Pray for Louisiana Today!

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Hahaha, Mr. Boy. You don't know Louisiana. There is no high ground in a swamp.

Whose to blame for them living in a swamp? All those people living in New Orleans haven't learned that they've living in a bowl and water goes to the lowest point?

And? Your point, Mr. Con? Why haven't those people in California learned that they are living in a wildfire zone with receding shore lines and homes falling into canyons from mud slides? Why haven't those people in New England learned that they are living in an place where they have to plow snow into 15' berms every year? Why haven't those people living in Oklahoma learned that tornadoes are going to wipe out at least one town every summer?

You come to NOLA and see for yourself why people live here...the rest of the country is a dearth of culture in comparison.
Funny, the Whites in Holland have been able to live successfully below sea level for centuries.
The negroes in Louisiana not so much.
The last time there was a 'great flood' in Louisiana the COAE's ended up getting most of the equipment they brought to help the people rebuild stolen.

And you are incapable of writing a complete, coherent sentence as well.
Sure sign you just got your stupid ass handed to you!
You're a stupid dummy.

You intimidate easily, Mr. Boy.
This: "The last time there was a 'great flood' in Louisiana the COAE's ended up getting most of the equipment they brought to help the people rebuild stolen." is simply incomprehensible. But I could have instead focused on the obvious bigotry in your previous poorly written statement, you racist pig boy.

My daughter and grandkids are here now. This horrible storm is stuck over Baton Rouge and Lafayette and won't budge. 17 inches of rain in Livingston.
It will not be so bad where we are, but terrible flooding in Lafayette and Baton Rouge today. My daughter is in Lafayette with her two small children!
I am sorry for the loss of your neighbors and friends WaitingFor2020 .

My concept of God is Deist not Theist therefore I believe we are mostly on our own.

If 6 million Jews can die in German concentration camps then not much must faze God.
This: "The last time there was a 'great flood' in Louisiana the COAE's ended up getting most of the equipment they brought to help the people rebuild stolen." is simply incomprehensible. But I could have instead focused on the obvious bigotry in your previous poorly written statement, you racist pig boy.

My daughter and grandkids are here now. This horrible storm is stuck over Baton Rouge and Lafayette and won't budge. 17 inches of rain in Livingston.
According to the NOAA report the storm is parked right over Louisiana and it cannot get away.

Adjacent pressure cells have pinned it down.

You are going to need to hang in there for a while -- probably several more days.
It will not be so bad where we are, but terrible flooding in Lafayette and Baton Rouge today. My daughter is in Lafayette with her two small children!
Maybe you should tell her to move to higher ground right?

Hahaha, Mr. Boy. You don't know Louisiana. There is no high ground in a swamp.

Whose to blame for them living in a swamp? All those people living in New Orleans haven't learned that they've living in a bowl and water goes to the lowest point?

And? Your point, Mr. Con? Why haven't those people in California learned that they are living in a wildfire zone with receding shore lines and homes falling into canyons from mud slides? Why haven't those people in New England learned that they are living in an place where they have to plow snow into 15' berms every year? Why haven't those people living in Oklahoma learned that tornadoes are going to wipe out at least one town every summer?

You come to NOLA and see for yourself why people live here...the rest of the country is a dearth of culture in comparison.
I can speak for California.

In California most people are lemmings. They just follow each other around without thinking.

If one of them builds a house in a deadly fire zone the others must do it too out of peer pressure.

In California a whole lot of people smoke a lot of dope. This numbs their judgment as well.

It will not be so bad where we are, but terrible flooding in Lafayette and Baton Rouge today. My daughter is in Lafayette with her two small children!
Maybe you should tell her to move to higher ground right?

Hahaha, Mr. Boy. You don't know Louisiana. There is no high ground in a swamp.

Whose to blame for them living in a swamp? All those people living in New Orleans haven't learned that they've living in a bowl and water goes to the lowest point?

And? Your point, Mr. Con? Why haven't those people in California learned that they are living in a wildfire zone with receding shore lines and homes falling into canyons from mud slides? Why haven't those people in New England learned that they are living in an place where they have to plow snow into 15' berms every year? Why haven't those people living in Oklahoma learned that tornadoes are going to wipe out at least one town every summer?

You come to NOLA and see for yourself why people live here...the rest of the country is a dearth of culture in comparison.
Where else can you go besides Louisiana where girls will show you their teats for a string of beads ?!

