Pot use lowers intelligence. This doesn't surprise me at all

No. If you do that, high school children will be users. A 25 year old has it figured out he can get a girl to drop her panties if he gets her stoned. He won't know the little 18-year-old girl he is with, inducing her to enjoy a joing is actually 14 and lied because she wants to seems to be older, and he just wants to get laid.

Just no. And absolutely no.

Same thing happens with alcohol you dippy bitch. Whether or not something is legal or illegal doesn't really matter to high school kids, because if they can get it, they will.

BTW............cannabis doesn't make a person lose their inhibitions, as a matter of fact, people who are stoned are generally much more cautious about their surroundings.

Alcohol on the other hand had been proven to lower inhibitions, and can do it with a lot less than cannabis can, which is why when people get drunk they end up doing something they later regret.

Working at a biker bar in Amarillo showed me that by the way, because there was a small area out back for the people to go smoke if they wished. Those that drank? Generally those were the most problems. Those who drank and smoked? Mostly no problems with them until they got drunk. Those who smoked and drank coke only? They left good tips and would help out if problems arose.

Try again.

Yep drunks do things like dress up in a gilly suit and play in traffic.
As someone who NEVER used pot, I noticed as I went through the 60s and 70s and 80s, that those who even used harder drugs seemed to keep quick intelligence (somewhat), but those who heavily used pot, just went to DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think it was encapsulated in a conversation my brother had with one of our fast friends who was growing pot in one of his stereo speakers (so his mom would not see it).

"Say Brian, how many joints (they were called joints not blunts back in the day) do you smoke a day?"

"Oh about one a day."

"So how many do you smoke a week?"

"Oh about 10."

My brother laughed, but there's nothing funny really about it. Didn't occur to Brian what was funny.

In the book "Boy Clinton," the author postulated that the reason liberals, especially the 60s hippy generation never learned from their mistakes is because they couldn't. All those years of drug use had rendered their brains encapable of learning from their mistakes and failures.

I also noticed that people like Clinton and Hillary had the emotional maturity of teenagers. The "I didn't inhale" president most certainly did.

Cannabis smoking 'permanently lowers IQ'

Teenagers who regularly smoke cannabis are putting themselves at risk of permanently damaging their intelligence, according to a landmark study.

By Stephen Adams, Medical Correspondent | Telegraph.co.uk

Researchers found persistent users of the drug, who started smoking it at school, had lower IQ scores as adults.

They were also significantly more likely to have attention and memory problems in later life, than their peers who abstained.

Furthermore, those who started as teenagers and used it heavily, but quit as adults, did not regain their full mental powers, found academics at King’s College London and Duke University in the US.

They looked at data from over 1,000 people from Dunedin in New Zealand, who have been followed through their lives since being born in 1972 or 1973.

Cannabis smoking 'permanently lowers IQ' - Telegraph

Now, this is going to JUST send the pot users into conniption fits. Mostly because all addicts refuse to accept they can't handle their addiction. It's part of the ego and pride.

(And yes, I mean addiction. Pot raises the serotonin in your brain, and it falls later, and you get depressed (the crash). It gets to the point you can't feel happy without the pot. That's an addiction. Yes it is.)

Don't believe me? Look at every drunk driver video. No matter how obviously impaired they are, they refuse to believe they can't drive. It's a matter of ego and pride.

No, different with pot users. They are emotional to the point of not being able to discuss the subject objectively.

How do I know? Because of the STUPID argumements they use to justify their use.

"How would you know how pot affects you? You've never used it."

To which I've always responded: "I don't have to jump off the cliff to know it's a stupid thing to do, I just watch the other moron do it, to know it's a stupid thing to do."

"Well what about alcohol??? How come it's legal?"

To which I respond: "What of it? Are you suggesting getting drunk on alcohol vs. pot is better or worse? Maybe that's why there are some of us who don't do either."

Then there is the really ludicrous argument. "Well, I can smoke pot and drive where I couldn't on alcohol."

Yeah, well the drunk driver thinks he's fine to drive, too!"

Then there is the "medical marijuana" argument. Which amounts to pot heads hiding behind the sick and dying to justify getting stoned.

