Postal Service...shutting down???


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
Postal Service on verge of going broke, shutting down

“Our situation is extremely serious,” the postmaster general, Patrick R. Donahoe, said in an interview. “If Congress doesn’t act, we will default.”

In recent weeks, Mr. Donahoe has been pushing a series of painful cost-cutting measures to erase the agency’s deficit, which will reach $9.2 billion this fiscal year. They include eliminating Saturday mail delivery, closing up to 3,700 postal locations and laying off 120,000 workers — nearly one-fifth of the agency’s work force — despite a no-layoffs clause in the unions’ contracts.
i pay bills for my family and my two households.....i use the mail for 2 bills a month.....everything else is online... the po is a total cluster away boxes?
that was simply a boom to everyone on just turned the boxes inside out.
postal employees seem to think their job is too make mailing something harder and more expensive. only people still using postal services are the one having too.....most of my incoming packages are delivered ups or fed ex.
I work in direct mail

This story is not a big surprise...
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Well now...I see THIS as a reason why we should put our HEALTH CARE in the hands of the GUBERMENT. they run everything ELSE into the ground.

go ObamaCare..whoohoo..hey at least it will FREE free free, right?:lol:
AND yet we question why other countries want nothing to do with our 'freedoms'. :(

This has been the rumor for more than five years. It isn't new. It has always been a stress factor for postal employees who cannot afford to loose their income or benefits, some are responsible for generational care.

I suppose there are some difficult employees that make shipping and receiving harder for mainstream by not having top-notch customer service abilities and focus, however, the industry does NOT make it easy for them to keep the prices reasonable either. It is as though the powers that be are forcing the shut down so that even the woodsiest sectors would have to go electronic... It wouldn't take much more if the morale of the peoples were to determine such things as so many are already tapping out and admitting defeat. :(

I KNOW there are real warriors who work hard at keeping the business up and customers happy... sadly, they seem to be few and far between.
the system is obsolete....that is what put buggy whip makers out of business and that is what will put the po out of business.... a sub rural route carrier gets 17.50 an hour plus mileage
Their prices ARE reasonable.

They raise business rates every 18 - 24 months.

They need 6to QUIT raising the business rates (as those customers provide the lion's share of their revenues & they risk losing some)

Problem? It costs the same to send a parcel from Atlanta to San Francisco (44 cents) as it does to send a letter across town.

They need to create zones & charge based on distance. it's really not rocket science...
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the system is obsolete?

Just see what happens to this country without a postal service.
Scare tactics and media sensationalism.
This will be probably at least the 100th time the Fed Gvt. has had to give the Postal Service money.
It all comes down to glorious pension plans and waaaaaaaaaaay too many employees.
Union contracts actually stipulate no one can get laid off.

How many here have actually done business with the P.O? I mean numerous times?
I have literally 1,000's and 1'000's of times - I have said for 20 years there is at least twice as many people as there should be.
I won't miss it.

The junk mail business will, though.

Don't get too excited. The "junk mail" business is responsible for MOST of the POs revenues.

If services are cut, they will find a way to keep delivering "junk mail" so that they can keep the largest revenue rolling in.
Scare tactics and media sensationalism.
This will be probably at least the 100th time the Fed Gvt. has had to give the Postal Service money.
It all comes down to glorious pension plans and waaaaaaaaaaay too many employees.
Union contracts actually stipulate no one can get laid off.

How many here have actually done business with the P.O? I mean numerous times?
I have literally 1,000's and 1'000's of times - I have said for 20 years there is at least twice as many people as there should be.

This may be true, but only in some areas. In my woodsy area we have four maybe five pos within about 20 miles but the number of residents determine that may be too many. The issue isn't a shortage in pos, it is in the number of people working within them. We have one postmaster for each po and three pos share a pmr. That is rough. Of course they are cutting back on the hours and such... but the issue may be more about closing the smallest of the offices that don't have more than, say, 200 residents and re-routing their mail to the next closest po equipped enough to handle the increase.

It does NOT make sense to keep an office open and only having one worker for that office with so few hours that residents have to change their schedules at their place of employment to make it to the po before close. Many offices where I come from are not built in such a way that they can be left open 24-7.
the system is obsolete?

Just see what happens to this country without a postal service.

not a damned thing......paperless billing will continue....most of my mail is incoming and i have tried to cut down on allows you to be on a 'no junk mail list' that cuts down on probably 90% of more of the mail....
the system is obsolete?

Just see what happens to this country without a postal service.

not a damned thing......paperless billing will continue....most of my mail is incoming and i have tried to cut down on allows you to be on a 'no junk mail list' that cuts down on probably 90% of more of the mail....

The one thing that people look past is "junk mail" this day direct mail advertising carries the highest "hit rate" than any other means of advertising.
Guess what that means? "junk" mail - WORKS.
Getting rid of direct mail removes the most successful form of advertising businesses have - especially in this economy - that would be incredibly stupid.
I know many home-bound, on a strict budget that only can afford to mail their bills via their mailman and will even buy stamps off of her/him to do so. (Yes, some mail carriers are that consumer aware and considerate.) They have home healthcare providers that come and take care of their concerns between doctor appointments. Most of those individuals could not possibly afford a computer much less learn the basics to use one well enough to pay their bills. It may happen... it just won't be in the near future.

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