Post A Message to The Future Here.


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
Seems like every time an old trash pile, I mean really old, like 1,000 years or more, gets found, a lot of people get excited and start carefully pulling the decayed bits and pieces apart calling the pieces 'artifacts' and putting the stuff in museums. Ass-u-me-ing you're reading this in the USMessageboard Documentation of The Last 1,000 Years Library of History, and ass-u-me-ing human nature remains interested in the past, I want you to know that this average Joe did not understand the Pet Rock either. Nor do I get the attraction of "texting".

I also want you to know that in spite of what you have probably read about living at the dawn of the 21st Century, I feel lucky to be alive now. The odds of an average Joe being born into a pretty nice life have been getting better and better up to now, in no small part due to the influence of the concept behind 'America', and I trust the trend has not changed. Ain't life cool?

Do most of you feel lucky yet?

Have you reached for the stars?​
22nd century earthlings,

Don't watch the television series 'Lost'. If you do, it'll take you another 1000 years to figure-out why you did in the first place.

P.s. I don't care if we found life on Mars, all I want to know is did Justin Bieber suffer a painful death?
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I hope the land is still green in places and brown in others and still teaching you about the planet that gave birth to your World.
During football season them Georgians (the AMERICAN Georgians, not the Rooskies) can get pretty riled up, but when the final score is on the board, there ain't nothing that can't be cured with some :beer: & :boobies: down at the tittie bar after the game.

I hope you're getting along with your neighbors.
Dear 22nd Century folks,

Sorry about the mess.

We were too busy living the good life to clean up after ourselves.
Dear 22nd Century folks,

Sorry about the mess.

We were too busy living the good life to clean up after ourselves.

That's what mothers are for. Mothers take care of your boo-boos and clean up your messes until you're developed enough to clean them up for yourself.

Here's to Mom. :beer:

May she be up to the task of seeing you little bastards through to the year 3,000.

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We live in a world of rape you fool.

Cat calls are not designed to make you feel pretty, they are designed to make the caller feel manly.

You do realize women are raped every day right?

Sure, things are bad, but things are better, eh?

Compare your life to the statistical average Jane born in France in 1660: She most likely has barely enough to eat and her father thanks his god if she's ugly, and curses the devil for her beauty.

The king and his noblemen LIKED the pretty ones and since they controlled the military payroll, they called the shots.

Does Humanity draw no :thanks: for the progress toward a passing grade in "Plays well with others"??

Written history is ONLY 10,000 years old!


I wanted to tell you this, too but I was lazy so I just copied a post from another thread.


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