Police: 7-year-old fatally shot by father outside gun store in Pennsylvania

I wonder why luddly.neddite post above has been removed? I would also like to know who he plans to kill since according to him guns only use is to kill.

The post has not been removed. And, it is accurate in that guns have only one purpose - to kill.

Now, think reeeel hard ...

Who and/or what are guns manufactured to kill?

C'mon, you can do it.

So you admit you bought your guns to kill someone? Tell us how many murders have you committed with that weapon designed only to kill, with no other purpose what so ever? Why if you have not done so do you have a weapon or weapons? YOU not us made the claim all they are for is to kill people.
Really? I'm not a gun nut, so I've never heard it. Yes, guns are meant to kill, but some guns are meant to kill different things. Better?

Also, you can throw bullets, but it wouldn't do anything.

You really want me to believe you've never heard "guns don't kill people, bullets kill people"? or ".... people kill people"? Those are non-arguments used by weak minds who have nothing else to back up their weak position.

Doesn't matter that some guns are meant to kill different things.

THAT is my point. That guns are made for one thing - to kill.

Cars (etc) are made for something else and deaths are collateral.

when you put it like that, yes.
How is an accidental gun death not collateral?
The post has not been removed. And, it is accurate in that guns have only one purpose - to kill.

Now, think reeeel hard ...

Who and/or what are guns manufactured to kill?

C'mon, you can do it.

So you admit you bought your guns to kill someone? Tell us how many murders have you committed with that weapon designed only to kill, with no other purpose what so ever? Why if you have not done so do you have a weapon or weapons? YOU not us made the claim all they are for is to kill people.

Gawd, you're an idiot.

Do YOU own guns?

Have YOU (as a civilian) killed human beings with your guns?

I'll say it again,



Are guns made ONLY to kill human beings?

Get back to me when you've figured that out.

Hint: some rifles are called "deer rifles" and there is a weapon known as an "elephant gun".
You really want me to believe you've never heard "guns don't kill people, bullets kill people"? or ".... people kill people"? Those are non-arguments used by weak minds who have nothing else to back up their weak position.

Doesn't matter that some guns are meant to kill different things.

THAT is my point. That guns are made for one thing - to kill.

Cars (etc) are made for something else and deaths are collateral.

when you put it like that, yes.
How is an accidental gun death not collateral?

Because the gun did the one and only thing it was designed and manufactured to do.


The gun does not care if it kills a quail or a kid. It has one purpose. To kill.

You can make a list of the various purposes of cars or doctors or whatever asinine crap is being made up as a lame defense.

It is a false equivalency to say that because doctors and cars ACCIDENTALLY kill they should be banned while saying that guns killing kids is collateral damage.
One example of why (as usual) you don't know what you're talking about would be the hypothetical individual who was a police officer for twenty years -- when the standard police firearm was the revolver. That individual, who was thoroughly trained on the firearms range with revolvers, might never have handled an automatic and probably will not be aware of their peculiarities. And accidents like the seven year-old boy is typical of what I'm talking about. If his father had been required to fully understand the nature of the pistol that killed his son that kid would still be alive.

Also, all automatic pistols are not mechanically identical. Some have different mechanical characteristics.

I am thoroughly familiar with the operation of the M-1 Garand, because that was the weapon I carried for four years in the Marine Corps during the mid-50s. But I've never even seen an M-16. So without specific training with the M-16 my "accident" potential with that weapon is signficantly enhanced.

If you wish to drive a car you must prove you know what you're doing. I think the same rule should apply to owning firearms.

But you disagree.

You want to take the bet or not?

We can make it easy, if I can find one example of an accidental shooting in Switzerland, where everyone is trained to handle firearms for military service, you lose.

What are you even trying to prove? That it is pointless to require people to be trained?
If so that would be stupid. I am sure among trained gun owners the accidental shooting rate is lower. It doesn't mean that accidents don't still happen.

