Biden Boots Bloom From Postal Service, DeJoy's Days As Postmaster Are Numbered


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
The House Democrats finally passed Build Back Better! Can this day get better? Why yes, yes it can. Friday, President Joe Biden announced his nominees for the United States Postal Service Board of Governors, “to replace outgoing Governors Ron Bloom and John Barger.”

Yes, current board chair Ron Bloom—Postmaster General Louis DeJoy’s greatest champion—will not be returning when his term is up on Dec. 8. Thank you, President Biden!

If the corruption wasn’t bad enough, there’s the destruction of the Postal Service during a pandemic—the delayed mail, the dismantling of post office infrastructure, the 10-year plan to purposely make mail delivery a lot slower and cost more—all of this. DeJoy seemingly bribed his way into the job, and Trump put him there to screw up the mail ahead of the 2020 election. DeJoy has got to go, and now it looks like his days in the office are numbered. The remaining board members are going to have to nail down anything he might be able to steal on the way out.

While I do not really see things getting better, yes he needed to go.
The House Democrats finally passed Build Back Better! Can this day get better? Why yes, yes it can. Friday, President Joe Biden announced his nominees for the United States Postal Service Board of Governors, “to replace outgoing Governors Ron Bloom and John Barger.”

Yes, current board chair Ron Bloom—Postmaster General Louis DeJoy’s greatest champion—will not be returning when his term is up on Dec. 8. Thank you, President Biden!

If the corruption wasn’t bad enough, there’s the destruction of the Postal Service during a pandemic—the delayed mail, the dismantling of post office infrastructure, the 10-year plan to purposely make mail delivery a lot slower and cost more—all of this. DeJoy seemingly bribed his way into the job, and Trump put him there to screw up the mail ahead of the 2020 election. DeJoy has got to go, and now it looks like his days in the office are numbered. The remaining board members are going to have to nail down anything he might be able to steal on the way out.

They're getting ready for BIG fraud in the 2022 and 2024 elections. No other way President 36% has a chance.
The House Democrats finally passed Build Back Better! Can this day get better? Why yes, yes it can. Friday, President Joe Biden announced his nominees for the United States Postal Service Board of Governors, “to replace outgoing Governors Ron Bloom and John Barger.”

Yes, current board chair Ron Bloom—Postmaster General Louis DeJoy’s greatest champion—will not be returning when his term is up on Dec. 8. Thank you, President Biden!

If the corruption wasn’t bad enough, there’s the destruction of the Postal Service during a pandemic—the delayed mail, the dismantling of post office infrastructure, the 10-year plan to purposely make mail delivery a lot slower and cost more—all of this. DeJoy seemingly bribed his way into the job, and Trump put him there to screw up the mail ahead of the 2020 election. DeJoy has got to go, and now it looks like his days in the office are numbered. The remaining board members are going to have to nail down anything he might be able to steal on the way out.

the board of governors pick the PMG not the president....most PMG's last 2-3 years and most were pretty useless as they have no idea how the mail flows....this guy was no different.....and unless the next one is a career employee,he/she wont be any better......
They are going to turn our bankrupt by the gov. post offices into friendly little neighborhood banks to get us away from private banks. Then they are going to attach our accounts to the Federal Reserve and begin deducting $ from our accounts for "green energy infringements". Watch and see...
Hope you're wrong, but probably you aren't.
They're getting ready for BIG fraud in the 2022 and 2024 elections. No other way President 36% has a chance.
Let them try it... I don't think the people are going to be fooled like they were in 2020. Hopefully Virginia was a signal of this turning back to the light.
The House Democrats finally passed Build Back Better! Can this day get better? Why yes, yes it can. Friday, President Joe Biden announced his nominees for the United States Postal Service Board of Governors, “to replace outgoing Governors Ron Bloom and John Barger.”

Yes, current board chair Ron Bloom—Postmaster General Louis DeJoy’s greatest champion—will not be returning when his term is up on Dec. 8. Thank you, President Biden!

If the corruption wasn’t bad enough, there’s the destruction of the Postal Service during a pandemic—the delayed mail, the dismantling of post office infrastructure, the 10-year plan to purposely make mail delivery a lot slower and cost more—all of this. DeJoy seemingly bribed his way into the job, and Trump put him there to screw up the mail ahead of the 2020 election. DeJoy has got to go, and now it looks like his days in the office are numbered. The remaining board members are going to have to nail down anything he might be able to steal on the way out.

BBB will not pass the Senate so your elation is pointless.
As to the Post Office it is an antiquated service that has no place in America today. It is a tremendous waste of money.

I have not sent a piece of mail via snail mail in probably close to a decade.
BBB will not pass the Senate so your elation is pointless.
As to the Post Office it is an antiquated service that has no place in America today. It is a tremendous waste of money.

