Political Correctness: The pushback continues


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
It really is nice (and very hopeful sign) to see that more and more honest liberals (by far the majority) are admitting that PC has jumped the shark. They are willing to say that PC is far more than just an annoyance, it is a negative. Just in the last few days:

....From an article on an interview with President Obama:
President Obama praised student activists, but also said he disagrees with what Stephanopoulos described as “militant political correctness” on campus, whereby some activists seek to shut down opposing viewpoints. “Being a good citizen, being an activist, involves hearing the other side and making sure that you are engaging in a dialogue because that’s also how change happens,” said President Obama.

... From Daily Beast writer Keli Goff: How Diversity Police Halt Progress - I know there are rooms of opportunity and power—including some writers rooms—that people like me are increasingly excluded from simply because the people in them are petrified of saying the wrong thing in front of me or another person of color or another woman and ending up vilified in social media or on a blog or in a protest. So instead they surround themselves with fellow white guys. I know this in part because in the last two weeks I have had at least two white people I know say that family members or friends have made comments to that effect, i.e. “I really like my black co-worker but I’m nervous about dinner because what if things turn to politics and I say the wrong thing.

A groundbreaking study published in the American Psychologist last year found that blatant racism is no longer the biggest obstacle facing minorities seeking workplace advancement today. Instead it has been replaced by what you might call accidental discrimination. According to the study, “in present-day America, discrimination results more from helping ingroup members than from harming outgroup members.”

... From Daily Beast writer Robby Soave: College Students Say Remembering 9/11 Is Offensive to Muslims - Of course, it’s not just Muslim students’ whose feelings are zealously guarded by the new regime of campus censors. Students at university after university are demanding the right to turn campus spaces—even public spaces—into “safe” spaces: zones of total emotional and intellectual coddling. What’s more, these students assert that administrators are required to enforce these safe spaces, even at the expense of free speech.

Can we take a moment to reflect on how petty, infantilizing, and ultimately self-defeating college students’ goals have become?


We can pretty much assume everything you come up with is going to be stupid and / or full of B.S.
It makes me wonder what kind of goals you have set for yourself in life.

As far as the top post is concerned, it is totally spot on. Our nation has turned into multitudes of narcissistic malcontents. If they can allude to even the slightest criticism directed their way it has now become a potential law suit. At a minimum it is discrimination that needs to be exposed and dealt with. "Federal government, help us!"

Anti-women pro-lifers, homophobia, racism, islamophobia, environmental phobia, ---- is there anything a Christian can say that is not deemed evil and causing the mental and breakdown of society? A society that is so full of itself it makes one physically ill thinking about it.
Understandable that the PC Police/Regressive Left would get a little cranky about this, of course.

This strategy has been fabulously successful for them for decades, but cracks are appearing.

They're going to be very, very defensive as this develops.

Hey, guy, the only people who still pay attention to you on this issue you have on ignore because we are mocking you.

Political Correctness = Not putting up with your shit anymore.

Deal with it.
Under Obama
- Stock markets more than doubled.

- Home prices surging.

- A national health care plan.

Under Bush 43 ...too horrible to mention 'Nuff said

We can pretty much assume everything you come up with is going to be stupid and / or full of B.S.
It makes me wonder what kind of goals you have set for yourself in life.

As far as the top post is concerned, it is totally spot on. Our nation has turned into multitudes of narcissistic malcontents. If they can allude to even the slightest criticism directed their way it has now become a potential law suit. At a minimum it is discrimination that needs to be exposed and dealt with. "Federal government, help us!"

Anti-women pro-lifers, homophobia, racism, islamophobia, environmental phobia, ---- is there anything a Christian can say that is not deemed evil and causing the mental and breakdown of society? A society that is so full of itself it makes one physically ill thinking about it.
This is at the very core of the Regressive Left's thinking, so they're going to protect it with GREAT energy, in any way they can.

Even when it's obvious that they're deflecting and lying. They'll do anything.
PC is just a term used to flog political opponents. Each situation has its own dynamic. If you're trying to gain elective office in a conservative area, you're going to suppress any pro-choice feelings. That's also being PC.
Anti-women pro-lifers, homophobia, racism, islamophobia, environmental phobia, ---- is there anything a Christian can say that is not deemed evil and causing the mental and breakdown of society? A society that is so full of itself it makes one physically ill thinking about it.

I'd be more impressed with "Christians" if the spent less time trying to impose their superstitions on the rest of us and actually do the things Jesus talked about.

You know, take care of the poor, treat people the way you'd want to be treated, etc.

Jesus didn't talk about gays or abortion once in the Gospels. It just wasn't that important to him.

He spent a lot of time condemning the rich and greed.

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