PM Bibi in 2002 , if we take out Saddams Regime, it will have


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Netanyahu 2002: I guarantee you

If you take out Saddam's Regime, I guarantee you, that it will have enormous positive reverberations on the region.

Netanyahu 2002 guarantee Video

and now he is telling us this about Iran,

boy look at the mess we have now in Iraq, Where is that Enormous positive effect???? PM Bibi , where!!!

Must be the American men without arms and legs that came home from Iraq.
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We know of your hatred for the Jewish people. Do you think a nonstop campaign to blame them for the ills of the world is going to change anyone's mind?
Want peace with Israel? Leave Israel alone. It is just that simple. Tell your Muslim president he's on the wrong side of History, and God...
We know of your hatred for the Jewish people. Do you think a nonstop campaign to blame them for the ills of the world is going to change anyone's mind?
Want peace with Israel? Leave Israel alone. It is just that simple. Tell your Muslim president he's on the wrong side of History, and God...

Those are atheist that run Israel , not Jews. He is the biggest terrorist in the world. Too late to leave Israel alone, until the give back the arab land to the Palestinians and recognize them as a state.

God and Israel have no relationship. That OT is full of crap, also stolen from others, nothing original there. When most so called Jews do not believe in God or their OT what does that tell you?
It tells me that you don't know your ass from page 8. Israel was given unpopulated desert, and turned it into a land of milk and honey, honey. Just as their God promised and prophesied.
The Jews are a very religious group who will rebuild their Temple and continue to live under the Law God gave them until the advent of their messiah.
We know of your hatred for the Jewish people. Do you think a nonstop campaign to blame them for the ills of the world is going to change anyone's mind?
Want peace with Israel? Leave Israel alone. It is just that simple. Tell your Muslim president he's on the wrong side of History, and God...

Those are atheist that run Israel , not Jews. He is the biggest terrorist in the world. Too late to leave Israel alone, until the give back the arab land to the Palestinians and recognize them as a state.

God and Israel have no relationship. That OT is full of crap, also stolen from others, nothing original there. When most so called Jews do not believe in God or their OT what does that tell you?

Your post tell me that you are very stupid. As to the book
called "the old testament" in English------it is clear to me that
you never read it. I have a general fondness for old writings. -------as a kid I read lots of the stuff-----from the
Bhaghavad Gita -----to Beowulf---Cantebury tales----any ancient greek play that I could find, the Koran----illiad--odyssey---etc etc -----------as literature ---the book called
the "old testament" is SUBLIME------(not to offend anyone out there-----but it is on par with the Gita---also sublime) It is
foolish of you to try to critique a book you never read. As to who believes in what------how do you know? you got a link?
Amongst jews "secular" does not = "atheist"-----nor is
it equivalent to "lapsed catholic"------not does it sentence one to "ETERNAL HELL-FIRE" (sorry to disappoint you)
It tells me that you don't know your ass from page 8. Israel was given unpopulated desert, and turned it into a land of milk and honey, honey. Just as their God promised and prophesied.
The Jews are a very religious group who will rebuild their Temple and continue to live under the Law God gave them until the advent of their messiah.

You have not read history, When did they turn it into milk and honey?? When?? What page 8.

They have never turned It into milk and honey and they are not now. The Israelites in Israel are not religious and for them to even consider tearing the mosque down for their satanic worship is despicable. The worship bloodshed and are full of hatred for others, and they laugh at you for being a Christian.
Increase in rain. Fruitful. Fig leaf blooming. All prophesied for Israel, all fulfilled. Fly over it someday. Brown sand, brown sand, brown sand then BOOM. Green Israel, filled with fruit trees no less. The God of Abraham is good and accurate.
Increase in rain. Fruitful. Fig leaf blooming. All prophesied for Israel, all fulfilled. Fly over it someday. Brown sand, brown sand, brown sand then BOOM. Green Israel, filled with fruit trees no less. The God of Abraham is good and accurate.

