Pro Life Women

The atheist’s case against abortion: respect for human rights​

I am an atheist, a 29-year-old woman, well-educated at secular institutions, and I lean liberal on many issues, including same-sex marriage and climate change.

I am also a dedicated pro-life activist, working to make abortion unthinkable.

The abortion industry would have you believe that people like me do not exist. They would have you believe that the pro-life movement is almost exclusively old white men, with a few pearl-clutching church ladies thrown in. This characterization is insulting to both young and old. The older pro-life leaders of today are the pioneering young adult activists of the 1970s, who courageously dissented from Roe v. Wade. And they have recruited new generations of pro-lifers to follow in their footsteps; millennials in the movement call ourselves the “pro-life generation.”

There are important differences between the millennial generation and those that came before. One of the biggest is religion. The well-reported decline in church attendance is driven largely by young adults. Over a third of millennials tell pollsters they have no religious affiliation, compared with 23 percent for Generation X and 17 percent for baby boomers. And even among millennials who have maintained a religious affiliation, many favor same-sex marriage and show less appetite for the “culture war” than their elders do.

Yet this more secular generation still shows up to save preborn children and their mothers from the tragedy of abortion. This puzzles some abortion supporters, who had assumed they would benefit from demographic changes. The key to understanding this discrepancy is to realize that it is not a discrepancy at all: We see abortion not as a culture war issue or as a religious issue but as a human rights issue.

It is not enough to understand “Humanae Vitae” (indeed, lecturing an atheist on the finer points of Catholic dogma is surely counterproductive). To work with pro-life young people and to change the minds of pro-choice millennials you must be able to articulate the human rights case against abortion. The pro-life pioneer Dr. Mildred Jefferson said it best: “I am not willing to stand aside and allow this concept of expendable human lives to turn this great land of ours into just another exclusive reservation where only the perfect, the privileged, and the planned have the right to live.” That’s a sentiment that anyone, from any religious or nonreligious background, can get behind.

Most secular pro-choice people are well-meaning and affirm a commitment to human rights. Most are horrified by ableism—but close their eyes to the often lethal consequences of prenatal genetic testing. Abortion advocates would never murder a defenseless sleeping or comatose person—yet they argue that because children in the womb lack consciousness, killing them is permissible.

Pointing out these contradictions is a delicate business. Many young pro-choicers have been exposed to years of ad hominem propaganda. They have been taught that pro-lifers are hypocrites who do not care about children after they are born. They have been taught that we hate women. They may be close to someone who has had an abortion—or even had an abortion themselves—and believe that becoming pro-life will require them to issue fire-and-brimstone condemnations of post-abortive women.

The best antidote to these fears is not argument but action. Examine your own life and ensure that your priorities reflect concern for human life at all its stages. Befriend pro-choice people and let them see what being pro-life really means on the ground. Do not expect they have learned this from the mainstream media.

When the time for discussing the issue comes, be gentle and ask questions. The Socratic method, allowing people to discover internal contradictions for themselves, usually works best. For more on this technique, I highly recommend the Equal Rights Institute website.

When we survey the lives destroyed by abortion over the past five decades, it is easy to become overwhelmed and discouraged. But we are making real progress. This is an incredibly exciting time to be pro-life. If we work together—secular and religious, young and old, from every race and gender—I firmly believe we can end abortion in my lifetime.

by Kelsey Hazzard
Kelsey Hazzard is the president of Secular Pro-Life, which brings together people of every faith and no faith in defense of preborn children. She practices law in Florida.
I never said that they did. I was responding to TheReaper's meme bragging that 16 female reps are pro birth, while over 100 are pro choice.

First of all it was not a meme asswipe. Second of all it was not bragging. You baby-killers don't know hoe to read do you. You also don;t know how to stay on topic.
The Saudi's are the world's #1 backers of terrorism all over the world, and were responsible for 9/11, but you love them. Don't pretend to care about terrorism. You just want to kill Muslims.

The whole purpose of the 9/11 attacks was to allow Bin Laden's group to OVERTHROW the existing Saudi government, so are you saying the Saudi government was trying to overthrow itself, right?

It's about terrorism. Seeing some BLM/Anti-fa white boys, girls and whatevers getting 15-20 for being rioting fucks would bring the warm and fuzzies to my heart.
As is always the case, a few leftwing trolls come in here and derail the thread off topic.
The topic is pro life women, and how the pro life movement is by and for women, not men

First post:

Hey men, are you like me, getting sick and tired of democrat women blaming the pro life movement on old men? Most of the pro life people I know are women. Every year at the March for Life I see a sea of women, and young women too.

A real woman understands the miracle of life that takes place within her and would never murder her baby.

Lets take a look at some pro life women, and young women, and see what they say:

Pro-life millennial women speak out

My Generation Will End Abortion

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The whole purpose of the 9/11 attacks was to allow Bin Laden's group to OVERTHROW the existing Saudi government, so are you saying the Saudi government was trying to overthrow itself, right?

