Zone1 {circumstantial and real evidence provided} : demonising smokers - so the rich can re-institute the draft for the business of war?


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands

i've just lost 8.4 pounds in about 4 months time, without using any "medicines"/"drugs", well, except for the in my opinion very pleasant habit of replacing meals with tobacco, coffee, and some daily hash (which is marijuana oil condensed into a solid, and just like weed and liquid medicinal hash oil, legal to buy in my country).

so an economy on hemp, weed, hash, tobacco and coffee, certainly can work, given the piling stack of anti-cancer evidence that modern hospitals (and their biology design graphics apps) have provided as input to the internet.
and if you discount the demonisation and silencing that has already happened in the quest to force everyone to work until a very old age, then we can indeed use a habit of smoking and thus eating way less than a regular person, to lose weight quickly.

then why is it that we see a sharp rise in global tensions, a lack of morale, high inflation (all comparable signs of the 1930s in Europe btw), and this persistent strangulation into demonisation of all smokers?
smoking is no longer allowed at bus-stops in my country, in the open air.
what's next? parks??

the government however has a new plan, which we're all aware of : to increase domestic taxation on tobacco to heights where 'people just wont be able to afford a tobacco habit anymore'.
and i've hit that ceiling already.
or will next year, for sure.

at the same time, "healthy" lifestyles with pre-manufactured food that supposedly contains just the right ingredients and the absence of things like meat, and cheese, which are also being priced out of the market by the current set of western governments, are shoved down kid's and parents' throats on a daily basis on tv and on public radio.

and the internet won't save us from the suspected upcoming round of the draft, because internet platforms can't yet compete with tv on a proper scale and regularity (repetition, repitition, leads to beliefs).

i protest the demonisation of smokers.
even if i quit, which i probably will NOT.
and i'll grow more angry and vocal on this topic with each passing year that the strangulation-demonisation campaigns of the anti-smoking lobbies against smokers persist.

i've just lost 8.4 pounds in about 4 months time, without using any "medicines"/"drugs", well, except for the in my opinion very pleasant habit of replacing meals with tobacco, coffee, and some daily hash (which is marijuana oil condensed into a solid, and just like weed and liquid medicinal hash oil, legal to buy in my country).

so an economy on hemp, weed, hash, tobacco and coffee, certainly can work, given the piling stack of anti-cancer evidence that modern hospitals (and their biology design graphics apps) have provided as input to the internet.
and if you discount the demonisation and silencing that has already happened in the quest to force everyone to work until a very old age, then we can indeed use a habit of smoking and thus eating way less than a regular person, to lose weight quickly.

then why is it that we see a sharp rise in global tensions, a lack of morale, high inflation (all comparable signs of the 1930s in Europe btw), and this persistent strangulation into demonisation of all smokers?
smoking is no longer allowed at bus-stops in my country, in the open air.
what's next? parks??

the government however has a new plan, which we're all aware of : to increase domestic taxation on tobacco to heights where 'people just wont be able to afford a tobacco habit anymore'.
and i've hit that ceiling already.
or will next year, for sure.

at the same time, "healthy" lifestyles with pre-manufactured food that supposedly contains just the right ingredients and the absence of things like meat, and cheese, which are also being priced out of the market by the current set of western governments, are shoved down kid's and parents' throats on a daily basis on tv and on public radio.

and the internet won't save us from the suspected upcoming round of the draft, because internet platforms can't yet compete with tv on a proper scale and regularity (repetition, repitition, leads to beliefs).

i protest the demonisation of smokers.
even if i quit, which i probably will NOT.
and i'll grow more angry and vocal on this topic with each passing year that the strangulation-demonisation campaigns of the anti-smoking lobbies against smokers persist.

1. a draft is necessary now. boot camp for this generation may take a while.
2. smoking can be hazardous to your health. if you are over 21 no one says you can't, in the designated locations.
3. insurance costs more for smokers. actuarially, that means that corporate america has determined that smoking adds costs to their bottom line.
4.the millions of smokers who pay the higher premiums agree that they have an unhealthy habit.
5. what does smoking have to do with the draft? war? anything
6. why is conscription bad? we have drafted repeatedly when necessary. it is a great way for the young to learn trades, discipline, confidence, leadership, marksmanship and a multitude of skills that america needs.
1. a draft is necessary now. boot camp for this generation may take a while.
a draft is necessary, because it was engineered to become necessary? with lucrative insider trading for politicians and the military industrial complex, perhaps?
2. smoking can be hazardous to your health. if you are over 21 no one says you can't, in the designated locations.
sure, but something's gotta kill you eventually.
and not everyone cares to grow as old as they can possibly get, you know.
some just want to enjoy life on the surface of the planet.

3. insurance costs more for smokers. actuarially, that means that corporate america has determined that smoking adds costs to their bottom line.
how is that related?
4.the millions of smokers who pay the higher premiums agree that they have an unhealthy habit.
poll results, please.. liiiiink, or this is a baseless claim.
5. what does smoking have to do with the draft? war? anything
everything. you get the youth hooked on sports and especially jogging, you prep 'm for wars with action movies and tv series, all the components are out there in modern western society.
much like they were pre-WW2.
and pre-any-major-war(s) in the histories of at least Europe and the Americas.

6. why is conscription bad? we have drafted repeatedly when necessary. it is a great way for the young to learn trades, discipline, confidence, leadership, marksmanship and a multitude of skills that america needs.
because people can learn skills in peaceful settings too, including sufficient levels of comfy discipline, WITHOUT GETTING SHOT INTO A BLOODY PULP! (for someone's million-dollar paycheck, someone in the bureaucratic or political ranks).
I quit smoking when I was sixty-seven after fifty-two years of thoroughly enjoying smoking tobacco. My plan is to start back when I am eighty years old if I live that long. That gives me something to look forward to.

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