Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney Issues DOUBLE Mask Mandate and Vaccination Mandate as a Condition of Employment

Jim H - VA USA

Plutonium Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 19, 2020
So even though the CDC said last week that the vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission of COVID, and two recent studies by well-respected health authorities are showing that the Pfizer vaccine is only about 40% effective against the Delta strain (1, 2), Mayor Jim Kenney wants to force people to fall in line and behave with tyrannical orders which have at best, arguable effectiveness.

CDC now estimates that ~120 million Americans have already had COVID (3).

Businesses will have to require proof of vaccination to enter, otherwise, EVERYONE on site will be required to wear a mask...

Additionally, starting September 1st,
  • All City employees will be required to provide proof that they’ve completed their schedule of COVID-19 vaccinations,
  • New employees hired must be fully vaccinated a a condition of their employment, and
  • Employees who are not fully vaccinated by September 1 will be required to wear two masks (a cloth mask over a disposable or surgical mask) at all times while working on-site.

Some comments:

Notice that there is a double standard here. If a private business does not demand everyone is vaccinated, then everyone has to wear masks. For the government, there is no such requirement. Only the unvaccinated have to wear masks. Unscientific, and arguably illegal.

Won't these mandates disproportionately affect people of color?

Jim Kenney is on record for opposing stricter voter ID requirements, but he wants people to show ID to enter a private establishment.

In the Fall, some cities are projected to see a surge in cases. (4) I have yet to see any mandates to show papers to enter a grocery store, but when that happens, there is going to be violence.

1) Pfizer Shot Just 39% Effective Against Delta Infection, But Largely Prevents Severe Illness, Israel Study Suggests (Israeli Ministry of Health)
2) Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine just 42% effective against infection amid delta spread, preprint suggests (Mayo Clinic)
3) Cases, Data, and Surveillance
4) IHME | COVID-19 Projections
So even though the CDC said last week that the vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission of COVID, and two recent studies by well-respected health authorities are showing that the Pfizer vaccine is only about 40% effective against the Delta strain (1, 2), Mayor Jim Kenney wants to force people to fall in line and behave with tyrannical orders which have at best, arguable effectiveness.

CDC now estimates that ~120 million Americans have already had COVID (3).

Businesses will have to require proof of vaccination to enter, otherwise, EVERYONE on site will be required to wear a mask...

Additionally, starting September 1st,
  • All City employees will be required to provide proof that they’ve completed their schedule of COVID-19 vaccinations,
  • New employees hired must be fully vaccinated a a condition of their employment, and
  • Employees who are not fully vaccinated by September 1 will be required to wear two masks (a cloth mask over a disposable or surgical mask) at all times while working on-site.

Some comments:

Notice that there is a double standard here. If a private business does not demand everyone is vaccinated, then everyone has to wear masks. For the government, there is no such requirement. Only the unvaccinated have to wear masks. Unscientific, and arguably illegal.

Won't these mandates disproportionately affect people of color?

Jim Kenney is on record for opposing stricter voter ID requirements, but he wants people to show ID to enter a private establishment.

In the Fall, some cities are projected to see a surge in cases. (4) I have yet to see any mandates to show papers to enter a grocery store, but when that happens, there is going to be violence.

1) Pfizer Shot Just 39% Effective Against Delta Infection, But Largely Prevents Severe Illness, Israel Study Suggests (Israeli Ministry of Health)
2) Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine just 42% effective against infection amid delta spread, preprint suggests (Mayo Clinic)
3) Cases, Data, and Surveillance
4) IHME | COVID-19 Projections

Hundreds of mostly black people are murdered every year in Philadelphia. You can see where the priorities of the DemoKKKrats who run that shithole are.

So even though the CDC said last week that the vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission of COVID, and two recent studies by well-respected health authorities are showing that the Pfizer vaccine is only about 40% effective against the Delta strain (1, 2), Mayor Jim Kenney wants to force people to fall in line and behave with tyrannical orders which have at best, arguable effectiveness.

CDC now estimates that ~120 million Americans have already had COVID (3).

Businesses will have to require proof of vaccination to enter, otherwise, EVERYONE on site will be required to wear a mask...

