Protesters topple Confederate monument on UNC campus

I hear this statue was dedicated by a prick racist... the nasty type who glees about horsewhipping a woman for mouthing off at a white lady kinda shit. Was apparently to honor 10 confederate soldiers from the school though, not the prick.

I mean, I guess if the school wants to get rid of statues or whatever, that's their choice and option, but this letting hooligans tear shit up to get what they want is a circumvention of legal process. It's just like what the left does in everything else, mob rule and fuck the laws, fuck due process, fuck rights... Pretty scary shit how many of these fascist mother fuckers are running around in the nation. It's what happens when you get radical activists without boundaries in office, in the schools, in the courts... They have to make Trump a bad guy, because if they didn't they wouldn't have any excuse for not showing how dangerous things really are for the nation right now. Sad, but when they get Trump out... America will soon be over; socialism and fascism are the new way. They always told us that it'd only take two generations to lose our great nation - we scoffed at it. It's a damned shame to watch it happen in my lifetime. I'm already deciding where I'm going to protect myself and my family cause I figure we got a year, two max and it'll be too late - I recommend others seriously think about it... I'm going to go talk to my investor today and see what corners of the market might survive the collapse I'm expecting to hit shortly heh

In reality, it only means that the people who want to tear the statue down think the symbolic gesture is the most accessible and productive thing they have to offer as far as improving race relations. To support the idea or defend against it, is why it will only be a symbolic gesture, because it really won't solve crap.
I hear this statue was dedicated by a prick racist... the nasty type who glees about horsewhipping a woman for mouthing off at a white lady kinda shit. Was apparently to honor 10 confederate soldiers from the school though, not the prick.

I mean, I guess if the school wants to get rid of statues or whatever, that's their choice and option, but this letting hooligans tear shit up to get what they want is a circumvention of legal process. It's just like what the left does in everything else, mob rule and fuck the laws, fuck due process, fuck rights... Pretty scary shit how many of these fascist mother fuckers are running around in the nation. It's what happens when you get radical activists without boundaries in office, in the schools, in the courts... They have to make Trump a bad guy, because if they didn't they wouldn't have any excuse for not showing how dangerous things really are for the nation right now. Sad, but when they get Trump out... America will soon be over; socialism and fascism are the new way. They always told us that it'd only take two generations to lose our great nation - we scoffed at it. It's a damned shame to watch it happen in my lifetime. I'm already deciding where I'm going to protect myself and my family cause I figure we got a year, two max and it'll be too late - I recommend others seriously think about it... I'm going to go talk to my investor today and see what corners of the market might survive the collapse I'm expecting to hit shortly heh

In reality, it only means that the people who want to tear the statue down think the symbolic gesture is the most accessible and productive thing they have to offer as far as improving race relations. To support the idea or defend against it, is why it will only be a symbolic gesture, because it really won't solve crap.

Like kneeling during the anthem...wont make a lick of difference
I see you dodged the point

What the winning side does about their monuments, Robert E Lee didn't have much influence on -- since he lost

Something about to the victor goes the spoils or something..

His point was still he thought neither side should memorialize the war. And the whole point of the peace afterwards was that in the end everyone was an American again.

His side was gone at that point in a legal sense anyway.
See, that is the problem -- "Everyone was an American again"

No, everyone were not considered American to begin with, they were not even considered men -- remember?

So there was this attempt to try to Re-construct the south and in the process finally make everyone American -- plenty of DEMOCRATS -- (since you folks like to pretend this distinction means something) didn't want everyone to be Americans - many of them in defiance to losing their white supremacist institutions -- started erecting monuments as a way to keep their "Negroes" in line..

In fact, the whole monument thing was so big that states that were not even confederate put up monuments. Now one may ask wh would a city in a state that sat out the Civil War erect a monument to Confederate generals in 1948??

Aside from that, yea -- move all the confederate statues to museums or if you want to have a special park commissioned for confederate statues, have at it.

No, they used laws to do that. The current butt hurt over monuments has nothing to do with the issues of the past.

It's a bunch of mewling snowflakes like you who get the vapors over inanimate objects that have been around for decades or even a century.

