POLL: Trump supporters, let's just get this over with.

True or False: Trump supporters know they're being lied to, and just don't care. They're at war.

  • True: Whatever it takes to beat the American Left. I'll put up with pretty much anything.

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • False: Those examples you gave were fake news. The election was rigged, and I know it.

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • I don't want to answer. I just want to deflect and complain about Mac.

    Votes: 5 35.7%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
We now know that, as we have been assuming, the crew at FOX has been lying to its viewers for years about the "rigged election". They knew the accusations were BS, but they promoted and advocated them anyway for ratings and stock prices. Literally.

We know that Steve Bannon is on tape, before the election, telling people that Trump was going to claim victory even if he lost and wasn't going to give an inch. Link below.

We know that MANY Republicans, from state election officials to governors to supreme courts to Trump-appointed judges to the freakin' "Cyber Ninjas", have tossed out the accusations.

Here's my guess, and you can tell me if (or actually, claim that) I'm wrong: I think you know you're being lied to, but you don't care. You're "at war" with the Left, so anything goes.

Please vote and comment.

This is morphing into a super scandal.
I can't wait for the trial !
Its goin to be better than the Super bowl.

Everything ties together now and this scandal is going to bring the whole fuckin house down.
We now know:

1) There was no election fraud and behind the scenes people at Fox admitted there was no fraud and "Trump is lying"
2) Idiot republicans only watch Fox news because they need the lies, and they need to be lied too. When they are told the truth, they stop watching and move on to even more extreme and fucked up, non credible news sources (Newsmax, facebook, russian bots). And these trash have the nerve to call CNN fake news. What a joke !
3) Fox is Fake News and can never be called credible ever again, they lost that right with this big scandal exposing their need, and preference, to lie to maintain viewers. Viewership is more important than factually accurate news at Fox.
4) The GOP are the biggest joke in modern politics, they have no beliefs or policy just Bullshit lies and Insurrections.

This super scandal has brought down Fox News and Trump's Big Lie at the same damn time !!!
They incited an issurection at the Capitol, what'd they think was going to happen.
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I guess you don't want to answer.

Also, you probably don't know that he was referring to a website that was tracking fraud when he said that.

But, of course, you're at war, so lying doesn't matter. Illustrating my point for me, absolutely perfectly.
They’re not going to answer any of this directly. They’re going to deflect, pivot, throw personal attacks, and do anything they can to squirm out of addressing any of this.
Nah...most are honest enough...just not liking being boxed in. I think most have a handle on reality, for the most part, at least regarding the Election and Trump. But most see today's issues in exactly the same light as do the Left-wing adherents...as existential subjects that are so important that almost any ethically dubious actions are justified.
Many decry the outright lie...but misrepresenting meanings, or consciously changing words and concepts to forward a cultural narrative..are going to be the norm for a while, I suspect.
After all, we do have our true believers...and trolling the opposition, for many, is what it's all about.

Nuance is not the partisan's friend.

Courts Finally Admit Election Irregularities …

At least four key battleground states—and one former red state flipped blue by egregious vote fraud—have delivered court rulings that vindicated former president Donald Trump’s complaints about widespread irregularities undermining the 2020 election outcome.

Just the News’s John Solomon reported that several state courts have now declared illegal the last-minute maneuvers by Democrat officials to circumvent state legislatures in mailing out unsolicited absentee ballots and lowering the statutory threshold for inclusion.

  • In Michigan, the state Court of Claims ruled that Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson violated state law a month before the election by instructing that local election clerks to presume all signatures were valid and to reject only those with “multiple significant and obvious” irregularities. Benson had previously mailed absentee ballots to everyone on the state’s voting rolls under the pretense of coronavirus “emergency” orders.
  • In Wisconsin, the state Supreme Court ruled in December that election officials including Gov. Tony Evers lacked authority to let healthy voters ignore the state’s voter ID requirements by declaring themselves “indefinitely confined.”
  • In Virginia, a Circuit Court judge permanently banned the state Department of Elections’ recently implemented policy to allow ballots without postmarks after Election Day after the Public Interest Legal Foundation filed suit.
In Arizona and Georgia, as well, courts recently issued favorable verdicts allowing access to the voting data for two counties where widespread fraud is suspected.

