Protesters topple Confederate monument on UNC campus

Times have changed. Stop living in the past. The South changed.
Yeah, right.

Georgia candidates decry plan to close voting sites in mostly black county

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A plan to close most polling places in a predominantly black Georgia county ahead of November’s elections is drawing opposition from the state’s gubernatorial candidates and voting rights activists, who deem it blatant voter suppression.

Yeah. They "deem it". I know that it all it takes for you. But you are a moron.
Protesters topple Confederate monument on UNC campus
08/20/18 10:20 PM EDT --- Protesters on the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill campus on Monday night brought down a controversial monument dedicated to Confederate soldiers, according to media reports. The fate of monuments honoring Confederate soldiers have become a hot-button issue in the wake of last year's violent white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va.

I don’t seem to see any white supremacy in the world today. What I'm seeing is an awful lot of black supremacy and racism and Marxist Socialist terrorism in America. Seems the vandals are now setting the rules. Can the Cheka be close behind?
No one can change history by toppling statues. It shows mental impotence. You gain your rightful place in the world by building not destroying.
I doubt the average Southern foot soldier owned slaves. They were called and served in both the North and the South. Will the memorial to the Black soldiers that served in the 1st Kansas Colored Volunteers. also be toppled soon?
Should we be looking forward to seeing the Memorials to those that served in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam also destroyed by the terrorists that mask themselves like the KKK?
Sad. Let's topple the MLK statue in DC.
statues from public display, the people of North Carolina, through the state legislators they elected, have decided for it to be a crime to remove such statues. The "value" I see, is adhering to the will of those people
Funds allocated to the university should be used to fix the statue and put it back.
Protesters topple Confederate monument on UNC campus
08/20/18 10:20 PM EDT --- Protesters on the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill campus on Monday night brought down a controversial monument dedicated to Confederate soldiers, according to media reports. The fate of monuments honoring Confederate soldiers have become a hot-button issue in the wake of last year's violent white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va.

I don’t seem to see any white supremacy in the world today. What I'm seeing is an awful lot of black supremacy and racism and Marxist Socialist terrorism in America. Seems the vandals are now setting the rules. Can the Cheka be close behind?
No one can change history by toppling statues. It shows mental impotence. You gain your rightful place in the world by building not destroying.
I doubt the average Southern foot soldier owned slaves. They were called and served in both the North and the South. Will the memorial to the Black soldiers that served in the 1st Kansas Colored Volunteers. also be toppled soon?
Should we be looking forward to seeing the Memorials to those that served in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam also destroyed by the terrorists that mask themselves like the KKK?

The average confederate soldier didn't need to be a slave owner to fight for white privilege in southern society. Furthermore, I fail to see the connection of Marxist Socialism to the issue of honoring racist southern soldiers.
1930’s Germany.
Democrat book-burners, Marxist dupes.
This needs to be stopped pronto.
Democrats need to be educated, not indoctrinated.

1930's Germany was a fascist cult of personally.
Book burners have been conservative religious people scared of change.
The cult of power now known as the GOP needs to be voted out pronto
The Democratic Party is more educated because we would never vote for a grifter.
The list itself says it is "incomplete"

Again, people don't have a political axe to grind vis a vis Union memorials.

the Union were brave young men who fought to end slavery. They deserve to be honored.

The rednecks who fought to maintain slavery deserve scorn.

Kind of like how we always make damn sure everyone knows the Nazis are the bad guys in every WWII movie.
There is a difference between a war between nations and a civil war. Part of the peace was to allow the South to mourn their dead and their dead cause as they saw fit, as long as they admitted defeat and rejoined the Union.

Well, that's the mistake we made. We never made them acknowledge they were in the wrong.

Kind of like WWI, nobody really made the Germans face up to their role in starting the war. So Hitler could pass off his "Stabbed in teh Back Myth" (Dolchstoßlegende) . After WW2, we didn't repeat that mistake, we exposed Germany's crimes for the whole world to see, and they are STILL apologizing to the rest of the world, as well they should be.

Same thing here. We let the stupid inbreds spread lies about "Lost Cause" and "States Rights" and put up statues... and they went about 100 years of racist stupidity we are still trying to fix.
Its only a matter of time before they start pulling Colonel Sanders down from the chicken shacks
Oh, I'm sure most of them saw a slave at some point in their lives. What they didn't want was the slaves having equal rights to them. The one thing that White Trash hates is having nothing below it on the pecking order.
This is a clear-cut admission that you know nothing of the Civil War or the character of the old South.

"Most" ? The word "most" means more than half. So if 51% of white southerners had seen a slave, that leaves 49% who didn't. That's a lot of people, and a lot of soldiers.

