Zone1 Proof That God Still Communicates With Us

Refreshing to know I don't have to obey God. Kind of what I've been doing my whole life.
What are you doing to disobey Him? The reason Joshua was commended for his disobedience was because mercy is valued more highly than punishment.

So indeed is refreshing to know that when you set out to punish someone, not only that you chose mercy over the expected punishment, you have been doing this your entire life.
What are you doing to disobey Him? The reason Joshua was commended for his disobedience was because mercy is valued more highly than punishment.
The same Joshua who killed nearly every man, woman, child, and animal in Jericho?

So indeed is refreshing to know that when you set out to punish someone, not only that you chose mercy over the expected punishment, you have been doing this your entire life.
Shouldn't be a surprise, I'm a Liberal.
Maybe, but I tend to think the Right is more concerned with justice than mercy.
Liberal: 2020 Protests: Millions of dollars in city damages. Woke: Cancel Culture, ruing lives. Picketing and making threatening moves outside the homes of Supreme Court justices.

These are Liberal acts of mercy?

My point is that putting a group label on oneself, doesn't necessarily follow that everyone who wears that label emulates the quality you claim you have. An, "I practice mercy" works better.

A decade or two ago, I learned that mercy instead of justice can turn around and bite the very person to whom mercy was shown. For example, a minor incident at school that meant notifying a parent. The students were upset, tearfully apologetic even, promising it would never happen again. Out of mercy, I would let the students off with a warning. The result? Nine times out of ten the student would go on to a worse offense, this time entailing suspension.

I learned if I advised students that by me taking the minor offense seriously mostly stopped a more major offense later. Doesn't that better represent mercy--taking the step now so that a worse punishment is not necessary later?

I learned mercy is a grave responsibility, not to be taken lightly just so I could pat myself myself on the back for practicing showing mercy.
Liberal: 2020 Protests: Millions of dollars in city damages. Woke: Cancel Culture, ruing lives. Picketing and making threatening moves outside the homes of Supreme Court justices.

These are Liberal acts of mercy?
By your definition they may well be. By taking the perceived offense seriously they may save Black lives or women's rights.

My point is that putting a group label on oneself, doesn't necessarily follow that everyone who wears that label emulates the quality you claim you have. An, "I practice mercy" works better.
I hope I said I only speak for me and my perceptions.

A decade or two ago, I learned that mercy instead of justice can turn around and bite the very person to whom mercy was shown. For example, a minor incident at school that meant notifying a parent. The students were upset, tearfully apologetic even, promising it would never happen again. Out of mercy, I would let the students off with a warning. The result? Nine times out of ten the student would go on to a worse offense, this time entailing suspension.

I learned if I advised students that by me taking the minor offense seriously mostly stopped a more major offense later. Doesn't that better represent mercy--taking the step now so that a worse punishment is not necessary later?

I learned mercy is a grave responsibility, not to be taken lightly just so I could pat myself myself on the back for practicing showing mercy.
Life is certainly a balancing act and there are only shades of grey.

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