It's about terrorism. Seeing some BLM/Anti-fa white boys, girls and whatevers getting 15-20 for being rioting fucks would bring the warm and fuzzies to my heart.

Dude, please, stay on the topic.

That's brilliant!

One of the reasons I quit medical school was the realization that the medical industrial complex had worked so hard, for so long, on creating the perception of pregnancy as a DISEASE. One lunatic here actually referred to pregnancy as a medical condition or some such ridiculous thing. Once you have gone to the home of a friend and watched as she delivers her child all by herself, with no doctors, midwives or other so-called "practitioners", you realize the awesome power of the instinct that drives a woman to be that kind of mother.

Dogs don't wait for the vet to get there to have their puppies. Why does the human animal believe they can't be as successful at birthing their children as any other animal?

Having gone from flushing human remains down the sink drain at the clinic I worked in to sharing the totally natural process of a powerful woman birthing her young really changed me a lot.

Our Mission

Feminists for Life of America recognizes that abortion is a reflection that our society has failed to meet the needs of women. We are dedicated to systematically eliminating the root causes that drive women to abortion — primarily lack of practical resources and support — through holistic, woman-centered solutions. Women deserve better® than abortion.

Our Vision

Feminists for Life is a renaissance of the original American feminism. Like Susan B. Anthony and other early American suffragists, today’s pro-life feminists envision a better world in which no woman would be driven by desperation to abortion:

  • A world in which pregnancy, motherhood, and birthmotherhood are accepted and supported.
  • Campuses and workplaces that support mothers in practical ways and do not force them to choose between their education or career plans and their children.
  • A society that supports the role of mothers, values the role of fathers, and helps parents provide both financial and emotional support for their children.
  • A culture in which parents are respected, whether they decide to stay at home or return to work.

“Women Deserve Better” means before and after birth.

“Sweeter even than to have had the joy of caring for children of my own has it been to me to help bring about a better state of things for mothers generally, so that their unborn little ones could not be willed away from them.”
–Susan B. Anthony

Organizational Description

Established in 1972, Feminists for Life of America is a nonsectarian, nonpartisan, grassroots organization that seeks real solutions to the challenges women face. Our efforts are shaped by the core feminist values of justice, nondiscrimination, and nonviolence. Feminists for Life of America continues the tradition of early American feminists such as Susan B. Anthony, who opposed abortion.

Our Work

As Feminists for Life, we are motivated to free women from abortion through resources and support.

  • We have worked for low-income women. We have worked to reduce poverty among women and children, to prevent coerced abortions due to threats to withhold child support, and to encourage the active support of fathers in the lives of their children.
  • We have worked to prevent violence against women, including pregnant women.
  • We have worked to protect women from being forced into unwanted abortions.
  • We have led the revolution on campus through FFL’s College Outreach Program, which strives to meet the needs of college-aged women, the demographic that has the highest rate of abortion. Since the FFL College Outreach Program began in 1994, there has been a dramatic 30 percent decrease in abortions among college-educated women.
We believe that education is the key to fighting the feminization of poverty.

Most abortions are performed on the poor or working poor, almost half of whom are college-aged. FFL Pregnancy Resource ForumsSM on campuses across the country led to the creation of the U.S. Pregnancy Assistance Fund which will, in part, help transform campuses in support of pregnant and parenting students, as well as birthmothers.

We advocate for workplace solutions that benefit both the employee and the employer.

We have educated pro-life and feminist movements about our rich, pro-life feminist history.

Our message that “Women Deserve Better than Abortion” is redirecting the polarized debate toward holistic, woman-centered solutions.
The whole purpose of the 9/11 attacks was to allow Bin Laden's group to OVERTHROW the existing Saudi government, so are you saying the Saudi government was trying to overthrow itself, right?

It's about terrorism. Seeing some BLM/Anti-fa white boys, girls and whatevers getting 15-20 for being rioting fucks would bring the warm and fuzzies to my heart.
Read the 9/11 commission report. Learn something, for once in your life.
If you are expecting threads that don't meander from the start, I suggest another message board.

I expect decent people to follow rules.

That's brilliant!

One of the reasons I quit medical school was the realization that the medical industrial complex had worked so hard, for so long, on creating the perception of pregnancy as a DISEASE. One lunatic here actually referred to pregnancy as a medical condition or some such ridiculous thing. Once you have gone to the home of a friend and watched as she delivers her child all by herself, with no doctors, midwives or other so-called "practitioners", you realize the awesome power of the instinct that drives a woman to be that kind of mother.

Dogs don't wait for the vet to get there to have their puppies. Why does the human animal believe they can't be as successful at birthing their children as any other animal?

Having gone from flushing human remains down the sink drain at the clinic I worked in to sharing the totally natural process of a powerful woman birthing her young really changed me a lot.

The pro-abortion death cult known as the DemoKKKrat party routinely refers to unborn children as "parasites", "tumors", and "mindless clumps of cells". This is the type of dehumanization the left is now completely immersed in. Be it unborn children, Trump supporters, gun owners, unvaccinated people, or religious Americans, the left thinks of them all as subhuman and worthy only of murder.

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