Pretty cool political quiz


Feb 14, 2011
I like this quiz better than the last political quiz I took. This one had fewer instances where my answer felt like it should be "none of the above". Also, it lets you say whether you consider a subject important or not. The ones which treat all questions as being of equal value just don't make as much sense to me.

Political Spectrum Quiz - Your Political Label

My results:



This quiz has been posted before. Quite a few of the questions are ridiculously simplistic though. For example, there are areas where I agree with regulation, but not federal regulation.... such as abortion, which I think is not a federal issue.
I took this quiz a few years ago, I haven't changed my mind at all. I still think the same as I did then.



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I expect I would change a little on a retake. By the end of the quiz I noticed that wasn't using the "how much does it matter" controls as much as I did on the earlier questions.

But at least this one didn't call me a leftist like the last one I took did! :lol:

Just because someone is in favor of the occasional anti-monopoly legislation that shouldn't be grounds to call someone a socialist! Ya know?!
This quiz has been posted before. Quite a few of the questions are ridiculously simplistic though. For example, there are areas where I agree with regulation, but not federal regulation.... such as abortion, which I think is not a federal issue.

I agree.
To me it is clearly geared to make a person score more left than they actually are.
I expect I would change a little on a retake. By the end of the quiz I noticed that wasn't using the "how much does it matter" controls as much as I did on the earlier questions.

But at least this one didn't call me a leftist like the last one I took did! :lol:

Just because someone is in favor of the occasional anti-monopoly legislation that shouldn't be grounds to call someone a socialist! Ya know?!

Many of the questions pertained to freedom of speech, one way or the other. That is why I fell into the right of the spectrum. If it asked if I thought government should control something concerning the media?, I said that I disagreed, STRONGLY
This quiz has been posted before. Quite a few of the questions are ridiculously simplistic though. For example, there are areas where I agree with regulation, but not federal regulation.... such as abortion, which I think is not a federal issue.

I agree.
To me it is clearly geared to make a person score more left than they actually are.

I agree, so that means I am actually one of those far right wing extremists that everyone warns you and me about :lol:
This quiz has been posted before. Quite a few of the questions are ridiculously simplistic though. For example, there are areas where I agree with regulation, but not federal regulation.... such as abortion, which I think is not a federal issue.

I agree.
To me it is clearly geared to make a person score more left than they actually are.

I'm way to detail driven for these quizzes. I want to interrogate the questions before I answer. How anyone can answer these questions without further detail, I don't know. I guess I am just too logical for political quizzes.
'bout where I figgured it'd be...


but, actually, I was somewhat surprised with the results of this particular quiz...

(which, btw, is a long-form variation of the famous 10-question "World's Shortest Political Quiz" constructed by well-known libertarian David Nolan...)

the reason I was surprised is that many of the questions were so poorly constructed that I had to answer "neutral" even on subjects I cared strongly about...

and, in a couple of cases, I even felt compelled to answer "disagree" for questions I would have otherwise answered "agree" if only the question had been worded slightly differently...

but I guess the quiz master must have taken this all into account...

because my result landed me solidly in the libertarian camp...

which is where I belong...

or, rather, where I belong on those rare days when I give a flying f*** anymore about what's going on...
This is an example of a question from the quiz which I wasn't sure about how to answer:

It is a problem when young people display a lack of respect for authority.

I do think that is a problem. For example in the classroom. I think that teachers should be respected by students unless the teachers are clearly out of line, and then there are still proper and improper ways of complaining. But if I say "agree", is that factored in as me being against political freedoms?

So I answered 'agree' but pegged it as mattering little because what does that have to do with politics?
I could put that X anywhere tho...

I'm not satisfied with the questions...
This is an example of a question from the quiz which I wasn't sure about how to answer:

It is a problem when young people display a lack of respect for authority.

I do think that is a problem. For example in the classroom. I think that teachers should be respected by students unless the teachers are clearly out of line, and then there are still proper and improper ways of complaining. But if I say "agree", is that factored in as me being against political freedoms?

So I answered 'agree' but pegged it as mattering little because what does that have to do with politics?

I had many philosophical problems with the questions.....

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