Bad weather can have varying effects based on where someone CHOOSES to live. I live far enough off the coast to where I can be negatively affected by the remnants of a hurricane. However, someone choosing to live on the coast is in more of a direct line.
Several years ago back around 1995 I remember California got blasted really hard by a Mexican hurricane.

Hurricanes can hit you anywhere.

The best thing is to be prepared for the worst.

In Louisiana's case I think a trailered yacht is the best thing.

I would park it in my driveway and leave the anchor out at all times.

Also keep it well stocked with alcohol.
And thank you to those here who would make people in peril from natural disasters a PARTISAN issue. It's why the Republican party is falling apart. You all are nothing but a bunch of sniveling, self-centered, self-absorbed, greedy, apathetic and arrogant bunch of @ssholes who don't have the vision or intelligence to see that you are living in a glass house.
I hope you will take my advice and buy a trailered yacht.

Then I won't have to worry about you.
It will not be so bad where we are, but terrible flooding in Lafayette and Baton Rouge today. My daughter is in Lafayette with her two small children!
You got it. We have had unreal amounts of rain the last week. The beach flooded but no one was hurt.
Quick! Call Hillary!
I suspect that eventually after Hillary is President she will be attributed with the same Godlike powers that BHO is attributed now, and as such like BHO will be blamed for everything in Heaven and on Earth and in the Cosmos.

But for now BHO is still the only god we can call on.

But that still beats GW Bush -- who ignored Louisiana during Katrina.
Summer floods are rare unless they are flash ones.
This is not a summer flood.

This is a very strange anomaly of a low pressure system pinned between to other high's.

It is almost as if God Himself/Herself/Itself is pissed off at Louisiana for those beads and other drinking games.

However I am Deist therefore I do not believe God cares either way.

We are on our own.

The Truth Is Out There and it is not pretty.
All this posturing about how stupid people are to live near the water! How silly. It is the most desirable real estate in the country. Just look at a population density map and note the coast lines and lake areas. And note the high plains, where there is very little water.

All this posturing about how stupid people are to live near the water! How silly. It is the most desirable real estate in the country. Just look at a population density map and note the coast lines and lake areas. And note the high plains, where there is very little water.

I only feel embarrassed for the Floridians. They should know better.
It will not be so bad where we are, but terrible flooding in Lafayette and Baton Rouge today. My daughter is in Lafayette with her two small children!
Maybe you should tell her to move to higher ground right?

Hahaha, Mr. Boy. You don't know Louisiana. There is no high ground in a swamp.

Whose to blame for them living in a swamp? All those people living in New Orleans haven't learned that they've living in a bowl and water goes to the lowest point?
What's more, that bowl is sitting in a pool.
Katrina showed us that democrat sloth doesn't understand personal responsibility.
View attachment 85331

These are school buses that were available to get people out of New Orleans before Katrina. The left wants to blame Bush for not having done enough. It's not like the Katrina was an overnight surprise. Mayor Ray Nagin knew it was coming and did nothing. He sold out his "chocolate city" then wanted to blame the federal government for not doing enough.

Ah yes. Nagin's Navy.
Maybe you should tell her to move to higher ground right?

Hahaha, Mr. Boy. You don't know Louisiana. There is no high ground in a swamp.

Whose to blame for them living in a swamp? All those people living in New Orleans haven't learned that they've living in a bowl and water goes to the lowest point?
What's more, that bowl is sitting in a pool.
Katrina showed us that democrat sloth doesn't understand personal responsibility.
View attachment 85331

These are school buses that were available to get people out of New Orleans before Katrina. The left wants to blame Bush for not having done enough. It's not like the Katrina was an overnight surprise. Mayor Ray Nagin knew it was coming and did nothing. He sold out his "chocolate city" then wanted to blame the federal government for not doing enough.

Ah yes. Nagin's Navy.
Is he still in prison or did they let him back out?

If he had knocked on my front door wanting my guns he would not have needed a prison cell he would have needed a coffin.
It will not be so bad where we are, but terrible flooding in Lafayette and Baton Rouge today. My daughter is in Lafayette with her two small children!
I was stationed there a long long time ago, and I feel for your family. Yes, I will indeed pray for your family and pray God the rain ends soon...such a tragic state of affairs, that non ending rain.
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