Professor refuses to use Trans pronouns.

What is the big deal about respecting a person? What does it have to do with religion?

It is not respect to cater to crazy people far from it.

Pretending a guy is a girl and vice versa is unethical.

If you are guy that wants to be girl, I am calling you a guy because you are guy.., if I want to call you a girl, because I want to - that's ok right? It doesn't matter what you request.

It doesn't matter what I request....and I am btw a girl...well old broad atleast so close enough.

You should not pretend a crazy a persons delusions are real----it is unethical and dangerous and very dishonest.

It's not pretending anything - it's just not judging a person and assuming they are a delusional nut because you don't agree.

If they aren't a delusional nut, you're just being an ass.

If they are a delusional nut, you aren't going to change their minds by attacking them. It's not dangerous. Nor is it unethical.

There are a lot of folks out there that it's just hard sometimes to determine what their gender is. What makes you the decider?
It's catering to the delusions-------a guy wanting to be a woman is still a guy. To call him female is dishonest and unethical. Which btw----all of these people are nuts---its not a "body problem"------its that their Brain isn't working quit right---its a mental problem which likely explains the high incidents of drug abuse, suicides, prison sentences, and oh yeah being officially declared nuts.

I think it's a lot more complicated than that and's a "brain problem" - a female brain in a male body or vice versa. There was a study that used MRI's to image male and female brains, and there were distinct differences in what portions lit up in different activities. In transgender people - their brains showed the same differences, with the gender they identified with. So it's not just a "mental problem" really is a problem somehow in the brain's development and wiring, maybe.

Given that, how does it help or how is it beneficial to insist on using the pronouns you want, rather than the ones they want?
Personal integrity.
And yet, you lie.

I cannot honestly claim that I am always 100% honest, that I never lie. But I rarely do.

At least I am not a pathological liar, as you are, who not only is incapable of ever telling the truth, but who is obsessed with forcing others to lie and to play along with lies.

You certainly are in no position to cast any judgement on my level of honesty. You're nowhere close to any such position.
What is the big deal about respecting a person? What does it have to do with religion?

It is not respect to cater to crazy people far from it.

Pretending a guy is a girl and vice versa is unethical.

If you are guy that wants to be girl, I am calling you a guy because you are guy.., if I want to call you a girl, because I want to - that's ok right? It doesn't matter what you request.

It doesn't matter what I request....and I am btw a girl...well old broad atleast so close enough.

You should not pretend a crazy a persons delusions are real----it is unethical and dangerous and very dishonest.

It's not pretending anything - it's just not judging a person and assuming they are a delusional nut because you don't agree.

If they aren't a delusional nut, you're just being an ass.

If they are a delusional nut, you aren't going to change their minds by attacking them. It's not dangerous. Nor is it unethical.

There are a lot of folks out there that it's just hard sometimes to determine what their gender is. What makes you the decider?
It's catering to the delusions-------a guy wanting to be a woman is still a guy. To call him female is dishonest and unethical. Which btw----all of these people are nuts---its not a "body problem"------its that their Brain isn't working quit right---its a mental problem which likely explains the high incidents of drug abuse, suicides, prison sentences, and oh yeah being officially declared nuts.

I think it's a lot more complicated than that and's a "brain problem" - a female brain in a male body or vice versa. There was a study that used MRI's to image male and female brains, and there were distinct differences in what portions lit up in different activities. In transgender people - their brains showed the same differences, with the gender they identified with. So it's not just a "mental problem" really is a problem somehow in the brain's development and wiring, maybe.

Given that, how does it help or how is it beneficial to insist on using the pronouns you want, rather than the ones they want?
Personal integrity.

So it helps you, but not the other person.
The idea was to alter language to make it difficult to express beliefs that were deemed subversive, with a hope that eventually this would make it difficult or impossible even to form thoughts and opinions that were contrary to the interests of Big Brother.
What is the big deal about respecting a person? What does it have to do with religion?

It is not respect to cater to crazy people far from it.

Pretending a guy is a girl and vice versa is unethical.

If you are guy that wants to be girl, I am calling you a guy because you are guy.., if I want to call you a girl, because I want to - that's ok right? It doesn't matter what you request.

It doesn't matter what I request....and I am btw a girl...well old broad atleast so close enough.

You should not pretend a crazy a persons delusions are real----it is unethical and dangerous and very dishonest.

It's not pretending anything - it's just not judging a person and assuming they are a delusional nut because you don't agree.

If they aren't a delusional nut, you're just being an ass.

If they are a delusional nut, you aren't going to change their minds by attacking them. It's not dangerous. Nor is it unethical.

