100 shot in Chicago in ONE week!!

This is the liberal utopia of gun control in action.

Stupid bastards
This is the liberal utopia of gun control in action.

Stupid bastards

yup everything promised by their gun control polices are present in Chicago

whats the excuse now for such violence

Hey.......true story........progressives are sitting at home seething that more gun laws havent been passed in Chicago to get this murder rate down. :2up: Its fascinating shit to me............
Nearly 100 people shot in Chicago in less than a week

Another kick in the balls for the gun grabbers of America! And one wonders why they've never been more unpopular?:2up::bye1::bye1:
The inner cities need more gun control, not a culture change.:alcoholic:


And how the fuck do you solve that? IDK.....maybe you have these people just choose up sides, give 'em all a gun and maybe the good guys win? I mean.....this is like Somalia in the ghettos'........
Nearly 100 people shot in Chicago in less than a week

Another kick in the balls for the gun grabbers of America! And one wonders why they've never been more unpopular?:2up::bye1::bye1:
The inner cities need more gun control, not a culture change.:alcoholic:


And how the fuck do you solve that? IDK.....maybe you have these people just choose up sides, give 'em all a gun and maybe the good guys win? I mean.....this is like Somalia in the ghettos'........
In a better age leaders would step forward and not just set good examples, but state the hard truth on how people are to behave. Instead we live in an age of evil where POS's like Obama, Sharpton, Jackson incite more violence.
This is the liberal utopia of gun control in action.

Stupid bastards

yup everything promised by their gun control polices are present in Chicago

whats the excuse now for such violence
Negroes with IQs in the low 80s who would rather murder their neighbor to get his fucking garbage cans.
There will never be an end to the endemic negro on negro violence. Ever.
Why should they stop now?
They have been robbing and murdering each other since cave man times in Africa over a piece of raw meat.
They used to have to at least spend part of the day hunting and gathering.
Now in the good old USA they don't need to even bother. Obama's LIB government hands them free everything except their illegal hand guns.
It must be a royal pain in the ass to have to stand on a street corner and take up part of your day selling hard drugs to be able to enjoy some of the 'finer' things in life.
He-man J. Edgar Hoover was a cross-dresser, heart-throb Rock Hudson was queer, so was Star Trek Sulu, Michael Jackson, Liberace, Gomer Pyle, Quincy Jones, and John Wayne. All the guns in the world won't give you a hard-on any more. So stop pretending.
He-man J. Edgar Hoover was a cross-dresser, heart-throb Rock Hudson was queer, so was Star Trek Sulu, Michael Jackson, Liberace, Gomer Pyle, Quincy Jones, and John Wayne. All the guns in the world won't give you a hard-on any more. So stop pretending.
Do you know what Jim Nabors and North Carolina have in common?
He-man J. Edgar Hoover was a cross-dresser, heart-throb Rock Hudson was queer, so was Star Trek Sulu, Michael Jackson, Liberace, Gomer Pyle, Quincy Jones, and John Wayne. All the guns in the world won't give you a hard-on any more. So stop pretending.
Permanent Ignore.
That's it? All you've got?.
Not the first time someone's told you that right?
He-man J. Edgar Hoover was a cross-dresser, heart-throb Rock Hudson was queer, so was Star Trek Sulu, Michael Jackson, Liberace, Gomer Pyle, Quincy Jones, and John Wayne. All the guns in the world won't give you a hard-on any more. So stop pretending.

Wrong sweetie......they give us BIG-ASS hard-on's like you wouldnt believe!!! Fucking huge.........its 2016........too many from the pussy generation and far too many savages!! Its sweet to know that no matter what, you'll be a winner!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

We all like knowing that if the shit hits the fan, we can just go take from the takers of society!:coffee:
He-man J. Edgar Hoover was a cross-dresser, heart-throb Rock Hudson was queer, so was Star Trek Sulu, Michael Jackson, Liberace, Gomer Pyle, Quincy Jones, and John Wayne. All the guns in the world won't give you a hard-on any more. So stop pretending.
Permanent Ignore.
That's it? All you've got?.
Not the first time someone's told you that right?

I don't even understand what you just said. What does "permanent ignore" mean?
Danny.....dont put the bulldog on "ignore". To me, we cant get enough of these k00ks in here to make fun of, and isnt that the point, especially in this forum? My eye's light up when a new k00k comes in here........just another person I get to publiclly humiliate!!:2up: Its all good..........
The 100 don't count because they weren't shot by cops.

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