Police offices involved in G. Floyd's death were suspended the next day--aftermorethan a month we still do not know who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt

Nothing less than outrageous. The American people deserve better than this.

The democrats preach coming together but they practice nothing more than hatred for their political opponents.

Such hypocrites.

The person in question was killed in the process of completing a treasonous act of insurrection. The officer in question was doing. Nothing more than his duty.

This is not a similar situation.
You keep claiming that the lady was killed in the process of committing a treasonous act of insurrection, yet no trial has been conducted, and no verdicts have been rendered in such a trial that would either clear the officer's name, and therefore finalize the verdict of guilty or innocent in regards to the victims intention's or motives in the case. It's amazing how the trials by social media just take legs and walk like they do now. How evil is that ?

Everyone including the innocent should have their day in court, but for some reason the system isn't working anymore, so we get these internet wanta be lawyers convicting people, and condemning them without any conclusive evidence to go on (i.e. a trial that renders the innocent as innocent, and the perps as perps).
When police officers are clearly doing their duty there is rarely a trial. A short internal investigation and back to duty.
And you think shooting down unarmed non-threatening innocent women was his duty? You need to be locked up yourself.
Violent insurrectionists. I'm shocked only one was shot. If I'd been in charge it would have been different.
Bullspit. If you'd been in charge you'd have outrun the other pussies getting home to hide behind your Momma's skirts.
Wrong. Had I been in charge I would have called for flash-bangs, riot munitions and CS when they breached the fence as well as started evac for the VIPs and bringing my reserves to a position between them and the most likely route for the oppo. If they continued to press on to the doors I would have released the use of lethal force at local discretion and committed my reserves to the breach closest to the VIP egress route. My best estimate is at this point the sightseers would be vacating the area asap (live ammo and dead bodies do that) and anyone still pressing forward is a legitimate target so this is where you bring up the heavies and put this thing to bed.

All over but the cleanup.
If that had proven to be an actual insurrection your imaginary actions might at least have been logical. But had it been an actual insurrection the crowd would have come armed and you and most of your men would have been dead long before they breached the doors or windows with anything other than explosive charges/RPGs. The fact no "defenders" were killed wounded or even fired on is proof that did not intend insurrection or even violence. Seems obvious that they deliberately were at pains not to be armed so that anyone but terminal idiots would know they were there to demonstrate their displeasure; not riot. A vivid imagination is not proof of the possession a backbone. I still go with the Momma's skirts theory.
It was an actual insurrection, 6 people died including two officers and more than 140 officers were injured. RPGs are pretty tough to get a hold of in the United States and massive overkill for windows. It does not "seem obvious" they were "at pains" to be unarmed. There were weapons in plenty.

And this isn't imaginary, it was on live TV.
If there were weapons aplenty and it was an actual attempt at insurrection why were they not used? Why was the only homicide committed by a security guard? You make no sense and provide no evidence.
You'd have to ask the terrorists that question.

There was a justifiable homicide committed. Everything else was an assault.

What "terrorists" ? Even if this is falsely labeled as an "insurrection" , it still isn't "terrorism". Those who engaged in the Whiskey Insurrection weren't terrorists and neither were those who stormed the Bastille and the Berlin Wall.
"When they broke the glass in the back, the [police] lieutenant that was there, him and I already had multiple conversations prior to this, and he didn't have a choice at the time," Mullin added. "The mob was going to come through the door, there was a lot of members and staff that were in danger at the time."

That crazy bitch deservedly got shot.
Nothing less than outrageous. The American people deserve better than this.

The democrats preach coming together but they practice nothing more than hatred for their political opponents.

Such hypocrites.

The person in question was killed in the process of completing a treasonous act of insurrection. The officer in question was doing. Nothing more than his duty.

This is not a similar situation.
You keep claiming that the lady was killed in the process of committing a treasonous act of insurrection, yet no trial has been conducted, and no verdicts have been rendered in such a trial that would either clear the officer's name, and therefore finalize the verdict of guilty or innocent in regards to the victims intention's or motives in the case. It's amazing how the trials by social media just take legs and walk like they do now. How evil is that ?