  • Maricopa County, which encompasses the Phoenix area, must allow Arizona’s GOP-led legislature to conduct an independent audit of ballots and voting machines.
  • And Fulton County, overlapping much of the Atlanta metro area, may have to hand over its absentee ballots in a suit pressed by an election-integrity watchdog in Georgia after a judge signaled he was open to it. That came despite recent reports that the heavily blue county may have already begun shredding the evidence.
In addition to validating the concerns and frustrations of Trump supporters after endless denials by gaslighting media, the court rulings may also be significant in future elections.

With the exception of Virginia, all of the cases noted were from states Trump had won in 2016 that became the subject of intense scrutiny following the Nov. 3 election due to state officials’ brazen efforts to leverage their “emergency” pandemic powers for partisan political gain.

Virginia, a longtime bellwether state, likewise fell subject to systemic fraud after a questionable 2013 gubernatorial victory by longtime Clinton surrogate Terry McAuliffe, who began the process of dismantling election rules through executive order to flip the state solid blue.

Democrats, now entrenched in power at the federal level, are currently seeking to codify the corrupt and illegal voting practices in order to secure permanent majorities through controversial legislation such as the HR1 election overhaul.

As some state legislatures scramble to correct legal loopholes and reassert their authority in establishing election laws, a new deluge of court challenges from the “sue till blue” Left is, no doubt, inevitable.
Nah...most are honest enough...just not liking being boxed in. I think most have a handle on reality, for the most part, at least regarding the Election and Trump.
I disagree.

They’re not honest, they don’t have a handle on the reality of the election, and they boxed themselves in for believing in that bullshit.
We now know that, as we have been assuming, the crew at FOX has been lying to its viewers for years about the "rigged election". They knew the accusations were BS, but they promoted and advocated them anyway for ratings and stock prices. Literally.

We know that Steve Bannon is on tape, before the election, telling people that Trump was going to claim victory even if he lost and wasn't going to give an inch. Link below.

We know that MANY Republicans, from state election officials to governors to supreme courts to Trump-appointed judges to the freakin' "Cyber Ninjas", have tossed out the accusations.

Here's my guess, and you can tell me if (or actually, claim that) I'm wrong: I think you know you're being lied to, but you don't care. You're "at war" with the Left, so anything goes.

Please vote and comment.

Mother Jones? Roflmao
We now know that, as we have been assuming, the crew at FOX has been lying to its viewers for years about the "rigged election". They knew the accusations were BS, but they promoted and advocated them anyway for ratings and stock prices. Literally.

We know that Steve Bannon is on tape, before the election, telling people that Trump was going to claim victory even if he lost and wasn't going to give an inch. Link below.

We know that MANY Republicans, from state election officials to governors to supreme courts to Trump-appointed judges to the freakin' "Cyber Ninjas", have tossed out the accusations.

Here's my guess, and you can tell me if (or actually, claim that) I'm wrong: I think you know you're being lied to, but you don't care. You're "at war" with the Left, so anything goes.

Please vote and comment.

How do you explain all the convictions of liberals and Democrats (a partial list of which and link to I posted in the other existing thread on this tipic) for voter / election fraud if no such thing ever happened / exists?

I'm not attempting to claim that enough existed to overturn the entire election, but I am saying actual proven facts and recorded / reported convictions prove election fraud did occur and does exist, contrary to what Democrats continuously claim and snowflakes repeatedly parrot.
Imagine an election in a fictitious country. Nothing fancy, just a winner-take-all election where the person with the most popular votes wins.

Half of the population never votes.

Certain pockets of the population lean extraordinarily to one side...like 95% of that pocket votes to one side.

And a gazillionaire wants his candidate to win. Badly. So he hires hundreds of election "helpers" whose job it is to go to those pockets of slanted voters (neighborhoods, or ghettoes if your prefer) and induce thousands and thousands of them to vote - people who wouldn't ordinarily vote - knowing that 95% of them will vote for his favored candidate.

And imagine that there are laws that prohibit election helpers from working selectively with one faction of the voters. They MUST work with both sides equally.

Now imagine that these thousands and thousands of "found" votes determine who wins the election. Notice that there is no fraud here. It's just the influence of one gazillionaire (along with scores of operatives working within the "System" and taking advantage of a pandemic that happened to occur that year).

Could the losing candidate claim that the election was "stolen"? Was it stolen?

Nah. THis was the most secure election in the history of the fictitious country. Or so they say.

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