't wait for some bed wetters to come to her defense, frankly I doubt they will because they all pretty much avoid threads where even the dumbest of them know they will be owned.


Could it be that Psaki has a conscience and can't stomach lying for the Biddens anymore?

Spelling, Bitch, spelling.

The vacuous "circle back" bitch can't handle that job? Remember the hell Sarah Sanders dealt with?


She doesn't even answer questions or say anything that other people haven't already written for her to repeat!!! She can't handle THAT JOB?

I can't wait for some bed wetters to come to her defense, frankly I doubt they will because they all pretty much avoid threads where even the dumbest of them know they will be owned.


She does a good job. Glad to see her move on in a year as planned. Looks like everybody will get to enjoy here competent work until January of 2022. Good for her!

The vacuous "circle back" bitch can't handle that job? Remember the hell Sarah Sanders dealt with?


She doesn't even answer questions or say anything that other people haven't already written for her to repeat!!! She can't handle THAT JOB?

I can't wait for some bed wetters to come to her defense, frankly I doubt they will because they all pretty much avoid threads where even the dumbest of them know they will be owned.


You mean we won't have commiesaki to kick around anymore?

I just love how Jen Psaki utterly crushes all you fucking hateful Trump assholes. Fuck off, all of you. She embarrasses everyone in the DJT administration that tried to have a fucking press conference. Crushed! Stomped! And Stomping!

Jesus Fuck, what a bunch of fucking Golden Turd Wannabes you Idiots are. Fuck Off!


The vacuous "circle back" bitch can't handle that job? Remember the hell Sarah Sanders dealt with?


She doesn't even answer questions or say anything that other people haven't already written for her to repeat!!! She can't handle THAT JOB?

I can't wait for some bed wetters to come to her defense, frankly I doubt they will because they all pretty much avoid threads where even the dumbest of them know they will be owned.


You mean we won't have commiesaki to kick around anymore?

You ain't kickin' anybody. She's already kicked your dumb Trump asses.

The vacuous "circle back" bitch can't handle that job? Remember the hell Sarah Sanders dealt with?


She doesn't even answer questions or say anything that other people haven't already written for her to repeat!!! She can't handle THAT JOB?

I can't wait for some bed wetters to come to her defense, frankly I doubt they will because they all pretty much avoid threads where even the dumbest of them know they will be owned.


Who will she circle back to now?
I haven’t watched her at all, but press secretary isn’t a easy job. The biggest doofus I’ve ever seen do that job was Bobert Gibbs

The vacuous "circle back" bitch can't handle that job? Remember the hell Sarah Sanders dealt with?


She doesn't even answer questions or say anything that other people haven't already written for her to repeat!!! She can't handle THAT JOB?

I can't wait for some bed wetters to come to her defense, frankly I doubt they will because they all pretty much avoid threads where even the dumbest of them know they will be owned.


You tube? Awesome source there dumb fuck.

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