Everyone including the innocent should have their day in court, but for some reason the system isn't working anymore, so we get these internet wanta be lawyers convicting people, and condemning them without any conclusive evidence to go on (i.e. a trial that renders the innocent as innocent, and the perps as perps).
When police officers are clearly doing their duty there is rarely a trial. A short internal investigation and back to duty.
And you think shooting down unarmed non-threatening innocent women was his duty? You need to be locked up yourself.
Violent insurrectionists. I'm shocked only one was shot. If I'd been in charge it would have been different.
Bullspit. If you'd been in charge you'd have outrun the other pussies getting home to hide behind your Momma's skirts.
Wrong. Had I been in charge I would have called for flash-bangs, riot munitions and CS when they breached the fence as well as started evac for the VIPs and bringing my reserves to a position between them and the most likely route for the oppo. If they continued to press on to the doors I would have released the use of lethal force at local discretion and committed my reserves to the breach closest to the VIP egress route. My best estimate is at this point the sightseers would be vacating the area asap (live ammo and dead bodies do that) and anyone still pressing forward is a legitimate target so this is where you bring up the heavies and put this thing to bed.

All over but the cleanup.
If that had proven to be an actual insurrection your imaginary actions might at least have been logical. But had it been an actual insurrection the crowd would have come armed and you and most of your men would have been dead long before they breached the doors or windows with anything other than explosive charges/RPGs. The fact no "defenders" were killed wounded or even fired on is proof that did not intend insurrection or even violence. Seems obvious that they deliberately were at pains not to be armed so that anyone but terminal idiots would know they were there to demonstrate their displeasure; not riot. A vivid imagination is not proof of the possession a backbone. I still go with the Momma's skirts theory.
It was an actual insurrection, 6 people died including two officers and more than 140 officers were injured. RPGs are pretty tough to get a hold of in the United States and massive overkill for windows. It does not "seem obvious" they were "at pains" to be unarmed. There were weapons in plenty.

And this isn't imaginary, it was on live TV.
If there were weapons aplenty and it was an actual attempt at insurrection why were they not used? Why was the only homicide committed by a security guard? You make no sense and provide no evidence.
You'd have to ask the terrorists that question.

There was a justifiable homicide committed. Everything else was an assault.

What "terrorists" ? Even if this is falsely labeled as an "insurrection" , it still isn't "terrorism". Those who engaged in the Whiskey Insurrection weren't terrorists and neither were those who stormed the Bastille and the Berlin Wall.

" What "terrorists" ? "

The ones that attacked the capitol looking to hang Pelosi and Pence because Dump lost by 10 million votes..
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There was a justifiable homicide committed. Everything else was an assault.

Not your judgement to make. The people want to see due process of law and judgement made in court.
There was a justifiable homicide committed. Everything else was an assault.

Not your judgement to make. The people want to see due process of law and judgement made in court.
"The people want to see due process of law and judgement made in court."

Tell the people I said no. The cop has already been cleared.
Nothing less than outrageous. The American people deserve better than this.

The democrats preach coming together but they practice nothing more than hatred for their political opponents.

Such hypocrites.

The person in question was killed in the process of completing a treasonous act of insurrection. The officer in question was doing. Nothing more than his duty.

This is not a similar situation.
You keep claiming that the lady was killed in the process of committing a treasonous act of insurrection, yet no trial has been conducted, and no verdicts have been rendered in such a trial that would either clear the officer's name, and therefore finalize the verdict of guilty or innocent in regards to the victims intention's or motives in the case. It's amazing how the trials by social media just take legs and walk like they do now. How evil is that ?

Everyone including the innocent should have their day in court, but for some reason the system isn't working anymore, so we get these internet wanta be lawyers convicting people, and condemning them without any conclusive evidence to go on (i.e. a trial that renders the innocent as innocent, and the perps as perps).
When police officers are clearly doing their duty there is rarely a trial. A short internal investigation and back to duty.
And you think shooting down unarmed non-threatening innocent women was his duty? You need to be locked up yourself.
Violent insurrectionists. I'm shocked only one was shot. If I'd been in charge it would have been different.
Bullspit. If you'd been in charge you'd have outrun the other pussies getting home to hide behind your Momma's skirts.
Wrong. Had I been in charge I would have called for flash-bangs, riot munitions and CS when they breached the fence as well as started evac for the VIPs and bringing my reserves to a position between them and the most likely route for the oppo. If they continued to press on to the doors I would have released the use of lethal force at local discretion and committed my reserves to the breach closest to the VIP egress route. My best estimate is at this point the sightseers would be vacating the area asap (live ammo and dead bodies do that) and anyone still pressing forward is a legitimate target so this is where you bring up the heavies and put this thing to bed.

