Prince/Pauper (India)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a prince-pauper tale set in India meant to illuminate even some modern imagination regarding the socialization of everyday dogma!


Prince Amlan was a happy and luxurious young royal in the grand city of Agra, India. He'd learn from his tutors and was entertained by the court musicians and spent time painting. He lived a happy and peaceful life. However, he yearned for a real modern-day adventure, even in the colored city of Agra, India on the continent of Asia.


PRINCE AMLAN: "Agra (India) is my home, and I consider it a gem that shines my thoughts about everyday daylight."


The Indian street pauper Amol was the opposite of the royal Prince Amlan. Amol lived in Agra as a street-pickpocket and orphan, making his way on his own after his parents disappeared. Amol was self-reliant and comparable to a street-urchin from folk-tales and Dickens stories. Amol was resourceful and often went on bloody adventures in Agra, India. Amol was the polar opposite of Amlan. Amlan the prince was contemplative and thoughtful and conservative, while Amol was liberal, daring, and somewhat reckless.


An American governess was hired to educate Prince Amlan in the ways of Western civilization. She was given a first-class ticket invitation aboard Air India to visit Prince Amlan's palace in Agra, India. This American governess, Donna, boarded her Air India flight and was expecting an exciting teaching position at the prince's royal palace for 1 entire year.


DONNA: "I'm excited to be the Prince's personal governess and teacher and expect he's eager to learn about Western ethos!"


Prince Amlan and his new governess-teacher Donna got along great, and the Prince took her to a fancy expensive Indian saree women's clothing store where she could pick out personal sarees with the help of the royal court female tailor and fashion consultant. Amlan was thrilled that Donna was learning about Indian women's fashions in Agra while telling him about Western fashions and business-suits and 1920s bell-dresses. The saree store experience with the governess-teacher Donna taught Prince Amlan that his life in Agra was one of incredible if dutiful edification!


One night, Prince Amlan sneaked out of the palaced disguised as a pauper. He roamed around Agra and met the street-pickpocket Amol, introduced earlier. Amlan and Amol became fast-friends, and when Amlan revealed his royal identity to his young street pal Amol, Amol decided the two should break into the Indian war and weapons museum and take iPhone photos of the ancient weaponry. That's just what they did, and the prince and the pauper learned from each other that they both had something to offer to the other regarding the modern imagination about socialized dreams.


AMLAN: We've been exposed to inter-class daydreams, my friend!
AMOL: India is a place for both the wealthy and the laboring.
AMLAN: You're a very resourceful street-boy, my friend!
AMOL: You're surprisingly curious about the life of the entire world.
AMLAN: These weapons in this museum represent the history of social life.
AMOL: Yes, the weapons are available for the rich and the poor to think about evolution!
AMLAN: The upper class is supposed to govern and lead for the life of the under class.
AMOL: That's the theory, my Prince, but in actuality, many in power simply indulge.
AMLAN: Well, maybe what we'll do is create a living journal of inter-class experience.
AMOL: I suppose you have many royal court stimulators and inspiration!
AMLAN: Yes, but you roam and wander the streets like a pirate-adventurer.
AMOL: I'm not the 'Thief of Agra' but I do care about inventiveness, my Prince.
AMLAN: Perhaps we're both learning about the roads of modern daylight.
AMOL: Perhaps, my distant friend!


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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