PROOF Highly coordinated/planned Intelligence Op run by multiple US/DC Agencies On J6


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
I am NOT claiming J6 was or was the result of one huge Intel Operation run by the US Govt against US citizens for a reason - that is NOT what this Thread is about.

The reason I am clarifying / stating this up front is because the Mods have alrrady shut down 1 thread and banished it to 'Conspiracy Theories' for making that claim.

THIS thread is intended to discuss the UNDENIABLE FACTS that prior to and on J6 multiple US Govt and DC agencies were running 'Intel Operations' not only outside of but especially within the groups assocoated wiith and crowds gathered in protest at the US Capitol.

According to these agencies' own admission in sworn testimony we know the US FBI, US ATF, US DHS, and DC Police were al running these operations and all had undercover Agents and Officers embedded within associated groups and within the crowd on J6

An FBI Rep testified during J6 hearings that the FBI had spent months infiltrating the Proud Boys, were working Intel Ops inside the group prior to J6, and had undercover agents inside the group on J6.

FBI and DHS agents actively attempted to recruit people prior to J6 to be informants working inside the crowd on J6.

Released documents (FOIA requests / whistleblowers) confirm the FBI wiretapped individuals, friends, family members, and even children to spy on J6 protestors.

During the J6 hearings, as mentioned,an FBI Agent admitted that there were at least 20 FBI & ATF undercover agents working Ops inside the crowd on J6, to include several dressed as Trump supporters stationed inside the Capitol before it was ever breeched / before any protestors entered the Capitol.
** Also reported by the NY Times

This FBI Agent also admitted the FBI had created, planned, and executed several official 'ENTRAPMENT OPERATIONS' prior to and on J6, operations which inclutmde infiltrating, recruiting, and embedding agents in groups / crowds, 'surveillance' operations of individusls 'and others' to colect information.
-- Yes, 'ENTRAPMENT Operations' are real, used tactics of tbe FBI.

FBI Director Wray, under oath answetibg questions before Congress, admitted to R-Cruz that the same FBI agent in charge of the Whittmer Kidnapping 'Entrapment Operation, was in charge of the J6 Operation.
** The fact this individual was in charge of noth Ops is NOT an admission of criminal activity.

DC Police were also running undercover ops inside tbe crowd on J6. Released / exposed Police Body Cam video showed these officers flash their badges to ofgicers in uniform officialy working security on J6.

Documented FBI 'Entrapment Ops' Info

These are now established facts, are not evidence of the US govt being responsible for the J6 protest turned vuolent - they are not.

Individuals make their own choices, and those who engaged in J6, who entered the Capitol on J6 did so by their own choice to do so.

Despite the fact that Capitol Police were shown opening tve doors for some protestors to enter, despite some present on J6 not knowing they were breaking the law and immediately exiting once they were told, they are still responsible for their own actions.

Much like Griner in Russia, YOU are responsible for knowing the laws and obeying them.

It is important to point out, however, that a review of J6 focused on the breakdown of security on J6 that resulted in violence and the Capitol breech, shows that despite having a great deal of Intel on what was expected on J6, the FBI, ATF, DHS, and Capitol Police FAILED TO PREVENT the events on J6.

THIS is an accurate, factual statement.


Please put this in the Conspiracy sub-forum.

It does not belong there.

The thread contains FACTS and does not suggest any 'Conspiracy Theory'.
It does include tactics and actions used by tbe FBI, ATF, DHS, & DC / Capitol Police prior to and on J6 -- ACCORDING TO THE FBI & DC / CAPITOL POLICE.

If you don't want to acknowledge or discuss these proven / admitted FACTS then IGNORE THE THREAD.
It does not belong there.

The thread contains FACTS and does not suggest any 'Conspiracy Theory'.
It does include tactics and actions used by tbe FBI, ATF, DHS, & DC / Capitol Police prior to and on J6 -- ACCORDING TO THE FBI & DC / CAPITOL POLICE.

If you don't want to acknowledge or discuss these proven / admitted FACTS then IGNORE THE THREAD.
What is the point of this thread other than to confirm that law enforcement was well aware that Trump had recruited an army of wingnut freaks to march on The U.S. Capitol before it happened?
Even with all the intel though there was nothing that could be done preemptively to prevent the attempted coup.
You can't arrest people beforehand for stuff that they "might" do.
What is the point of this thread other than to confirm that law enforcement was well aware that Trump had recruited an army of wingnut freaks to march on The U.S. Capitol before it happened?
Even with all the intel though there was nothing that could be done preemptively to prevent the attempted coup.
You can't arrest people beforehand for stuff that they "might" do.
And you should not arrest people for what they did not do.
What is the point of this thread other than to confirm that law enforcement was well aware that Trump had recruited an army of wingnut freaks to march on The U.S. Capitol before it happened?
Even with all the intel though there was nothing that could be done preemptively to prevent the attempted coup.
You can't arrest people beforehand for stuff that they "might" do.
Riiiiiiight....LE knew all about it, yet understaffed security.

