Political Shenanigans?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 15, 2009
Conservative part of the Northwest
Wayne Allyn Root, an anti Obama crusader, had just won in court over an IRS audit from his 2007-2008 tax filings.
Five days later he was hit with a 2009-2010 tax filing audit. In thirty years he has had 2 prior audits and showed to owe nothing.

The problems started in January 2011, when Root, who claims to have a perfect tax record, was put through a surprise audit. At the time, he claims to have received a call from an IRS agent who said that he is a fan of Root and that it would be “an honor” to audit him — sentiments that struck the commentator as odd. The agent also told Root that he has read his political columns, listened to him on radio and visited his web site, and that he agrees with his politics.
Three months ago, the ordeal came to a close, with a tax court finding that Root owed no monies in his past filings. But just when he assumed that the situation had been resolved, something bizarre happened: Root, who was previously seeing his 2007 and 2008 filings under audit, was hit with a new IRS investigation just five days after the last one. In the new audit, the IRS began exploring his 2009 and 2010 filings. The closeness of the two audits is something that Root’s lawyer claims to have never seen or heard of before.
What was even more odd about the entire ordeal was the way in which Root was informed about the audit. Rather than receiving a letter — the means through which his accountant claims audits are typically commenced — Root received the aforementioned cryptic phone call. The politician claims that his fears were recognized, as the “agent clearly had an agenda” and “was acting unreasonably.”
Wayne Allyn Root Claims Obama Used the IRS to Punish Him | TheBlaze.com
Wayne Allyn Root, an anti Obama crusader, had just won in court over an IRS audit from his 2007-2008 tax filings.
Five days later he was hit with a 2009-2010 tax filing audit. In thirty years he has had 2 prior audits and showed to owe nothing.

The problems started in January 2011, when Root, who claims to have a perfect tax record, was put through a surprise audit. At the time, he claims to have received a call from an IRS agent who said that he is a fan of Root and that it would be “an honor” to audit him — sentiments that struck the commentator as odd. The agent also told Root that he has read his political columns, listened to him on radio and visited his web site, and that he agrees with his politics.
Three months ago, the ordeal came to a close, with a tax court finding that Root owed no monies in his past filings. But just when he assumed that the situation had been resolved, something bizarre happened: Root, who was previously seeing his 2007 and 2008 filings under audit, was hit with a new IRS investigation just five days after the last one. In the new audit, the IRS began exploring his 2009 and 2010 filings. The closeness of the two audits is something that Root’s lawyer claims to have never seen or heard of before.
What was even more odd about the entire ordeal was the way in which Root was informed about the audit. Rather than receiving a letter — the means through which his accountant claims audits are typically commenced — Root received the aforementioned cryptic phone call. The politician claims that his fears were recognized, as the “agent clearly had an agenda” and “was acting unreasonably.”
Wayne Allyn Root Claims Obama Used the IRS to Punish Him | TheBlaze.com
That happened to my husband and I 3 consecutive years in a row some years back. A disgruntled employee in a state capacity didn't care for a deserved promotion that was received and began making false allegations against us to an IRS agent, who naturally was interested in appeasing the "witness" only for us to backtrack, show honesty. When we received the third notice, we contacted local authorities, who pinpointed the problem to an individual who regularly made false allegations against people to the IRS on a 25-complaints a year basis to people she targeted for petty revenges of one kind or another, real or imagined. This one she did for a "friend" who did not receive the promotion and was told they would never get a promotion because of not being qualified by a boss who I am certain also received IRS inquiries 3 or more consecutive times.

Seems this followed some kind of law Congress passed back then that if someone turns in someone else for tax evasion, they get a percentage of "Tax recovered." Our detractor did not know she was up against people with impeccable attention to paying their fair share with pride in and love for their country. :)
Wayne Allyn Root, an anti Obama crusader, had just won in court over an IRS audit from his 2007-2008 tax filings.
Five days later he was hit with a 2009-2010 tax filing audit. In thirty years he has had 2 prior audits and showed to owe nothing.