There are a lot of folks out there that it's just hard sometimes to determine what their gender is. What makes you the decider?
It's catering to the delusions-------a guy wanting to be a woman is still a guy. To call him female is dishonest and unethical. Which btw----all of these people are nuts---its not a "body problem"------its that their Brain isn't working quit right---its a mental problem which likely explains the high incidents of drug abuse, suicides, prison sentences, and oh yeah being officially declared nuts.

I think it's a lot more complicated than that and's a "brain problem" - a female brain in a male body or vice versa. There was a study that used MRI's to image male and female brains, and there were distinct differences in what portions lit up in different activities. In transgender people - their brains showed the same differences, with the gender they identified with. So it's not just a "mental problem" really is a problem somehow in the brain's development and wiring, maybe.

Given that, how does it help or how is it beneficial to insist on using the pronouns you want, rather than the ones they want?

You are right, it is a delusion on the part of the Tranny. And the question is whether or not its more respectful to humor the she-male and pretend that he's a broad, or whether its more respectful to call them what they are so they might shed their delusion.
And yet, you lie.

I cannot honestly claim that I am always 100% honest, that I never lie. But I rarely do.

At least I am not a pathological liar, as you are, who not only is incapable of ever telling the truth, but who is obsessed with forcing others to lie and to play along with lies.

You certainly are in no position to cast any judgement on my level of honesty. You're nowhere close to any such position.

Your "rarely" isn't so rare. You just keep at it calling others liars while hammering at the importance of honesty.

Glass houses and all.
Can I call you "she"?

You could, but it would be untrue. The student involved was/is a BIOLOGICAL female. That is a FACT. Telling me that I MUST refer to her as "him" is forcing me to LIE.

Why does lying only seem matter when it comes to issues involving homosexuality/'s a very selectively applied sin.

People lie all the time. They lie when they say the most boring talk they ever listened to was "good". They lie when their friend makes a horrible birthday cake and they say it was "delicious". They lie when you ask them "does this make my butt look fat" and they say "no". But, they won't lie when a person requests that you refer to them as "he/him" or "she/her".
If someone chooses to tell a lie it is their decision. And some won't lie even then. You want to force others to lie. Take that choice away. You, who I suspect is a firm believer in my body my choice, would rip that choice out of everyone's mouth.

No. I don't believe in compulsion. What I'm saying, again, is - why do you have to make it a huge deal? Why not be kind and respectful by choice? :dunno:
Here is the problem you seem to have.

The only person making this a big deal was the trans.

The Professor had no problem calling her by her proper gender.

SHE had the big problem with respecting HIM for adhering to what he believed.

Understand? It was the Professor who was wronged.
I myself might be willing to refer to a transgender person with their desired pronoun. I disagree with the concept of forcing someone to say something that they believe is UNTRUE.

I think we both can agree on that.

You cannot even keep your lies straight. With one tip of your forked tongue, you tell one lie, then with the other tip of your fo9rked tongue, you tell another lie that directly contradicts the lie you previously told.

Do you wonder why nobody on this forum ever believes anything that you say? Or do you even care?

Your degree of intellectual dishonesty is not merely a moral/ethical defect; it is a severe psychiatric issue.
Can I call you "she"?

You could, but it would be untrue. The student involved was/is a BIOLOGICAL female. That is a FACT. Telling me that I MUST refer to her as "him" is forcing me to LIE.

Why does lying only seem matter when it comes to issues involving homosexuality/'s a very selectively applied sin.

People lie all the time. They lie when they say the most boring talk they ever listened to was "good". They lie when their friend makes a horrible birthday cake and they say it was "delicious". They lie when you ask them "does this make my butt look fat" and they say "no". But, they won't lie when a person requests that you refer to them as "he/him" or "she/her".
If someone chooses to tell a lie it is their decision. And some won't lie even then. You want to force others to lie. Take that choice away. You, who I suspect is a firm believer in my body my choice, would rip that choice out of everyone's mouth.

No. I don't believe in compulsion. What I'm saying, again, is - why do you have to make it a huge deal? Why not be kind and respectful by choice? :dunno:
Submit willingly.

You are way too obsessed with submission.
Nope. That's exactly what it's about.
At least I am not a pathological liar, as you are, who not only is incapable of ever telling the truth, but who is obsessed with forcing others to lie and to play along with lies.

Your "rarely" isn't so rare. You just keep at it calling others liars while hammering at the importance of honesty.

Glass houses and all.

Well, again, I cannot claim perfect honesty, but you are most certainly not in any position to cast judgement on be about that.