And yet they all left in 300 bc minus a few strays. You have not read any history, and the God of Abraham had 8 kids. You an evan, and they laugh at you, just like Guno, just keep supporting them and send them money. Tel Aviv is the new homosexual capital of the world.
I know my history just fine and am not skewed by prejudice. Why were the laws concerning aid to the squatters changed in order to give aid to those who left Israel, and were not welcomed anywhere else but Israel? Because they had not been in the area long enough to receive it. And now you think Israel should give up what precious little land they have to placate their terrorist offspring?
Egypt is huge. Let's give them a home of Egyptian generosity.
I know my history just fine and am not skewed by prejudice. Why were the laws concerning aid to the squatters changed in order to give aid to those who left Israel, and were not welcomed anywhere else but Israel? Because they had not been in the area long enough to receive it. And now you think Israel should give up what precious little land they have to placate their terrorist offspring?
Egypt is huge. Let's give them a home of Egyptian generosity.

No it belongs to those who were there when whoever they were moved in, the Palestinians, yes I think Israel should go back to the 67 lines, they are the terrorist. Let the Israelites move to Egypt. they seemed to love Alexandria and Babylon in 300 BC. Do you know there were more Jews living in Alexandria Egypt than Judea in 1 BC???
No I imagine not. They are squatting on arab land, and stealing more an more of it. Their language died out and they did as well.
I know my history just fine and am not skewed by prejudice. Why were the laws concerning aid to the squatters changed in order to give aid to those who left Israel, and were not welcomed anywhere else but Israel? Because they had not been in the area long enough to receive it. And now you think Israel should give up what precious little land they have to placate their terrorist offspring?
Egypt is huge. Let's give them a home of Egyptian generosity.

No it belongs to those who were there when whoever they were moved in, the Palestinians, yes I think Israel should go back to the 67 lines, they are the terrorist. Let the Israelites move to Egypt. they seemed to love Alexandria and Babylon in 300 BC. Do you know there were more Jews living in Alexandria Egypt than Judea in 1 BC???
No I imagine not. They are squatting on arab land, and stealing more an more of it. Their language died out and they did as well.

what is "it" ?? who was where when? What does
'67' lines' mean. What are you calling "JUDEA"???
In the year which is now called 1 BC----the romans referred to a very large area as "Judea" ----in fact
more than what which meccaist dogs now call
"Palestine". For jews----"Judea" was largely that which meccist pigs call "the west bank" today Try to focus.
Are you suggesting that more jews lived in Alexandria then lived on the west bank ----in the year now called 1 BC?.
I fail to see the significance ----assuming the UNLIKELY
idea that your statement is true. In the year now called 1 BC-----a word of Arabic had not yet been uttered in the land
later called "Palestine". What language died out? I fact
lots of the languages of the entire levant are no longer
extant at all -------some are completely unknown because
they were unwritten--- The only extant language of the levant
which developed in the land called "Palestine" during the
period of time 80 AD to 1948 is Hebrew The Arabic of
the Arabian peninsula------at the time of 1 BC----is completely dead
I know my history just fine and am not skewed by prejudice. Why were the laws concerning aid to the squatters changed in order to give aid to those who left Israel, and were not welcomed anywhere else but Israel? Because they had not been in the area long enough to receive it. And now you think Israel should give up what precious little land they have to placate their terrorist offspring?
Egypt is huge. Let's give them a home of Egyptian generosity.