The problems started in January 2011, when Root, who claims to have a perfect tax record, was put through a surprise audit. At the time, he claims to have received a call from an IRS agent who said that he is a fan of Root and that it would be “an honor” to audit him — sentiments that struck the commentator as odd. The agent also told Root that he has read his political columns, listened to him on radio and visited his web site, and that he agrees with his politics.
Three months ago, the ordeal came to a close, with a tax court finding that Root owed no monies in his past filings. But just when he assumed that the situation had been resolved, something bizarre happened: Root, who was previously seeing his 2007 and 2008 filings under audit, was hit with a new IRS investigation just five days after the last one. In the new audit, the IRS began exploring his 2009 and 2010 filings. The closeness of the two audits is something that Root’s lawyer claims to have never seen or heard of before.
What was even more odd about the entire ordeal was the way in which Root was informed about the audit. Rather than receiving a letter — the means through which his accountant claims audits are typically commenced — Root received the aforementioned cryptic phone call. The politician claims that his fears were recognized, as the “agent clearly had an agenda” and “was acting unreasonably.”
Wayne Allyn Root Claims Obama Used the IRS to Punish Him | TheBlaze.com

There are more stormtroopers coming

4,000 agents, $303 million for Obamacare

The Internal Revenue Service wants to add about 4,000 agents to hunt down tax cheats and still plans to spend $303 million building a system to oversee Obamacare even

IRS seeks 4,000 agents, $303 million for Obamacare | WashingtonExaminer.com
I'm sorry, but that DOES look like a bullshit story. His "evidence" amounts to some alleged telephone calls and conversations. He looks like a car salesman, he leaps to unsupported allegations of high crimes, and there are no details whatever regarding this gentlemen's "business dealings."

This story sounds like something an organized crime figure would concoct. Does he live in Las Vegas by any chance? This sounds like a story from one of those unhinged Vegas idiots.
I'm sorry, but that DOES look like a bullshit story. His "evidence" amounts to some alleged telephone calls and conversations. He looks like a car salesman, he leaps to unsupported allegations of high crimes, and there are no details whatever regarding this gentlemen's "business dealings."

This story sounds like something an organized crime figure would concoct. Does he live in Las Vegas by any chance? This sounds like a story from one of those unhinged Vegas idiots.

Let's say he was lying about the phone call, but he did just get done with one audit battle, and he just was notified of another audit....seems strange? Or, are you just calling him a liar because it doesn't look good for the IRS and the administration?
Not like this kind of behavior from administrations hasn't happened before. just sayin.....
Wayne Allyn Root, an anti Obama crusader, had just won in court over an IRS audit from his 2007-2008 tax filings.
Five days later he was hit with a 2009-2010 tax filing audit. In thirty years he has had 2 prior audits and showed to owe nothing.

The problems started in January 2011, when Root, who claims to have a perfect tax record, was put through a surprise audit. At the time, he claims to have received a call from an IRS agent who said that he is a fan of Root and that it would be “an honor” to audit him — sentiments that struck the commentator as odd. The agent also told Root that he has read his political columns, listened to him on radio and visited his web site, and that he agrees with his politics.
Three months ago, the ordeal came to a close, with a tax court finding that Root owed no monies in his past filings. But just when he assumed that the situation had been resolved, something bizarre happened: Root, who was previously seeing his 2007 and 2008 filings under audit, was hit with a new IRS investigation just five days after the last one. In the new audit, the IRS began exploring his 2009 and 2010 filings. The closeness of the two audits is something that Root’s lawyer claims to have never seen or heard of before.
What was even more odd about the entire ordeal was the way in which Root was informed about the audit. Rather than receiving a letter — the means through which his accountant claims audits are typically commenced — Root received the aforementioned cryptic phone call. The politician claims that his fears were recognized, as the “agent clearly had an agenda” and “was acting unreasonably.”
Wayne Allyn Root Claims Obama Used the IRS to Punish Him | TheBlaze.com

I like Root. I believe I can trust him telling the truth. Cunningham has him on frequently and I love Cunningham.

I'm thrilled to death that you know who he is. Most don't.

I consider Root savvy as well as brilliant. Just so you can get a grip on it, any given day it's the "dance of the radios" around here. I have radios in every room for different time zones and who I want to listen to.

Summer has taken on a brand new meaning in the garden. I have now converted all my tomato and pepper plants to conservative veggies.My nieghbours dogs come running over as soon as they hear Chrissy. :lol:

oh my goodness ETA: Just for you young ones, Chrissy from the Pretenders and Rush Limbaugh uses her music.

Radio takes away all the visuals handlers use. All you have are your ears and no visual.
So if Root says he thinks he is being targeted I believe him.