Which I would liken to a morphine user justifying morphine based on the fact my dying father was prescribed it, when he was dying of cancer, for his pain.

NOT the same thing people. It's still hiding behind the sick and dying to justify getting stoned.

Is anyone going to tell me morphine is "beneficial?" But pot is?

And if you even question this, you are "hard hearted" because of the sick and dying, when most "medical marijuana" users are perfectly fine, and will use any excuse possible to justify getting the pot.

Now let the tirade of of outraged pot heads begin.

They have something in common with libs. They know if people factually discuss the issue, they lose.

So, they HAVE to hide behind the sick and dying, to shut up any real discussion as "hard heated."

Which is what you do when you know the facts aren't on your side. You shut up any discussion of the facts.

you must smoke the shit by the truckload

I smoked all my life from 18 yrs old.
I have NO criminal record.
I do not even have any moving traffic violations.
And My work record was outstanding.

But then I was not a right winger to start out with so I had lots more brain cells to kill.
No. If you do that, high school children will be users. A 25 year old has it figured out he can get a girl to drop her panties if he gets her stoned. He won't know the little 18-year-old girl he is with, inducing her to enjoy a joing is actually 14 and lied because she wants to seems to be older, and he just wants to get laid.

Just no. And absolutely no.

Same thing happens with alcohol you dippy bitch. Whether or not something is legal or illegal doesn't really matter to high school kids, because if they can get it, they will.

BTW............cannabis doesn't make a person lose their inhibitions, as a matter of fact, people who are stoned are generally much more cautious about their surroundings.

Alcohol on the other hand had been proven to lower inhibitions, and can do it with a lot less than cannabis can, which is why when people get drunk they end up doing something they later regret.

Working at a biker bar in Amarillo showed me that by the way, because there was a small area out back for the people to go smoke if they wished. Those that drank? Generally those were the most problems. Those who drank and smoked? Mostly no problems with them until they got drunk. Those who smoked and drank coke only? They left good tips and would help out if problems arose.

Try again.

I know of one death from an "overdose"; a mentally impaired young man was force fed many ounces. The caregiver was charged with negligent homicide.
No. If you do that, high school children will be users. A 25 year old has it figured out he can get a girl to drop her panties if he gets her stoned. He won't know the little 18-year-old girl he is with, inducing her to enjoy a joing is actually 14 and lied because she wants to seems to be older, and he just wants to get laid.

Just no. And absolutely no.

Same thing happens with alcohol you dippy bitch. Whether or not something is legal or illegal doesn't really matter to high school kids, because if they can get it, they will.

BTW............cannabis doesn't make a person lose their inhibitions, as a matter of fact, people who are stoned are generally much more cautious about their surroundings.

Alcohol on the other hand had been proven to lower inhibitions, and can do it with a lot less than cannabis can, which is why when people get drunk they end up doing something they later regret.

Working at a biker bar in Amarillo showed me that by the way, because there was a small area out back for the people to go smoke if they wished. Those that drank? Generally those were the most problems. Those who drank and smoked? Mostly no problems with them until they got drunk. Those who smoked and drank coke only? They left good tips and would help out if problems arose.

Try again.
Dippy bitch? Try this one on for size: National President's list scholar and Eva Seen scholarship recipient. And try this one on:

Do you now get my drift? I sense that you do not. Therefore, now hear this in mama lion terms:

Got it swabbie?

No. If you do that, high school children will be users. A 25 year old has it figured out he can get a girl to drop her panties if he gets her stoned. He won't know the little 18-year-old girl he is with, inducing her to enjoy a joing is actually 14 and lied because she wants to seems to be older, and he just wants to get laid.

Just no. And absolutely no.

Same thing happens with alcohol you dippy bitch. Whether or not something is legal or illegal doesn't really matter to high school kids, because if they can get it, they will.

BTW............cannabis doesn't make a person lose their inhibitions, as a matter of fact, people who are stoned are generally much more cautious about their surroundings.

Alcohol on the other hand had been proven to lower inhibitions, and can do it with a lot less than cannabis can, which is why when people get drunk they end up doing something they later regret.

Working at a biker bar in Amarillo showed me that by the way, because there was a small area out back for the people to go smoke if they wished. Those that drank? Generally those were the most problems. Those who drank and smoked? Mostly no problems with them until they got drunk. Those who smoked and drank coke only? They left good tips and would help out if problems arose.

