Portland Police Chief: Enough is Enough!


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
Portland, Ore., police Chief Chuck Lovell on Wednesday morning decried violent instigators who he said are marring the message of mostly peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters.

"Portlanders need to send a strong message that enough is enough," Lovell told reporters at Tom McCall Waterfront Park, according to KGW-TV in Portland. "This is not forwarding the goals that are going to lead to better outcomes for people of color. This movement is really powerful, but the violence has taken away from it. ... This is not what Portland is about. This is not what we need in our city."

The protests, which have sometimes turned into late-night riots focused on the Multnomah County Justice Center and the federal courthouse, have continued unabated for more than two months since the May 25 death of George Floyd in police custody in Minneapolis.

Lovell said there have been many large peaceful protests that required no police presence but the smaller offshoot actions -- setting fires, breaking windows and throwing objects at police -- are taking away from the larger message.

Late Wednesday, Portland police declared a riot and said they believe an explosive device had been left outside a precinct. People were ordered to disperse, and some streets were closed.

“I’ve never seen a summer like this,” Lovell, who was named police chief in early June, said.

The chief needs to talk to his dumbass mayor and work together with the state and feds to end this shit. Sooner or later people are going to start dying, shootings are up all over the country including Portland. I don't understand how they could let this go on for so long, they ain't helping the cause any.
Do those who are being protested really have a legitimate say?

DOnt be a dumb ass. Of course they do. Are you a complete moron? or just a paid political hack.
People are protesting the police, but not everyone is. Not by far. The majority of the nation is NOT protesting the police, demanding they defund etc.
So if right wing groups were start to protest against the Democrats in congress, do they not have a legitimate say anymore? or by virtue of the fact that they are being protested against they are forced to be silent?

Yes the police chief is right to speak up, because apparently there is a huge vaccum of leadership that no one is filling. The majority of people in these cities did not ask for these disruptors and terrorists in their midst, they have rights as well.
Portland, Ore., police Chief Chuck Lovell on Wednesday morning decried violent instigators who he said are marring the message of mostly peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters.

"Portlanders need to send a strong message that enough is enough," Lovell told reporters at Tom McCall Waterfront Park, according to KGW-TV in Portland. "This is not forwarding the goals that are going to lead to better outcomes for people of color. This movement is really powerful, but the violence has taken away from it. ... This is not what Portland is about. This is not what we need in our city."

The protests, which have sometimes turned into late-night riots focused on the Multnomah County Justice Center and the federal courthouse, have continued unabated for more than two months since the May 25 death of George Floyd in police custody in Minneapolis.

Lovell said there have been many large peaceful protests that required no police presence but the smaller offshoot actions -- setting fires, breaking windows and throwing objects at police -- are taking away from the larger message.

Late Wednesday, Portland police declared a riot and said they believe an explosive device had been left outside a precinct. People were ordered to disperse, and some streets were closed.

“I’ve never seen a summer like this,” Lovell, who was named police chief in early June, said.

The chief needs to talk to his dumbass mayor and work together with the state and feds to end this shit. Sooner or later people are going to start dying, shootings are up all over the country including Portland. I don't understand how they could let this go on for so long, they ain't helping the cause any.
How many blacks are actually in Portland, dude? I bet less than in 1 large projects here in town. :/
Probably more blacks in my city than in their entire state.
Do those who are being protested really have a legitimate say?
They have a responsibility, to stop the continuation of the irresponsible. Curfew must be enforced at night. Not that much burning and violence in the day time. Shut it down before dark and clear them out, whatever it takes. Many cities, you cannot even go to a bar, not need to allow cover of darkness to cover violence in the effected areas. All it takes is manpower and determination to stop it.
Do those who are being protested really have a legitimate say?
They have a responsibility, to stop the continuation of the irresponsible. Curfew must be enforced at night. Not that much burning and violence in the day time. Shut it down before dark and clear them out, whatever it takes. Many cities, you cannot even go to a bar, not need to allow cover of darkness to cover violence in the effected areas. All it takes is manpower and determination to stop it.

Correct absolutely! but some people wish there to be no police around to enforce a curfew. They would say to just call your neighbor for help. I dont know how a part of society has reached such a level of stupidity.
Do those who are being protested really have a legitimate say?
Being protested does not stop their responsibility to do their duty, which is to protect and serve. I'm sure if they had the option to move elsewhere easily, that most of the police department could simply shut down and leave.
Do those who are being protested really have a legitimate say?
Being protested does not stop their responsibility to do their duty, which is to protect and serve. I'm sure if they had the option to move elsewhere easily, that most of the police department could simply shut down and leave.

