Proof How Your Religion Could Be Made Up

Here's an analogy which might help. It is like high school student arguing that there is no such thing as a circle because all they know is linear algebra. Yes, mathematically speaking one can not prove a circle with linear algebra, but they do exist. Understanding God actually takes a bigger brain than someone who claims they can explain why there is not one.

It ultimately comes down to humility vs arrogance. Those who insist they can prove God doesn't exist apparently believe themselves to be the ultimate intellect not only in our universe, but in everywhere and for all time. A higher being who created the universe would have no trouble at all entering and leaving it whenever and however He desired.
Isn't there a certain arrogance with theists demanding belief in their partisan gawds while cynically rejecting belief in the other conceptions of gawds? Can we accept your acknowledgment that Zeus, Osiris, Oden, etc., etc., are just as viable and just as likely the "true gawds" as your conception of gawds?
Here's an analogy which might help. It is like high school student arguing that there is no such thing as a circle because all they know is linear algebra. Yes, mathematically speaking one can not prove a circle with linear algebra, but they do exist. Understanding God actually takes a bigger brain than someone who claims they can explain why there is not one.

It ultimately comes down to humility vs arrogance. Those who insist they can prove God doesn't exist apparently believe themselves to be the ultimate intellect not only in our universe, but in everywhere and for all time. A higher being who created the universe would have no trouble at all entering and leaving it whenever and however He desired.
I was reading Job yesterday and something occurred to me as I read 34:4 "Let us choose to us judgement: let us know among ourselves what is good." Elihu says this who is actually the voice of Satan. Maybe that was what was wrong with the apple, the knowledge of good and evil. With the knowledge of good and evil one can judge. And who do we judge? God The judges have been growing ever since Cain judged God and decided God was in error. Now we have judges which deny God even exists.

We insisting we can know all of what God does and all of His motivations is no more significant than a bunch of infants trying to understand why Daddy leaves every morning and returns every evening.
Here's an analogy which might help. It is like high school student arguing that there is no such thing as a circle because all they know is linear algebra. Yes, mathematically speaking one can not prove a circle with linear algebra, but they do exist. Understanding God actually takes a bigger brain than someone who claims they can explain why there is not one.

It ultimately comes down to humility vs arrogance. Those who insist they can prove God doesn't exist apparently believe themselves to be the ultimate intellect not only in our universe, but in everywhere and for all time. A higher being who created the universe would have no trouble at all entering and leaving it whenever and however He desired.
I was reading Job yesterday and something occurred to me as I read 34:4 "Let us choose to us judgement: let us know among ourselves what is good." Elihu says this who is actually the voice of Satan. Maybe that was what was wrong with the apple, the knowledge of good and evil. With the knowledge of good and evil one can judge. And who do we judge? God The judges have been growing ever since Cain judged God and decided God was in error. Now we have judges which deny God even exists.

We insisting we can know all of what God does and all of His motivations is no more significant than a bunch of infants trying to understand why Daddy leaves every morning and returns every evening.
Which gawd? What intentions does Odin have?
Here's an analogy which might help. It is like high school student arguing that there is no such thing as a circle because all they know is linear algebra. Yes, mathematically speaking one can not prove a circle with linear algebra, but they do exist. Understanding God actually takes a bigger brain than someone who claims they can explain why there hy this not one.
We understand every argument why you believe there must be a god. Very compelling if you don't know science but when you do you realize every argument for god is fatally flawed.

And if you believe an organized religions stories then you are too bias

Oh and why is it early christianity first started recruiting in the most illiterate parts of the world?

Atheists score higher on IQ tests. But go on with explaining how we aren't smart enough.

And so why would god punish our stupidity?

I thought it was because we were evil. Now you say its because we dumb?
Here's an analogy which might help. It is like high school student arguing that there is no such thing as a circle because all they know is linear algebra. Yes, mathematically speaking one can not prove a circle with linear algebra, but they do exist. Understanding God actually takes a bigger brain than someone who claims they can explain why there is not one.

