
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
How great would it be if Donald Trump acted like a Dumbocrat just once and used the entire power of the Oval Office to destroy these two despicable creatures? The left celebrated every time Obama exceeded his authority. This would be the proverbial "two birds with one stone". Not only would these two sub-human animals get what they deserve, but it would illustrate to the ignorant left just how dangerous their belief that the President of the United States is actually a dictator with unlimited power as they wrongfully believe.

If I were Donald Trump, I would seriously instruct the NSA to produce every last record they have on these two disgusting animals. All of their texts messages. All of their e-mails. All of their phone calls. All of their computer searches. Everything. Then I would make it all public. Everything they said about colleagues, family members, each other. Hopefully one of them cheated on the other and make that public as well. I would additionally instruct the NSA to infect every device they have (including automobiles) with malware to break them. And when they purchased new devices, I would do it again.

But I wouldn't stop there. I would make their health records public (hopefully, one or both of them have some STD's) which would not only publicly humiliate them, but prevent them from having relationships in the future. I would also use the Oval Office to get them fired from their jobs and prevent them from getting employed. Then I would leverage the IRS like Barack Obama did and have them audited and harassed. Finally, I would block any public assistance for them after they were fired.

Hopefully it ultimately ends with them committing suicide and/or dying in the streets homeless, hungry, and wanting for healthcare. If they want to be intolerant and attack innocent grandchildren that have nothing to do with the situation, then lets show them intolerance.

JetBlue passengers kicked off flight over Ivanka Trump complaints
If I were Donald Trump, I would seriously instruct the NSA to produce every last record they have on these two disgusting animals. All of their texts messages. All of their e-mails. All of their phone calls. All of their computer searches. Everything. Then I would make it all public. Everything they said about colleagues, family members, each other. Hopefully one of them cheated on the other and make that public as well. I would additionally instruct the NSA to infect every device they have (including automobiles) with malware to break them. And when they purchased new devices, I would do it again.

But I wouldn't stop there. I would make their health records public (hopefully, one or both of them have some STD's) which would not only publicly humiliate them, but prevent them from having relationships in the future. I would also use the Oval Office to get them fired from their jobs and prevent them from getting employed. Then I would leverage the IRS like Barack Obama did and have them audited and harassed. Finally, I would block any public assistance for them after they were fired.

Well isn't this informative.

The left celebrated every time Obama exceeded his authority.

When and how? What was the result?

Stop making shit up and lay out a few facts with cogent reasoning for your opinions

in other words: stop talking out of your flabby white arse
How great would it be if Donald Trump acted like a Dumbocrat just once and used the entire power of the Oval Office to destroy these two despicable creatures? The left celebrated every time Obama exceeded his authority. This would be the proverbial "two birds with one stone". Not only would these two sub-human animals get what they deserve, but it would illustrate to the ignorant left just how dangerous their belief that the President of the United States is actually a dictator with unlimited power as they wrongfully believe.

If I were Donald Trump, I would seriously instruct the NSA to produce every last record they have on these two disgusting animals. All of their texts messages. All of their e-mails. All of their phone calls. All of their computer searches. Everything. Then I would make it all public. Everything they said about colleagues, family members, each other. Hopefully one of them cheated on the other and make that public as well. I would additionally instruct the NSA to infect every device they have (including automobiles) with malware to break them. And when they purchased new devices, I would do it again.

But I wouldn't stop there. I would make their health records public (hopefully, one or both of them have some STD's) which would not only publicly humiliate them, but prevent them from having relationships in the future. I would also use the Oval Office to get them fired from their jobs and prevent them from getting employed. Then I would leverage the IRS like Barack Obama did and have them audited and harassed. Finally, I would block any public assistance for them after they were fired.

Hopefully it ultimately ends with them committing suicide and/or dying in the streets homeless, hungry, and wanting for healthcare. If they want to be intolerant and attack innocent grandchildren that have nothing to do with the situation, then lets show them intolerance.

JetBlue passengers kicked off flight over Ivanka Trump complaints
You would have Trump do this, yet you complain about President Obama 'exceeding his authority'.