Additionally, starting September 1st,
  • All City employees will be required to provide proof that they’ve completed their schedule of COVID-19 vaccinations,
  • New employees hired must be fully vaccinated a a condition of their employment, and
  • Employees who are not fully vaccinated by September 1 will be required to wear two masks (a cloth mask over a disposable or surgical mask) at all times while working on-site.

Some comments:

Notice that there is a double standard here. If a private business does not demand everyone is vaccinated, then everyone has to wear masks. For the government, there is no such requirement. Only the unvaccinated have to wear masks. Unscientific, and arguably illegal.

Won't these mandates disproportionately affect people of color?

Jim Kenney is on record for opposing stricter voter ID requirements, but he wants people to show ID to enter a private establishment.

In the Fall, some cities are projected to see a surge in cases. (4) I have yet to see any mandates to show papers to enter a grocery store, but when that happens, there is going to be violence.

1) Pfizer Shot Just 39% Effective Against Delta Infection, But Largely Prevents Severe Illness, Israel Study Suggests (Israeli Ministry of Health)
2) Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine just 42% effective against infection amid delta spread, preprint suggests (Mayo Clinic)
3) Cases, Data, and Surveillance
4) IHME | COVID-19 Projectionso
Reread your sources again, please. Masks are to protect others from you, not others infecting you.
Reread your sources again, please. Masks are to protect others from you, not others infecting you.
Nonsense. I wear an N95 when I mow my grass to protect me myself from pollen and dust.

You got your mask on? Do masks work? Then you are protected. You only care about others because you are a control freak.

You're probably vaccinated too. That would be Fascist level.

You do you, and I'll do me.

I had COVID. I am better protected than vaccinated people who did not have COVID. I have antibodies against the real virus. You have antibodies against a bio engineered spike protein. Delta mutated the spike protein, and now the vaccines are only about 40% effective. With new variants, it will become like influenza, where vaccines are normally <50% effective, except in a good year.
So even though the CDC said last week that the vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission of COVID, and two recent studies by well-respected health authorities are showing that the Pfizer vaccine is only about 40% effective against the Delta strain (1, 2), Mayor Jim Kenney wants to force people to fall in line and behave with tyrannical orders which have at best, arguable effectiveness.

CDC now estimates that ~120 million Americans have already had COVID (3).

Businesses will have to require proof of vaccination to enter, otherwise, EVERYONE on site will be required to wear a mask...

Additionally, starting September 1st,
  • All City employees will be required to provide proof that they’ve completed their schedule of COVID-19 vaccinations,
  • New employees hired must be fully vaccinated a a condition of their employment, and
  • Employees who are not fully vaccinated by September 1 will be required to wear two masks (a cloth mask over a disposable or surgical mask) at all times while working on-site.

Some comments:

Notice that there is a double standard here. If a private business does not demand everyone is vaccinated, then everyone has to wear masks. For the government, there is no such requirement. Only the unvaccinated have to wear masks. Unscientific, and arguably illegal.

Won't these mandates disproportionately affect people of color?

Jim Kenney is on record for opposing stricter voter ID requirements, but he wants people to show ID to enter a private establishment.

In the Fall, some cities are projected to see a surge in cases. (4) I have yet to see any mandates to show papers to enter a grocery store, but when that happens, there is going to be violence.

1) Pfizer Shot Just 39% Effective Against Delta Infection, But Largely Prevents Severe Illness, Israel Study Suggests (Israeli Ministry of Health)
2) Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine just 42% effective against infection amid delta spread, preprint suggests (Mayo Clinic)
3) Cases, Data, and Surveillance
4) IHME | COVID-19 Projections
The Democrats have brought us to the brink of civil war.

They're deranged 21st century Nazi psychopaths.
The Democrats have brought us to the brink of civil war.

They're deranged 21st century Nazi psychopaths.
The war itself should end very quickly. My two concerns are Biden calling upon the CCP to help him put down Americans and the restoration of a legitimate Constitutional Republic..."There was a dream that was Rome...
The war itself should end very quickly. My two concerns are Biden calling upon the CCP to help him put down Americans and the restoration of a legitimate Constitutional Republic..."There was a dream that was Rome...
All that stands between the Democrat fascists and the end of the republic is the Supreme Court - let's pray they do the right thing.

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