It ultimately comes down to humility vs arrogance. Those who insist they can prove God doesn't exist apparently believe themselves to be the ultimate intellect not only in our universe, but in everywhere and for all time. A higher being who created the universe would have no trouble at all entering and leaving it whenever and however He desired.
Isn't there a certain arrogance with theists demanding belief in their partisan gawds while cynically rejecting belief in the other conceptions of gawds? Can we accept your acknowledgment that Zeus, Osiris, Oden, etc., etc., are just as viable and just as likely the "true gawds" as your conception of gawds?

You can accept or acknowledge whatever you want to. Since you don't have first hand experience with God, I don't expect you to differentiate between fact and fiction.
Yet another evangelistic atheist thread in yet another vain attempt to belittle those who freely choose to believe differently.

If you might be worshipping a lie wouldn't you want to know?

If you still want to believe after seeing or hearing all the evidence I'm cool with that.

This is just for people who claim their religion is obvious or that were going to hell if we don't.believe or that america is a christian nation. The fuck it is. It is a country for atheists and stupid theists alike. Secular.

Of course I would want to know if I believed a lie. The problem the atheist has, however, is that it is impossible to prove the negative in this case, because you simply can't know each person's personal experience, and I'm okay with watching them become increasingly desperate trying to do so. As for America, no, it is not a "Christian nation", and never was. What American society DID do, however, was acknowledge and honor God for over 200 years, during which time America became the greatest superpower the world has known. Now, of course, we are moving away from doing that and will slide into irrelevance in relatively short order.

Do you need to prove god didn't talk to Joseph Smith or Mohammad? No. We both just know it isn't true.

“I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.” – Stephen F Roberts

Just like the Romans fell, only they weren't Christians and sin didn't have anything to do with their fall or ours. It was greed and arrogance. Its actually good more people are turning into science believing atheists. It means the human species is evolving. It means our brains are getting too smart to believe fairy tales. But no doubt god is a very powerful idea that will be around for a long time.

Our Christianity had very little to do with us becoming the greatest country ever. Killing the Indians and stealing the Mexicans land and having slaves and taking advantage of immigrants is what built this country.

What made this country great is that poor people could become middle class or rich. Is that still true? Sure, but not like it use to be.

Unions made this country great. Did you hear Ford had record profits? They also gave huge profit sharing to their employees. Except for the Big 3, unions are all but gone. In great European countries there isn't such a big gap between the rich and poor. You rightys fail to realize this is a problem in America. Not so bad in socialist Germany, Australia, Switzerland, Canada. Everyone use to want to come to America. Now the guy in Seattle wants to move to Vancouver. Sad really. But look at how the rich are doing. They're doing better than ever. But if you tax them they'll cry job creator and class warfare and socialism!

Science and God are not incompatible, no matter how hard atheists want them to be.
I use to believe that too. If you're talking about a generic creator of the universe you'd be right. If youre talking christianity you'd be wrong.
Here's an analogy which might help. It is like high school student arguing that there is no such thing as a circle because all they know is linear algebra. Yes, mathematically speaking one can not prove a circle with linear algebra, but they do exist. Understanding God actually takes a bigger brain than someone who claims they can explain why there is not one.

It ultimately comes down to humility vs arrogance. Those who insist they can prove God doesn't exist apparently believe themselves to be the ultimate intellect not only in our universe, but in everywhere and for all time. A higher being who created the universe would have no trouble at all entering and leaving it whenever and however He desired.
Isn't there a certain arrogance with theists demanding belief in their partisan gawds while cynically rejecting belief in the other conceptions of gawds? Can we accept your acknowledgment that Zeus, Osiris, Oden, etc., etc., are just as viable and just as likely the "true gawds" as your conception of gawds?

You can accept or acknowledge whatever you want to. Since you don't have first hand experience with God, I don't expect you to differentiate between fact and fiction.
I understand you're hoping to dodge a relevant question. You appear to refer to one particular, partisan conception of gawd. How are your gawds "true" vs. the aforementioned gawds?

Are you suggesting you have first hand experience with one or more gawds?
Here's an analogy which might help. It is like high school student arguing that there is no such thing as a circle because all they know is linear algebra. Yes, mathematically speaking one can not prove a circle with linear algebra, but they do exist. Understanding God actually takes a bigger brain than someone who claims they can explain why there is not one.