The irony train has left the station.
LOL an excellent read, David Cay Johnston 'The Making Of Donald *Trump'

"One last thing to keep in mind as you read this book: those applauding crowds of young people who filled the Trump Tower auditorium in June 2015 when Trump announced his campaign with vicious denunciations of Mexicans, Muslims, and the media. At the time, I thought that was incongruous for midtown Manhattan, a place not exactly known for xenophobia or applause for racist tirades. Indeed, that crowd was not the voluntary outpouring that television viewers would reasonably have believed they were seeing. Many of those clapping were actors paid fifty bucks apiece." David Cay Johnston 'The Making Of Donald Trump'
The left celebrated every time Obama exceeded his authority.
When and how? What was the result? Stop making shit up and lay out a few facts with cogent reasoning for your opinions in other words: stop talking out of your flabby white arse
Wow. Just wow. Ignorant much, Russ Alllah Gehry?!? How about when Barack Obama issued two Presidential Memorandums granting amnesty to illegal aliens. Here they are - directly from the WhiteHouse.gov's own website.

Presidential Memorandum -- Creating Welcoming Communities and Fully Integrating Immigrants and Refugees

Presidential Memorandum -- Modernizing and Streamlining the U.S. Immigrant Visa System for the 21st Century

Immigration laws are federal laws. As president, Barack Obama does not have the authority to alter or abolish law (only Congress can do that) and he must enforce the existing laws. It was an egregious act of exceeding his authority and the result of it was uninformed, idiot progressives such as yourself applauding his actions to circumvent Congress.

Tell me something Russ Alllah Gehry - how does one become a stupid progressive? I mean, do you just never read a newspaper or turn on the news? And is it a requirement as part of that fraternity to comment even when you have no clue what you're talking about? I'm just curious.
How great would it be if Donald Trump acted like a Dumbocrat just once and used the entire power of the Oval Office to destroy these two despicable creatures? The left celebrated every time Obama exceeded his authority. This would be the proverbial "two birds with one stone". Not only would these two sub-human animals get what they deserve, but it would illustrate to the ignorant left just how dangerous their belief that the President of the United States is actually a dictator with unlimited power as they wrongfully believe.

If I were Donald Trump, I would seriously instruct the NSA to produce every last record they have on these two disgusting animals. All of their texts messages. All of their e-mails. All of their phone calls. All of their computer searches. Everything. Then I would make it all public. Everything they said about colleagues, family members, each other. Hopefully one of them cheated on the other and make that public as well. I would additionally instruct the NSA to infect every device they have (including automobiles) with malware to break them. And when they purchased new devices, I would do it again.

But I wouldn't stop there. I would make their health records public (hopefully, one or both of them have some STD's) which would not only publicly humiliate them, but prevent them from having relationships in the future. I would also use the Oval Office to get them fired from their jobs and prevent them from getting employed. Then I would leverage the IRS like Barack Obama did and have them audited and harassed. Finally, I would block any public assistance for them after they were fired.

Hopefully it ultimately ends with them committing suicide and/or dying in the streets homeless, hungry, and wanting for healthcare. If they want to be intolerant and attack innocent grandchildren that have nothing to do with the situation, then lets show them intolerance.

JetBlue passengers kicked off flight over Ivanka Trump complaints
You would have Trump do this, yet you complain about President Obama 'exceeding his authority'.

The irony train has left the station.
Yep. To illustrate to you people how you operate. To give you a taste of your own medicine. The fact that you missed that even though I explicitly stated it in my post illustrates your horrendous reading comprehension.
Same old same old. P@triot has sand in his mangina again. That happens every time someone fails to genuflect deeply enough before his DearLeaderTrump.

Not every Trump-thug is as Stalinist as P@triot. Just the ones with tiny weewee issues.

Now, back on your knees, P@triot. After all, your masters' boots aren't going to shine themselves. Be sure to keep telling everyone how tasty the shoe leather is, and how grateful you are that your masters allowed you to lick.
On a side note - one has to wonder why the progressives here aren't denouncing the actions of these two intolerant, gaystopo animals? They either agree with it ( :uhh: )or they are embarrassed to be associated with that side of the aisle. Either way...
How great would it be if Donald Trump acted like a Dumbocrat just once and used the entire power of the Oval Office to destroy these two despicable creatures? The left celebrated every time Obama exceeded his authority. This would be the proverbial "two birds with one stone". Not only would these two sub-human animals get what they deserve, but it would illustrate to the ignorant left just how dangerous their belief that the President of the United States is actually a dictator with unlimited power as they wrongfully believe.