No it belongs to those who were there when whoever they were moved in, the Palestinians, yes I think Israel should go back to the 67 lines, they are the terrorist. Let the Israelites move to Egypt. they seemed to love Alexandria and Babylon in 300 BC. Do you know there were more Jews living in Alexandria Egypt than Judea in 1 BC???
No I imagine not. They are squatting on arab land, and stealing more an more of it. Their language died out and they did as well.

what is "it" ?? who was where when? What does
'67' lines' mean. What are you calling "JUDEA"???
In the year which is now called 1 BC----the romans referred to a very large area as "Judea" ----in fact
more than what which meccaist dogs now call
"Palestine". For jews----"Judea" was largely that which meccist pigs call "the west bank" today Try to focus.
Are you suggesting that more jews lived in Alexandria then lived on the west bank ----in the year now called 1 BC?.
I fail to see the significance ----assuming the UNLIKELY
idea that your statement is true. In the year now called 1 BC-----a word of Arabic had not yet been uttered in the land
later called "Palestine". What language died out? I fact
lots of the languages of the entire levant are no longer
extant at all -------some are completely unknown because
they were unwritten--- The only extant language of the levant
which developed in the land called "Palestine" during the
period of time 80 AD to 1948 is Hebrew The Arabic of
the Arabian peninsula------at the time of 1 BC----is completely dead

Jesus contrary to bibi did not speak Hebrew. I was already dying out by then.
Pene, Being invaded and held captive isn't quite the same as, "Oh boy, let's move to Babylon and become their slaves, yippee, I'll go pack."
Language. Another prophesy fulfilled. The Jews are the only nation to return to their original language after being displaced.

And you don't seem able to comprehend that NO ONE WAS THERE WHEN THE JEWS MOVED BACK HOME. According to Samuel Clemens, there was a< 1 nomad there when he went to the Holy Land, in the late 1800's. It was quite disappointing to him. And is why the Jews were given that little piece of dry worthless land.
Had there been a nation of people living there that had been pushed off of their land by the Jews, the laws regarding aid would not have had to be changed. Those refugees moved to Israel when Israel became a nation, and worked and lived in peace with the Jews. They are the result of Egypt's policy, not the Jews.
The Jews implored them to stay.
The Jews implored them to stay.
The Jews implored them to stay.......

What language do the Jews speak? French?
I know my history just fine and am not skewed by prejudice. Why were the laws concerning aid to the squatters changed in order to give aid to those who left Israel, and were not welcomed anywhere else but Israel? Because they had not been in the area long enough to receive it. And now you think Israel should give up what precious little land they have to placate their terrorist offspring?
Egypt is huge. Let's give them a home of Egyptian generosity.

No it belongs to those who were there when whoever they were moved in, the Palestinians, yes I think Israel should go back to the 67 lines, they are the terrorist. Let the Israelites move to Egypt. they seemed to love Alexandria and Babylon in 300 BC. Do you know there were more Jews living in Alexandria Egypt than Judea in 1 BC???
No I imagine not. They are squatting on arab land, and stealing more an more of it. Their language died out and they did as well.

what is "it" ?? who was where when? What does
'67' lines' mean. What are you calling "JUDEA"???
In the year which is now called 1 BC----the romans referred to a very large area as "Judea" ----in fact
more than what which meccaist dogs now call
"Palestine". For jews----"Judea" was largely that which meccist pigs call "the west bank" today Try to focus.
Are you suggesting that more jews lived in Alexandria then lived on the west bank ----in the year now called 1 BC?.
I fail to see the significance ----assuming the UNLIKELY
idea that your statement is true. In the year now called 1 BC-----a word of Arabic had not yet been uttered in the land
later called "Palestine". What language died out? I fact
lots of the languages of the entire levant are no longer
extant at all -------some are completely unknown because
they were unwritten--- The only extant language of the levant
which developed in the land called "Palestine" during the
period of time 80 AD to 1948 is Hebrew The Arabic of
the Arabian peninsula------at the time of 1 BC----is completely dead

Jesus contrary to bibi did not speak Hebrew. I was already dying out by then.

