Priest goes viral with trashing of ‘catholic’ Biden

Here you go, MisterBeale

I wouldn't want to upset your sensibilities any more than I already have. I'd summarize it for you but I find you to be a bit of a ****.

So you are telling me I should learn what I already know from a PBS site, than the courses I took in religious studies? Is that it? :auiqs.jpg:

You are too much ding, you really are. So rich. Good for a laugh.
Of course you believe I am a ****, I threaten the very foundations of your ego. You can only reach enlightenment when you let go buddy. Why do you think Arius was such a threat at Nicea? Why do you think there is that legend that Santa Claus decked his ass? Folks don't want to hear truth.

I looked over your foundation funded garbage. . . why did it leave out the Arian heresy & Melitian schism controversies, and the important information having to do with Constantine's secret pagan life? :dunno:
You are describing yourself. I haven't done shit except listen to your insults.
Here you go, MisterBeale

I wouldn't want to upset your sensibilities any more than I already have. I'd summarize it for you but I find you to be a bit of a ****.

So you are telling me I should learn what I already know from a PBS site, than the courses I took in religious studies? Is that it? :auiqs.jpg:

You are too much ding, you really are. So rich. Good for a laugh.
Of course you believe I am a ****, I threaten the very foundations of your ego. You can only reach enlightenment when you let go buddy. Why do you think Arius was such a threat at Nicea? Why do you think there is that legend that Santa Claus decked his ass? Folks don't want to hear truth.

I looked over your foundation funded garbage. . . why did it leave out the Arian heresy & Melitian schism controversies, and the important information having to do with Constantine's secret pagan life? :dunno:
You are describing yourself. I haven't done shit except listen to your insults.
All that from me asking a question.
You are describing yourself. I haven't done shit except listen to your insults.
what was insulting ...
The Diversity Of Early Christianity | From Jesus To Christ - The First Christians | FRONTLINE | PBS
could it have been your typical, deceptive - innocent, preordained ... reply.

surly you'll be ok soon there's always someone else to persecute and victimize.
Here you go, MisterBeale

I wouldn't want to upset your sensibilities any more than I already have. I'd summarize it for you but I find you to be a bit of a ****.

So you are telling me I should learn what I already know from a PBS site, than the courses I took in religious studies? Is that it? :auiqs.jpg:

You are too much ding, you really are. So rich. Good for a laugh.
Of course you believe I am a ****, I threaten the very foundations of your ego. You can only reach enlightenment when you let go buddy. Why do you think Arius was such a threat at Nicea? Why do you think there is that legend that Santa Claus decked his ass? Folks don't want to hear truth.

I looked over your foundation funded garbage. . . why did it leave out the Arian heresy & Melitian schism controversies, and the important information having to do with Constantine's secret pagan life? :dunno:
You are describing yourself. I haven't done shit except listen to your insults.
,o1 a-3.jpg
Here you go, MisterBeale

I wouldn't want to upset your sensibilities any more than I already have. I'd summarize it for you but I find you to be a bit of a ****.

So you are telling me I should learn what I already know from a PBS site, than the courses I took in religious studies? Is that it? :auiqs.jpg:

You are too much ding, you really are. So rich. Good for a laugh.
Of course you believe I am a ****, I threaten the very foundations of your ego. You can only reach enlightenment when you let go buddy. Why do you think Arius was such a threat at Nicea? Why do you think there is that legend that Santa Claus decked his ass? Folks don't want to hear truth.

I looked over your foundation funded garbage. . . why did it leave out the Arian heresy & Melitian schism controversies, and the important information having to do with Constantine's secret pagan life? :dunno:
You are describing yourself. I haven't done shit except listen to your insults.
All that from me asking a question.
You are describing yourself. I haven't done shit except listen to your insults.
what was insulting ...
The Diversity Of Early Christianity | From Jesus To Christ - The First Christians | FRONTLINE | PBS
could it have been your typical, deceptive - innocent, preordained ... reply.

surly you'll be ok soon there's always someone else to persecute and victimize.
That you can't see that all I did was ask a simple question, says it all.
This priest is spot on in his calling out of Catholic bishops. Either they believe the church's teachings or they don't. If they don't, they need to find another vocation.

This man is not a Catholic, not a priest and not a Christian at all.
Divorce is a different case altogether.

In the first place, marriage and divorce are STATE matters, not Federal. Second, the Church does not prohibit divorce, only re-marriage.

Indeed marriage had absolutelly nothing to do with politics in the beginning. One day the nobles decided everyone has to be a soldier for them and so they overtook the marriage and birth registers of the Christian communities. Who did not like to go to war for them was attacked. As for example the Cathars in ancient France, who had lived door by door with Catholics. Cathars had a very confused form of belief. But this was not a real problem. The problem was: They did not go to war. That's why the soldiers of the French king murdered them (including the Catholics, who had lived with them together door to door). Practically made the political states the children of god to their property. They had to give their life not any longer to god but to the nobles = to the elites = to the states = to the armies.

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There is so much corruption in the Church. ...

One example please.

The "Grand Jury from Pennsylvania" is from my point of view a shame not only for Pennsylvania but for the whole USA. Tell me what came out in the processes they did not make and what the defenders said in this criminal proceedings. Today everyone worldwide is able to stop every career of every clerics by calling him a pedophile. He will find more than enough people, who will agree.
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Yes, this priest knows there's corruption in the Church. The video shows him speaking out against corruption in the Church. Watch the video.
I did.