If I were Donald Trump, I would seriously instruct the NSA to produce every last record they have on these two disgusting animals. All of their texts messages. All of their e-mails. All of their phone calls. All of their computer searches. Everything. Then I would make it all public. Everything they said about colleagues, family members, each other. Hopefully one of them cheated on the other and make that public as well. I would additionally instruct the NSA to infect every device they have (including automobiles) with malware to break them. And when they purchased new devices, I would do it again.

But I wouldn't stop there. I would make their health records public (hopefully, one or both of them have some STD's) which would not only publicly humiliate them, but prevent them from having relationships in the future. I would also use the Oval Office to get them fired from their jobs and prevent them from getting employed. Then I would leverage the IRS like Barack Obama did and have them audited and harassed. Finally, I would block any public assistance for them after they were fired.

Hopefully it ultimately ends with them committing suicide and/or dying in the streets homeless, hungry, and wanting for healthcare. If they want to be intolerant and attack innocent grandchildren that have nothing to do with the situation, then lets show them intolerance.

JetBlue passengers kicked off flight over Ivanka Trump complaints
You would have Trump do this, yet you complain about President Obama 'exceeding his authority'.

The irony train has left the station.
Yep. To illustrate to you people how you operate. To give you a taste of your own medicine. The fact that you missed that even though I explicitly stated it in my post illustrates your horrendous reading comprehension.
When has President Obama even approached the level of despotism you advocate the huckster buffoon apply to his political opposition? Are you comfortable with the level of Stalinism you seem to applaud? What about America do you find so admirable if you're willing to do away with freedom and liberty and due process?
Same old same old. P@triot has sand in his mangina again. That happens every time someone fails to genuflect deeply enough before his DearLeaderTrump.

Not every Trump-thug is as Stalinist as P@triot. Just the ones with tiny weewee issues.

Now, back on your knees, P@triot. After all, your masters' boots aren't going to shine themselves. Be sure to keep telling everyone how tasty the shoe leather is, and how grateful you are that your masters allowed you to lick.
Or resident gentle little snowflake mamooth still hasn't gotten over the fact that her gal-pal and fellow pathological liar Hitlery Clinton was sent home by the American people and that Donald Trump is now her president. :lol:
The left celebrated every time Obama exceeded his authority.
When and how? What was the result? Stop making shit up and lay out a few facts with cogent reasoning for your opinions in other words: stop talking out of your flabby white arse

Wow. Just wow. Ignorant much, Russ Alllah Gehry?!? How about when Barack Obama issued two Presidential Memorandums granting amnesty to illegal aliens. Here they are - directly from the WhiteHouse.gov's own website.

Presidential Memorandum -- Creating Welcoming Communities and Fully Integrating Immigrants and Refugees

Presidential Memorandum -- Modernizing and Streamlining the U.S. Immigrant Visa System for the 21st Century

Immigration laws are federal laws. As president, Barack Obama does not have the authority to alter or abolish law (only Congress can do that) and he must enforce the existing laws. It was an egregious act of exceeding his authority and the result of it was uninformed, idiot progressives such as yourself applauding his actions to circumvent Congress.

Tell me something Russ Alllah Gehry - how does one become a stupid progressive? I mean, do you just never read a newspaper or turn on the news? And is it a requirement as part of that fraternity to comment even when you have no clue what you're talking about? I'm just curious.
Stating something as true does not make it so. What authority says President Obama exceeded his authority? All Presidents exceed it at times and the Supreme Court usually is asked ... asked to step in

So again, When and how? What was the result? Stop making shit up and lay out a few facts with cogent reasoning for your opinions in other words: stop talking out of your flabby white arse
So P@triot, our sweet little Stalinist bootlicker, who else do you want imprisoned?

Why don't you make us a list?

Oh wait. It would probably be quicker if you just made a list of people you _didn't_ want imprisoned for the crime of laughing at your Mango Mussolini.
To give you a taste of your own medicine.
Why do you always reverse things?