All over but the cleanup.
If that had proven to be an actual insurrection your imaginary actions might at least have been logical. But had it been an actual insurrection the crowd would have come armed and you and most of your men would have been dead long before they breached the doors or windows with anything other than explosive charges/RPGs. The fact no "defenders" were killed wounded or even fired on is proof that did not intend insurrection or even violence. Seems obvious that they deliberately were at pains not to be armed so that anyone but terminal idiots would know they were there to demonstrate their displeasure; not riot. A vivid imagination is not proof of the possession a backbone. I still go with the Momma's skirts theory.
It was an actual insurrection, 6 people died including two officers and more than 140 officers were injured. RPGs are pretty tough to get a hold of in the United States and massive overkill for windows. It does not "seem obvious" they were "at pains" to be unarmed. There were weapons in plenty.

And this isn't imaginary, it was on live TV.
If there were weapons aplenty and it was an actual attempt at insurrection why were they not used? Why was the only homicide committed by a security guard? You make no sense and provide no evidence.
You'd have to ask the terrorists that question.

There was a justifiable homicide committed. Everything else was an assault.

What "terrorists" ? Even if this is falsely labeled as an "insurrection" , it still isn't "terrorism". Those who engaged in the Whiskey Insurrection weren't terrorists and neither were those who stormed the Bastille and the Berlin Wall.
Violence for political gain. They are terrorists.
There was a justifiable homicide committed. Everything else was an assault.

Not your judgement to make. The people want to see due process of law and judgement made in court.
You should be careful what your pushing for. The other folks in the insurrection are much more likely to be charged with murder than the capitol cop.
There was a justifiable homicide committed. Everything else was an assault.

Not your judgement to make. The people want to see due process of law and judgement made in court.
You should be careful what your pushing for. The other folks in the insurrection are much more likely to be charged with murder than the capitol cop.
Exactly. The crazy broad was in the commission of a crime when she got shot so all her accomplices are legally responsible for her death.
There was a justifiable homicide committed. Everything else was an assault.

Not your judgement to make. The people want to see due process of law and judgement made in court.
"The people want to see due process of law and judgement made in court."

Tell the people I said no. The cop has already been cleared.
Realy? Prove it. When where and by whom or what was he "cleared". He has not been "cleared" until and unless found innocent in a court of law. If he has not been charged he has not been found not guilty. The people have a right to know and expect to see justice done.
There was a justifiable homicide committed. Everything else was an assault.

Not your judgement to make. The people want to see due process of law and judgement made in court.
"The people want to see due process of law and judgement made in court."

Tell the people I said no. The cop has already been cleared.
Realy? Prove it. When where and by whom or what was he "cleared". He has not been "cleared" until and unless found innocent in a court of law. If he has not been charged he has not been found not guilty. The people have a right to know and expect to see justice done.

The terrible thing is the fact that the name of the shooter has been kept secret.

The people are being denied the right to protest in front of his house demanding he turn himself in and confess.
There was a justifiable homicide committed. Everything else was an assault.

Not your judgement to make. The people want to see due process of law and judgement made in court.
"The people want to see due process of law and judgement made in court."

Tell the people I said no. The cop has already been cleared.
Realy? Prove it. When where and by whom or what was he "cleared". He has not been "cleared" until and unless found innocent in a court of law. If he has not been charged he has not been found not guilty. The people have a right to know and expect to see justice done.
Really. I already proved it and tell the people once more I said hell no. There will be no trial.

" Investigators have determined the Capitol Police officer who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt during the U.S. Capitol riot should not be charged with any crimes, a law enforcement source familiar with the investigation told NBC News. "
There was a justifiable homicide committed. Everything else was an assault.

Not your judgement to make. The people want to see due process of law and judgement made in court.
"The people want to see due process of law and judgement made in court."

Tell the people I said no. The cop has already been cleared.
Realy? Prove it. When where and by whom or what was he "cleared". He has not been "cleared" until and unless found innocent in a court of law. If he has not been charged he has not been found not guilty. The people have a right to know and expect to see justice done.

