Post-Trump Politics?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
This may be wishful thinking, but I wonder if some sort of political consensus might be possible AFTER Donald Trump is no longer involved in the discussion. Until then, it seems like the current political divide will continue to be based more on personalities rather than on policies.

For example, I think there is general agreement among voters in the following areas:
1. Immigration/Border Security
2. Debt/Deficit Spending
3. National Defense/Foreign Wars (edit)
4. Parental Involvement in Education
5. Woke Culture, etc.

Unfortunately, most voters have staked out opposition regarding these issues based on what they think the "other side" thinks. It may take another Presidential term before these feelings begin to subside, but will our Democratic Republic last that long? What if the prevailing personalities ceased being a factor?

Who do you think would be the best President to start healing this division?
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This may be wishful thinking, but I wonder if some sort of political consensus might be possible AFTER Donald Trump is no longer involved in the discussion. Until then, it seems like the current political divide will continue to be based more on personalities rather than on policies.

For example, I think there is general agreement among voters in the following areas:
1. Immigration/Border Security
2. Debt/Deficit Spending

4. Parental Involvement in Education
5. Woke Culture, etc.

Unfortunately, most voters have staked out opposition regarding these issues based on what they think the "other side" thinks. It may take another Presidential term before these feelings begin to subside, but will our Democratic Republic last that long? What if the prevailing personalities ceased being a factor?

Who do you think would be the best President to start healing this division?
Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be anyone on both the Left of Right that can fulfill that criteria....
Joey Xi has screwed the pooch on so many levels that it takes only someone like Trump to come in a clean up the mess.
This may be wishful thinking, but I wonder if some sort of political consensus might be possible AFTER Donald Trump is no longer involved in the discussion. Until then, it seems like the current political divide will continue to be based more on personalities rather than on policies.

For example, I think there is general agreement among voters in the following areas:
1. Immigration/Border Security

Congress needs to address this.

2. Debt/Deficit Spending

Trump was breaking deficit records even before COVID.

4. Parental Involvement in Education

Can you expand on this and also what laws would you pass that force parental involvement in education?

5. Woke Culture, etc.

Woke culture? You want to legislate culture now? What is woke culture and how would you regulate it?

Unfortunately, most voters have staked out opposition regarding these issues based on what they think the "other side" thinks. It may take another Presidential term before these feelings begin to subside, but will our Democratic Republic last that long? What if the prevailing personalities ceased being a factor?

Who do you think would be the best President to start healing this division?
Your post is actually concrete evidence of what the real issue is: TDS.

I'm not attributing that to you, but I am being very clear that it's the deranged emotional morons on the Left who have put us in this position.

See here: If, as you correctly point out, we all agree with the majority of Trump's positions - but his personality or his portrayal in the media impedes progress - whose fuckin' fault is that???

It's like when you read college kids an Obama quote and they adamantly nod their heads in earnest agreement....up until the moment they are told "Actually Trump said all that".

Sorry, you can't ever have "unity" with people who are so fucking naive, and so easily manipulated by the media.

Because there will always be the next "Trump" as long as Leftist bozos are willing to let their emotions be played, and irrationality rule their every perception.

If you like Trump's policies, vote Trump.

You're not voting for a best friend, you're voting for President of the United States.

And look at the state of the country under the current maroon.

Trump is simply objectively better, but too many triggered smooth brains just won't accept it.

I hear you. I’m not entirely against voting for Trump; I just don’t think he would win. Then again, I said that in 2016.


Look at where the polls are now compared to 2016.

Hell, even 2020.

I know we're still a year off yadda yadda; but none of the polls had Trump flat out beating Hillary or Biden.

This time?

There's a multitude of them, and particularly in the swing states it looks like a blood bath for China Joe.

Dems are gonna have to break the emergency glass and bring in Big Mike.

And I don't mean Pence. ;)

Look at where the polls are now compared to 2016.

Hell, even 2020.

I know we're still a year off yadda yadda; but none of the polls had Trump flat out beating Hillary or Biden.

This time?

There's a multitude of them, and particularly in the swing states it looks like a blood bath for China Joe.

Dems are gonna have to break the emergency glass and bring in Big Mike.

And I don't mean Pence. ;)
Frankly, I am a little bit concerned about “secret powers known by national security officials as “the doomsday book” to manipulate elections.”