I have not sent a piece of mail via snail mail in probably close to a decade.
sure it delivers to places were the other guys dont because it costs them money....the PO delivers a lot of their packages the so called last mile.....once again because it is not cost effective for them to do it...if you get congress and the board of governors and all the useless postal commissions out of their way and let those they pay to run the thing,run might see a difference.....let them sink or swim on their own.....
the board of governors pick the PMG not the president....most PMG's last 2-3 years and most were pretty useless as they have no idea how the mail flows....this guy was no different.....and unless the next one is a career employee,he/she wont be any better......
DeJoy was unique. Previous postmasters focused on cost cutting from a personnel standpoint, the "lean and mean" sort of strategy, but left in place the actual logistics of how the mail moved, to the long term professionals.

DeJoy was different. He ran a logistics firm, and is heavily invested in the trucking indudstry. And for the first time ever, shifted the post office from flying the mail cost to coast, to trucking it there. Adding at least two more days to an already show service "aka snail mail".
The USPS removed 711 mail-sorting machines this year

Aug 21, 2020 — Embattled Postmaster General Louis DeJoy testified before the US Senate on Friday that he will not reinstall more than 600 mail sorting machines

DeJoy Says Mail Sorting Machines Were Stripped For Parts ...

Sep 24, 2020 — Postmaster General Louis DeJoy told a judge the U.S. Postal Service can't reassemble the hundreds of high speed mail-sorting machines
Louis DeJoy's USPS changes brought operational chaos, delays

Sep 17, 2020 — DeJoy has pushed for Postal Service trucks to leave on time, even if mail would be left behind.
...newly appointed Postmaster Dejoy mandated that every truck keep to its schedule, even if it is empty

DeJoy plans more slowdowns for USPS, higher prices for first ...

DeJoy, a former trucking executive. DeJoy had already begun discussing eliminating air transportation for first-class mail
Louis DeJoy's USPS changes brought operational chaos, delays

Sep 17, 2020 — DeJoy has pushed for Postal Service trucks to leave on time, even if mail would be left behind.
...newly appointed Postmaster Dejoy mandated that every truck keep to its schedule, even if it is empty

DeJoy plans more slowdowns for USPS, higher prices for first ...

DeJoy, a former trucking executive. DeJoy had already begun discussing eliminating air transportation for first-class mail
like i said....most PMG's know squat about how to move the mail.....he is told to cut he cuts it without regards to its effect on the mail flow....a PMG who worked his/her way up the ladder in the PO at least knows you dont fuck with the mail flow,you fuck with something carrier starting times....
like i said....most PMG's know squat about how to move the mail.....he is told to cut he cuts it without regards to its effect on the mail flow....a PMG who worked his/her way up the ladder in the PO at least knows you dont fuck with the mail flow,you fuck with something carrier starting times....
I agree. DeJoy was messing with the very fundamentals of how the mail got moved. He dismantled over 700 high speed letter sorting machines. Told trucks to leave on time, even if it meant leaving empty, with the mail still sitting on the loading dock. And now he's eliminating moving first class mail by air, and instead to drive it coast to coast.

It's like he's trying to sabotage the post office. Making it slower, and costing more.
The House Democrats finally passed Build Back Better! Can this day get better? Why yes, yes it can. Friday, President Joe Biden announced his nominees for the United States Postal Service Board of Governors, “to replace outgoing Governors Ron Bloom and John Barger.”

Yes, current board chair Ron Bloom—Postmaster General Louis DeJoy’s greatest champion—will not be returning when his term is up on Dec. 8. Thank you, President Biden!

If the corruption wasn’t bad enough, there’s the destruction of the Postal Service during a pandemic—the delayed mail, the dismantling of post office infrastructure, the 10-year plan to purposely make mail delivery a lot slower and cost more—all of this. DeJoy seemingly bribed his way into the job, and Trump put him there to screw up the mail ahead of the 2020 election. DeJoy has got to go, and now it looks like his days in the office are numbered. The remaining board members are going to have to nail down anything he might be able to steal on the way out.

This started under Obama...

I agree. DeJoy was messing with the very fundamentals of how the mail got moved. He dismantled over 700 high speed letter sorting machines. Told trucks to leave on time, even if it meant leaving empty, with the mail still sitting on the loading dock. And now he's eliminating moving first class mail by air, and instead to drive it coast to coast.

It's like he's trying to sabotage the post office. Making it slower, and costing more.
you know no station would leave the mail on the back dock and tell the trucker to go....getting yelled at or getting a letter of warning once in a while doesnt have much effect in the PO....the supervisor is going to get shit either he would tell the trucker...take that mail....
This started under Obama...

they were removing mail boxes all the time in the years i put in....
This started under Obama...

Yes mailboxes were removed under Obama, but they were removed because first class mail volume was dropping. Fewer letters, meant fewer mail boxes needed, which makes sense. BUT ... DeJoy was removing mail boxes based on the drop in mail volume due to COVID, which like the oil production situation, usage plummeted at the beginning of the year. The difference is that everybody knew the mail in ballots for the 2020 election would mean the post office would become central in the election. One letter to apply for an absentee ballot, another letter to send the ballot out, and another to return the ballots to the election boards. So for every mail in ballot it actually required two to three letters to be mailed.

With that anticipated flood of hundreds of millions of additional mail pieces, it was a bad time to remove mailboxes.

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