President Jimmy Carter's animus towards Israel


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Carter at Cardozo: It’s Not the “New-Anti-Semitism” — It’s the Older Kind

April 10, 2013
By Charles Jacobs and Ilya Feoktistov

The Yeshiva University’s Cardozo Law School is facing a fire storm of protest for honoring former President Jimmy Carter because of Carter’s animus towards Israel. But who they indeed may be about to honor is an old fashioned anti-Semite.

As decades-old tapes from his Church Sunday school lessons reveal, former President Jimmy Carter’s bias against the Jewish state may come more from an old fashioned Christian animus toward Judaism than from concerns over the situation of Palestinians. Carter taught Christian students in Plains Georgia that Judaism teaches Jews to feel superior to non-Jews, that Jewish religious practices are tricks to enhance wealth, and that current Israeli policy toward Palestinians is based on these “Jewish” values and practices.

In a series of sermons Carter recorded between 1999 and 2003 that were published as a CD set by Simon and Schuster called “Sunday Mornings in Plains,” Carter attacks modern Israel by retreading ancient anti-Semitic tropes that go back to the early church fathers and the Judaism/Christianity schism that gave birth to a millennia of Christian persecution of Jews.


In the tapes, one hears — in Southern drawl — his ancient animus: Jews hate non-Jews.:


Carter’s beef with the Jews is not simply a disagreement over how Israel should treat the Palestinians. His is a deep theological hatred of the type that most Christians (including the Vatican in the 1960s Nostra Aetate) have long disavowed. This is not the “new anti-Semitism: it’s the old. All the more indefensible for an orthodox Jewish religious institution to give this man an award.

Carter at Cardozo: It?s Not the ?New-Anti-Semitism? ? It?s the Older Kind | FrontPage Magazine

Lord!!!! what a moron is that Carter! he is an idiot and a disgrace! :mad:

He is only getting worse with age!!! another one who should ride into the sunset with a sock in his mouth!
Carter is a bitter old anti-semite who never got over the fact that he got his ass kicked by Ronald Reagan, the most successful President of the 20th century (Carter's was the least successful). This is the prick that laid a wreath at the terrorist Yasir Arafat's tomb. There's a reason nobody ever praises him or quotes him. Democrats would like to erase him from history but the fuckwad just won't go away. He thinks if he keeps his face in the news, eventually history will smile on him. No way. He is the albatross around the necks of Democrats, and an embarrassment to America in general. Obama will be looked upon the same way, only with more disgust.

Carter at Cardozo: It’s Not the “New-Anti-Semitism” — It’s the Older Kind

April 10, 2013
By Charles Jacobs and Ilya Feoktistov

The Yeshiva University’s Cardozo Law School is facing a fire storm of protest for honoring former President Jimmy Carter because of Carter’s animus towards Israel. But who they indeed may be about to honor is an old fashioned anti-Semite.

As decades-old tapes from his Church Sunday school lessons reveal, former President Jimmy Carter’s bias against the Jewish state may come more from an old fashioned Christian animus toward Judaism than from concerns over the situation of Palestinians. Carter taught Christian students in Plains Georgia that Judaism teaches Jews to feel superior to non-Jews, that Jewish religious practices are tricks to enhance wealth, and that current Israeli policy toward Palestinians is based on these “Jewish” values and practices.

In a series of sermons Carter recorded between 1999 and 2003 that were published as a CD set by Simon and Schuster called “Sunday Mornings in Plains,” Carter attacks modern Israel by retreading ancient anti-Semitic tropes that go back to the early church fathers and the Judaism/Christianity schism that gave birth to a millennia of Christian persecution of Jews.


In the tapes, one hears — in Southern drawl — his ancient animus: Jews hate non-Jews.:


Carter’s beef with the Jews is not simply a disagreement over how Israel should treat the Palestinians. His is a deep theological hatred of the type that most Christians (including the Vatican in the 1960s Nostra Aetate) have long disavowed. This is not the “new anti-Semitism: it’s the old. All the more indefensible for an orthodox Jewish religious institution to give this man an award.

Carter at Cardozo: It?s Not the ?New-Anti-Semitism? ? It?s the Older Kind | FrontPage Magazine

How the fuck could this be a statement...
"One reason is that the Israeli government headed now by Netanyahu has to depend on the ultra-right or fundamentalist Jews to give them a majority in the parliament which they call the Knesset"
...from Jimmy Carter between 1999-2003, when Netanyahu didn't become the head of the Israeli government until 2005.

Carter at Cardozo: It’s Not the “New-Anti-Semitism” — It’s the Older Kind

April 10, 2013
By Charles Jacobs and Ilya Feoktistov

The Yeshiva University’s Cardozo Law School is facing a fire storm of protest for honoring former President Jimmy Carter because of Carter’s animus towards Israel. But who they indeed may be about to honor is an old fashioned anti-Semite.

As decades-old tapes from his Church Sunday school lessons reveal, former President Jimmy Carter’s bias against the Jewish state may come more from an old fashioned Christian animus toward Judaism than from concerns over the situation of Palestinians. Carter taught Christian students in Plains Georgia that Judaism teaches Jews to feel superior to non-Jews, that Jewish religious practices are tricks to enhance wealth, and that current Israeli policy toward Palestinians is based on these “Jewish” values and practices.

In a series of sermons Carter recorded between 1999 and 2003 that were published as a CD set by Simon and Schuster called “Sunday Mornings in Plains,” Carter attacks modern Israel by retreading ancient anti-Semitic tropes that go back to the early church fathers and the Judaism/Christianity schism that gave birth to a millennia of Christian persecution of Jews.