When people give you a taste of your own medicine, you always revert in a Pavlovian fashion to an attack you prop as giving others a taste of their own medicine.
When has President Obama even approached the level of despotism you advocate the huckster buffoon apply to his political opposition?
How about when he instructed the IRS to block the tax status requests of conservative organizations? How about when he instructed his executive branch to hack into the laptop of reporter Sharyl Attkisson? How about when he denied news outlets that criticized him access? How about when he targeted and executed American citizens with drone attacks that he deemed "terrorists" without due process? The list goes on and on and on NK. And all the left did was applaud. Loudly.
Are you comfortable with the level of Stalinism you seem to applaud?
In this one particular case - yes. It's a win-win and a critically important lesson for the anti-constitutional left.
What about America do you find so admirable if you're willing to do away with freedom and liberty and due process?
Wow! All of a sudden you progressives support and defend the U.S. Constitution?!? I guess "you were against it before you were for it", uh? :lol:

I'm not willing to do away with that. Your side of the aisle is. I'm desperately trying to restore that. This would be a GREAT first step in that restoration process.
So P@triot, our sweet little Stalinist bootlicker, who else do you want imprisoned?

Why don't you make us a list?

Oh wait. It would probably be quicker if you just made a list of people you _didn't_ want imprisoned for the crime of laughing at your Mango Mussolini.
Look at that - little crying mamooth creating fake news yet again. I never once used the term "imprison", never even implied it, and never advocated for anything like it. Lie much mammy?
The left celebrated every time Obama exceeded his authority.
When and how? What was the result? Stop making shit up and lay out a few facts with cogent reasoning for your opinions in other words: stop talking out of your flabby white arse

Wow. Just wow. Ignorant much, Russ Alllah Gehry?!? How about when Barack Obama issued two Presidential Memorandums granting amnesty to illegal aliens. Here they are - directly from the WhiteHouse.gov's own website.

Presidential Memorandum -- Creating Welcoming Communities and Fully Integrating Immigrants and Refugees

Presidential Memorandum -- Modernizing and Streamlining the U.S. Immigrant Visa System for the 21st Century

Immigration laws are federal laws. As president, Barack Obama does not have the authority to alter or abolish law (only Congress can do that) and he must enforce the existing laws. It was an egregious act of exceeding his authority and the result of it was uninformed, idiot progressives such as yourself applauding his actions to circumvent Congress.

Tell me something Russ Alllah Gehry - how does one become a stupid progressive? I mean, do you just never read a newspaper or turn on the news? And is it a requirement as part of that fraternity to comment even when you have no clue what you're talking about? I'm just curious.
Stating something as true does not make it so. What authority says President Obama exceeded his authority? All Presidents exceed it at times and the Supreme Court usually is asked ... asked to step in

So again, When and how? What was the result? Stop making shit up and lay out a few facts with cogent reasoning for your opinions in other words: stop talking out of your flabby white arse
Geezus dude....I not only told you when and how - I added the exact links to the WhiteHouse.gov website for you to see it yourself. You are scary stupid.
When has President Obama even approached the level of despotism you advocate the huckster buffoon apply to his political opposition?
How about when he instructed the IRS to block the tax status requests of conservative organizations? How about when he instructed his executive branch to hack into the laptop of reporter Sharyl Attkisson? How about when he denied news outlets that criticized him access? How about when he targeted and executed American citizens with drone attacks that he deemed "terrorists" without due process? The list goes on and on and on NK. And all the left did was applaud. Loudly.
Are you comfortable with the level of Stalinism you seem to applaud?
In this one particular case - yes. It's a win-win and a critically important lesson for the anti-constitutional left.
What about America do you find so admirable if you're willing to do away with freedom and liberty and due process?
Wow! All of a sudden you progressives support and defend the U.S. Constitution?!? I guess "you were against it before you were for it", uh? :lol:

I'm not willing to do away with that. Your side of the aisle is. I'm desperately trying to restore that. This would be a GREAT first step in that restoration process.
You have to burn the village tosave the village. Let us all take a moment and thank God that you are not near the levers of power, but merely a knuckle dragging internet troll.

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