And that's scary stuff there.
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it's a conspiracy...

and anything from the blaze isn't worth the bandwidth it uses.


Do you live on this planet to just circle jerk for libs? Straight up honest question.

What ever you think about the Blaze you can't even make it past the person reporting the story to just get to a truth.

And if you have ever heard W.A. Root you would know he's a solid man.
Wayne Allyn Root, an anti Obama crusader, had just won in court over an IRS audit from his 2007-2008 tax filings.
Five days later he was hit with a 2009-2010 tax filing audit. In thirty years he has had 2 prior audits and showed to owe nothing.

The problems started in January 2011, when Root, who claims to have a perfect tax record, was put through a surprise audit. At the time, he claims to have received a call from an IRS agent who said that he is a fan of Root and that it would be “an honor” to audit him — sentiments that struck the commentator as odd. The agent also told Root that he has read his political columns, listened to him on radio and visited his web site, and that he agrees with his politics.
Three months ago, the ordeal came to a close, with a tax court finding that Root owed no monies in his past filings. But just when he assumed that the situation had been resolved, something bizarre happened: Root, who was previously seeing his 2007 and 2008 filings under audit, was hit with a new IRS investigation just five days after the last one. In the new audit, the IRS began exploring his 2009 and 2010 filings. The closeness of the two audits is something that Root’s lawyer claims to have never seen or heard of before.
What was even more odd about the entire ordeal was the way in which Root was informed about the audit. Rather than receiving a letter — the means through which his accountant claims audits are typically commenced — Root received the aforementioned cryptic phone call. The politician claims that his fears were recognized, as the “agent clearly had an agenda” and “was acting unreasonably.”
Wayne Allyn Root Claims Obama Used the IRS to Punish Him | TheBlaze.com

There are more stormtroopers coming

4,000 agents, $303 million for Obamacare

The Internal Revenue Service wants to add about 4,000 agents to hunt down tax cheats and still plans to spend $303 million building a system to oversee Obamacare even

IRS seeks 4,000 agents, $303 million for Obamacare | WashingtonExaminer.com
Not this pure BULLSHIT again! :cuckoo:

Only the morons in the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood are stupid enough to swallow this crap. But at least it is down from the 6,000 agents in the original lie! :rofl::lmao:
Wayne Allyn Root, an anti Obama crusader, had just won in court over an IRS audit from his 2007-2008 tax filings.
Five days later he was hit with a 2009-2010 tax filing audit. In thirty years he has had 2 prior audits and showed to owe nothing.

The problems started in January 2011, when Root, who claims to have a perfect tax record, was put through a surprise audit. At the time, he claims to have received a call from an IRS agent who said that he is a fan of Root and that it would be “an honor” to audit him — sentiments that struck the commentator as odd. The agent also told Root that he has read his political columns, listened to him on radio and visited his web site, and that he agrees with his politics.
Three months ago, the ordeal came to a close, with a tax court finding that Root owed no monies in his past filings. But just when he assumed that the situation had been resolved, something bizarre happened: Root, who was previously seeing his 2007 and 2008 filings under audit, was hit with a new IRS investigation just five days after the last one. In the new audit, the IRS began exploring his 2009 and 2010 filings. The closeness of the two audits is something that Root’s lawyer claims to have never seen or heard of before.
What was even more odd about the entire ordeal was the way in which Root was informed about the audit. Rather than receiving a letter — the means through which his accountant claims audits are typically commenced — Root received the aforementioned cryptic phone call. The politician claims that his fears were recognized, as the “agent clearly had an agenda” and “was acting unreasonably.”
Wayne Allyn Root Claims Obama Used the IRS to Punish Him | TheBlaze.com

There are more stormtroopers coming

4,000 agents, $303 million for Obamacare

The Internal Revenue Service wants to add about 4,000 agents to hunt down tax cheats and still plans to spend $303 million building a system to oversee Obamacare even

IRS seeks 4,000 agents, $303 million for Obamacare | WashingtonExaminer.com
Not this pure BULLSHIT again! :cuckoo:

Only the morons in the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood are stupid enough to swallow this crap. But at least it is down from the 6,000 agents in the original lie! :rofl::lmao:

Poor Eddie.. His boy is going down and he's very angry...Obamacare is a Tax according to the Supreme court. It only stands to reason that more people will be needed to enforce the mandate...Liberals just don’t seem to be able to think logically

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