In the tapes, one hears — in Southern drawl — his ancient animus: Jews hate non-Jews.:


Carter’s beef with the Jews is not simply a disagreement over how Israel should treat the Palestinians. His is a deep theological hatred of the type that most Christians (including the Vatican in the 1960s Nostra Aetate) have long disavowed. This is not the “new anti-Semitism: it’s the old. All the more indefensible for an orthodox Jewish religious institution to give this man an award.

Carter at Cardozo: It?s Not the ?New-Anti-Semitism? ? It?s the Older Kind | FrontPage Magazine

How the fuck could this be a statement...
"One reason is that the Israeli government headed now by Netanyahu has to depend on the ultra-right or fundamentalist Jews to give them a majority in the parliament which they call the Knesset"
...from Jimmy Carter between 1999-2003, when Netanyahu didn't become the head of the Israeli government until 2005.

Loincloth, you can't read or liberal spin, maybe both...

[3] Carter ties this Jewish feelings of superiority and religious malevolence to current Israeli policy:

“One reason is that the Israeli government headed now by Netanyahu has to depend on the ultra-right or fundamentalist Jews to give them a majority in the parliament which they call the Knesset, and the recent resignation of foreign minister Levy has left Netanyahu with only one vote margin in the parliament. So the ultra-conservative Jewish leaders demand always that they have total control over anything that relates to religion inside Israel, in particular in Jerusalem. Well, I’m not here to condemn anyone but to point out that even within ourselves, there is an inclination for, I’d say, a feeling of superiority. Wouldn’t you think so? Would you agree? I know I have it.”

Carter’s beef with the Jews is not simply a disagreement over how Israel should treat the Palestinians. His is a deep theological hatred of the type that most Christians (including the Vatican in the 1960s Nostra Aetate) have long disavowed. This is not the “new anti-Semitism: it’s the old. All the more indefensible for an orthodox Jewish religious institution to give this man an award.
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Loincloth, you can't read or liberal spin, maybe both...

[3] Carter ties this Jewish feelings of superiority and religious malevolence to current Israeli policy:

“One reason is that the Israeli government headed now by Netanyahu has to depend on the ultra-right or fundamentalist Jews to give them a majority in the parliament which they call the Knesset, and the recent resignation of foreign minister Levy has left Netanyahu with only one vote margin in the parliament. So the ultra-conservative Jewish leaders demand always that they have total control over anything that relates to religion inside Israel, in particular in Jerusalem. Well, I’m not here to condemn anyone but to point out that even within ourselves, there is an inclination for, I’d say, a feeling of superiority. Wouldn’t you think so? Would you agree? I know I have it.”

Carter’s beef with the Jews is not simply a disagreement over how Israel should treat the Palestinians. His is a deep theological hatred of the type that most Christians (including the Vatican in the 1960s Nostra Aetate) have long disavowed. This is not the “new anti-Semitism: it’s the old. All the more indefensible for an orthodox Jewish religious institution to give this man an award.
Your link says these are excerpts from speeches Carter gave between 1999-2003. If Bibi assumed power in 2005, then that can't possibly be a speech by Carter at the time your link claimed he said it.
Loincloth, you can't read or liberal spin, maybe both...

[3] Carter ties this Jewish feelings of superiority and religious malevolence to current Israeli policy:

“One reason is that the Israeli government headed now by Netanyahu has to depend on the ultra-right or fundamentalist Jews to give them a majority in the parliament which they call the Knesset, and the recent resignation of foreign minister Levy has left Netanyahu with only one vote margin in the parliament. So the ultra-conservative Jewish leaders demand always that they have total control over anything that relates to religion inside Israel, in particular in Jerusalem. Well, I’m not here to condemn anyone but to point out that even within ourselves, there is an inclination for, I’d say, a feeling of superiority. Wouldn’t you think so? Would you agree? I know I have it.”

Carter’s beef with the Jews is not simply a disagreement over how Israel should treat the Palestinians. His is a deep theological hatred of the type that most Christians (including the Vatican in the 1960s Nostra Aetate) have long disavowed. This is not the “new anti-Semitism: it’s the old. All the more indefensible for an orthodox Jewish religious institution to give this man an award.
Your link says these are excerpts from speeches Carter gave between 1999-2003. If Bibi assumed power in 2005, then that can't possibly be a speech by Carter at the time your link claimed he said it.

You need to learn how to read and comprehend boiy, see me tomorrow I'll get you a link to some remedial reading programs...:eusa_angel:
That article was written by a moron. I don't know about "… We know the differences in the Middle East. But the differences there are between Jews on the one hand who comprise the dominating force both militarily and also politically and the Palestinians who are both Muslim and Christians…” because it is too out of context to decipher. The appraisal of present political coalitions in israel is by no means anti-Semitism (at least as quoted in the article) and the rest was clearly talking about descriptions from the Gospels and Acts. Now these could be construed as anti-Semitic, because there are passages from the Gospels that are arguably anti-Semitic. But there is nothing quoted there that is outside the tenets of Xtian faith.
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The Zionist Entity would have been wiped off the map by now if Carter hadn't negotiated Camp David for them.

If anything Israel would have nuked Eygpt into oblivion, if they had to.
The Zionist Entity would have been wiped off the map by now if Carter hadn't negotiated Camp David for them.

If anything Israel would have nuked Eygpt into oblivion, if they had to.

Uh, no, not really.

Committing a crime more horrible than the Holocaust would be a terrible legacy for Zionism...

That's the problem with nukes in general. They're weapons no one can actually use without horrible consequences.

If they nuked Egypt, all that fall out would end up on... Guess where?

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