Try again.

I know of one death from an "overdose"; a mentally impaired young man was force fed many ounces. The caregiver was charged with negligent homicide.

Really? Got a link from an actual news source to back up your bullshit? And............fwiw............cannabis isn't "force fed" to someone unless it's been cooked in something like butter which is then used for cooking. You don't eat the plant, you smoke it.

If you're talking about being force fed Marinol? That's on the caregivers head because Marinol is just the pure THC, which means that it should be used as a controlled medication.

I've got a hunch, you're just throwing up a smokescreen, kinda like Bachmann did on that one woman she said she knew about, but which later turned to be false.

Try again Screech Pit.
No. If you do that, high school children will be users. A 25 year old has it figured out he can get a girl to drop her panties if he gets her stoned. He won't know the little 18-year-old girl he is with, inducing her to enjoy a joing is actually 14 and lied because she wants to seems to be older, and he just wants to get laid.

Just no. And absolutely no.

Same thing happens with alcohol you dippy bitch. Whether or not something is legal or illegal doesn't really matter to high school kids, because if they can get it, they will.

BTW............cannabis doesn't make a person lose their inhibitions, as a matter of fact, people who are stoned are generally much more cautious about their surroundings.

Alcohol on the other hand had been proven to lower inhibitions, and can do it with a lot less than cannabis can, which is why when people get drunk they end up doing something they later regret.

Working at a biker bar in Amarillo showed me that by the way, because there was a small area out back for the people to go smoke if they wished. Those that drank? Generally those were the most problems. Those who drank and smoked? Mostly no problems with them until they got drunk. Those who smoked and drank coke only? They left good tips and would help out if problems arose.

Try again.
Dippy bitch? Try this one on for size: National President's list scholar and Eva Seen scholarship recipient. And try this one on:

Do you now get my drift? I sense that you do not. Therefore, now hear this in mama lion terms:

Got it swabbie?

Got it............you know nothing of which you speak. And nobody is saying children should smoke pot.

So............take your soggy pussy elsewhere bitch.
As someone who NEVER used pot, I noticed as I went through the 60s and 70s and 80s, that those who even used harder drugs seemed to keep quick intelligence (somewhat), but those who heavily used pot, just went to DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think it was encapsulated in a conversation my brother had with one of our fast friends who was growing pot in one of his stereo speakers (so his mom would not see it).

"Say Brian, how many joints (they were called joints not blunts back in the day) do you smoke a day?"

"Oh about one a day."

"So how many do you smoke a week?"

"Oh about 10."

My brother laughed, but there's nothing funny really about it. Didn't occur to Brian what was funny.

In the book "Boy Clinton," the author postulated that the reason liberals, especially the 60s hippy generation never learned from their mistakes is because they couldn't. All those years of drug use had rendered their brains encapable of learning from their mistakes and failures.

I also noticed that people like Clinton and Hillary had the emotional maturity of teenagers. The "I didn't inhale" president most certainly did.

Cannabis smoking 'permanently lowers IQ' - Telegraph

Now, this is going to JUST send the pot users into conniption fits. Mostly because all addicts refuse to accept they can't handle their addiction. It's part of the ego and pride.

(And yes, I mean addiction. Pot raises the serotonin in your brain, and it falls later, and you get depressed (the crash). It gets to the point you can't feel happy without the pot. That's an addiction. Yes it is.)

Don't believe me? Look at every drunk driver video. No matter how obviously impaired they are, they refuse to believe they can't drive. It's a matter of ego and pride.

No, different with pot users. They are emotional to the point of not being able to discuss the subject objectively.

How do I know? Because of the STUPID argumements they use to justify their use.

"How would you know how pot affects you? You've never used it."

To which I've always responded: "I don't have to jump off the cliff to know it's a stupid thing to do, I just watch the other moron do it, to know it's a stupid thing to do."

"Well what about alcohol??? How come it's legal?"

To which I respond: "What of it? Are you suggesting getting drunk on alcohol vs. pot is better or worse? Maybe that's why there are some of us who don't do either."