It ultimately comes down to humility vs arrogance. Those who insist they can prove God doesn't exist apparently believe themselves to be the ultimate intellect not only in our universe, but in everywhere and for all time. A higher being who created the universe would have no trouble at all entering and leaving it whenever and however He desired.
Let's get this straight. Were arrogant and ignorant because we use science to prove we are not special in the cosmos and you who think you're gods favorite and will become a god yourself when you die is not?
Yet another evangelistic atheist thread in yet another vain attempt to belittle those who freely choose to believe differently.

If you might be worshipping a lie wouldn't you want to know?

If you still want to believe after seeing or hearing all the evidence I'm cool with that.

This is just for people who claim their religion is obvious or that were going to hell if we don't.believe or that america is a christian nation. The fuck it is. It is a country for atheists and stupid theists alike. Secular.

Of course I would want to know if I believed a lie. The problem the atheist has, however, is that it is impossible to prove the negative in this case, because you simply can't know each person's personal experience, and I'm okay with watching them become increasingly desperate trying to do so. As for America, no, it is not a "Christian nation", and never was. What American society DID do, however, was acknowledge and honor God for over 200 years, during which time America became the greatest superpower the world has known. Now, of course, we are moving away from doing that and will slide into irrelevance in relatively short order.

Do you need to prove god didn't talk to Joseph Smith or Mohammad? No. We both just know it isn't true.

“I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.” – Stephen F Roberts

Just like the Romans fell, only they weren't Christians and sin didn't have anything to do with their fall or ours. It was greed and arrogance. Its actually good more people are turning into science believing atheists. It means the human species is evolving. It means our brains are getting too smart to believe fairy tales. But no doubt god is a very powerful idea that will be around for a long time.

Our Christianity had very little to do with us becoming the greatest country ever. Killing the Indians and stealing the Mexicans land and having slaves and taking advantage of immigrants is what built this country.

What made this country great is that poor people could become middle class or rich. Is that still true? Sure, but not like it use to be.

Unions made this country great. Did you hear Ford had record profits? They also gave huge profit sharing to their employees. Except for the Big 3, unions are all but gone. In great European countries there isn't such a big gap between the rich and poor. You rightys fail to realize this is a problem in America. Not so bad in socialist Germany, Australia, Switzerland, Canada. Everyone use to want to come to America. Now the guy in Seattle wants to move to Vancouver. Sad really. But look at how the rich are doing. They're doing better than ever. But if you tax them they'll cry job creator and class warfare and socialism!

Science and God are not incompatible, no matter how hard atheists want them to be.
I use to believe that too. If you're talking about a generic creator of the universe you'd be right. If youre talking christianity you'd be wrong.

I'm talking about both. The fact that some Christians are afraid that science will somehow invalidate their beliefs doesn't change that.
Here's an analogy which might help. It is like high school student arguing that there is no such thing as a circle because all they know is linear algebra. Yes, mathematically speaking one can not prove a circle with linear algebra, but they do exist. Understanding God actually takes a bigger brain than someone who claims they can explain why there is not one.

It ultimately comes down to humility vs arrogance. Those who insist they can prove God doesn't exist apparently believe themselves to be the ultimate intellect not only in our universe, but in everywhere and for all time. A higher being who created the universe would have no trouble at all entering and leaving it whenever and however He desired.
Isn't there a certain arrogance with theists demanding belief in their partisan gawds while cynically rejecting belief in the other conceptions of gawds? Can we accept your acknowledgment that Zeus, Osiris, Oden, etc., etc., are just as viable and just as likely the "true gawds" as your conception of gawds?

You can accept or acknowledge whatever you want to. Since you don't have first hand experience with God, I don't expect you to differentiate between fact and fiction.
I understand you're hoping to dodge a relevant question. You appear to refer to one particular, partisan conception of gawd. How are your gawds "true" vs. the aforementioned gawds?

Are you suggesting you have first hand experience with one or more gawds?

I'm not ducking anything. Absolutely I have first hand experience with God. You don't, so I don't expect you to understand or believe anything, yet.
Here's an analogy which might help. It is like high school student arguing that there is no such thing as a circle because all they know is linear algebra. Yes, mathematically speaking one can not prove a circle with linear algebra, but they do exist. Understanding God actually takes a bigger brain than someone who claims they can explain why there is not one.

