Please share some of your health-tips and secrets to longevity.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
At 59, and in pretty good health still, here are some of mine -- I quit smoking tobacco in 2009, and alcohol in 2017,
eat at home 95% of the time using the best natural, organic , homegrown when possible foods available and my drugs of choice are coffee and weed. Anyone else ?
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At 59, and in pretty good health still, here are some of mine. I quit smoking tobacco in 2009, and alcohol in 2017,
eat at home 95% of the time using the best natural, organic , homegrown when possible foods available and my drugs of choice are coffee and weed. Anyone else ?
View attachment 435792

Swiss chard seems to be a wonder food.
Another coinkydink. I used to have a board....and one of the forums was called Kindred Spirits. :)
Speaking of health mentioned organic acv ( and it's pictured in my op, but get Bragg's-- not the other kinds)...anyway, I first read about Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar in a Reader's Digest at the hospital in Atlanta, Georgia when my first son was born in 1989. They started making that stuff in California over 100 years ago actually.

It helps prevent arthritis, heartburn, high BP , reduces cholesterol, cleans your kidneys and liver etc...
a good mouthwash and a bunch of other stuff. I bet it even kills COVID -19 .:icon_sjung:
Another coinkydink. I used to have a board....and one of the forums was called Kindred Spirits. :)
Speaking of health mentioned organic acv ( and it's pictured in my op, but get Bragg's-- not the other kinds)...anyway, I first read about Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar in a Reader's Digest at the hospital in Atlanta, Georgia when my first son was born in 1989. They started making that stuff in California over 100 years ago actually.

It helps prevent arthritis, heartburn, high BP , reduces cholesterol, cleans your kidneys and liver etc...
a good mouthwash and a bunch of other stuff.

Do you drink apple cider vinegar neat? Or diluted?
I have one. Whenever I first feel any symptoms of a cold coming on - scratchy, sore or congestion in my throat, sniffling or sneezing, nose starting to run, etc, I take a zinc lozenge and within 20 minutes or so the symptoms vanish.

I've recommended this to many many different people several of whom have told me that it worked so well for them that they are now telling everyone else about it. My ex was so impressed with the results he researched how it works. Apparently the zinc some how disrupts the germs' ability to reproduce which is why it's important to take it as soon as you first notice the symptoms.
You can buy it over the counter at a pharmacy or supermarket.

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