Then there is the really ludicrous argument. "Well, I can smoke pot and drive where I couldn't on alcohol."

Yeah, well the drunk driver thinks he's fine to drive, too!"

Then there is the "medical marijuana" argument. Which amounts to pot heads hiding behind the sick and dying to justify getting stoned.

Which I would liken to a morphine user justifying morphine based on the fact my dying father was prescribed it, when he was dying of cancer, for his pain.

NOT the same thing people. It's still hiding behind the sick and dying to justify getting stoned.

Is anyone going to tell me morphine is "beneficial?" But pot is?

And if you even question this, you are "hard hearted" because of the sick and dying, when most "medical marijuana" users are perfectly fine, and will use any excuse possible to justify getting the pot.

Now let the tirade of of outraged pot heads begin.

They have something in common with libs. They know if people factually discuss the issue, they lose.

So, they HAVE to hide behind the sick and dying, to shut up any real discussion as "hard heated."

Which is what you do when you know the facts aren't on your side. You shut up any discussion of the facts.

you must smoke the shit by the truckload

I smoked all my life from 18 yrs old.
I have NO criminal record.
I do not even have any moving traffic violations.
And My work record was outstanding.

But then I was not a right winger to start out with so I had lots more brain cells to kill.


Well played sailor
No. If you do that, high school children will be users. A 25 year old has it figured out he can get a girl to drop her panties if he gets her stoned. He won't know the little 18-year-old girl he is with, inducing her to enjoy a joint is actually 14 and lied because she wants to seems to be older, and he just wants to get laid.

Just no. And absolutely no.

where did you hear this shit?.....a girl who smoked a joint will let someone fuck her?....i dont think so......even when i was 19 years old that did not happen,she still knows whats going on........now get drunk......yea your odds have just improved greatly.....
Same thing happens with alcohol you dippy bitch. Whether or not something is legal or illegal doesn't really matter to high school kids, because if they can get it, they will.

BTW............cannabis doesn't make a person lose their inhibitions, as a matter of fact, people who are stoned are generally much more cautious about their surroundings.

Alcohol on the other hand had been proven to lower inhibitions, and can do it with a lot less than cannabis can, which is why when people get drunk they end up doing something they later regret.

Working at a biker bar in Amarillo showed me that by the way, because there was a small area out back for the people to go smoke if they wished. Those that drank? Generally those were the most problems. Those who drank and smoked? Mostly no problems with them until they got drunk. Those who smoked and drank coke only? They left good tips and would help out if problems arose.

Try again.
Dippy bitch? Try this one on for size: National President's list scholar and Eva Seen scholarship recipient. And try this one on:

Do you now get my drift? I sense that you do not. Therefore, now hear this in mama lion terms:

Got it swabbie?

Got it............you know nothing of which you speak. And nobody is saying children should smoke pot.

So............take your soggy pussy elsewhere bitch.
Nope. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but your lies will not stop me from protecting American children from your open-minded brain malfunction that tells you eliminate all obstacles between and pot use, no matter who the hell gets in your way.

I'm standing in front of American children between them and you.

You may not have access to destroying what little American children have. A lot of them have abusive parents who don't give a damn about them, but I do, I'm going to, and you'll have to stop me in some other way.

Wise people will not let shillers for pot destroy America's children. You certianly don't give a damn about them. I do. I will prevail over your shilling for legal pot. You can't have their minds. They belong to the future and not to a future of confusion from pot and malfunction due to cannabis.
its use conflicts with values propagated by mainstream, traditional conservatives.
"Traditional" conservatives had NO PROBLEM with the THREE DUI convictions Bush/Cheney racked p, nor the disorderly conduct (plead down from drunk & disorderly) Bush was busted for. Likewise, Cheney's early morning drinking that led to a man being shot. Obviously, conservatives like drunks, perhaps many hold stock in liquor companies, or the timber industry?*

*The timber industry opposes marijuana legalization/decriminalization because hemp could compete with their products.

Actually, the only reason that it's use "conflicts with values propigated by mainstream, traditional conservatives" gets back to the reason it was made illegal in the first place.

Google an FBI man named Anslinger. While you're at it, Google "Reefer Madness" as well and find out that it was simply a propaganda fear film.

