President's July 4 address (-:

Guess what the weekly Repub address was about? Their :up: failed rw witch hunt of course

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Did he mention the NY Central Park "explosive hobbyiest" that just happened to have left something behind that blew someone's foot off?
sheeeesh I googled-----poor kid-----I hope that they find the bomb planter and kill him -----in non racist manner----that is----regardless or race, gender, age,
or creed. I am staying home from NOW---until the end of the RAMADINGDONG
an "EXPERIMENT" ----something like experiments with COOKING WITH PRESSURE COOKERS
Cons are in no mood to celebrate the Independence of America a few days after their dimwits in Congress admitted the Ben Gassy frame-up didn't work.

Cons are much more comfortable in misery so leave them to their element.
The spousal licensing was an interesting aspect of the short message.

And did I catch that right, "Doctor Joe Biden"? That may explain problems we've heard about with the V.A.
did he talk about how one of his fast n furious weapons showed up at the scene

of the Paris terrorist attack
Cons are in no mood to celebrate the Independence of America a few days after their dimwits in Congress admitted the Ben Gassy frame-up didn't work.

Cons are much more comfortable in misery so leave them to their element.
^ that

Their weekly address had to do w/ that expensive, failed witch hunt

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