But he never mentioned the corruption going back to Rome.

When you have bad children, the fault lay with the parents.

The church may have "cowardly" Bishops. . . but if he does NOT explain the corruption in Rome, nor why those Bishops are cowards, his flock will never get it.

I have given you that information myself. . . and when I do? You ignore it because the information is too painful for you to hear, or for you to face. When you hear that the end is here, that Peter's thrown is in mortal peril? You don't like to hear that evil and the beast has seeped into the heart, nor do like face up to that reality, DO YOU!

Shielding his flock from the truth? That does them no good. Hiding the truth, when it is difficult for the innocent to hear, only leads to unexpected horrors. . .

". . . In a 1980 interview for the German magazine Stimme des Glaubens published in October 1981, John Paul II was asked explicitly to speak about the third secret. He said:[excessive quote]
Because of the seriousness of its contents, in order not to encourage the world wide power of Communism to carry out certain coups, my predecessors in the chair of Peter have diplomatically preferred to withhold its publication. On the other hand, it should be sufficient for all Christians to know this much: if there is a message in which it is said that the oceans will flood entire sections of the earth; that, from one moment to the other, millions of people will perish... there is no longer any point in really wanting to publish this secret message. Many want to know merely out of curiosity, or because of their taste for sensationalism, but they forget that 'to know' implies for them a responsibility. It is dangerous to want to satisfy one's curiosity only, if one is convinced that we can do nothing against a catastrophe that has been predicted." He held up his rosary and stated "Here is the remedy against this evil. Pray, pray and ask for nothing else. Put everything in the hands of the Mother of God." Asked what would happen in the Church, he said: "We must be prepared to undergo great trials in the not-too-distant future; trials that will require us to be ready to give up even our lives, and a total gift of self to Christ and for Christ. Through your prayers and mine, it is possible to alleviate this tribulation, but it is no longer possible to avert it, because it is only in this way that the Church can be effectively renewed. How many times, indeed, has the renewal of the Church been effected in blood? This time, again, it will not be otherwise. We must be strong, ... we must entrust ourselves to Christ and to His holy Mother, and we must be attentive, very attentive, to the prayer of the Rosary."[31]

According to one source, when Lúcia was asked about the third secret, she said it was "in the Gospels and in the Apocalypse", and at one point had even specified Apocalypse chapters 8 to 13, a range that includes the Book of Revelation 12:4, the chapter and verse cited by Pope John Paul II in his homily in Fátima on 13 May 2000.[32]"

If it wasn't for the RCC you wouldn't have Christianity.
That's patently false.

Christianity existed before Constantine decided to remold and take control of Christianity, using it for his own purposes.
Constantine was no Catholic.
There is so much corruption in the Church. ...

One example please.

The "Grand Jury from Pennsylvania" is from my point of view a shame not only for Pennsylvania but for the whole USA. Tell me what came out in the processes they did not make and what the defenders said in this criminal proceedings. Today everyone worldwide is able to stop every career of every clerics by calling him a pedophile. He will find more than enough people, who will agree.
Did priests touch you
There is so much corruption in the Church. ...

One example please.

The "Grand Jury from Pennsylvania" is from my point of view a shame not only for Pennsylvania but for the whole USA. Tell me what came out in the processes they did not make and what the defenders said in this criminal proceedings. Today everyone worldwide is able to stop every career of every clerics by calling him a pedophile. He will find more than enough people, who will agree.
Did priests touch you

Interesting. You try this what I would call in my own language an "Opfer-Täter-Verquerung" ... I translate this now with "victim-offender-inversion" (what's not a totally correct translation). This is a typical propagandistic structure of extremists. The reality is much more simple: Men, who are not clerics, are much much more dangerous in average in case of all forms of child abuse. The problem is that it is extremely shocking in case a priest is doing something in this direction.

And yes: I met many clerics in my life - and no: my relation with them was not in every single case an harmonic relation, but it was always a respectful relation: As well from them to me as from me to them. And sometimes we had a lot of fun. Yes - also priests are able to be funny and are able to laugh loud and to laugh a lot ... about really funny things. I hope you also notice this MisterBeale.

Hitler visits a mental home, walked down a line of inmates. Every patient cries: "Heil Hitler!". Only the guy at the end of the line stands still. Hitler: "Why do you not salute?". The man answers: "I'm the guard. I'm still not mad.".

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There is so much corruption in the Church. ...

One example please.

I forgot to say a very important word here: One concrete example please. One reason to ask for a croncrete example is to avoid abstrahotism. I'm sure in every concrete single case you will have in the end much more questions than results.

And Constantine still was no Catholic and Christian.
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China Joe is not only an embarrassment to the US but also to the church he claims he belongs.

He is a fake American and a fake Catholic.
This priest is spot on in his calling out of Catholic bishops. Either they believe the church's teachings or they don't. If they don't, they need to find another vocation.

He doesn't understand , the law is secular.

I think he does understand. I think perhaps that it's you that doesn't understand. I don't think Joe took any oath of office with his hand laying on the book of U.S. Code.
China Joe is not only an embarrassment to the US but also to the church he claims he belongs.

He is a fake American and a fake Catholic.
The current anti-Pope is a far greater danger to the throne of Peter.

It would not surprise me if he is the last.. . .

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