Again. generally the southerners who actually fought in the Civil War generally knew little or nothing about slavery, they simply fought to defend themselves against people who were coming to their towns, and shooting at them. What would you do ? Say "thank you " ?

They knew slavery existed and fought to preserve it. They don’t deserve to be celebrated.
1930’s Germany.
Democrat book-burners, Marxist dupes.
This needs to be stopped pronto.
Democrats need to be educated, not indoctrinated.

1930's Germany was a fascist cult of personally.
Book burners have been conservative religious people scared of change.
That perfectly describes today’s democrats. Ultra conservative and draconianly close-minded.
The list itself says it is "incomplete"

Again, people don't have a political axe to grind vis a vis Union memorials.

the Union were brave young men who fought to end slavery. They deserve to be honored.

The rednecks who fought to maintain slavery deserve scorn.

Kind of like how we always make damn sure everyone knows the Nazis are the bad guys in every WWII movie.

The difference is that afterwards the whole purpose was to all be Americans again and part of that deal was to allow them to honor their dead and their lost cause as long as they remained loyal.

That led to the lack of guerrilla warfare that so many in the North feared would happen.

Former confederate soldiers became US citizens again.
There is a difference between a war between nations and a civil war. Part of the peace was to allow the South to mourn their dead and their dead cause as they saw fit, as long as they admitted defeat and rejoined the Union.

Well, that's the mistake we made. We never made them acknowledge they were in the wrong.

Kind of like WWI, nobody really made the Germans face up to their role in starting the war. So Hitler could pass off his "Stabbed in teh Back Myth" (Dolchstoßlegende) . After WW2, we didn't repeat that mistake, we exposed Germany's crimes for the whole world to see, and they are STILL apologizing to the rest of the world, as well they should be.

Same thing here. We let the stupid inbreds spread lies about "Lost Cause" and "States Rights" and put up statues... and they went about 100 years of racist stupidity we are still trying to fix.

They had to rejoin the Union, that was why the war was fought.

Um, The Versaille Treaty was all ABOUT making them acknowledge they were at fault, and was a large cause of WWII.

In WWI they were not Nazis, and while some of their tactics were barbaric (Louvain comes to mind) they were not the systemic butchers found in WWII.
Questions: Where were the police when this happened?
Who told the police to stand down?
Were there no security cameras ?
If so, will the felons be identified and prosecuted?
Protesters topple Confederate monument on UNC campus
08/20/18 10:20 PM EDT --- Protesters on the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill campus on Monday night brought down a controversial monument dedicated to Confederate soldiers, according to media reports. The fate of monuments honoring Confederate soldiers have become a hot-button issue in the wake of last year's violent white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va.

I don’t seem to see any white supremacy in the world today. What I'm seeing is an awful lot of black supremacy and racism and Marxist Socialist terrorism in America. Seems the vandals are now setting the rules. Can the Cheka be close behind?
No one can change history by toppling statues. It shows mental impotence. You gain your rightful place in the world by building not destroying.
I doubt the average Southern foot soldier owned slaves. They were called and served in both the North and the South. Will the memorial to the Black soldiers that served in the 1st Kansas Colored Volunteers. also be toppled soon?
Should we be looking forward to seeing the Memorials to those that served in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam also destroyed by the terrorists that mask themselves like the KKK?
Questions: Where were the police when this happened?
Who told the police to stand down?
Were there no security cameras ?
If so, will the felons be identified and prosecuted?

The police in most of these cities, if not all of them are run by their Democrat masters. They are siding with the violent Leftists like Antifa, BLM, and these idiots.
Protesters topple Confederate monument on UNC campus
08/20/18 10:20 PM EDT --- Protesters on the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill campus on Monday night brought down a controversial monument dedicated to Confederate soldiers, according to media reports. The fate of monuments honoring Confederate soldiers have become a hot-button issue in the wake of last year's violent white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va.

I don’t seem to see any white supremacy in the world today. What I'm seeing is an awful lot of black supremacy and racism and Marxist Socialist terrorism in America. Seems the vandals are now setting the rules. Can the Cheka be close behind?
No one can change history by toppling statues. It shows mental impotence. You gain your rightful place in the world by building not destroying.
I doubt the average Southern foot soldier owned slaves. They were called and served in both the North and the South. Will the memorial to the Black soldiers that served in the 1st Kansas Colored Volunteers. also be toppled soon?
Should we be looking forward to seeing the Memorials to those that served in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam also destroyed by the terrorists that mask themselves like the KKK?

Beautiful. I doubt any Leftie will view the video or agree with the views expressed there.

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