I am trying to prove that Mike K is an idiot. Do you want to make the same stupid assertions so I can bet you too?
Because the gun did the one and only thing it was designed and manufactured to do.


The gun does not care if it kills a quail or a kid. It has one purpose. To kill.

You can make a list of the various purposes of cars or doctors or whatever asinine crap is being made up as a lame defense.

It is a false equivalency to say that because doctors and cars ACCIDENTALLY kill they should be banned while saying that guns killing kids is collateral damage.

The only purpose of a gun is to kill? Ever here of a rope gun? Flare guns?
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What's even sicker than the complete disregard gun nuts have for dead children is that they want criminals and the mentally ill to have access to large magazines and totally automatic guns.

I hate to break the news. Criminals get guns regardless ot the law. And mentally ill people are denied them. But you already know that. It just doesn't work into your agenda which is no one should have guns.
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when you put it like that, yes.
How is an accidental gun death not collateral?

Because the gun did the one and only thing it was designed and manufactured to do.


The gun does not care if it kills a quail or a kid. It has one purpose. To kill.

You can make a list of the various purposes of cars or doctors or whatever asinine crap is being made up as a lame defense.

It is a false equivalency to say that because doctors and cars ACCIDENTALLY kill they should be banned while saying that guns killing kids is collateral damage.

So an accident is only an accident when applied to certain things?
I'm sick of the gun nuts stepping over the bodies of children to push their sick and senseless agenda.

The only thing they are doing is getting 'sick' of pablum puking libtards pushing their agenda.

What's even sicker than the complete disregard gun nuts have for dead children is that they want criminals and the mentally ill to have access to large magazines and totally automatic guns.

I have guns, have always had guns and belonged to the NRA for much of my life.Not anymore though because I can't stand the sickos that have taken over. The one's who actually seem to believe that cars and doctors are the same as guns.

IOW, they''re not just sick. They're down right stupid.

Fact is, other countries have guns. Canada, for example. I've read that they have more guns, per capita, than we do. But, Canada doesn't shoot their children and then make excuses. They don't play the mind numbingly stupid game of "cars kill children too so we should just ban cars".

Nope, only the US has idiots who are THAT brain dead.

And, many of them post on this board.

A child is dead and all you fools can do is (step over his body to) whine about liberals.
I have guns, have always had guns
sure you do
and belonged to the NRA for much of my life
sure you did

Nope, only the US has idiots who are THAT brain dead. And, many of them post on this board.

we know....lots of us have read your posts.....
Because the gun did the one and only thing it was designed and manufactured to do.


The gun does not care if it kills a quail or a kid. It has one purpose. To kill.

You can make a list of the various purposes of cars or doctors or whatever asinine crap is being made up as a lame defense.

It is a false equivalency to say that because doctors and cars ACCIDENTALLY kill they should be banned while saying that guns killing kids is collateral damage.

So an accident is only an accident when applied to certain things? I fail to follow. I do agree that a ND is not an accident, and full fault and murder or manslaughter charges should be filed for it, but I don't agree that damage done isn't collateral
I'm on the fence about guns.

I own a few guns, but they're at a house I own that I haven't been to in years. I'm currently living a somewhat migratory existence, moving from city to city every 5 years or so, so I haven't held or fired a gun in nearly a decade. I don't hunt, nor do I see any situation that I would shoot another human being (there's not much street crime in Vermont, where the guns are), but I like owning guns purely for the fun of it - target and skeet shooting.

On the other hand, the numbers involved have always seemed bad to me. It's a lot more likely that a gun in your house will end up shooting a family member than a criminal.

It's a question I'll have to face when I settle down, I guess.
What's even sicker than the complete disregard gun nuts have for dead children is that they want criminals and the mentally ill to have access to large magazines and totally automatic guns.

I hate tor break the news. Criminals get guns regardless ot the law. And mentally ill people are denied them. But you already know that. It just doesn't work into your agenda which is no one should have guns.