It ultimately comes down to humility vs arrogance. Those who insist they can prove God doesn't exist apparently believe themselves to be the ultimate intellect not only in our universe, but in everywhere and for all time. A higher being who created the universe would have no trouble at all entering and leaving it whenever and however He desired.
I was reading Job yesterday and something occurred to me as I read 34:4 "Let us choose to us judgement: let us know among ourselves what is good." Elihu says this who is actually the voice of Satan. Maybe that was what was wrong with the apple, the knowledge of good and evil. With the knowledge of good and evil one can judge. And who do we judge? God The judges have been growing ever since Cain judged God and decided God was in error. Now we have judges which deny God even exists.

We insisting we can know all of what God does and all of His motivations is no more significant than a bunch of infants trying to understand why Daddy leaves every morning and returns every evening.

No because we know daddy exists. Now does daddy do miracles? He leaves with nothing and magically appears with food. He must be a god. And he created me. Omg. Does he protect me care but also punish me if I'm bad? You know how parents can just look at you and know you've been bad?

This has something to do with how god was imagined.
Here's an analogy which might help. It is like high school student arguing that there is no such thing as a circle because all they know is linear algebra. Yes, mathematically speaking one can not prove a circle with linear algebra, but they do exist. Understanding God actually takes a bigger brain than someone who claims they can explain why there is not one.

It ultimately comes down to humility vs arrogance. Those who insist they can prove God doesn't exist apparently believe themselves to be the ultimate intellect not only in our universe, but in everywhere and for all time. A higher being who created the universe would have no trouble at all entering and leaving it whenever and however He desired.
Isn't there a certain arrogance with theists demanding belief in their partisan gawds while cynically rejecting belief in the other conceptions of gawds? Can we accept your acknowledgment that Zeus, Osiris, Oden, etc., etc., are just as viable and just as likely the "true gawds" as your conception of gawds?

You can accept or acknowledge whatever you want to. Since you don't have first hand experience with God, I don't expect you to differentiate between fact and fiction.
I understand you're hoping to dodge a relevant question. You appear to refer to one particular, partisan conception of gawd. How are your gawds "true" vs. the aforementioned gawds?

Are you suggesting you have first hand experience with one or more gawds?

I'm not ducking anything. Absolutely I have first hand experience with God. You don't, so I don't expect you to understand or believe anything, yet.
I actually do have first hand experience with the gawds. You are being mislead by your false gawds.

What are you going to do about that?
Here's an analogy which might help. It is like high school student arguing that there is no such thing as a circle because all they know is linear algebra. Yes, mathematically speaking one can not prove a circle with linear algebra, but they do exist. Understanding God actually takes a bigger brain than someone who claims they can explain why there is not one.

It ultimately comes down to humility vs arrogance. Those who insist they can prove God doesn't exist apparently believe themselves to be the ultimate intellect not only in our universe, but in everywhere and for all time. A higher being who created the universe would have no trouble at all entering and leaving it whenever and however He desired.
I was reading Job yesterday and something occurred to me as I read 34:4 "Let us choose to us judgement: let us know among ourselves what is good." Elihu says this who is actually the voice of Satan. Maybe that was what was wrong with the apple, the knowledge of good and evil. With the knowledge of good and evil one can judge. And who do we judge? God The judges have been growing ever since Cain judged God and decided God was in error. Now we have judges which deny God even exists.

We insisting we can know all of what God does and all of His motivations is no more significant than a bunch of infants trying to understand why Daddy leaves every morning and returns every evening.

No because we know daddy exists. Now does daddy do miracles? He leaves with nothing and magically appears with food. He must be a god. And he created me. Omg. Does he protect me care but also punish me if I'm bad? You know how parents can just look at you and know you've been bad?

This has something to do with how god was imagined.