according to the book called the "new testament" ---jesus was literate in both Hebrew and Aramaic. Jews educated
in the traditional manner as were EDUCATED JEWS at the
time that jesus lived are still literate in both Hebrew and Aramaic----TODAY -----the very same languages From where do you get your idiot information, Penelope.? Feel free to ask questions. Have you ever heard Hebrew and
Aramaic spoken? Have you ever seen it written? do you live under a rock like a "grub"??? I do not speak
Aramaic--------I speak Hebrew a bit. ----the same Hebrew that Jesus knew-----the same stuff that appears in the dead sea scrolls. I get the impression that you grew up on a mountain top ----tending a still made out of an old car radiator
and the idea of general literacy frightens you-----a kind
of alien concept for you.
Pene, Being invaded and held captive isn't quite the same as, "Oh boy, let's move to Babylon and become their slaves, yippee, I'll go pack."
Language. Another prophesy fulfilled. The Jews are the only nation to return to their original language after being displaced.

And you don't seem able to comprehend that NO ONE WAS THERE WHEN THE JEWS MOVED BACK HOME. According to Samuel Clemens, there was a< 1 nomad there when he went to the Holy Land, in the late 1800's. It was quite disappointing to him. And is why the Jews were given that little piece of dry worthless land.
Had there been a nation of people living there that had been pushed off of their land by the Jews, the laws regarding aid would not have had to be changed. Those refugees moved to Israel when Israel became a nation, and worked and lived in peace with the Jews. They are the result of Egypt's policy, not the Jews.
The Jews implored them to stay.
The Jews implored them to stay.
The Jews implored them to stay.......

What language do the Jews speak? French?

I know lots of jews who speak French----my mom did
French in high school------I did Spanish. According to
islamo Nazi propaganda-----Hebrew is not a real language---or something like that.-----they say it is really Arabic. ie Hebrew is Arabic. ---------I am not joking----this literature has
burnt a hole in Penelope's brain
Pene, Being invaded and held captive isn't quite the same as, "Oh boy, let's move to Babylon and become their slaves, yippee, I'll go pack."
Language. Another prophesy fulfilled. The Jews are the only nation to return to their original language after being displaced.

And you don't seem able to comprehend that NO ONE WAS THERE WHEN THE JEWS MOVED BACK HOME. According to Samuel Clemens, there was a< 1 nomad there when he went to the Holy Land, in the late 1800's. It was quite disappointing to him. And is why the Jews were given that little piece of dry worthless land.
Had there been a nation of people living there that had been pushed off of their land by the Jews, the laws regarding aid would not have had to be changed. Those refugees moved to Israel when Israel became a nation, and worked and lived in peace with the Jews. They are the result of Egypt's policy, not the Jews.
The Jews implored them to stay.
The Jews implored them to stay.
The Jews implored them to stay.......

What language do the Jews speak? French?

I know lots of jews who speak French----my mom did
French in high school------I did Spanish. According to
islamo Nazi propaganda-----Hebrew is not a real language---or something like that.-----they say it is really Arabic. ie Hebrew is Arabic. ---------I am not joking----this literature has
burnt a hole in Penelope's brain

Yep. And remember they were dispersed throughout, and spoke languages of the countries they were in prior to going home. But that sky pixie that most pretend doesn't exist foretold that the Jews would return to their own land and language. And they have. Pene hates Jews, and facts get in her way.....
Bibi is Israel's George Bush. He will continue to piss off the entire world until Israel has no say in anything. And his base eats up the "us vs. the world" rhetoric so he gets to keep his job despite the damage he's doing. Just like Bush.

Israel will never know peace as long as they keep electing people who prefer war.
I know my history just fine and am not skewed by prejudice. Why were the laws concerning aid to the squatters changed in order to give aid to those who left Israel, and were not welcomed anywhere else but Israel? Because they had not been in the area long enough to receive it. And now you think Israel should give up what precious little land they have to placate their terrorist offspring?
Egypt is huge. Let's give them a home of Egyptian generosity.

