Police dog trainer says it's OK to for officer to punch his dog.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2019
I'll bet it no longer will be. I am totally against the police using dogs in this manner to start with and maybe something like this will get the ball rolling on stopping it.

Video shows California officer punch K-9 during training, witness says he heard dog ‘crying’

Another example of the kinds of people who have no business being police officers. Abusing animals has long been a sign of deep psychological problems.

I think it's fine to use dogs and other animals in the service of people, even if it sometimes means putting the animal through a certain amount of discomfort. What that cop did was immoral and DUMB. Beating a dog can make them less likely to be willing to engage a violent suspect due to the dog learning from its handler that it is vulnerable. Anyway, that cop should be FIRED because he lacks the stability needed to be a police officer.
I'll bet it no longer will be. I am totally against the police using dogs in this manner to start with and maybe something like this will get the ball rolling on stopping it.

Video shows California officer punch K-9 during training, witness says he heard dog ‘crying’

Another example of the kinds of people who have no business being police officers. Abusing animals has long been a sign of deep psychological problems.

I think it's fine to use dogs and other animals in the service of people, even if it sometimes means putting the animal through a certain amount of discomfort. What that cop did was immoral and DUMB. Beating a dog can make them less likely to be willing to engage a violent suspect due to the dog learning from its handler that it is vulnerable. Anyway, that cop should be FIRED because he lacks the stability needed to be a police officer.

Fired? Seems he was doing as he was trained. Seems to me that this needs addressed well above the officer in question.

As an aside, I do not have a problem with animals being used in service of people. I have a problem with the police using them in police stops.
I'll bet it no longer will be. I am totally against the police using dogs in this manner to start with and maybe something like this will get the ball rolling on stopping it.

Video shows California officer punch K-9 during training, witness says he heard dog ‘crying’

Another example of the kinds of people who have no business being police officers. Abusing animals has long been a sign of deep psychological problems.

I think it's fine to use dogs and other animals in the service of people, even if it sometimes means putting the animal through a certain amount of discomfort. What that cop did was immoral and DUMB. Beating a dog can make them less likely to be willing to engage a violent suspect due to the dog learning from its handler that it is vulnerable. Anyway, that cop should be FIRED because he lacks the stability needed to be a police officer.
my problem with police dogs is the cops use them when they are to scared and put the dogs in harms way instead,,, its the ultimate abuse,,,

there aught to be a law against it,,,
Seems he was doing as he was trained.

Nah. Departments typically pay THOUSANDS for such dogs. Beating the dog is COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE, as well as cruel and immoral.

Most police K-9's are friendly, stable, confident, dogs that are bred to work and protect their handler. However, if such a dog is abused, it can become fearful and unwilling to work.

I think our streets would be safer if we had MORE police dogs out there and I also believe that there would be FEWER cases of cops shooting people as a dog is a less lethal way to stop a suspect.
my problem with police dogs is the cops use them when they are to scared and put the dogs in harms way instead,,, its the ultimate abuse,,,

You're wrong. 99.99% of K9 handlers LOVE their dogs and would rather insert themselves into a dangerous situation than send their dog, but most of them understand that the purpose of the dog is to, sometimes, sacrifice themselves in order to protect the life of the officer. Perhaps there would be fewer K9's getting killed if leftist judges stopped freeing violent criminals.
Seems he was doing as he was trained.

Nah. Departments typically pay THOUSANDS for such dogs. Beating the dog is COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE, as well as cruel and immoral.

Did you not read the article?

Blair Diamond of Primal Needs Behavioral Solutions in Mount Shasta has trained police handlers and their K-9s up and down the state for more than 15 years.

He said if the dog showed his teeth or gums to the handler “being physical with the dog is OK.”

But he and Capt. Lydon acknowledged the public will not be OK with that. He said people do not understand the unique relationship between an officer and his K-9 partner.

Everyone should have a problem with what we see here.