You're getting closer. You're actually considering the possibility that man is not the supreme being in all the universe. Keep going.
It ultimately comes down to humility vs arrogance. Those who insist they can prove God doesn't exist apparently believe themselves to be the ultimate intellect not only in our universe, but in everywhere and for all time. A higher being who created the universe would have no trouble at all entering and leaving it whenever and however He desired.
Isn't there a certain arrogance with theists demanding belief in their partisan gawds while cynically rejecting belief in the other conceptions of gawds? Can we accept your acknowledgment that Zeus, Osiris, Oden, etc., etc., are just as viable and just as likely the "true gawds" as your conception of gawds?

You can accept or acknowledge whatever you want to. Since you don't have first hand experience with God, I don't expect you to differentiate between fact and fiction.
I understand you're hoping to dodge a relevant question. You appear to refer to one particular, partisan conception of gawd. How are your gawds "true" vs. the aforementioned gawds?

Are you suggesting you have first hand experience with one or more gawds?

I'm not ducking anything. Absolutely I have first hand experience with God. You don't, so I don't expect you to understand or believe anything, yet.
I actually do have first hand experience with the gawds. You are being mislead by your false gawds.

What are you going to do about that?

Do? Nothing. That's between you and God when you stand before Him and He asks you why He should give you the time of day. And, you're illustrating exactly what I said.
Here's an analogy which might help. It is like high school student arguing that there is no such thing as a circle because all they know is linear algebra. Yes, mathematically speaking one can not prove a circle with linear algebra, but they do exist. Understanding God actually takes a bigger brain than someone who claims they can explain why there is not one.

It ultimately comes down to humility vs arrogance. Those who insist they can prove God doesn't exist apparently believe themselves to be the ultimate intellect not only in our universe, but in everywhere and for all time. A higher being who created the universe would have no trouble at all entering and leaving it whenever and however He desired.
Then come on in and show himself! What's he waiting for?

Atheists don't claim to know anything for certain. Theists do. Theism is arrogance and ignorance..

We can prove Jesus doesn't exist same way we know leprechauns or witches don't exist. Scientifically and logically
Here's an analogy which might help. It is like high school student arguing that there is no such thing as a circle because all they know is linear algebra. Yes, mathematically speaking one can not prove a circle with linear algebra, but they do exist. Understanding God actually takes a bigger brain than someone who claims they can explain why there is not one.

It ultimately comes down to humility vs arrogance. Those who insist they can prove God doesn't exist apparently believe themselves to be the ultimate intellect not only in our universe, but in everywhere and for all time. A higher being who created the universe would have no trouble at all entering and leaving it whenever and however He desired.
I was reading Job yesterday and something occurred to me as I read 34:4 "Let us choose to us judgement: let us know among ourselves what is good." Elihu says this who is actually the voice of Satan. Maybe that was what was wrong with the apple, the knowledge of good and evil. With the knowledge of good and evil one can judge. And who do we judge? God The judges have been growing ever since Cain judged God and decided God was in error. Now we have judges which deny God even exists.

We insisting we can know all of what God does and all of His motivations is no more significant than a bunch of infants trying to understand why Daddy leaves every morning and returns every evening.

No because we know daddy exists. Now does daddy do miracles? He leaves with nothing and magically appears with food. He must be a god. And he created me. Omg. Does he protect me care but also punish me if I'm bad? You know how parents can just look at you and know you've been bad?

This has something to do with how god was imagined.

You're getting closer. You're actually considering the possibility that man is not the supreme being in all the universe. Keep going.

We never said man is supreme. You think that. You literally believe god put our solar system and everything in it here for us.

The trilobites ruled this planet for millions of years before the dinosaurs then they ruled for millions after that. We've been here 6000 years according to creation science. How special do you feel knowing that?
Here's an analogy which might help. It is like high school student arguing that there is no such thing as a circle because all they know is linear algebra. Yes, mathematically speaking one can not prove a circle with linear algebra, but they do exist. Understanding God actually takes a bigger brain than someone who claims they can explain why there is not one.

It ultimately comes down to humility vs arrogance. Those who insist they can prove God doesn't exist apparently believe themselves to be the ultimate intellect not only in our universe, but in everywhere and for all time. A higher being who created the universe would have no trouble at all entering and leaving it whenever and however He desired.
Then come on in and show himself! What's he waiting for?

Atheists don't claim to know anything for certain. Theists do. Theism is arrogance and ignorance..