Before someone brings up Virginia Tech FactCheck.org : Democratic Candidates Debate
You want to take the bet or not?

We can make it easy, if I can find one example of an accidental shooting in Switzerland, where everyone is trained to handle firearms for military service, you lose.

What are you even trying to prove? That it is pointless to require people to be trained?
If so that would be stupid. I am sure among trained gun owners the accidental shooting rate is lower. It doesn't mean that accidents don't still happen.

I am trying to prove that Mike K is an idiot. Do you want to make the same stupid assertions so I can bet you too?

No, I have actually witnessed first hand when a trained professional has made a mistake regarding a gun.
When I was 14 I watched bullet fragments be removed from my brothers face.. But you can continue to act like a know it all, it's always fun to watch.
I'm on the fence about guns.

I own a few guns, but they're at a house I own that I haven't been to in years. I'm currently living a somewhat migratory existence, moving from city to city every 5 years or so, so I haven't held or fired a gun in nearly a decade. I don't hunt, nor do I see any situation that I would shoot another human being (there's not much street crime in Vermont, where the guns are), but I like owning guns purely for the fun of it - target and skeet shooting.

On the other hand, the numbers involved have always seemed bad to me. It's a lot more likely that a gun in your house will end up shooting a family member than a criminal.

It's a question I'll have to face when I settle down, I guess.

250+ years of gun ownership and no one in my family has been ever shot with a gun they owned. My grand father used one to defend my aunts father when some white guys tried to lynch him back in 1949.
What's even sicker than the complete disregard gun nuts have for dead children is that they want criminals and the mentally ill to have access to large magazines and totally automatic guns.

I have guns, have always had guns and belonged to the NRA for much of my life. Not anymore though because I can't stand the sickos that have taken over. The one's who actually seem to believe that cars and doctors are the same as guns.

IOW, they''re not just sick. They're down right stupid.

Fact is, other countries have guns. Canada, for example. I've read that they have more guns, per capita, than we do. But, Canada doesn't shoot their children and then make excuses. They don't play the mind numbingly stupid game of "cars kill children too so we should just ban cars".

Nope, only the US has idiots who are THAT brain dead.

And, many of them post on this board.

A child is dead and all you fools can do is (step over his body to) whine about liberals.

Like many people with an opinion on this subject you're totally ignorant on the topic yet you seem to have an overwhelming desire to spew your ignorance like it's fact. Canada does not even make the top ten in per capita civilian owned firearms, so until you educate yourself a bit more on this topic, it would be best if you refrained from offering your opinion on it, as your opinion is obviously based on stuff you've pulled out of your rear end, not on any facts. You know, I read somewhere that the moon is made of cheese, wonder if Armstrong brought crackers and wine with him when he went there.

It does not make the top ten, no. It does however, rank at number seven among western developed countries, with 71% access to rifles, but only a little over 10% access to handguns.

It comes in 12th in the list world wide. with America coming in first, so your statement that Canada has more guns per capita than the US was incorrect and unfactual...............by a large margin as a matter of fact, which calls into question everything you say and think on the subject. Children used to be taught firearms handling and safety, that is the way to cut back on accidental shootings, by education. There will never be any successful ban on firearms in this nation, Chicago and Washington DC prove this. Almost a 100% ban on handgun ownership in both jurisdictions, yet they led the list on handgun related deaths for year after year. Kids should be taught proper adn safe firearms handling in Elementary school, but we know the liberals would scream bloody murder over this. They think it's ok to teach elementary school kids that male to male sodomy is a good thing, that jane having two mommies is natural and all other manner of liberal filth, yet they would have heart attacks if they had to teach a child something that was actually useful, like how to safely and properly handle a firearm. My sons started shooting when they were 3yrs old and by the time they were 9yrs old they could break down and put back together every firearm I owned, not to mention knowing how to load, unload and fire them accurately. Everything from a .38 revolver to an AK-47 and an AR-15. with many other pistols, rifles, shotguns and revolvers in between. Education stops accidents, bans don't work. We've had a 100% ban on herion and cocaine in this nation for decades, yet both are easier and cheaper to get today than they were 50yrs ago.
Like many people with an opinion on this subject you're totally ignorant on the topic yet you seem to have an overwhelming desire to spew your ignorance like it's fact. Canada does not even make the top ten in per capita civilian owned firearms, so until you educate yourself a bit more on this topic, it would be best if you refrained from offering your opinion on it, as your opinion is obviously based on stuff you've pulled out of your rear end, not on any facts. You know, I read somewhere that the moon is made of cheese, wonder if Armstrong brought crackers and wine with him when he went there.

