Politically Powerful Koch family endorses Haley over Desantis


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

This could lead to some shake up in the repub primaries positioning. Desantis may as well go back to Florida and straighten out his home insurance mess. The repubs better have a good alternative to a man that may be a convicted felon before the summer is out. I don't think the nomination is going to be as easy as trump thinks it will be.

This could lead to some shake up in the repub primaries positioning. Desantis may as well go back to Florida and straighten out his home insurance mess. The repubs better have a good alternative to a man that may be a convicted felon before the summer is out. I don't think the nomination is going to be as easy as trump thinks it will be.
I don't blame them. It was the right move.
The Koch Brothers were never Republicans. They were. are, and always have been corporatists.

Like the entire dimocrap scum donor list -- Bezos, Soros, etc, etc.

We Americans dislike and don't want corporatists running things. That's what the dimocrap scum party is for. It's what they do.

Of the 10 richest Companies in America, 9 of them are dimocrap backers and donors and the only other one is very suspect.
Nikki Haley is the only Republican contender that has any chance of beating Biden.

For the sake of Democracy, I hope she's the Republican nominee, even though I'd vote for Biden.
The Koch Brothers were never Republicans. They were. are, and always have been corporatists.

Like the entire dimocrap scum donor list -- Bezos, Soros, etc, etc.

We Americans dislike and don't want corporatists running things. That's what the dimocrap scum party is for. It's what they do.

Of the 10 richest Companies in America, 9 of them are dimocrap backers and donors and the only other one is very suspect.

You remind me of the Quaran's admonition not only against 'non-believers', but against non-True-believers. That opens the door for anyone to accuse anyone else of being a non-True-believer.

Just as you accuse anyone that does not kiss Trump's ass as being a RINO. A non-true-Republican.

Hamas could use a man like you!

This could lead to some shake up in the repub primaries positioning. Desantis may as well go back to Florida and straighten out his home insurance mess. The repubs better have a good alternative to a man that may be a convicted felon before the summer is out. I don't think the nomination is going to be as easy as trump thinks it will be.

All of a sudden you love them!

You clods are amusing as hell!
You remind me of the Quaran's admonition not only against 'non-believers', but against non-True-believers. That opens the door for anyone to accuse anyone else of being a non-True-believer.

Just as you accuse anyone that does not kiss Trump's ass as being a RINO. A non-true-Republican.

Hamas could use a man like you!

And you support the globalists who have formulated their own religion.

And you are an adherent.

This could lead to some shake up in the repub primaries positioning. Desantis may as well go back to Florida and straighten out his home insurance mess. The repubs better have a good alternative to a man that may be a convicted felon before the summer is out. I don't think the nomination is going to be as easy as trump thinks it will be.
Too late jimboliar. Your great campaigning has assured a Trump victory despite the comic book articles.

This could lead to some shake up in the repub primaries positioning. Desantis may as well go back to Florida and straighten out his home insurance mess. The repubs better have a good alternative to a man that may be a convicted felon before the summer is out. I don't think the nomination is going to be as easy as trump thinks it will be.

Democrats are so obsessed with things no Republican voter cares about. Q ( Mac1958 is OBSESSED with them) and who the Koch brothers endorse. This is the first time I've ever known, and I only know that because of your post
And you support the globalists who have formulated their own religion.

And you are an adherent.

The globalists are the super-rich elite, like Donald Trump, who are trying to destroy Democracy and initiate a world-wide modern feudal system.

If left up to you Trump, Putin, Kim, Erdogan, Xi, MLB and few other fascist dictators would rule the world.
The globalists are the super-rich elite, like Donald Trump, who are trying to destroy Democracy and initiate a world-wide modern feudal system.

If left up to you Trump, Putin, Kim, Erdogan, Xi, MLB and few other fascist dictators would rule the world.

Democrats are the globalists you stupid fuck. Your war on energy producers, your eco-bull, those are globalist policies. Democrats are just the dumbest fucking idiots
The globalists are the super-rich elite, like Donald Trump, who are trying to destroy Democracy and initiate a world-wide modern feudal system.

If left up to you Trump, Putin, Kim, Erdogan, Xi, MLB and few other fascist dictators would rule the world.

Trump fought against them, which is why they are so desperate to destroy him.

I suggest you wake up, or be destroyed when the globalists get their way.

This could lead to some shake up in the repub primaries positioning. Desantis may as well go back to Florida and straighten out his home insurance mess. The repubs better have a good alternative to a man that may be a convicted felon before the summer is out. I don't think the nomination is going to be as easy as trump thinks it will be.

Of course, but you're an idiot.

This could lead to some shake up in the repub primaries positioning. Desantis may as well go back to Florida and straighten out his home insurance mess. The repubs better have a good alternative to a man that may be a convicted felon before the summer is out. I don't think the nomination is going to be as easy as trump thinks it will be.
So "libertarian" Koch network throws its weight behind Chimpola Bush with tits...The very neocon clown car that made Trump look like a good idea.

So much for those reputed "libertarian" bona fides.

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