We can prove Jesus doesn't exist same way we know leprechauns or witches don't exist. Scientifically and logically

Ah, yes, the old "do a trick" nonsense. This is how that inevitably would play out. He shows up, does exactly what you say He couldn't and what do you do? Demand another trick. That's not the way He works, and why should He? He calls you and lets you decide whether to react positively or negatively. And no, you can no more prove Jesus doesn't exist than an American ant can prove Pandas don't exist.
Isn't there a certain arrogance with theists demanding belief in their partisan gawds while cynically rejecting belief in the other conceptions of gawds? Can we accept your acknowledgment that Zeus, Osiris, Oden, etc., etc., are just as viable and just as likely the "true gawds" as your conception of gawds?

You can accept or acknowledge whatever you want to. Since you don't have first hand experience with God, I don't expect you to differentiate between fact and fiction.
I understand you're hoping to dodge a relevant question. You appear to refer to one particular, partisan conception of gawd. How are your gawds "true" vs. the aforementioned gawds?

Are you suggesting you have first hand experience with one or more gawds?

I'm not ducking anything. Absolutely I have first hand experience with God. You don't, so I don't expect you to understand or believe anything, yet.
I actually do have first hand experience with the gawds. You are being mislead by your false gawds.

What are you going to do about that?

Do? Nothing. That's between you and God when you stand before Him and He asks you why He should give you the time of day. And, you're illustrating exactly what I said.
On the contrary, you are worshipping false gawds. Now that you have been given the error of your ways, it's Zeus or an eternity of hell.
Isn't there a certain arrogance with theists demanding belief in their partisan gawds while cynically rejecting belief in the other conceptions of gawds? Can we accept your acknowledgment that Zeus, Osiris, Oden, etc., etc., are just as viable and just as likely the "true gawds" as your conception of gawds?

You can accept or acknowledge whatever you want to. Since you don't have first hand experience with God, I don't expect you to differentiate between fact and fiction.
I understand you're hoping to dodge a relevant question. You appear to refer to one particular, partisan conception of gawd. How are your gawds "true" vs. the aforementioned gawds?

Are you suggesting you have first hand experience with one or more gawds?

I'm not ducking anything. Absolutely I have first hand experience with God. You don't, so I don't expect you to understand or believe anything, yet.
I actually do have first hand experience with the gawds. You are being mislead by your false gawds.

What are you going to do about that?

Do? Nothing. That's between you and God when you stand before Him and He asks you why He should give you the time of day. And, you're illustrating exactly what I said.
Hollie gets in because she's a good person and god rewards intelligence. Plus she tried to help save you from the cult youre in. Bonus points for that. Means she's not selfish and she cares.
It ultimately comes down to humility vs arrogance. Those who insist they can prove God doesn't exist apparently believe themselves to be the ultimate intellect not only in our universe, but in everywhere and for all time. A higher being who created the universe would have no trouble at all entering and leaving it whenever and however He desired.
I was reading Job yesterday and something occurred to me as I read 34:4 "Let us choose to us judgement: let us know among ourselves what is good." Elihu says this who is actually the voice of Satan. Maybe that was what was wrong with the apple, the knowledge of good and evil. With the knowledge of good and evil one can judge. And who do we judge? God The judges have been growing ever since Cain judged God and decided God was in error. Now we have judges which deny God even exists.

We insisting we can know all of what God does and all of His motivations is no more significant than a bunch of infants trying to understand why Daddy leaves every morning and returns every evening.

No because we know daddy exists. Now does daddy do miracles? He leaves with nothing and magically appears with food. He must be a god. And he created me. Omg. Does he protect me care but also punish me if I'm bad? You know how parents can just look at you and know you've been bad?

This has something to do with how god was imagined.

You're getting closer. You're actually considering the possibility that man is not the supreme being in all the universe. Keep going.

We never said man is supreme. You think that. You literally believe god put our solar system and everything in it here for us.

The trilobites ruled this planet for millions of years before the dinosaurs then they ruled for millions after that. We've been here 6000 years according to creation science. How special do you feel knowing that?

The only reason people talk about 6000 years is the geneology information from Genesis. Now, how arrogant is it to believe that a higher being cannot exist because you can't understand it?

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