President Trump supports National Reciprocity for Concealed Carry

You're starting from the premise that our culture is broken; it's not.

There are certain criminal sub-cultures in our society that are violent, but regular mainstream American society is more heavily armed than many militaries throughout the world, and yet, is almost completely non-violent. Our culture is not the problem at all.

And I think you are dishonest and have bad intent trying to say it is, and urging others to give up their liberties. You want people to be more helpless and easier to victimize and you expect me to believe your motives are pure?


I do think our culture is broken in many ways, sure, as well as our political system, our economic system, among others. The US leads the world in incarceration rates. We have more guns in the US than citizens. Yes, the majority of the population is not violent but that doesn't mean our culture is not broken in my opinion. Our culture is what is driving the highest incarceration rates in the world for example.

Your last comment is odd. Why would I want people to be helpless and easier to victimize?
because you're a leftist traitor.

A traitor? For having differing ideas on culture and gun ownership?
Plus I even mentioned in my list of ideas that you'd be able to possess a firearm.
I'd be "able" to possess a firearm only to be arrested in possession of it by some other law enforcement officer with a different opinion of its legality and the judges and attorneys to back him up.
I disagree that the only way to tackle violence is with force.
Then you should use a verb other than "tackle" -- that's a football metaphor or fishing gear -- and cops shouldn't be body-slamming or "fishing" for violence where it doesn't exist in the first place.

The real problem is that when it's time to go hunting or competition shooting, some people are more privileged than others, and they deal drugs and play gun control as vice on the poor, personæ non gratæ, deemed social undesirables, and adjudicated mental defectives.
You're starting from the premise that our culture is broken; it's not.

There are certain criminal sub-cultures in our society that are violent, but regular mainstream American society is more heavily armed than many militaries throughout the world, and yet, is almost completely non-violent. Our culture is not the problem at all.

And I think you are dishonest and have bad intent trying to say it is, and urging others to give up their liberties. You want people to be more helpless and easier to victimize and you expect me to believe your motives are pure?


I do think our culture is broken in many ways, sure, as well as our political system, our economic system, among others. The US leads the world in incarceration rates. We have more guns in the US than citizens. Yes, the majority of the population is not violent but that doesn't mean our culture is not broken in my opinion. Our culture is what is driving the highest incarceration rates in the world for example.

Your last comment is odd. Why would I want people to be helpless and easier to victimize?
You're defining our culture by the criminal exceptions, including things like the prison industrial complex, and then saying that mainstream, traditional American culture is broken; it's not, and you're full of shit.

It's odd that you say you don't want something, yet you advocate for exactly that.
You expect me to believe that you're not up to no good in light of that obvious two-faced behavior?

I think it has a lot to do with income inequality. The larger the income inequality gap becomes the larger the effect it has on those on or near the bottom. A lack of opportunity, a lack of hope, a lack of a feeling of importance to those in power and the rest of the country creates desperation, creates bad decision making, and creates a situation where the youth and even adults stuck in those situations turn to crime. Going to to prison and being treated like garbage, punished without any real rehabilitation or efforts to help them improve creates recidivism because once they leave they become more hardened and return to a situation with even less hope now that they have a criminal record. The cycle continues at that point. Sure some people can break free of it but the majority do not.

I'm ok with prisons having all of the things you described but they also need to focus mainly on helping the prisoners and not punishing them. Depending on how long your sentence is there should be certain mandatory things associated with that time to have them learn a trade, to have to earn a degree, to have them develop skills necessary to break out of the recidivism. You can't do that by treating them like lesser humans and convincing them that they are lesser. If someone has no hope for their future then they will return to their past.

Well that's why they go back, because there is nothing for them to fear in prisons. How does what another person make effect you? It doesn't. If you only make $11.00 an hour, how would taking more from the wealthy help you? It's not going to come back to you. It's only going to give government more money to waste. I just pointed out several ways to join the middle-class and do very well for yourself, and you act like you didn't read a word of it; maybe you didn't. Opportunity doesn't come knocking on your door, and robbing a bank so you can get free training in prison is not the answer either.

Go out, get the training necessary, get off the drugs so you can get a job, and you'll do fine. There is absolutely no reason not to unless you want to become a criminal. I'm nobody special. I'm just an average guy. If I can do it, anybody can.

I didn't mean to ignore or miss your comments about joining the middle class. I was rushing to respond earlier and didn't hit on it, i'm sorry.

