Zone1 Proof That God Still Communicates With Us

How interesting that God shows up to save your carpeting from canine excrement, but somehow can’t be bothered to stop the poverty in Africa.
It has been said if God wants to create a radish, He takes thirty days. However, if He wants a might oak, He will work on it for a hundred years or more.

A thirty second communique with Roadrunner doesn't stop God from working on bringing something much greater out of the poverty in Africa. Think of it as Him handing Roadrunner a radish while He is growing that mighty oak in Africa.
I don't like to go deep into it. If I talk about it too much they happen more frequently. I don't really like it at all. I only like it when the pictures are good and comforting. But just as an example I saw a picture of a relative of mine and then the thought told me they were sick and I felt like I needed to pray for them to plead for their life. This struggle is ongoing as 6 months later they told me they have a terminal illness. I don't know why this came to me and it upsets me I am not sure what to do with this when I see it before it happens. What's the point of being shown that ahead of time?
Michelle, I will join you in praying for your relative. Her spirit is still here and I reach out to her spirit as comfort.

Years and years ago I kept having this premonition that there would be one night I would be driving down this road on my way home and I was going to be tremendously upset. I couldn't understand what would make me that upset, and if I was, why I would be driving.

A few weeks later, my sister and I happened to stop by parent's house. They were away, and just as we drove up, I saw my underage brother, obviously intoxicated, heading for our dad's car, keys in hand, three other boys with him. I had to tackle him before he would hand over the keys. My sister was laughing and told me I should give the keys to the boys, they would be fine. I did not.

It had taken coincidence after coincidence for me to arrive at my parent's house just in time to intercept my brother. After the incident I was driving home, obviously terribly upset, not only with my brother, but with my sister.

Were the coincidences that got me home just in time to stop my brother and three of his friends go out driving, all obviously drunk? I think so. While God is an expert in not letting his left hand know what his right hand is doing, He sometimes leaves a fingerprint or two behind.
But what I couldn't explain is that the premonition had nothing to do with getting home to my brother. After years of thinking of this, and having a couple of other premonitions of high emotions, here is my theory:

I wonder if sometimes our emotions are so strong at a future time, it is like a stone is dropped into the middle of still water and ripples that began at the center of the event, head out in all directions. We have all seen this in nature. I wonder if an emotional 'ripple' can travel back into our past, resulting in a premonition? I don't know. In any case, whether physical healing occurs or not, you must know your prayers have reached her and are helping her in all things she must face. Bless you.
You would or you wouldn't or you assume God would never ask such a thing since your name isn't Joshua?

Romans 12:19-21 "Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head."
You would or you wouldn't or you assume God would never ask such a thing since your name isn't Joshua?
This is a great example of Rabbi insistence that the Bible is meant to studied, not read. This whole thing is complicated, so let's begin with noting when the Command to "wipe them out" and the claim they were "wiped out" occurs the same way in other cultures of this day and age. We read it as every single person was killed, when even outside Biblical cultures this hyperbole meant they were the victors. (There are verse that those who just before had been wiped out, reappeared in the narrative.)

By God's Law the Israelites were to offer their adversaries choices. If the adversaries chose war, only then the situation became, win at any and all costs (or mow down everyone).

The Bible relates accounts where war was chosen so the command was to win at any cost, yet one of the leaders would choose mercy instead--and God always celebrated these acts of mercy. He did not see it as an act of disobedience.

Using this as an analogy, this is basically the lesson inherent in the Bible: alang and Meriweather were having a serious disagreement. God commanded alang to kill Meriweather, to wipe her out. This sets things in motion for alang. Clearly, God sides with alang against Meriweather.

So, according to law, alang approaches Meriweather and asks her to resolve the difference peaceably. She refuses. So alang asks her to turn away from attacking him. She refuses. She tells alang, "I choose war." alang considers this, knowing that if he accepts the offer of war, he is going to win because Meriweather is rather puny and knows little about war. So alang forgives Meriweather her bullheadedness and God is pleased with alang. (Not so much with Meriweather. He sends a flood to keep her occupied with other matters. Just kidding. :) )

I am pointing out the steps that were taken before war occurred. People of the day were fully aware of these steps. It is like people in the far future only seeing one bit of information, that bit being, "The President was impeached." We of this time know the steps to impeachment, but those will be long since forgotten if most of our history is destroyed, giving rise to conclusions a President could be impeached in a minute. Just like we know what we really mean when we declare, "We wiped the floor with them."
Don't be ridiculous.

No it isn't. God has told people to do stuff like this and the people do it. Either that or they were lying about God telling them that. Another possibility is that the person was mentally ill and honestly believed they were talking to God. I use this same logic whether someone says God told them where their car keys were or God told them to launch a nuclear missile on Kenya. The standard is the same. There are only three choices I can see.