Do you moonbats ever listen to yourselves?
I am NOT claiming J6 was or was the result of one huge Intel Operation run by the US Govt against US citizens for a reason - that is NOT what this Thread is about.

The reason I am clarifying / stating this up front is because the Mods have alrrady shut down 1 thread and banished it to 'Conspiracy Theories' for making that claim.

THIS thread is intended to discuss the UNDENIABLE FACTS that prior to and on J6 multiple US Govt and DC agencies were running 'Intel Operations' not only outside of but especially within the groups assocoated wiith and crowds gathered in protest at the US Capitol.

According to these agencies' own admission in sworn testimony we know the US FBI, US ATF, US DHS, and DC Police were al running these operations and all had undercover Agents and Officers embedded within associated groups and within the crowd on J6

An FBI Rep testified during J6 hearings that the FBI had spent months infiltrating the Proud Boys, were working Intel Ops inside the group prior to J6, and had undercover agents inside the group on J6.

FBI and DHS agents actively attempted to recruit people prior to J6 to be informants working inside the crowd on J6.

Released documents (FOIA requests / whistleblowers) confirm the FBI wiretapped individuals, friends, family members, and even children to spy on J6 protestors.

During the J6 hearings, as mentioned,an FBI Agent admitted that there were at least 20 FBI & ATF undercover agents working Ops inside the crowd on J6, to include several dressed as Trump supporters stationed inside the Capitol before it was ever breeched / before any protestors entered the Capitol.
** Also reported by the NY Times

This FBI Agent also admitted the FBI had created, planned, and executed several official 'ENTRAPMENT OPERATIONS' prior to and on J6, operations which inclutmde infiltrating, recruiting, and embedding agents in groups / crowds, 'surveillance' operations of individusls 'and others' to colect information.
-- Yes, 'ENTRAPMENT Operations' are real, used tactics of tbe FBI.

FBI Director Wray, under oath answetibg questions before Congress, admitted to R-Cruz that the same FBI agent in charge of the Whittmer Kidnapping 'Entrapment Operation, was in charge of the J6 Operation.
** The fact this individual was in charge of noth Ops is NOT an admission of criminal activity.

DC Police were also running undercover ops inside tbe crowd on J6. Released / exposed Police Body Cam video showed these officers flash their badges to ofgicers in uniform officialy working security on J6.

Documented FBI 'Entrapment Ops' Info

These are now established facts, are not evidence of the US govt being responsible for the J6 protest turned vuolent - they are not.

Individuals make their own choices, and those who engaged in J6, who entered the Capitol on J6 did so by their own choice to do so.

Despite the fact that Capitol Police were shown opening tve doors for some protestors to enter, despite some present on J6 not knowing they were breaking the law and immediately exiting once they were told, they are still responsible for their own actions.

Much like Griner in Russia, YOU are responsible for knowing the laws and obeying them.

It is important to point out, however, that a review of J6 focused on the breakdown of security on J6 that resulted in violence and the Capitol breech, shows that despite having a great deal of Intel on what was expected on J6, the FBI, ATF, DHS, and Capitol Police FAILED TO PREVENT the events on J6.

THIS is an accurate, factual statement.

Most of the Mods are fascist leaning Democrat Media Bubble Cult Members so,
Riiiiiiight....LE knew all about it, yet understaffed security.

Do you moonbats ever listen to yourselves?
Your first mistake is blaming the crime on the people who were unable to prevent it.
If for instance, Trump had ordered a full battle ready military company to repel the invasion that LEO intel was tracking, would you guys be whining any less about your imaginary "deep state" setup?
Your first mistake is blaming the crime on the people who were unable to prevent it.
If for instance, Trump had ordered a full battle ready military company to repel the invasion that LEO intel was tracking, would you guys be whining any less about your imaginary "deep state" setup?
They knew about it, but were "unable to prevent it"?!?

I repeat: Do you moonbats ever listen to yourselves? :rofl:
Even with all the intel though there was nothing that could be done preemptively to prevent the attempted coup.

1. What happened on J6 was not a 'coup' attempt.


Democrats and snowflakes continue to spread this propaganda, but, as they know, it is a lie.

Democrats / snowflakes contonue to prove they don't know what a 'woman', don't know what a 'coup' is, don't know which bathroom to use and areso confused by urinals they are waging a war to have them removed from bathrooms, and believe a biological male can give birth.


Nancy Pelosi's daughter, who was filming on J6 at the Capitol, can be heard on her own recording stating, "This is NOT a coup attempt."

More importantly, FBI whistleblowers providrd internal FBI memos showing even the FBI did not believe J6 was a 'coup' attempt.
- Its all in the links you were ptlrovided but obviously failed to / refused to read.