The reason Anslinger made it illegal? Simple.............he was a racist and didn't like Blacks or Hispanics (the 2 main groups of consumers at the time), and he was looking for a legal way to lock up minorities, so he lobbied Congress (with propaganda film) and got cannabis illegal. Oh yeah...............the reason the original punishments were so severe? They believed that white people didn't smoke, but if they did, they deserved to be locked up as well because they were a danger to society.

The conservative values of traditional conservatives on this issue is racism, pure and simple.

Never mind all the good that it can do as paper, cloth, food, used in fiberglass (Corvette is now using hemp fiber fiberglass, and the hemp comes from Canada), as well as biofuel.

Shit................ignore all the help it can do with cancer patients, glaucoma patients, Alzheimer's patients, etc.

If you want to keep marijuana illegal? Admit to being the racist that you are who ignores science and medicine because you're a sheeple that is buying into the lie.

You guys are mixing issues here... Not all conservatives buy the "Just say No" crap and believe the war on drugs was good idea... myself being one.

I know that big industry paved the way to get it banned... Ive done my homework.

I also know that there were Dems and Reps that worked to make it happen.

I also know that racism played a part as well... but why oh why do I, a conservative, have to be tied to that?
Why did it have to get racial and ugly like that?
Dippy bitch? Try this one on for size: National President's list scholar and Eva Seen scholarship recipient. And try this one on:

Do you now get my drift? I sense that you do not. Therefore, now hear this in mama lion terms:

Got it swabbie?

Got it............you know nothing of which you speak. And nobody is saying children should smoke pot.

So............take your soggy pussy elsewhere bitch.
Nope. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but your lies will not stop me from protecting American children from your open-minded brain malfunction that tells you eliminate all obstacles between and pot use, no matter who the hell gets in your way.

I'm standing in front of American children between them and you.

You may not have access to destroying what little American children have. A lot of them have abusive parents who don't give a damn about them, but I do, I'm going to, and you'll have to stop me in some other way.

Wise people will not let shillers for pot destroy America's children. You certianly don't give a damn about them. I do. I will prevail over your shilling for legal pot. You can't have their minds. They belong to the future and not to a future of confusion from pot and malfunction due to cannabis.

A lot of them have abusive parents? Really?

My real father left when I was 1 year old and my mother married an AF dude who threw me down the stairs and beat me until I was 5 and they got divorced. She then married another man who took great delight in abusing myself and my 1/2 sister with mental, physical and sexual abuse.

I was orphaned at 8 and lived with my Grandparents until I was 12 when I was put into foster care. Dealt with that until I was 17 and ran away to live back with my Grandparents, whereupon I joined the Navy at age 18.

As far as defense of children? I pretty much stand in the way if I see some jackass trying to hurt a kid, because I remember what it was like when an adult was kicking my ass.

Oh yeah.................I also spent the last 6 years of my 20 year Navy career as a Drug and Alcohol Program Specialist, which meant that I had to know the effects of a few different things that some Sailor could get their hands on.

One final thing? I never said anything about giving it to kids. You did. Me? I advocate that if you're an adult over the age of 21, you should be able to smoke cannabis if you want.

Why is it that mankind has to be so arrogant that they think they can make something illegal that God put down here for us? When Adam and Eve left the Garden, God told them that "if it grows out of the ground, you may have it". Cannabis was also one of the main ingredients of the Holy Annointing Oil of the Kings of Israel. Yeshua was even annointed with it.

Like I said................legalize it for ADULTS.

Try again ya trouser trout swallowing sperm sprinkler.
Dippy bitch? Try this one on for size: National President's list scholar and Eva Seen scholarship recipient. And try this one on:

Do you now get my drift? I sense that you do not. Therefore, now hear this in mama lion terms:

Got it swabbie?

Got it............you know nothing of which you speak. And nobody is saying children should smoke pot.

So............take your soggy pussy elsewhere bitch.
Nope. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but your lies will not stop me from protecting American children from your open-minded brain malfunction that tells you eliminate all obstacles between and pot use, no matter who the hell gets in your way.

I'm standing in front of American children between them and you.

You may not have access to destroying what little American children have. A lot of them have abusive parents who don't give a damn about them, but I do, I'm going to, and you'll have to stop me in some other way.