It's as someone said before, you don't have the balls to go after your political enemies on real terms, so you go after things that can't fight back, and things you can use to imply your opponents racism.

why would a city in a state that sat out the Civil War erect a monument to Confederate generals in 1948??

You plan on answering this question today or never?

You didn't link the Statue or the State it is in.
Are you saying that a Confederate enthusiast as yourself is unaware of a confederate statue in Baltimore?

Isn't the point of erecting statues is so that people like you will be aware of the greatness of the confederate cause?

The History Of The Now-Removed Confederate Statues Of Baltimore

I guess trying to get you folks to see that a large segment of the United States does NOT glorify the Confederate cause like you do --- is as you say a "lost cause"
His point was still he thought neither side should memorialize the war. And the whole point of the peace afterwards was that in the end everyone was an American again.

His side was gone at that point in a legal sense anyway.
See, that is the problem -- "Everyone was an American again"

No, everyone were not considered American to begin with, they were not even considered men -- remember?

So there was this attempt to try to Re-construct the south and in the process finally make everyone American -- plenty of DEMOCRATS -- (since you folks like to pretend this distinction means something) didn't want everyone to be Americans - many of them in defiance to losing their white supremacist institutions -- started erecting monuments as a way to keep their "Negroes" in line..

In fact, the whole monument thing was so big that states that were not even confederate put up monuments. Now one may ask wh would a city in a state that sat out the Civil War erect a monument to Confederate generals in 1948??

Aside from that, yea -- move all the confederate statues to museums or if you want to have a special park commissioned for confederate statues, have at it.

No, they used laws to do that. The current butt hurt over monuments has nothing to do with the issues of the past.

It's a bunch of mewling snowflakes like you who get the vapors over inanimate objects that have been around for decades or even a century.

It's as someone said before, you don't have the balls to go after your political enemies on real terms, so you go after things that can't fight back, and things you can use to imply your opponents racism.

why would a city in a state that sat out the Civil War erect a monument to Confederate generals in 1948??

You plan on answering this question today or never?

You didn't link the Statue or the State it is in.
Are you saying that a Confederate enthusiast as yourself is unaware of a confederate statue in Baltimore?

Isn't the point of erecting statues is so that people like you will be aware of the greatness of the confederate cause?

The History Of The Now-Removed Confederate Statues Of Baltimore

I guess trying to get you folks to see that a large segment of the United States does NOT glorify the Confederate cause like you do --- is as you say a "lost cause"

I am a military history buff in general, more World War II and World War I in general, (although I am reading up on the War of Spanish succession right now)

Baltimore and Maryland in general were kept in the Union through the fait accompli of occupation. Plenty of Marylanders fought for the confederacy.

And their removal in the night after the Unite the Right kerfluffle reminds me of another historical moment, The Reichstag fire.

i.e. never let a crisis go to waste.

If you actually read about the monuments, its notable that women were responsible for most of them, and one was even designed by a woman.

Keep those ladies down, right Biff?
No one can change history by toppling statues.
Its history is as a monument erected in 1913 to the Jim Crow laws which were keeping the blacks in their place. It glorifies men who fought for a government based on the inferiority of the black man, which intended to preserve slavery. History will record that such men were less likely to be glorified 150 years after the war.

Hmm..., of course you're referring to the JC laws passed by Democrats and Wilson's segregation of our military. Surely the glorification to those that fought for this nation has always included all races of men except for when Democrat racism raises it's ugly head time after time.
Protesters topple Confederate monument on UNC campus
08/20/18 10:20 PM EDT --- Protesters on the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill campus on Monday night brought down a controversial monument dedicated to Confederate soldiers, according to media reports. The fate of monuments honoring Confederate soldiers have become a hot-button issue in the wake of last year's violent white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va.

I don’t seem to see any white supremacy in the world today. What I'm seeing is an awful lot of black supremacy and racism and Marxist Socialist terrorism in America. Seems the vandals are now setting the rules. Can the Cheka be close behind?
No one can change history by toppling statues. It shows mental impotence. You gain your rightful place in the world by building not destroying.
I doubt the average Southern foot soldier owned slaves. They were called and served in both the North and the South. Will the memorial to the Black soldiers that served in the 1st Kansas Colored Volunteers. also be toppled soon?
Should we be looking forward to seeing the Memorials to those that served in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam also destroyed by the terrorists that mask themselves like the KKK?
Would have been a good place to open up with an M-60.