The Doomsday Book

But, hopefully Miles Taylor is just another crazy conspiracy theorist. My point is that, if this book exists, the Dems may use it. That is all.
Your post is actually concrete evidence of what the real issue is: TDS.

I'm not attributing that to you, but I am being very clear that it's the deranged emotional morons on the Left who have put us in this position.

See here: If, as you correctly point out, we all agree with the majority of Trump's positions - but his personality or his portrayal in the media impedes progress - whose fuckin' fault is that???

It's like when you read college kids an Obama quote and they adamantly nod their heads in earnest agreement....up until the moment they are told "Actually Trump said all that".

Sorry, you can't ever have "unity" with people who are so fucking naive, and so easily manipulated by the media.

Because there will always be the next "Trump" as long as Leftist bozos are willing to let their emotions be played, and irrationality rule their every perception.

If you like Trump's policies, vote Trump.

You're not voting for a best friend, you're voting for President of the United States.

And look at the state of the country under the current maroon.

Trump is simply objectively better, but too many triggered smooth brains just won't accept it.

Amen. Ditto. The country can't move forward until we find a cure for TDS.
This may be wishful thinking, but I wonder if some sort of political consensus might be possible AFTER Donald Trump is no longer involved in the discussion. Until then, it seems like the current political divide will continue to be based more on personalities rather than on policies.

For example, I think there is general agreement among voters in the following areas:
1. Immigration/Border Security
2. Debt/Deficit Spending
3. National Defense/Foreign Wars (edit)
4. Parental Involvement in Education
5. Woke Culture, etc.

Unfortunately, most voters have staked out opposition regarding these issues based on what they think the "other side" thinks. It may take another Presidential term before these feelings begin to subside, but will our Democratic Republic last that long? What if the prevailing personalities ceased being a factor?

Who do you think would be the best President to start healing this division?
You think there is agreement on those areas? Wow..really?

The big problem we have in the US is that we're no longer adults. The Constitution was written before there was street lamps. Its a brilliant document; unique in the world. And flawed. Its a 200+ y/o business model that is grotesquely out of date for the politics of 2023. Today it primarily serves as a roadmap to steer lawmakers to where loopholes can be exploited. We're not adult enough to admit that we need to re-tool the document and give it voice to where it is currently silent. For example...We have non-constitutional (I didn't say UN-constitutional) officers effectively vetoing legislation in the Senate. The Majority Leader makes sure nothing gets to Biden's desk that he may have to veto that may be unpopular. Just like Mitch did for Trump. Who in the heck allowed this to happen? The silent constitution did. If the Senate wanted to make cloture 85/15; they could. So practically nothing would ever get voted on by the floor. Until we grow up and codify the behavior of the government bodies that make laws and appoint judges...nothing is going to change very much. In some ways this is a good thing. In many ways though; it's awful. Why? Because if there is no vote you don't really know where your elected official stands on a topic. So the way you find out is that every 2 years, you get commercials paid for by whomever stating that "Smith supports/doesn't support ___________" If you have a recorded can see where Smith stands; if not; you're at the mercy of the folks who can afford to run ads.

As for national policies mentioned above...Nothing much will change whether the blob is on the national stage or not. It would help if the political right would accept reality but they are in no mood to do that. Too much money to be made spinning fairy tales about voter fraud and pedophilia. The sick fucks.

One area where the left really needs to get it's head of out of it's collective ass is energy policy. Again, it would take adult thinking to accept it but here it is; the US Navy has had nuclear reactors on it's ships for like what, 60 years? They operate in 30 foot seas, in freezing waters, baking heat... The safety record is astounding. There are a lot of union jobs at nuke plants across the nation. Be that as it may...the policy of the US Government should be that the US Navy will take over the nuke plants--soup to nuts. Now if you want to have an MOS that is land-based nuclear technician; the existing union members can apply for that; the pay will be cut and there likely will be a huge drop off in benefits but whatever; that is just the way it is. Anyway; have the navy run the plants. ConEd pays a fee to the government for the plant to be ran and they charge whatever they charge to the customers. The customers get a power supply that is as safe as it can be, a source that is clean relative to coal or oil refineries, and is more dependable than wind and solar can ever be made to be. You don't have plant operators who get jobs because they knew someone who worked there. If you show up to work drunk or stoned or aren't performing well, you don't have a union to protect you; the navy dismisses you or reassigns you. Sorry. Wind and solar have their place. But c'mon folks...

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