The terrible thing is the fact that the name of the shooter has been kept secret.

The people are being denied the right to protest in front of his house demanding he turn himself in and confess.
Tough shit. Tell them all to suck it up and move on.
There was a justifiable homicide committed. Everything else was an assault.

Not your judgement to make. The people want to see due process of law and judgement made in court.
"The people want to see due process of law and judgement made in court."

Tell the people I said no. The cop has already been cleared.
Realy? Prove it. When where and by whom or what was he "cleared". He has not been "cleared" until and unless found innocent in a court of law. If he has not been charged he has not been found not guilty. The people have a right to know and expect to see justice done.

The terrible thing is the fact that the name of the shooter has been kept secret.

The people are being denied the right to protest in front of his house demanding he turn himself in and confess.
I have noted this before. CP are not subject to freedom of information rules like any other LE agency. Several years ago they blasted a black woman who had made a wrong turn near the Capitol and we still don't know which cops were involved in that incident.

It may be fucked up but it's not a new policy
I'll clue you in on something - you all are arguing the wrong thing. Nobody was required to know or believe that an insurrection was taking place. All those officers needed to know is that there were multiple individuals, constituting a "mob", that was trying to breach an area they were defending. WHY they were there has nothing to do with it as long as they were there under NO LAWFUL authority AND their actions posed a threat to the officers and/or the individuals they were protecting.

Trespass on public property is rarely considered just cause to use lethal force
. If the officer in question can show good reason to believe his victim posed an actual threat of serious bodily harm to someone he may have been justified but I'll believe that when and if I see it. The facts as I know them come nowhere near supporting that conclusion.
Yet there are plenty of U.S. Message Board members who believe that the McMichaels, the men who hunted down Ahmuad Arbery in their pickup truck for allegedly trespassing on a neighbor's property were entirely justified in their actions when they shot & killed him for not appreciating them confronting him and attempting to place him under citizen's arrest while pointing a shotgun at him. It wasn't even their property, nothing was taken yet they have tied themselves into pretzels trying to turn that "simple trespass" into a felony that would have given them the right to stop and detain him, at least in all of their minds. They're still in jail awaiting trial by the way although I can't recall if they're facing murder or manslaughter charges.

I don't see any of this as a simple trespass for no other reason than their stated goal was to "stop the steal" which implies they were there to attempt to disrupt the certification of Joe Biden as the next president of the United States and to keep Trump in office. However this doesn't really have any impact on the officer's responsibilities to protect our Congressional representatives from the mob outside of the chamber doors.
Right. So there we finally have it. You don't think their politics matched your own so they all deserved to be gunned down like dogs in the street for daring to disagree. How very unAmerican of you.
She wasn't gunned down in the street. She was shot breaking thru a locked door into the House chamber with other rioters.....whoever tried to climb thru first was going to be shot......but I guess you are cool with the riot and supportive of the domestic terrorists.
There was a justifiable homicide committed. Everything else was an assault.

Not your judgement to make. The people want to see due process of law and judgement made in court.
"The people want to see due process of law and judgement made in court."

Tell the people I said no. The cop has already been cleared.
Realy? Prove it. When where and by whom or what was he "cleared". He has not been "cleared" until and unless found innocent in a court of law. If he has not been charged he has not been found not guilty. The people have a right to know and expect to see justice done.
Really. I already proved it and tell the people once more I said hell no. There will be no trial.

" Investigators have determined the Capitol Police officer who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt during the U.S. Capitol riot should not be charged with any crimes, a law enforcement source familiar with the investigation told NBC News. "
From your link:

A spokesperson for the Capitol Police said the department does not comment on ongoing investigations.

A spokeswoman for the Metropolitan Police Department said the investigation was not complete, and "it would be irresponsible to make an investigatory assumption or to jump to any conclusion."

"There is no further update available to provide at this time," she said.

So you promptly began making assumptions and jumping to conclusions. Try reading what a source actually says rather than trying to pretend it says whatever you want it to.
I'll clue you in on something - you all are arguing the wrong thing. Nobody was required to know or believe that an insurrection was taking place. All those officers needed to know is that there were multiple individuals, constituting a "mob", that was trying to breach an area they were defending. WHY they were there has nothing to do with it as long as they were there under NO LAWFUL authority AND their actions posed a threat to the officers and/or the individuals they were protecting.