I don't believe any sane American ever wants to see another Kent State. Surely North Carolina State police should have been called and all those #Antifa students arrested booked and charged with rioting, destruction of property and unlawful trespassing.
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Protesters topple Confederate monument on UNC campus
08/20/18 10:20 PM EDT --- Protesters on the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill campus on Monday night brought down a controversial monument dedicated to Confederate soldiers, according to media reports. The fate of monuments honoring Confederate soldiers have become a hot-button issue in the wake of last year's violent white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va.

I don’t seem to see any white supremacy in the world today. What I'm seeing is an awful lot of black supremacy and racism and Marxist Socialist terrorism in America. Seems the vandals are now setting the rules. Can the Cheka be close behind?
No one can change history by toppling statues. It shows mental impotence. You gain your rightful place in the world by building not destroying.
I doubt the average Southern foot soldier owned slaves. They were called and served in both the North and the South. Will the memorial to the Black soldiers that served in the 1st Kansas Colored Volunteers. also be toppled soon?
Should we be looking forward to seeing the Memorials to those that served in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam also destroyed by the terrorists that mask themselves like the KKK?
Would have been a good place to open up with an M-60.

I don't believe any sane American ever wants to see another Kent State. Surely North Carolina State police should have been called and all those #Antifa students arrested and charged.
Don't be too sure of that.
His point was still he thought neither side should memorialize the war. And the whole point of the peace afterwards was that in the end everyone was an American again.

His side was gone at that point in a legal sense anyway.
See, that is the problem -- "Everyone was an American again"

No, everyone were not considered American to begin with, they were not even considered men -- remember?

So there was this attempt to try to Re-construct the south and in the process finally make everyone American -- plenty of DEMOCRATS -- (since you folks like to pretend this distinction means something) didn't want everyone to be Americans - many of them in defiance to losing their white supremacist institutions -- started erecting monuments as a way to keep their "Negroes" in line..

In fact, the whole monument thing was so big that states that were not even confederate put up monuments. Now one may ask wh would a city in a state that sat out the Civil War erect a monument to Confederate generals in 1948??

Aside from that, yea -- move all the confederate statues to museums or if you want to have a special park commissioned for confederate statues, have at it.

No, they used laws to do that. The current butt hurt over monuments has nothing to do with the issues of the past.

It's a bunch of mewling snowflakes like you who get the vapors over inanimate objects that have been around for decades or even a century.

It's as someone said before, you don't have the balls to go after your political enemies on real terms, so you go after things that can't fight back, and things you can use to imply your opponents racism.

why would a city in a state that sat out the Civil War erect a monument to Confederate generals in 1948??

You plan on answering this question today or never?

You didn't link the Statue or the State it is in.
Are you saying that a Confederate enthusiast as yourself is unaware of a confederate statue in Baltimore?

Isn't the point of erecting statues is so that people like you will be aware of the greatness of the confederate cause?

The History Of The Now-Removed Confederate Statues Of Baltimore

I guess trying to get you folks to see that a large segment of the United States does NOT glorify the Confederate cause like you do --- is as you say a "lost cause"

No once again it is the Democrats trying to erase their past from public veiw ..

Protesters topple Confederate monument on UNC campus
08/20/18 10:20 PM EDT --- Protesters on the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill campus on Monday night brought down a controversial monument dedicated to Confederate soldiers, according to media reports. The fate of monuments honoring Confederate soldiers have become a hot-button issue in the wake of last year's violent white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va.

I don’t seem to see any white supremacy in the world today. What I'm seeing is an awful lot of black supremacy and racism and Marxist Socialist terrorism in America. Seems the vandals are now setting the rules. Can the Cheka be close behind?
No one can change history by toppling statues. It shows mental impotence. You gain your rightful place in the world by building not destroying.
I doubt the average Southern foot soldier owned slaves. They were called and served in both the North and the South. Will the memorial to the Black soldiers that served in the 1st Kansas Colored Volunteers. also be toppled soon?
Should we be looking forward to seeing the Memorials to those that served in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam also destroyed by the terrorists that mask themselves like the KKK?
Would have been a good place to open up with an M-60.

