Pit Bulls - breaking news!


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Apr 17, 2009
Canis Latrans
They're just dogs...

yup...just dogs

Animal Learning Is Not Breed-Specific : StubbyDog

Ever heard that a penny dropped from the Empire State Building will kill someone if it lands on his or her head? Or that Albert Einstein failed Math? Or that bats are blind? What about the claim that pit bull dogs (and other “strong” breeds) can’t be trained using positive reinforcement? That they require harsher methods to be “brought into line”?

These seemingly-unrelated contentions all have one thing in common: They’re myths. Baseless fallacies. Dreamed up by some person, for one reason or another, to describe a phenomenon that he or she didn’t fully understand. And, as it happens, these claims are not merely unfounded, but there is remarkable evidence to the contrary.

The truth is that pit bulls are, above anything else, dogs. The truth is that all dogs (and all animals, for that matter) learn the same way. The truth is that we can effectively train dogs, of all breeds, without hurting or scaring them. The truth is that all dogs learn via consequences and associations. And the truth is that (given the right motivation), these consequences and associations needn’t be painful or frightening. And if they needn’t be, they shouldn’t be.

Jury's still out on Chihuahua's however:eusa_whistle:
One of the best dogs I ever shared my life with was an American Pit Bull Terrier I found on the side of a road in California...
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I've met a lot of nice Pit Bulls - through my friend's rescue and through teaching classes. Met some rotten ones too.

What I've concluded is - they're like any other dog. Sometimes the "rotten ones" are just young, full of drive and in the wrong hands. Sometimes they don't have a good temperment. Just like any other breed.

I think I could see a pittie in my future (on my bucket list) - but I'm so addicted to herding dogs...admittedly, they can be the assholes of dogdom ;)
When I'm out walking my dogs, pitbulls whose owners are letting them run loose are the only dogs I've had any trouble with. There have been other breeds of dogs off leash, but they haven't felt it necessary to come running up and challenge my dogs and even bite one of my little dogs. ($350 vet bill for that one, and no the pitbulll's owner didn't pay it)

Something else I've noticed lately...I've been perusing the local Animal Control facility's website in the offchance a dobeman might need rescuing. But 95% of the dogs they have up for adoption are pitbulls. What's up with that? Why are all these pitbulls ending up at Animal Control?

The conclusion I'm starting to reach is that for some reason the pitbull breed attracts crappy people as owners. Not in ALL cases, mind you, but in an awful lot of cases the people who want pitbulls and think pitbulls are really cool are idiots. Or worse...bad people who want bad dogs.
When I'm out walking my dogs, pitbulls whose owners are letting them run loose are the only dogs I've had any trouble with. There have been other breeds of dogs off leash, but they haven't felt it necessary to come running up and challenge my dogs and even bite one of my little dogs. ($350 vet bill for that one, and no the pitbulll's owner didn't pay it)

Something else I've noticed lately...I've been perusing the local Animal Control facility's website in the offchance a dobeman might need rescuing. But 95% of the dogs they have up for adoption are pitbulls. What's up with that? Why are all these pitbulls ending up at Animal Control?

The conclusion I'm starting to reach is that for some reason the pitbull breed attracts crappy people as owners. Not in ALL cases, mind you, but in an awful lot of cases the people who want pitbulls and think pitbulls are really cool are idiots. Or worse...bad people who want bad dogs.

Same at our shelter here as well. Almost every dog is a Pit or a Pit cross. Any other breed is snapped up in a heartbeat.

I fostered a Pit/GSD cross for close to a year. He was a great dog and got along great with my dogs. He finally got adopted to a Firefighter and his family and is doing great.

I think Pits get a bad wrap in many cases simply because they are Pits and every thinks about fighting dogs. Although the fighters had the right idea in one respect. If any of their fighting dogs showed the least big of agression toward a human he was put down by the owner. They didn't care how good a fighter he was, human agression wasn't tolerated.
It's not the dog. It's the owners of the dog. Even a chihuahua can be ferocious if treated badly.
People used to be scared of Dobermans too. And Rottweilers. And german shepards.
I'll be honest though and say pit bulls scare me. Their jaws are just...scarey. Once they clamp on, it takes a crowbar to get those jaws unlocked. And they can feel that fear. I love all animals, but Pits just make me really fearful and once they sense that...that's all she wrote with them.
That is confusing. Why have a fighting dog but expect the dog to understand humans are off limits??? They are dogs. Taught to fight to kill. Another dog, cats, people. It's just something to attack and kill due to the training.
Pit Bulls are trained to attack and kill other dogs. Not people. They are often people friendly because people have to be able to deal with them even as fighting dogs. Many pits are not dog friendly. There's always exceptions to this.

And unfortunately, Pits when they bite, it is very difficult to get them off if they lock on. They are very strong, very powerful dogs.

They are often used as protection dogs and are often mistreated or not trained properly by the owners.

These dogs need an experienced dog owner who has a firm hand and knows how to deal with a strong willed dog.

They can make great family pets but I wouldn't trust them around children younger than 8 or so or around other dogs or cats-there are always exceptions to this.