Joining the military, driving a big truck, joining the police force or becoming a firefighter among other jobs is a good way to earn a living and can get your life going in a good direction, I agree, but for most youth that are stuck in a cycle of crime, poverty, and violence many just don't see those as realistic options unfortunately. Many don't even see themselves as being part of American society since in a lot of ways the country has given up on them in my opinion.
No, many of them were raised in multi-generational criminal sub-cultures that do not share basic American values and social mores. It's inaccurate to blame their shit on the country giving up on them. Truth is, many of them are feral fucking savages and predators.
You're starting from the premise that our culture is broken; it's not.

There are certain criminal sub-cultures in our society that are violent, but regular mainstream American society is more heavily armed than many militaries throughout the world, and yet, is almost completely non-violent. Our culture is not the problem at all.

And I think you are dishonest and have bad intent trying to say it is, and urging others to give up their liberties. You want people to be more helpless and easier to victimize and you expect me to believe your motives are pure?


I do think our culture is broken in many ways, sure, as well as our political system, our economic system, among others. The US leads the world in incarceration rates. We have more guns in the US than citizens. Yes, the majority of the population is not violent but that doesn't mean our culture is not broken in my opinion. Our culture is what is driving the highest incarceration rates in the world for example.

Your last comment is odd. Why would I want people to be helpless and easier to victimize?
because you're a leftist traitor.

A traitor? For having differing ideas on culture and gun ownership?
For advocating that your fellow Americans be stripped of their liberties and their property?

What else would you call that person?
I didn't mean to ignore or miss your comments about joining the middle class. I was rushing to respond earlier and didn't hit on it, i'm sorry.

Joining the military, driving a big truck, joining the police force or becoming a firefighter among other jobs is a good way to earn a living and can get your life going in a good direction, I agree, but for most youth that are stuck in a cycle of crime, poverty, and violence many just don't see those as realistic options unfortunately. Many don't even see themselves as being part of American society since in a lot of ways the country has given up on them in my opinion.

Wha do you mean by the country giving up on them? How so, because we didn't take them by the hand and guide them through every aspect of life? We all went to school, and it's up to the individual to exercise what they are taught. We all have job opportunities, it's just that you have to make the effort to get one.

Poverty? My father tells us of stories when he was young. He and his five siblings grew up in a house about the size of a three car garage. Yes, they were on welfare, but welfare back then meant pulling your red wagon to the fire station five miles away. There the firemen would fill it up with fruits and vegetables and they'd pull it back home. They had no running water in the house. They had an outhouse in the backyard. It didn't even have a roof on it. If you had to go in the middle of the night during our brutal winters up north, you really had to go.

My father joined the military and fought in Korea for the sole goal of knowing what it was like to have three square meals a day. When he proposed to my mother, he vowed he would never let his family go hungry for one day, because he knows how awful that was.

My father nor any of his siblings ever spent one day in jail yet alone prison. Most were successful, and he even formed a company with two of his other brothers. Another brother learned how to style hair, and owned his own hair salon.

People in America today don't know what poverty is because they never really experienced it. Using poverty as an excuse for being uncivilized doesn't work on me. I don't believe it takes a village. Our founders never dreamt that one day the federal government would be in charge of raising our children the right way.
Plus I even mentioned in my list of ideas that you'd be able to possess a firearm.
I'd be "able" to possess a firearm only to be arrested in possession of it by some other law enforcement officer with a different opinion of its legality and the judges and attorneys to back him up.
I disagree that the only way to tackle violence is with force.
Then you should use a verb other than "tackle" -- that's a football metaphor or fishing gear -- and cops shouldn't be body-slamming or "fishing" for violence where it doesn't exist in the first place.

The real problem is that when it's time to go hunting or competition shooting, some people are more privileged than others, and they deal drugs and play gun control as vice on the poor, personæ non gratæ, deemed social undesirables, and adjudicated mental defectives.

You are free to create hypotheticals around things that I haven't said or even hinted at.
You're starting from the premise that our culture is broken; it's not.

There are certain criminal sub-cultures in our society that are violent, but regular mainstream American society is more heavily armed than many militaries throughout the world, and yet, is almost completely non-violent. Our culture is not the problem at all.

And I think you are dishonest and have bad intent trying to say it is, and urging others to give up their liberties. You want people to be more helpless and easier to victimize and you expect me to believe your motives are pure?


I do think our culture is broken in many ways, sure, as well as our political system, our economic system, among others. The US leads the world in incarceration rates. We have more guns in the US than citizens. Yes, the majority of the population is not violent but that doesn't mean our culture is not broken in my opinion. Our culture is what is driving the highest incarceration rates in the world for example.