I don't believe any sane American ever wants to see another Kent State. Surely North Carolina State police should have been called and all those #Antifa students arrested booked and charged with rioting, destruction of property and unlawful trespassing.
Kent State pieces of shit deserved it. Practiced terrorism the night before rampaging through street of Kent looting stores, burned down ROTC building same night, and cut the fire hoses of first responders trying to put out the fire. Those bastards were not innocent. These communist at UNC should have been dropped in cold blood. Fuck a double standard for left wing agitators. Time for law and order!
His point was still he thought neither side should memorialize the war. And the whole point of the peace afterwards was that in the end everyone was an American again.

His side was gone at that point in a legal sense anyway.
See, that is the problem -- "Everyone was an American again"

No, everyone were not considered American to begin with, they were not even considered men -- remember?

So there was this attempt to try to Re-construct the south and in the process finally make everyone American -- plenty of DEMOCRATS -- (since you folks like to pretend this distinction means something) didn't want everyone to be Americans - many of them in defiance to losing their white supremacist institutions -- started erecting monuments as a way to keep their "Negroes" in line..

In fact, the whole monument thing was so big that states that were not even confederate put up monuments. Now one may ask wh would a city in a state that sat out the Civil War erect a monument to Confederate generals in 1948??

Aside from that, yea -- move all the confederate statues to museums or if you want to have a special park commissioned for confederate statues, have at it.

No, they used laws to do that. The current butt hurt over monuments has nothing to do with the issues of the past.

It's a bunch of mewling snowflakes like you who get the vapors over inanimate objects that have been around for decades or even a century.

It's as someone said before, you don't have the balls to go after your political enemies on real terms, so you go after things that can't fight back, and things you can use to imply your opponents racism.

why would a city in a state that sat out the Civil War erect a monument to Confederate generals in 1948??

You plan on answering this question today or never?

You didn't link the Statue or the State it is in.
Are you saying that a Confederate enthusiast as yourself is unaware of a confederate statue in Baltimore?

Isn't the point of erecting statues is so that people like you will be aware of the greatness of the confederate cause?

The History Of The Now-Removed Confederate Statues Of Baltimore

I guess trying to get you folks to see that a large segment of the United States does NOT glorify the Confederate cause like you do --- is as you say a "lost cause"
Keep the Confederate heroes statues up. Tame to action at the terrorist events when statues are destroyed by hard corps Marxist revolutionaries.
North Carolina U. promising FULL criminal probe of jerks who tore down a Confederal statue
U. of North Carolina promising FULL criminal probe of jerks who tore down a Confederal statue
#WalkAway: The University of North Carolina is promising to fully investigate (and, let’s hope, prosecute) the latest attempt by the insane insurgency Left to attack American history, which wasn’t, of course, always replete with shining examples of great-nation status.....Earlier this week jerks pulled down a Confederate statue that had been on the campus since 1913, in remembrance “of the sons of the University who died for their beloved Southland 1861-1865,” according to the inscription.....They need to start being held responsible
for what they’re doing.


At least seven rioters involved in the toppling of the statute were arrested, also professor Dwayne Dixon of Asian Studies at UNC is suspected as the catalyst and organizer of this tyrannical atrocity. These misguided #Antifa Anarchists are not just demolishing statues, they're destroying history and American heritage. Dixon has admitted and was identified as chasing the Charger in Charlottesville VA.

Antifa Professor Admits To Chasing Charlottesville Driver With A Rifle Before Crash!

Durham, North Carolina: Seven arrested in toppling of Confederate statue - CNN
Protesters topple Confederate monument on UNC campus
08/20/18 10:20 PM EDT --- Protesters on the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill campus on Monday night brought down a controversial monument dedicated to Confederate soldiers, according to media reports. The fate of monuments honoring Confederate soldiers have become a hot-button issue in the wake of last year's violent white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va.