1. God did tell them.
2. They lied about God telling them.
3. They were mentally ill and thought God told them.

If it is 1. in one case then it is 1. in another.
If it is 2. In one case then it is 2. In another.
If it is 3. In one case then it is 3 in another.

When people start taking one person seriously when they say God spoke to them then you create a slippery slope. You have to start believing all claims of every claimant that asserts God spoke to them. It is not ridiculous at all. God does tell people to murder others. Sometimes those people listen and obey. His question was not ridiculous in the least.

If God told you to go out and kill gays, would you do it? It's a valid question. If you are sincere with the things you are saying then I think you would say yes and would obey God's command for you to go out and kill gays. If you answer the question by saying no then I would be impressed. Answer the question. It is a valid question. The question isn't ridiculous at all.
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Unless you think I'm lying of course. I reassure you that I'm not, but of course it's completely up to you whether or not you want to take this story as fact.

Last night God came to me (like many of you on here already know this happens rather frequently) and He told me that I had to text my fiancee to let the dog out.

At first he questioned me because he had already let her out twenty minutes prior, but I told him that he needed to again because I could sense that something was wrong with her and so he did. It turns out that she had diarrhea.

That's what happens when you trust God instead of your doubts and I'm so glad that I did and I plan on doing it for the rest of my life. I've come to accept that I'm not a freak, I'm just special because I choose to listen. 😊

I've woken up in the middle of the night and realized I needed to do something. It's how the brain works.

Having diarrhea isn't much of anything.
Why would God, who has the whole UNIVERSE to deal with, tell you that your dog has diarrhea?
Surely if God is dealing with such small things, then God will be dealing such small things ALL THE TIME. Telling you that you need to eat, telling you that you need to do other things.
That's get pretty annoying, but it doesn't happen.

So, yours is probably just a coincidence. They happen.
Why would God, who has the whole UNIVERSE to deal with, tell you that your dog has diarrhea?


James Webb Space Telescope has revealed 45,000 galaxies in this image ...

fun - till she claimed christianity was their belief ...
Romans 12:19-21 "Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head."
So what happened to 'eye for an eye'? Is that no longer morally acceptable?
This is a great example of Rabbi insistence that the Bible is meant to studied, not read. This whole thing is complicated, so let's begin with noting when the Command to "wipe them out" and the claim they were "wiped out" occurs the same way in other cultures of this day and age. We read it as every single person was killed, when even outside Biblical cultures this hyperbole meant they were the victors. (There are verse that those who just before had been wiped out, reappeared in the narrative.)

By God's Law the Israelites were to offer their adversaries choices. If the adversaries chose war, only then the situation became, win at any and all costs (or mow down everyone).

The Bible relates accounts where war was chosen so the command was to win at any cost, yet one of the leaders would choose mercy instead--and God always celebrated these acts of mercy. He did not see it as an act of disobedience.

Using this as an analogy, this is basically the lesson inherent in the Bible: alang and Meriweather were having a serious disagreement. God commanded alang to kill Meriweather, to wipe her out. This sets things in motion for alang. Clearly, God sides with alang against Meriweather.

So, according to law, alang approaches Meriweather and asks her to resolve the difference peaceably. She refuses. So alang asks her to turn away from attacking him. She refuses. She tells alang, "I choose war." alang considers this, knowing that if he accepts the offer of war, he is going to win because Meriweather is rather puny and knows little about war. So alang forgives Meriweather her bullheadedness and God is pleased with alang. (Not so much with Meriweather. He sends a flood to keep her occupied with other matters. Just kidding. :) )

I am pointing out the steps that were taken before war occurred. People of the day were fully aware of these steps. It is like people in the far future only seeing one bit of information, that bit being, "The President was impeached." We of this time know the steps to impeachment, but those will be long since forgotten if most of our history is destroyed, giving rise to conclusions a President could be impeached in a minute. Just like we know what we really mean when we declare, "We wiped the floor with them."
I only know what the Bible says, not what it doesn't say. In the case of Joshua, it is more like Meriweather came to my house and told me her God gave my house to her and I had to leave.
I only know what the Bible says, not what it doesn't say. In the case of Joshua, it is more like Meriweather came to my house and told me her God gave my house to her and I had to leave.
In which case it is I who God would be pleased with when I said alang could keep his house.

Note, the Bible says this as well when mercy is shown.
In which case it is I who God would be pleased with when I said alang could keep his house.

Note, the Bible says this as well when mercy is shown.
Mercy is nice but do you put it above obeying God, which is what Joshua did? Is your moral code superior to His?
Mercy is nice but do you put it above obeying God, which is what Joshua did? Is your moral code superior to His?
Recall, I pointed to the instance where God was not obeyed, which pleased God because mercy was shown. The West misses all these fine points in the Bible.

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