You OPINION that nothing could have been done prior to J6 to prevent what happened has been COMPLETELY debunked by Intel and security experts again, all of which was provided to you in the links, which you, again either ignored or chose not to read.

Actions that could have been taken but were not included;

- Not going to beat this dead horse but the bottom line is the decision to use them was made...until too late.

Democats chairing / leading committees that had the authority and power to direct security fencing that has bern successfully been used at the WH & USSC Building. They (Schumer/Raskins and others) failed to do so.

Some of the easiest suggested by a former FBI agent included.

Posting clear signs inside the Capitol building, easily seen from the outside, declaring 'NO TRESPASSING / AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY / VIOLATORS WILL BE PROSECUTED'

In addition to these signs, insteadnof having FBI agents dressed as Trump Slsupporters inside the Capitol before ptotestors breeched the Captol and csme in, have FBI Agents dressed in clearly marked FBI uniforms armed with a sidearm standing next to or nrar one of the above red signs, again, easily seen from the outside.

This would send a clear message:


Finally, the 3rd easiest step to take, used in conjunction with the 1st 2, is 'DON'T OPEN THE DOOR TO THE CAPITOL TO RNCOURAGE / ALLOW THE PROTESTORS TO ENTER THE BUILDING!'

For fucks sake, that isn't rocket science - its common sense!


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1. What happened on J6 was not a 'coup' attempt.

View attachment 758615

Democrats and snowflakes continue to spread this propaganda, but, as they know, it is a lie.

Democrats / snowflakes contonue to prove they don't know what a 'woman', don't know what a 'coup' is, don't know which bathroom to use and areso confused by urinals they are waging a war to have them removed from bathrooms, and believe a biological male can give birth.


Nancy Pelosi's daughter, who was filming on J6 at the Capitol, can be heard on her own recording stating, "This is NOT a coup attempt."

More importantly, FBI whistleblowers providrd internal FBI memos showing even the FBI did not believe J6 was a 'coup' attempt.
- Its all in the links you were ptlrovided but obviously failed to / refused to read.

You OPINION that nothing could have been done prior to J6 to prevent what happened has been COMPLETELY debunked by Intel and security experts again, all of which was provided to you in the links, which you, again either ignored or chose not to read.

Actions that could have been taken but were not included;

- Not going to beat this dead horse but the bottom line is the decision to use them was made...until too late.

Democats chairing / leading committees that had the authority and power to direct security fencing that has bern successfully been used at the WH & USSC Building. They (Schumer/Raskins and others) failed to do so.

Some of the easiest suggested by a former FBI agent included.

Posting clear signs inside the Capitol building, easily seen from the outside, declaring 'NO TRESPASSING / AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY / VIOLATORS WILL BE PROSECUTED'

In addition to these signs, insteadnof having FBI agents dressed as Trump Slsupporters inside the Capitol before ptotestors breeched the Captol and csme in, have FBI Agents dressed in clearly marked FBI uniforms armed with a sidearm standing next to or nrar one of the above red signs, again, easily seen from the outside.

This would send a clear message:


Finally, the 3rd easiest step to take, used in conjunction with the 1st 2, is 'DON'T OPEN THE DOOR TO THE CAPITOL TO RNCOURAGE / ALLOW THE PROTESTORS TO ENTER THE BUILDING!'

For fucks sake, that isn't rocket science - its common sense!
Right-wing talking point much?
Your first mistake is blaming the crime on the people who were unable to prevent it.

Snowflakes' 1st mistake is falsely claiming that the United States govt, with months of prior warning and Intel, could not prevent unarmed protestors from entering the Capitol.


REALLY?! Are you guys SURE you want to go with that, that this is the best you have?

SUCCESSFULLY, in the past, existing secure fencing they have have has been erected around the WH and USSC, preventing anyone from trespassing.

I appreciate the admission by snowflakes that prior to and on J6 the 'people powerless to prevent it' - yet who were successful in doing so in the past by protecting the WH & USSC Building - FAILED to do so on J6.
Right-wing talking point much?

So, your weak attempt to address the undisputable facts presented is NOT to address them but respond impotently by claiming they are just merely 'right-wing talking points'?!


I did not realize that the FBI wrote internal memos consisting of 'Right-Wing Talking Points'...

What is the point of this thread other than to confirm that law enforcement was well aware that Trump had recruited an army of wingnut freaks to march on The U.S. Capitol before it happened?
Even with all the intel though there was nothing that could be done preemptively to prevent the attempted coup.
You can't arrest people beforehand for stuff that they "might" do.


Please put this in the Conspiracy sub-forum.


Awww....the Thought Police on the Left already offended.

We all know if it ain't covered by NY Times/CNN - it cannot be real!

How fucking stupid and behind the times do you have to be at this point to possess the brazen obstinance capable of dismissing anything based on face value?

Have you learned nothing since the lockdowns and mandates?

Just another 21st Century media casualty.

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