Your last comment is odd. Why would I want people to be helpless and easier to victimize?
You're defining our culture by the criminal exceptions, including things like the prison industrial complex, and then saying that mainstream, traditional American culture is broken; it's not, and you're full of shit.

It's odd that you say you don't want something, yet you advocate for exactly that.
You expect me to believe that you're not up to no good in light of that obvious two-faced behavior?


Sub-cultures as you've described it are created out of the prevailing culture, you can't really have one without the other. Having the highest incarceration rate in the world is a reflection of our culture in my personal opinion. Having the most guns per citizen in the world is a reflection of our culture in my personal opinion. I'm not saying that all aspects of our culture are bad or broken, but there are aspects of our culture that lends itself to violence.
You're starting from the premise that our culture is broken; it's not.

There are certain criminal sub-cultures in our society that are violent, but regular mainstream American society is more heavily armed than many militaries throughout the world, and yet, is almost completely non-violent. Our culture is not the problem at all.

And I think you are dishonest and have bad intent trying to say it is, and urging others to give up their liberties. You want people to be more helpless and easier to victimize and you expect me to believe your motives are pure?


I do think our culture is broken in many ways, sure, as well as our political system, our economic system, among others. The US leads the world in incarceration rates. We have more guns in the US than citizens. Yes, the majority of the population is not violent but that doesn't mean our culture is not broken in my opinion. Our culture is what is driving the highest incarceration rates in the world for example.

Your last comment is odd. Why would I want people to be helpless and easier to victimize?
because you're a leftist traitor.

A traitor? For having differing ideas on culture and gun ownership?
For advocating that your fellow Americans be stripped of their liberties and their property?

What else would you call that person?

I'm not advocating for that though. All the things that I said would still result in you being able to own a firearm. If your concern with with the constitutional right aspect then would you be wiling to accept those changes if the constitution were legally amended?
You're starting from the premise that our culture is broken; it's not.

There are certain criminal sub-cultures in our society that are violent, but regular mainstream American society is more heavily armed than many militaries throughout the world, and yet, is almost completely non-violent. Our culture is not the problem at all.

And I think you are dishonest and have bad intent trying to say it is, and urging others to give up their liberties. You want people to be more helpless and easier to victimize and you expect me to believe your motives are pure?


I do think our culture is broken in many ways, sure, as well as our political system, our economic system, among others. The US leads the world in incarceration rates. We have more guns in the US than citizens. Yes, the majority of the population is not violent but that doesn't mean our culture is not broken in my opinion. Our culture is what is driving the highest incarceration rates in the world for example.

Your last comment is odd. Why would I want people to be helpless and easier to victimize?
because you're a leftist traitor.

A traitor? For having differing ideas on culture and gun ownership?
For advocating that your fellow Americans be stripped of their liberties and their property?

What else would you call that person?

I'm not advocating for that though. All the things that I said would still result in you being able to own a firearm. If your concern with with the constitutional right aspect then would you be wiling to accept those changes if the constitution were legally amended?
Look up "shall not be infringed", traitor.
While Biden supports every gun grabber initiative....

“The right of self-defense doesn’t stop at the end of your driveway. That’s why I have a concealed carry permit and why tens of millions of Americans do too. That permit should be valid in all 50 states.”


This would be nice!

It would be beyond great. But it SHOULD NOT BE NECESSARY.
Article VI Clause 2
This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

Article VI, Paragraph 2 of the U.S. Constitution is commonly referred to as the Supremacy Clause. It establishes that the federal constitution, and federal law generally, take precedence over state laws, and even state constitutions.

The 2nd Amendment of said Constitution states:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Every states Constitution or Law restricting or "infringing" on the right to keep and bear arms in ANY way is in violation of the Constitution of the United States and ALL AMERICANS CIVIL RIGHTS.
Every states Constitution or Law restricting or "infringing" on the right to keep and bear arms in ANY way is in violation of the Constitution of the United States and ALL AMERICANS CIVIL RIGHTS.
You obviously haven't any understanding of what Justice Scalia wrote in Sec. III of the Heller decision. Let me cite it one more time for the unwashed:

"Like most rights, the right secured by the Second Amendment is not unlimited. From Blackstone through the 19th-century cases, commentators and courts routinely explained that the right was not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.... Although we do not undertake an exhaustive historical analysis today of the full scope of the Second Amendment, nothing in our opinion should be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. "

As far as your assertion that the Law of the Land regarding firearms is absolutely unrestricted by the Constitution had the lie put to it by the late Justice Anton Scalia 12 years ago.
You're starting from the premise that our culture is broken; it's not.