I don’t seem to see any white supremacy in the world today. What I'm seeing is an awful lot of black supremacy and racism and Marxist Socialist terrorism in America. Seems the vandals are now setting the rules. Can the Cheka be close behind?
No one can change history by toppling statues. It shows mental impotence. You gain your rightful place in the world by building not destroying.
I doubt the average Southern foot soldier owned slaves. They were called and served in both the North and the South. Will the memorial to the Black soldiers that served in the 1st Kansas Colored Volunteers. also be toppled soon?
Should we be looking forward to seeing the Memorials to those that served in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam also destroyed by the terrorists that mask themselves like the KKK?
Would have been a good place to open up with an M-60.

I don't believe any sane American ever wants to see another Kent State. Surely North Carolina State police should have been called and all those #Antifa students arrested booked and charged with rioting, destruction of property and unlawful trespassing.
Kent State pieces of shit deserved it. Practiced terrorism the night before rampaging through street of Kent looting stores, burned down ROTC building same night, and cut the fire hoses of first responders trying to put out the fire. Those bastards were not innocent. These communist at UNC should have been dropped in cold blood. Fuck a double standard for left wing agitators. Time for law and order!

My grandson just started attending UNC. I know he wasn't involved in any of the rioting and destruction there, I also believe that there are other students that were not involved. That said, I would not like to see any bloodshed by campus or other police. Arresting them and throwing the book at them is the best that anyone could and should hope for. BTW I'm all for Law and Order and want laws enforced.
Typical "Joefuck doesn't have a real response" response.

You can't even concede a point like a man.

Again, please pick up a history book, and read up on the whole "Lost Cause" revisionism and the blowback from blacks pushing for greater rights in that time period.

CNM has posted the chart showing when those statues went up, it was the same time the Klan reconstituted, and "Birth of a Nation" and other racist films were being put out.

The statues were put up because the racist inbreds were intimidating black folks. Nobody wanted those statues after the war.
A sad day it will be when all of the statues are gone and racist whites will have to find another way to taunt blacks. Heartbreaking indeed.
Typical "Joefuck doesn't have a real response" response.

You can't even concede a point like a man.

Again, please pick up a history book, and read up on the whole "Lost Cause" revisionism and the blowback from blacks pushing for greater rights in that time period.

CNM has posted the chart showing when those statues went up, it was the same time the Klan reconstituted, and "Birth of a Nation" and other racist films were being put out.

The statues were put up because the racist inbreds were intimidating black folks. Nobody wanted those statues after the war.

And the timing of them also coincide with the ages of the men fighting in it being towards the time they start dying off.

The 2nd Klan had more of an axe to grind with Catholics and Immigrants than blacks, they already had a stone against blacks via plessey.

You know, that Court decision that happened when the justices ignored the constitution, just like you want them to do with the 2nd amendment.
Oh, I'm sure most of them saw a slave at some point in their lives. What they didn't want was the slaves having equal rights to them. The one thing that White Trash hates is having nothing below it on the pecking order.
This is a clear-cut admission that you know nothing of the Civil War or the character of the old South.

"Most" ? The word "most" means more than half. So if 51% of white southerners had seen a slave, that leaves 49% who didn't. That's a lot of people, and a lot of soldiers.

Again. generally the southerners who actually fought in the Civil War generally knew little or nothing about slavery, they simply fought to defend themselves against people who were coming to their towns, and shooting at them. What would you do ? Say "thank you " ?
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A sad day it will be when all of the statues are gone and racist whites will have to find another way to taunt blacks. Heartbreaking indeed.
Don't worry. That day will never come, and it's nowhere close to that now. Of 1503 Confederate monuments and memorials in America, only about 60 have been removed (almost all of them in heavily black and Democrat areas).

That leaves about 97% of the monuments still intact, and in zero danger of going anywhere.
Again, please pick up a history book, and read up on the whole "Lost Cause" revisionism and the blowback from blacks pushing for greater rights in that time period.

CNM has posted the chart showing when those statues went up, it was the same time the Klan reconstituted, and "Birth of a Nation" and other racist films were being put out.

The statues were put up because the racist inbreds were intimidating black folks. Nobody wanted those statues after the war.
97% of Confederate statues in America, are in places where the people there DO WANT THEM, right where they are. That's where they remain, and will continue to.

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