Most police K-9's are friendly, stable, confident, dogs that are bred to work and protect their handler. However, if such a dog is abused, it can become fearful and unwilling to work.

Most people understand what we see here is abuse. If you can not train an animal without abusing it, it shouldn't happen.

I think our streets would be safer if we had MORE police dogs out there and I also believe that there would be FEWER cases of cops shooting people as a dog is a less lethal way to stop a suspect.

I think we simply need to change the way we train law enforcement.
I'll bet it no longer will be. I am totally against the police using dogs in this manner to start with and maybe something like this will get the ball rolling on stopping it.

Video shows California officer punch K-9 during training, witness says he heard dog ‘crying’

Another example of the kinds of people who have no business being police officers. Abusing animals has long been a sign of deep psychological problems.

I think it's fine to use dogs and other animals in the service of people, even if it sometimes means putting the animal through a certain amount of discomfort. What that cop did was immoral and DUMB. Beating a dog can make them less likely to be willing to engage a violent suspect due to the dog learning from its handler that it is vulnerable. Anyway, that cop should be FIRED because he lacks the stability needed to be a police officer.

There are no bad dogs, but there are bad dog owners and handlers....
Yes, I read the article.

The handler's relationship with the dog was obviously very poor. Beating the dog will not improve that relationship.

There are some dogs that are very dominant and will challenge their handlers. Again, beating the dog is not the best way to address it. I know some trainers and handlers will disagree but I would rather use an electric collar so as not to necessarily associate the correction coming from the handler, at least in the dog's mind. When a dominant dog reacts aggressively to the handler, it should receive a shock. After a couple/few of those, the dog will get the idea. Beating the dog is just DUMB.
Yes, I read the article.

The handler's relationship with the dog was obviously very poor. Beating the dog will not improve that relationship.

But the higher ups are defending those actions.

There are some dogs that are very dominant and will challenge their handlers. Again, beating the dog is not the best way to address it. I know some trainers and handlers will disagree but I would rather use an electric collar so as not to necessarily associate the correction coming from the handler, at least in the dog's mind. When a dominant dog reacts aggressively to the handler, it should receive a shock. After a couple/few of those, the dog will get the idea. Beating the dog is just DUMB.

Someone needs to tell that to the people in this article. I imagine there will be.
But the higher ups are defending those actions.

You know the saying that, if you're in a hole, stop digging? It seems they can't stop digging. It might be time to clean house in that department.
But the higher ups are defending those actions.

You know the saying that, if you're in a hole, stop digging? It seems they can't stop digging. It might be time to clean house in that department.

I now have to wonder if it's just that department. I won't claim it's all but hopefully someone finds out how widespread this is.
I now have to wonder if it's just that department. I won't claim it's all but hopefully someone finds out how widespread this is.

The sad reality is that people in general pretty much suck. It's not just cops. Too many people abuse or neglect their children, their animals, their elderly parents, each other, etc.

Can you imagine the systemic abuse and neglect that goes on in many nursing homes? And those are probably the lucky ones, at least in comparison to some elderly folks that are locked away in someone's home and who spend their social security money.

You probably don't believe in "God", but I do and I believe animals are just one more way that God tests us. People that have a habit of mistreating animals are simply evil and may not inherit God's kingdom once their time here is finished.
I now have to wonder if it's just that department. I won't claim it's all but hopefully someone finds out how widespread this is.

The sad reality is that people in general pretty much suck. It's not just cops. Too many people abuse or neglect their children, their animals, their elderly parents, each other, etc.

Can you imagine the systemic abuse and neglect that goes on in many nursing homes? And those are probably the lucky ones, at least in comparison to some elderly folks that are locked away in someone's home and who spend their social security money.

You probably don't believe in "God", but I do and I believe animals are just one more way that God tests us. People that have a habit of mistreating animals are simply evil and may not inherit God's kingdom once their time here is finished.

I am a Christian. It is why I hold many of the positions I do.

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