Wise people will not let shillers for pot destroy America's children. You certianly don't give a damn about them. I do. I will prevail over your shilling for legal pot. You can't have their minds. They belong to the future and not to a future of confusion from pot and malfunction due to cannabis.

no one here is talking about kids smoking pot.....like alcohol and Cigarettes there should be a cutoff age......i say 20-22 for all 3.....
Nope. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but your lies will not stop me from protecting American children from your open-minded brain malfunction that tells you eliminate all obstacles between and pot use, no matter who the hell gets in your way.

I'm standing in front of American children between them and you.

You may not have access to destroying what little American children have. A lot of them have abusive parents who don't give a damn about them, but I do, I'm going to, and you'll have to stop me in some other way.

Wise people will not let shillers for pot destroy America's children. You certianly don't give a damn about them. I do. I will prevail over your shilling for legal pot. You can't have their minds. They belong to the future and not to a future of confusion from pot and malfunction due to cannabis.

Becki, I love ya like a seester, but your out of line on this one.

Just because someone thinks that consenting adults should have the right to enjoy a toke every once in a while, and something that if left to its own device grows wild should not be banned from existance.

That does not mean that we want kids to die and suffer.... those parents are evil and should not be allowed to reproduce.

I raised three wonderful daughters, two of which are in college, all while enjoying pot every once in a while. Its no worse than a beer here and there.

Get a grip.... no one thinks kids should EVER have access to it, or be allowed to use it.... PERIOD!

Like I said.... Love ya *hugs*
Dippy bitch? Try this one on for size: National President's list scholar and Eva Seen scholarship recipient. And try this one on:

Do you now get my drift? I sense that you do not. Therefore, now hear this in mama lion terms:

Got it swabbie?

Got it............you know nothing of which you speak. And nobody is saying children should smoke pot.

So............take your soggy pussy elsewhere bitch.
Nope. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but your lies will not stop me from protecting American children from your open-minded brain malfunction that tells you eliminate all obstacles between and pot use, no matter who the hell gets in your way.

I'm standing in front of American children between them and you.

You may not have access to destroying what little American children have. A lot of them have abusive parents who don't give a damn about them, but I do, I'm going to, and you'll have to stop me in some other way.

Wise people will not let shillers for pot destroy America's children. You certianly don't give a damn about them. I do. I will prevail over your shilling for legal pot. You can't have their minds. They belong to the future and not to a future of confusion from pot and malfunction due to cannabis.
Becki, I'm assuming you're a teacher and around kids a lot because of that.

Would you say a kid can get his/her hands on some weed more easily than they can on a bottle of alcohol? My impression is that they can get their hands on the marijuana more easily, but I don't have the experience that you do.

If so, then having it legal, yet controlled, might just make it less easy for the kids to get their hands on it.

And, I am no fan of weed nor am I a fan of stoners.
Smoking pot is a defence mechansim for those who can't stand dealing with the truly stupid.

Stoners smoke so that the straights seem smarter.
A study says pot use lowers intelligence.

Pot users deny the study's results and point to themselves as proof the study is flawed.

No. If you do that, high school children will be users. A 25 year old has it figured out he can get a girl to drop her panties if he gets her stoned. He won't know the little 18-year-old girl he is with, inducing her to enjoy a joing is actually 14 and lied because she wants to seems to be older, and he just wants to get laid.

Just no. And absolutely no.

Same thing happens with alcohol you dippy bitch. Whether or not something is legal or illegal doesn't really matter to high school kids, because if they can get it, they will.

BTW............cannabis doesn't make a person lose their inhibitions, as a matter of fact, people who are stoned are generally much more cautious about their surroundings.

Alcohol on the other hand had been proven to lower inhibitions, and can do it with a lot less than cannabis can, which is why when people get drunk they end up doing something they later regret.

Working at a biker bar in Amarillo showed me that by the way, because there was a small area out back for the people to go smoke if they wished. Those that drank? Generally those were the most problems. Those who drank and smoked? Mostly no problems with them until they got drunk. Those who smoked and drank coke only? They left good tips and would help out if problems arose.

Try again.

Oh shit, I'm agreeing with scooter!

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