President Obama's Wealth Destroying Goal: Taking The 'Curley Effect' Nationwide


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
President Obama's Wealth Destroying Goal: Taking The 'Curley Effect' Nationwide - Forbes

The Curley effect historically has been an urban phenomenon, but President Obama seems bent on taking the entire country down this wretched path.

Translation: A politician or a political party can achieve long-term dominance by tipping the balance of votes in their direction through the implementation of policies that strangle and stifle economic growth. Counterintuitively, making a city poorer leads to political success for the engineers of that impoverishment.

Obama is the Curley effect king........ $3562723908.gif


President Obama's Wealth Destroying Goal: Taking The 'Curley Effect' Nationwide - Forbes

The Curley effect historically has been an urban phenomenon, but President Obama seems bent on taking the entire country down this wretched path.

Translation: A politician or a political party can achieve long-term dominance by tipping the balance of votes in their direction through the implementation of policies that strangle and stifle economic growth. Counterintuitively, making a city poorer leads to political success for the engineers of that impoverishment.

Obama is the Curley effect king

Yes exactly no one has expanded entitlements as fast as Barry! Of course its not surprising given that he had 2 communist parents and voted to the left of Bernie Sanders.

Barry has subverted our democracy so that it is used for little more than buying votes with promises of more and more welfare.
47MM people on food stamps

23MM unemployed

Middle Class losing ground

That's what Obama's America looks like
47MM people on food stamps

23MM unemployed

Middle Class losing ground

That's what Obama's America looks like

yes and he wants more and more taxes to put more and more of the unemployed and middle class on welfare entitlements. Its the communist formula for destruction of the USA right before our eyes.
President Obama's Wealth Destroying Goal: Taking The 'Curley Effect' Nationwide - Forbes

The Curley effect historically has been an urban phenomenon, but President Obama seems bent on taking the entire country down this wretched path.

Translation: A politician or a political party can achieve long-term dominance by tipping the balance of votes in their direction through the implementation of policies that strangle and stifle economic growth. Counterintuitively, making a city poorer leads to political success for the engineers of that impoverishment.

Obama is the Curley effect king........View attachment 20960

View attachment 20961

View attachment 20962
So, can you believe it. Nova starts a thread based on a Mark Hendrickson hit piece. Could he possibly be a far right con writer??? Why, YES INDEED. So nova did not change his methods. No real data here, just more right wing dogma from nova. Just as every nova thread is, referencing a source who only wrights far right crap and contributes to far right sites.
NOVA is a total waste of time. You can go to any tea party site and see all the headlines he has or will start threads with. Because nova only posts far right dogma.
Because nova only posts far right dogma.

Then you should be really embarrassed since as a liberal you lack the IQ to refute any substantive far right dogma. Why are you so afraid to try to defeat our Founders logic about freedom from liberal government?

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