Ah, I wouldn't bet on that. There's quite a few cops out there that take a certain amount of pride in what they do, 'protect and serve' is actually a pretty noble thing to do. I think most of them take that very seriously and don't mind the protests against police brutality cuz the misdeeds of a few makes them all look bad. There are some bad cops out there just like in any other job, but IMHO the real problem is that the police chiefs, mayors, city councils, district attys, and judges don't do a good enough job of removing the bad apples. Which IMHO is primarily due to the power of the police unions.
The police chief in all the interviews I saw shows great professionalism and seems to be doing a good job. It is fully appropriate that he speaks out as he does. I note he does not specifically criticize the Mayor, but of course I would not be privy to any differences or issues that may or may not exist between them.

Hopefully the new arrangements with Oregon State Police that he talks about in his interview, which followed the correct withdrawal of Federal agents from unrequested street duty in the city, will help control any criminal elements that may try to take advantage of the ongoing demonstrations. Reportedly incidents at the Federal Courthouse have decreased with the withdrawal of federal agents, but there seems to be more disbursed late night activity. The city as a whole remains very calm. The provocative chanting in one video of some fools calling for police precincts to be “burned to the ground” was taped and its leaders ought to be outed and disgraced.
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Portland, Ore., police Chief Chuck Lovell on Wednesday morning decried violent instigators who he said are marring the message of mostly peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters.

"Portlanders need to send a strong message that enough is enough," Lovell told reporters at Tom McCall Waterfront Park, according to KGW-TV in Portland. "This is not forwarding the goals that are going to lead to better outcomes for people of color. This movement is really powerful, but the violence has taken away from it. ... This is not what Portland is about. This is not what we need in our city."

The protests, which have sometimes turned into late-night riots focused on the Multnomah County Justice Center and the federal courthouse, have continued unabated for more than two months since the May 25 death of George Floyd in police custody in Minneapolis.

Lovell said there have been many large peaceful protests that required no police presence but the smaller offshoot actions -- setting fires, breaking windows and throwing objects at police -- are taking away from the larger message.

Late Wednesday, Portland police declared a riot and said they believe an explosive device had been left outside a precinct. People were ordered to disperse, and some streets were closed.

“I’ve never seen a summer like this,” Lovell, who was named police chief in early June, said.

The chief needs to talk to his dumbass mayor and work together with the state and feds to end this shit. Sooner or later people are going to start dying, shootings are up all over the country including Portland. I don't understand how they could let this go on for so long, they ain't helping the cause any.
How many blacks are actually in Portland, dude? I bet less than in 1 large projects here in town. :/
Probably more blacks in my city than in their entire state.
And the black Oregon natives are mostly Oreos.
It really begs the loudest of derisive laughter. Fools really believed that insurrectionists would stop their war if the federal authority left. Antifa and Burn Loot Murder don't care about federal agents. They want the legal right to burn down every structure in the city. In the country. They want the freedom to kill whoever they want. Punish those who defend themselves. That's who they want punished. Democrats agree with them. Vote accordingly.
The chief needs to talk to his dumbass mayor
Is it me or is it that in EVERY CASE of prolonged, uncontrolled city violence, there is some whackadoodle useless democrat in office as mayor, and in most of THOSE cases, some goofy woman.
Back in the day, the National Guard got called out, shot a few of the douchebags, and it was over. :dunno:
Do those who are being protested really have a legitimate say?

Yes, they do. Absolutely they do. Protesting does not automatically mean that your side is good, or that the other side is bad.

You being pissed off, does not automatically mean you are right, and I am wrong. I could be that you are a spoiled brat loser, and I'm a law abiding citizen.

Moreover, everything about this, proves what we've been saying, that these are just scum bags.

The left-wing laughably claimed that the protests were because Federal Officers were there, and now they have left, and instead of being happy, and going home, now they are protesting the police... THE POLICE THAT DID NOTHING WHILE THEY TRIED TO BURN DOWN A FEDERAL COURT BUILDING.

They are protesting the people who did nothing to stop them from engaging in crime?

Again... the government should have activated the national guard, and had M16s in these worthless people's faces.
The chief needs to talk to his dumbass mayor
Is it me or is it that in EVERY CASE of prolonged, uncontrolled city violence, there is some whackadoodle useless democrat in office as mayor, and in most of THOSE cases, some goofy woman.
Back in the day, the National Guard got called out, shot a few of the douchebags, and it was over. :dunno:
Scary thing is that if this is how America handles its domestic enemies at home now, all is lost in dealing with foreign threats from other nations.

America, RIPE for the taking, softened up like a rotten banana by the festering decay of progressives.

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Enough was enough 2 months ago. As soon as they let these 'protests' blossom into violence and did nothing about it, they shot themselves right in the ass by emboldening these idiots.

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