There are certain criminal sub-cultures in our society that are violent, but regular mainstream American society is more heavily armed than many militaries throughout the world, and yet, is almost completely non-violent. Our culture is not the problem at all.

And I think you are dishonest and have bad intent trying to say it is, and urging others to give up their liberties. You want people to be more helpless and easier to victimize and you expect me to believe your motives are pure?


I do think our culture is broken in many ways, sure, as well as our political system, our economic system, among others. The US leads the world in incarceration rates. We have more guns in the US than citizens. Yes, the majority of the population is not violent but that doesn't mean our culture is not broken in my opinion. Our culture is what is driving the highest incarceration rates in the world for example.

Your last comment is odd. Why would I want people to be helpless and easier to victimize?
You're defining our culture by the criminal exceptions, including things like the prison industrial complex, and then saying that mainstream, traditional American culture is broken; it's not, and you're full of shit.

It's odd that you say you don't want something, yet you advocate for exactly that.
You expect me to believe that you're not up to no good in light of that obvious two-faced behavior?


Sub-cultures as you've described it are created out of the prevailing culture, you can't really have one without the other. Having the highest incarceration rate in the world is a reflection of our culture in my personal opinion. Having the most guns per citizen in the world is a reflection of our culture in my personal opinion. I'm not saying that all aspects of our culture are bad or broken, but there are aspects of our culture that lends itself to violence.
No, not really.

But I'm not surprised to see you fail to place blame where it belongs, and to instead point to the culture of the most heavily armed and yet most well behaved segment of our society as the source of the issue.

Get the fuck out of here with this nonsense.
You're starting from the premise that our culture is broken; it's not.

There are certain criminal sub-cultures in our society that are violent, but regular mainstream American society is more heavily armed than many militaries throughout the world, and yet, is almost completely non-violent. Our culture is not the problem at all.

And I think you are dishonest and have bad intent trying to say it is, and urging others to give up their liberties. You want people to be more helpless and easier to victimize and you expect me to believe your motives are pure?


I do think our culture is broken in many ways, sure, as well as our political system, our economic system, among others. The US leads the world in incarceration rates. We have more guns in the US than citizens. Yes, the majority of the population is not violent but that doesn't mean our culture is not broken in my opinion. Our culture is what is driving the highest incarceration rates in the world for example.

Your last comment is odd. Why would I want people to be helpless and easier to victimize?
because you're a leftist traitor.

A traitor? For having differing ideas on culture and gun ownership?
For advocating that your fellow Americans be stripped of their liberties and their property?

What else would you call that person?

I'm not advocating for that though. All the things that I said would still result in you being able to own a firearm. If your concern with with the constitutional right aspect then would you be wiling to accept those changes if the constitution were legally amended?
Of course you are.

Absolutely not, the constitution doesn't grant these rights it simply recognizes that they exist. Removing any acknowledgement of that recognition won't invalidate my rights.

Question; what is it about freedom that you dislike and fear so much?
We need more reflection on how our society or why our society is creating the illegal activity that you feel you need a gun for in order to be safe from it.
I'm a retired truck driver for over 30 years
Hey dude on the road with a bunch of other butt fucker dudes, the mirror's broken and it's seven years of bad luck. We need a lot more guns and a lot less reflection on old age. Bust that damned labor union already because I don't believe your owner / operator bullshit any more than anybody else does.
Hey dude on the road with a bunch of other butt fucker dudes, the mirror's broken and it's seven years of bad luck. We need a lot more guns and a lot less reflection on old age. Bust that damned labor union already because I don't believe your owner / operator bullshit any more than anybody else does.

You shouldn't because I never said I was an owner/operator. I drove for a local company. Quit making up shit that was never there.
You shouldn't because I never said I was an owner/operator. I drove for a local company. Quit making up shit that was never there
It's a crew of hard core diesel dudes stealing guns and running law abiding people off the road, and I don't believe the local shit any more than I believe the owner/operator shit.
It's a crew of hard core diesel dudes stealing guns and running law abiding people off the road, and I don't believe the local shit any more than I believe the owner/operator shit.

I have no idea WTF that even means. And why would you not believe somebody when they said they're a local driver? There are thousands and thousands of local drivers in any major city. The only people running others off the road are these MFn foreigners because they get reciprocity from their country. They never took our test, can't read our English signs, and have no experience when they come here.

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