It does not make the top ten, no. It does however, rank at number seven among western developed countries, with 71% access to rifles, but only a little over 10% access to handguns.

It comes in 12th in the list world wide. with America coming in first, so your statement that Canada has more guns per capita than the US was incorrect and unfactual...............by a large margin as a matter of fact, which calls into question everything you say and think on the subject. Children used to be taught firearms handling and safety, that is the way to cut back on accidental shootings, by education. There will never be any successful ban on firearms in this nation, Chicago and Washington DC prove this. Almost a 100% ban on handgun ownership in both jurisdictions, yet they led the list on handgun related deaths for year after year. Kids should be taught proper adn safe firearms handling in Elementary school, but we know the liberals would scream bloody murder over this. They think it's ok to teach elementary school kids that male to male sodomy is a good thing, that jane having two mommies is natural and all other manner of liberal filth, yet they would have heart attacks if they had to teach a child something that was actually useful, like how to safely and properly handle a firearm. My sons started shooting when they were 3yrs old and by the time they were 9yrs old they could break down and put back together every firearm I owned, not to mention knowing how to load, unload and fire them accurately. Everything from a .38 revolver to an AK-47 and an AR-15. with many other pistols, rifles, shotguns and revolvers in between. Education stops accidents, bans don't work. We've had a 100% ban on herion and cocaine in this nation for decades, yet both are easier and cheaper to get today than they were 50yrs ago.

I never said that, and it is still among the top ten of western, developed countries.
Stopping access to firearms is a bad thing, instead people should be educated
I agree that children should be taught to respect firearms
It's not wrong
It's a safety net against accidents, it doesn't stop them.
It does not make the top ten, no. It does however, rank at number seven among western developed countries, with 71% access to rifles, but only a little over 10% access to handguns.

It comes in 12th in the list world wide. with America coming in first, so your statement that Canada has more guns per capita than the US was incorrect and unfactual...............by a large margin as a matter of fact, which calls into question everything you say and think on the subject. Children used to be taught firearms handling and safety, that is the way to cut back on accidental shootings, by education. There will never be any successful ban on firearms in this nation, Chicago and Washington DC prove this. Almost a 100% ban on handgun ownership in both jurisdictions, yet they led the list on handgun related deaths for year after year. Kids should be taught proper adn safe firearms handling in Elementary school, but we know the liberals would scream bloody murder over this. They think it's ok to teach elementary school kids that male to male sodomy is a good thing, that jane having two mommies is natural and all other manner of liberal filth, yet they would have heart attacks if they had to teach a child something that was actually useful, like how to safely and properly handle a firearm. My sons started shooting when they were 3yrs old and by the time they were 9yrs old they could break down and put back together every firearm I owned, not to mention knowing how to load, unload and fire them accurately. Everything from a .38 revolver to an AK-47 and an AR-15. with many other pistols, rifles, shotguns and revolvers in between. Education stops accidents, bans don't work. We've had a 100% ban on herion and cocaine in this nation for decades, yet both are easier and cheaper to get today than they were 50yrs ago.

I never said that, and it is still among the top ten of western, developed countries. My mistake, that was luddie neddite that said it

Stopping access to firearms is a bad thing, instead people should be educated
I agree that children should be taught to respect firearms
It's not wrong
It's a safety net against accidents, it doesn't stop them.

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