No it belongs to those who were there when whoever they were moved in, the Palestinians, yes I think Israel should go back to the 67 lines, they are the terrorist. Let the Israelites move to Egypt. they seemed to love Alexandria and Babylon in 300 BC. Do you know there were more Jews living in Alexandria Egypt than Judea in 1 BC???
No I imagine not. They are squatting on arab land, and stealing more an more of it. Their language died out and they did as well.

what is "it" ?? who was where when? What does
'67' lines' mean. What are you calling "JUDEA"???
In the year which is now called 1 BC----the romans referred to a very large area as "Judea" ----in fact
more than what which meccaist dogs now call
"Palestine". For jews----"Judea" was largely that which meccist pigs call "the west bank" today Try to focus.
Are you suggesting that more jews lived in Alexandria then lived on the west bank ----in the year now called 1 BC?.
I fail to see the significance ----assuming the UNLIKELY
idea that your statement is true. In the year now called 1 BC-----a word of Arabic had not yet been uttered in the land
later called "Palestine". What language died out? I fact
lots of the languages of the entire levant are no longer
extant at all -------some are completely unknown because
they were unwritten--- The only extant language of the levant
which developed in the land called "Palestine" during the
period of time 80 AD to 1948 is Hebrew The Arabic of
the Arabian peninsula------at the time of 1 BC----is completely dead

Jesus contrary to bibi did not speak Hebrew. I was already dying out by then.

according to the book called the "new testament" ---jesus was literate in both Hebrew and Aramaic. Jews educated
in the traditional manner as were EDUCATED JEWS at the
time that jesus lived are still literate in both Hebrew and Aramaic----TODAY -----the very same languages From where do you get your idiot information, Penelope.? Feel free to ask questions. Have you ever heard Hebrew and
Aramaic spoken? Have you ever seen it written? do you live under a rock like a "grub"??? I do not speak
Aramaic--------I speak Hebrew a bit. ----the same Hebrew that Jesus knew-----the same stuff that appears in the dead sea scrolls. I get the impression that you grew up on a mountain top ----tending a still made out of an old car radiator
and the idea of general literacy frightens you-----a kind
of alien concept for you.

Yea, Jesus said a lot didn't he, before the head Pharisees and Sadducees handed him over to the Romans to be executed, and all the Jews yelled "yeah".
Pene, Being invaded and held captive isn't quite the same as, "Oh boy, let's move to Babylon and become their slaves, yippee, I'll go pack."
Language. Another prophesy fulfilled. The Jews are the only nation to return to their original language after being displaced.

And you don't seem able to comprehend that NO ONE WAS THERE WHEN THE JEWS MOVED BACK HOME. According to Samuel Clemens, there was a< 1 nomad there when he went to the Holy Land, in the late 1800's. It was quite disappointing to him. And is why the Jews were given that little piece of dry worthless land.
Had there been a nation of people living there that had been pushed off of their land by the Jews, the laws regarding aid would not have had to be changed. Those refugees moved to Israel when Israel became a nation, and worked and lived in peace with the Jews. They are the result of Egypt's policy, not the Jews.
The Jews implored them to stay.
The Jews implored them to stay.
The Jews implored them to stay.......

What language do the Jews speak? French?

I know lots of jews who speak French----my mom did
French in high school------I did Spanish. According to
islamo Nazi propaganda-----Hebrew is not a real language---or something like that.-----they say it is really Arabic. ie Hebrew is Arabic. ---------I am not joking----this literature has
burnt a hole in Penelope's brain

Yep. And remember they were dispersed throughout, and spoke languages of the countries they were in prior to going home. But that sky pixie that most pretend doesn't exist foretold that the Jews would return to their own land and language. And they have. Pene hates Jews, and facts get in her way.....

Home, they left home centuries ago and intermarried, the Israelite men preferred Canaanite women for some reason and well I think maybe the female Israelites were too bossy.

If you want to go by the Bible, God gave up on them, he had Herod build the temple and that was it. The jews first had Persia rebuild the temple then Herod an edomite. They had plenty of chances and to be frank

Britain is not God and neither is Yahweh, look up Yahweh in Google.

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