If you could get to the point where you told the truth nearly as often as I lie, that would be a huge step for you. But we both know that that is never going to happen.
Why do you think that is comparable to gender?

If one can change their gender by claiming to be another gender, why can't someone be able to change their age?

Unlike gender (or race, or number of other "identifiers") there are special legal rights and responsibilities associated with age. Although...there are people who self-identify as "adult babies"....seriously.
You are way too obsessed with submission.

Says the piece of shit who is demanding that sane people submit to madness and lies. Who is it that is obsessed, here?

No one has to submit to anything.

It's your personal choice - do you choose to treat a person with kindness and respect...or not?
I think we both can agree on that.

Here's how the school should have handled it. They should have taken the professor and the student and had a private meeting. The school should have told the student that, while they sympathize with "her" desires, they cannot force an educator to refer to a person who was born a biological female as a biological male.

And that could have been and should have been the end of it.

The problem is that leftists run most colleges and they feel obligated to validate every claim of bigotry.
And yet, you lie.

I cannot honestly claim that I am always 100% honest, that I never lie. But I rarely do.

At least I am not a pathological liar, as you are, who not only is incapable of ever telling the truth, but who is obsessed with forcing others to lie and to play along with lies.

You certainly are in no position to cast any judgement on my level of honesty. You're nowhere close to any such position.

Your "rarely" isn't so rare. You just keep at it calling others liars while hammering at the importance of honesty.

Glass houses and all.

So someone may occasionally lie. The 'White' lie to save someone's feelings.

Do you equate that as an opening to force someone to lie to fit the agenda of another as acceptable?
It's your personal choice - do you choose to treat a person with kindness and respect...or not?

Once again, it gets down to your delusional belief, as a hardcore pathological liar, that treating someone with respect and kindness means lying to them, and paying along with lies.

Sane people just do not think that way; only ethically- and mentally-defective freaks such as yourself do.
You are way too obsessed with submission.

Says the piece of shit who is demanding that sane people submit to madness and lies. Who is it that is obsessed, here?

No one has to submit to anything.

It's your personal choice - do you choose to treat a person with kindness and respect...or not?
That depends.

If they are going to try and force Me to their will;

I will not respect them or treat them with kindness.

If I don't use the pronoun they want and they shrug and go about their business, then I will treat them as a human being and give them the courtesy I give everyone else.
Unlike gender (or race, or number of other "identifiers") there are special legal rights and responsibilities associated with age. Although...there are people who self-identify as "adult babies"....seriously.

Well, Coyote, I guess facts are facts. A person can take hormones and have surgery but they cannot, ultimately, change their biological gender. That's a fact, just like one who has been out of the womb for only 16 years cannot claim to have been out for 21 years.
Can I call you "she"?

You could, but it would be untrue. The student involved was/is a BIOLOGICAL female. That is a FACT. Telling me that I MUST refer to her as "him" is forcing me to LIE.

Why does lying only seem matter when it comes to issues involving homosexuality/'s a very selectively applied sin.

People lie all the time. They lie when they say the most boring talk they ever listened to was "good". They lie when their friend makes a horrible birthday cake and they say it was "delicious". They lie when you ask them "does this make my butt look fat" and they say "no". But, they won't lie when a person requests that you refer to them as "he/him" or "she/her".
If someone chooses to tell a lie it is their decision. And some won't lie even then. You want to force others to lie. Take that choice away. You, who I suspect is a firm believer in my body my choice, would rip that choice out of everyone's mouth.

No. I don't believe in compulsion. What I'm saying, again, is - why do you have to make it a huge deal? Why not be kind and respectful by choice? :dunno:
Submit willingly.

You are way too obsessed with submission.
Nope. That's exactly what it's about.

So you
And yet, you lie.

I cannot honestly claim that I am always 100% honest, that I never lie. But I rarely do.

At least I am not a pathological liar, as you are, who not only is incapable of ever telling the truth, but who is obsessed with forcing others to lie and to play along with lies.

You certainly are in no position to cast any judgement on my level of honesty. You're nowhere close to any such position.

Your "rarely" isn't so rare. You just keep at it calling others liars while hammering at the importance of honesty.

Glass houses and all.

So someone may occasionally lie. The 'White' lie to save someone's feelings.

Do you equate that as an opening to force someone to lie to fit the agenda of another as acceptable?

Who said anything about force? Nowhere have I stated that.

Isn't choosing to use a person's preferred pronoun, even if you don't agree, a perfect example of the 'White' lie to save someone's feelings?

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