Most are good around people but not all. Those that aren't are very dangerous and that goes for any breed. There are many cases of Rottweilers and German Shepherds and other dogs biting also.
Could it have something to do with that breed's innate disposition and temperament?
I'm not convinced it's all in the training.
that's all a fallacy

According to the American Veterinary Medicine Association, “controlled studies have not identified this breed group as disproportionately dangerous.” The American Temperance Testing Society (ATTS) puts thousands of dogs – purebreds and spayed and neutered mixed-breeds – through their paces each year. The dogs are tested for skittishness, aggression and their ability to differentiate between threatening and non-threatening humans. Among all of the breeds ATTS tested – over 30,000 dogs through May 2011 -- 83 percent passed the test. How did pitbulls do? They showed an above average temperament, with 86 percent making the grade. Pitbulls are the second most tolerant breed tested by ATTS, after only golden retreivers.
also the United Kennel Club doesn't recommended using pitbulls as guard dogs because they're too friendly with strangers.

It's the good ol fashioned MEDIA who perpetuates these lies about the breed. Your TV is the single largest and most influential propaganda machine on earth. Turn it off.
When I'm out walking my dogs, pitbulls whose owners are letting them run loose are the only dogs I've had any trouble with. There have been other breeds of dogs off leash, but they haven't felt it necessary to come running up and challenge my dogs and even bite one of my little dogs. ($350 vet bill for that one, and no the pitbulll's owner didn't pay it)

Something else I've noticed lately...I've been perusing the local Animal Control facility's website in the offchance a dobeman might need rescuing. But 95% of the dogs they have up for adoption are pitbulls. What's up with that? Why are all these pitbulls ending up at Animal Control?

The conclusion I'm starting to reach is that for some reason the pitbull breed attracts crappy people as owners. Not in ALL cases, mind you, but in an awful lot of cases the people who want pitbulls and think pitbulls are really cool are idiots. Or worse...bad people who want bad dogs.

That's funny, because the only dogs I have trouble with when walking my APBT or Malinois are dogs whose asshole owners let off leash and don't recall them when they are approaching and challenging my dogs.

In my opinion, it's because they are popular and VERY VERY cute as puppies. Many people are ignorant of what they have on their hands; they have a dog that was bred to have dog aggression and high prey drive. Their size fools people about their strength, in short, they are a dog with a turbo (just like a Malinois and Dutch Shepherd) they need LOTS of exercise and LOTS of obedience training WITH distractions (people, animals, etc.) . Most people aren't willing to put in that type of work and the dog gets to be a "problem", when in fact, it was and is the owners that were and are the problem.

I agree that there are many people who should not own a Pitbull or any Molosser breed. I have DUMB FUCK neighbors who don't feel the need to put their Pitbulls on a lesh when they let them go to the bathroom in their unfenced yard. The problem is that their yard is in very close proximity (right on the line) to our condo, so when myself or my neighbors walk our dogs ON A LEASH, we have to look out for those ASSHOLES when they take their dogs out, one of their dogs even charged barked at an elderly neighbor of our and scared the heck out of her. One day they are going to have their dogs out off leash and they are unfortunately going to encounter an unsuspecting person walking their dog and there's going to be a problem. The result is going to make a bad name for a good breed of dog and put heat on my Pitbull because of the negligence of a few idiots who own Pitbulls. They have been asked VERY nicely numerous times and they still get lazy and take them out of leash. The sad part is, I love those dogs and they love me, I pet the female this morning (the rare time the owner had her on a leash) and she wanted to follow me home, it's the same with their other two dogs, I dread the day they are off leash and under no control and they try to fight my dogs because I will have to defend my dogs against dogs I love.
Could it have something to do with that breed's innate disposition and temperament?
I'm not convinced it's all in the training.

The breed has high prey drive and a potential for dog aggression. From what I have seen and experienced, they often don't start the fight, but they certainly will participate in and FINISH the fight. The problem comes from owners who fail to realize what their dog is all about. If you go a pitbull chat forum, you will see that there are PLENTY (over 90%) of responsible Pitbull owners. They don't agree with taking their dogs to dog parks because of the potential liability, they believe in leashing or "long lining" their dogs thus keeping their dogs under control and out of trouble.
I love all dogs, but I gotta admit..pits scare the bejesus outta me and they know it.
I love all dogs, but I gotta admit..pits scare the bejesus outta me and they know it.

That's funny because my wife love our Pitbull, but is afraid of her mother and other Pitbulls. :)

I respect most dogs, so I keep a neutral attitude when I meet or encounter a dog, it works out well and the dogs tend to love me. I let them approach me and I don't make any overtures, if they seem confident and friendly I will pet them, if they are standoffish or nervous, I don't make any sudden movements and just move slowly. If they are aggressive and I don't think that they are a police K9(best to remain neutral and calm with them), I will make an aggressive display.
All dogs love me. I have a special bond with them and speak their language, lol. Literally. But pits? Nope. They just flat out scare me.

Y'all know how much I loved Gracie. Still do. Always will. But when I first got her..she had a hint of pit in her. I took her to the vet for her checkup since I just got her at 17 weeks old and asked if she had pit in her cuz if she did..i was not going to keep her. They said nope. She was an Aussie dog with a smidge of border collie and her face would grow out longer, jaws not so prominent. Whew.
Look what love I would have missed out on if I gave her up so long ago.

Damn. I miss her so much.
Most of the moronic assholes want bad ass dogs..and train them to be exactly that. So yeah. Dogs learn from those who have control over them. Too bad the owner of those dogs couldn't have been drawn and quartered.
I had an acquaintance who was torn apart by two pit bulls. She was 19 years old. The neighbors said she was crying for her mom while she laid there dying. But I don't blame the dogs I blame the moronic asshole that owned them.

It's really quite simple for people to:

CARE for their dogs: training, exercise, health
CONTAIN their dogs: house, crate, fenced in yard
CONTROL their dogs: leash or long line

I call it the "Three C's" for dog ownership.

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