Trespass on public property is rarely considered just cause to use lethal force
. If the officer in question can show good reason to believe his victim posed an actual threat of serious bodily harm to someone he may have been justified but I'll believe that when and if I see it. The facts as I know them come nowhere near supporting that conclusion.
Yet there are plenty of U.S. Message Board members who believe that the McMichaels, the men who hunted down Ahmuad Arbery in their pickup truck for allegedly trespassing on a neighbor's property were entirely justified in their actions when they shot & killed him for not appreciating them confronting him and attempting to place him under citizen's arrest while pointing a shotgun at him. It wasn't even their property, nothing was taken yet they have tied themselves into pretzels trying to turn that "simple trespass" into a felony that would have given them the right to stop and detain him, at least in all of their minds. They're still in jail awaiting trial by the way although I can't recall if they're facing murder or manslaughter charges.

I don't see any of this as a simple trespass for no other reason than their stated goal was to "stop the steal" which implies they were there to attempt to disrupt the certification of Joe Biden as the next president of the United States and to keep Trump in office. However this doesn't really have any impact on the officer's responsibilities to protect our Congressional representatives from the mob outside of the chamber doors.
Right. So there we finally have it. You don't think their politics matched your own so they all deserved to be gunned down like dogs in the street for daring to disagree. How very unAmerican of you.
She wasn't gunned down in the street. She was shot breaking thru a locked door into the House chamber with other rioters.....whoever tried to climb thru first was going to be shot......but I guess you are cool with the riot and supportive of the domestic terrorists.
Yes, I am cool with the demonstration and with most of the Patriots that attended it while you are cool with tyranny oppression and murder.
I'll clue you in on something - you all are arguing the wrong thing. Nobody was required to know or believe that an insurrection was taking place. All those officers needed to know is that there were multiple individuals, constituting a "mob", that was trying to breach an area they were defending. WHY they were there has nothing to do with it as long as they were there under NO LAWFUL authority AND their actions posed a threat to the officers and/or the individuals they were protecting.

Trespass on public property is rarely considered just cause to use lethal force
. If the officer in question can show good reason to believe his victim posed an actual threat of serious bodily harm to someone he may have been justified but I'll believe that when and if I see it. The facts as I know them come nowhere near supporting that conclusion.
Yet there are plenty of U.S. Message Board members who believe that the McMichaels, the men who hunted down Ahmuad Arbery in their pickup truck for allegedly trespassing on a neighbor's property were entirely justified in their actions when they shot & killed him for not appreciating them confronting him and attempting to place him under citizen's arrest while pointing a shotgun at him. It wasn't even their property, nothing was taken yet they have tied themselves into pretzels trying to turn that "simple trespass" into a felony that would have given them the right to stop and detain him, at least in all of their minds. They're still in jail awaiting trial by the way although I can't recall if they're facing murder or manslaughter charges.

I don't see any of this as a simple trespass for no other reason than their stated goal was to "stop the steal" which implies they were there to attempt to disrupt the certification of Joe Biden as the next president of the United States and to keep Trump in office. However this doesn't really have any impact on the officer's responsibilities to protect our Congressional representatives from the mob outside of the chamber doors.
Right. So there we finally have it. You don't think their politics matched your own so they all deserved to be gunned down like dogs in the street for daring to disagree. How very unAmerican of you.
This is the second time you're completely misunderstood what I stated and my politics have never entered into my conversations here on this thread or most others on U.S. Message Board. Although I have stated it repeatedly you still don't seem to understand that my perspective has nothing to do with politics but only from the perspective of protecting others. I know what the laws are, I know what is legally allowable and unfortunately many of the members offering their opinions here are lacking even the most rudimentary understanding of our laws or legal system, as I was attempting to point out when I mentioned some of the comments posted in the Ahmaud Arbery case.

The fact that you erroneously believed me to be supporting the McMichaels chasing down Arbery and killing him in the streets shows you didn't understand my comment. Whether that was intentional or not I'm not to speculate.

So what would you do, if you were confronted by an unruly mob attempting to get their hands on people you were charged with protecting? What would you have done differently?

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